function execute( $query ) {
		global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $sfgScriptPath;
		global $wgLang, $smwgContLang;

		# Check permissions
		if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'createclass' ) ) {

		$wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . "/skins/SemanticForms.css" );
		$numStartingRows = 10;
		self::addJavascript( $numStartingRows );

		$property_name_error_str = '';
		$save_page = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'save' );
		if ( $save_page ) {
			$template_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "template_name" ) );
			$form_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "form_name" ) );
			$category_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "category_name" ) );
			if ( $template_name === '' | $form_name === '' || $category_name === '' ) {
				$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'sf_createclass_missingvalues' );
			$fields = array();
			$jobs = array();
			// cycle through all the rows passed in
			for ( $i = 1; $wgRequest->getCheck( "property_name_$i" ); $i++ ) {
				// go through the query values, setting the appropriate local variables
				$property_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "property_name_$i" ) );
				if ( empty( $property_name ) ) continue;
				$field_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "field_name_$i" ) );
				if ( $field_name === '' )
					$field_name = $property_name;
				$property_type = $wgRequest->getVal( "property_type_$i" );
				$allowed_values = $wgRequest->getVal( "allowed_values_$i" );
				$is_list = $wgRequest->getCheck( "is_list_$i" );
				// create an SFTemplateField based on these
				// values, and add it to the $fields array
				$field = SFTemplateField::create( $field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list );
				$fields[] = $field;

				// create the property, and make a job for it
				$full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText( $property_type, '', $allowed_values );
				$property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name );
				$params = array();
				$params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
				$params['page_text'] = $full_text;
				$jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $property_title, $params );

			// create the template, and save it
			$full_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText( $template_name, $fields, null, $category_name, null, null, null );
			$template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name );
			$template_article = new Article( $template_title, 0 );
			$edit_summary = '';
			$template_article->doEdit( $full_text, $edit_summary );

			// create the form, and make a job for it
			$form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $template_name, '', false );
			$form_templates = array( $form_template );
			$form = SFForm::create( $form_name, $form_templates );
			$full_text = $form->createMarkup();
			$form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SF_NS_FORM, $form_name );
			$params = array();
			$params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
			$params['page_text'] = $full_text;
			$jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $form_title, $params );

			// create the category, and make a job for it
			$full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText( $form_name, $category_name, '' );
			$category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category_name );
			$params = array();
			$params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
			$params['page_text'] = $full_text;
			$jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $category_title, $params );
			Job::batchInsert( $jobs );

			$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'sf_createclass_success' );

		$datatype_labels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels();

		// make links to all the other 'Create...' pages, in order to
		// link to them at the top of the page
		$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
		$creation_links = array();
		$creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateProperty' );
		$creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateTemplate' );
		$creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateForm' );
		$creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateCategory' );
		$create_class_docu = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_docu', $wgLang->listToText( $creation_links ) );
		$leave_field_blank = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_leavefieldblank' );
		$form_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_nameinput' );
		$template_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createtemplate_namelabel' );
		$category_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createcategory_name' );
		$property_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createproperty_propname' );
		$field_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createtemplate_fieldname' );
		$type_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createproperty_proptype' );
		$allowed_values_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_allowedvalues' );
		$list_of_values_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_listofvalues' );

		$text = <<<END
<form action="" method="post">
	<p>$template_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="template_name"></p>
	<p>$form_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="form_name"></p>
	<p>$category_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="category_name"></p>
		<table id="mainTable">
			<th colspan="2">$property_name_label</th>

		// Make one more row than what we're displaying - use the
		// last row as a "starter row", to be cloned when the
		// "Add another" button is pressed.
		for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numStartingRows + 1; $i++ ) {
			if ( $i == $numStartingRows + 1 ) {
				$rowString = 'id="starterRow" style="display: none"';
				$n = 'starter';
			} else {
				$rowString = '';
				$n = $i;
			$text .= <<<END
		<tr $rowString>
			<td><input type="text" size="25" name="property_name_$n" /></td>
			<td><input type="text" size="25" name="field_name_$n" /></td>
			<select name="property_type_$n">

			$optionsStr ="";
			foreach ( $datatype_labels as $label ) {
				$text .= "				<option>$label</option>\n";
				$optionsStr .= $label . ",";
			$text .= <<<END
			<td><input type="text" size="25" name="allowed_values_$n" /></td>
			<td><input type="checkbox" name="is_list_$n" /></td>

		$text .= <<<END

		$add_another_button = Html::element( 'input',
				'type' => 'button',
				'value' => wfMsg( 'sf_formedit_addanother' ),
				'onclick' => "createClassAddRow()"
		$text .= Html::rawElement( 'p', null, $add_another_button ) . "\n";
		// Set 'title' as hidden field, in case there's no URL niceness
		$cc = $this->getTitle();
		$text .= SFFormUtils::hiddenFieldHTML( 'title', SFUtils::titleURLString( $cc ) );
		$text .= Html::element( 'input',
				'type' => 'submit',
				'name' => 'save',
				'value' => wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_create' )
		$text .= "</form>\n";
		$wgOut->addHTML( $text );
 function createAllPages()
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $req = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $template_name = trim($req->getVal("template_name"));
     $template_multiple = $req->getBool("template_multiple");
     // If this is a multiple-instance template, there
     // shouldn't be a corresponding form or category.
     if ($template_multiple) {
         $form_name = null;
         $category_name = null;
     } else {
         $form_name = trim($req->getVal("form_name"));
         $category_name = trim($req->getVal("category_name"));
     if ($template_name === '' || !$template_multiple && ($form_name === '' || $category_name === '')) {
     $fields = array();
     $jobs = array();
     // Cycle through all the rows passed in.
     for ($i = 1; $req->getVal("field_name_{$i}") != ''; $i++) {
         // Go through the query values, setting the appropriate
         // local variables.
         $field_name = trim($req->getVal("field_name_{$i}"));
         $property_name = trim($req->getVal("property_name_{$i}"));
         $property_type = $req->getVal("property_type_{$i}");
         $allowed_values = $req->getVal("allowed_values_{$i}");
         $is_list = $req->getCheck("is_list_{$i}");
         // Create an SFTemplateField object based on these
         // values, and add it to the $fields array.
         $field = SFTemplateField::create($field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list);
         if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) {
             // Hopefully it's safe to use a Cargo
             // utility method here.
             $possibleValues = CargoUtils::smartSplit(',', $allowed_values);
         $fields[] = $field;
         // Create the property, and make a job for it.
         if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && !empty($property_name)) {
             $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values);
             $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name);
             $params = array();
             $params['user_id'] = $user->getId();
             $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
             $params['edit_summary'] = wfMessage('sf_createproperty_editsummary', $property_type)->inContentLanguage()->text();
             $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params);
     // Also create the "connecting property", if there is one.
     $connectingProperty = trim($req->getVal('connecting_property'));
     if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && $connectingProperty != '') {
         global $smwgContLang;
         $datatypeLabels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels();
         $property_type = $datatypeLabels['_wpg'];
         $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values);
         $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $connectingProperty);
         $params = array();
         $params['user_id'] = $user->getId();
         $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
         $params['edit_summary'] = wfMessage('sf_createproperty_editsummary', $property_type)->inContentLanguage()->text();
         $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params);
     // Create the template, and save it (might as well save
     // one page, instead of just creating jobs for all of them).
     $template_format = $req->getVal("template_format");
     $sfTemplate = new SFTemplate($template_name, $fields);
     if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) {
         $sfTemplate->mCargoTable = trim($req->getVal("cargo_table"));
     if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && $template_multiple) {
     } else {
     $full_text = $sfTemplate->createText();
     $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name);
     $edit_summary = '';
     if (method_exists('WikiPage', 'doEditContent')) {
         // MW 1.21+
         $template_page = new WikiPage($template_title);
         $content = new WikitextContent($full_text);
         $template_page->doEditContent($content, $edit_summary);
     } else {
         // MW <= 1.20
         $template_article = new Article($template_title);
         $template_article->doEdit($full_text, $edit_summary);
     // Create the form, and make a job for it.
     if ($form_name != '') {
         $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create($template_name, '', false);
         $form_items = array();
         $form_items[] = array('type' => 'template', 'name' => $form_template->getTemplateName(), 'item' => $form_template);
         $form = SFForm::create($form_name, $form_items);
         $full_text = $form->createMarkup();
         $form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SF_NS_FORM, $form_name);
         $params = array();
         $params['user_id'] = $user->getId();
         $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
         $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($form_title, $params);
     // Create the category, and make a job for it.
     if ($category_name != '') {
         $full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText($form_name, $category_name, '');
         $category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_CATEGORY, $category_name);
         $params = array();
         $params['user_id'] = $user->getId();
         $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
         $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($category_title, $params);
     if (class_exists('JobQueueGroup')) {
     } else {
         // MW <= 1.20
Esempio n. 3
  * The function called if we're in index.php (as opposed to one of the
  * special pages)
 static function displayForm($action, $article)
     // TODO: This function will be called as a hook handler and $action will
     //  be a string before MW 1.18. From 1.18 onwards this function will#
     //  only be called for formcreate actions, i.e. the if statement can be
     //  removed then.
     // return "true" if the call failed (meaning, pass on handling
     // of the hook to others), and "false" otherwise
     if (is_string($action) && $action !== 'formcreate') {
         return true;
     $title = $article->getTitle();
     if ($title->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY) {
         $createPropertyPage = new SFCreateProperty();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_TEMPLATE) {
         $createTemplatePage = new SFCreateTemplate();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == SF_NS_FORM) {
         $createFormPage = new SFCreateForm();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) {
         $createCategoryPage = new SFCreateCategory();
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
  * The function called if we're in index.php (as opposed to one of the
  * special pages).
 static function displayForm($action, $article)
     $title = $article->getTitle();
     if ($title->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY) {
         $createPropertyPage = new SFCreateProperty();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_TEMPLATE) {
         $createTemplatePage = new SFCreateTemplate();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == SF_NS_FORM) {
         $createFormPage = new SFCreateForm();
     } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) {
         $createCategoryPage = new SFCreateCategory();
     return false;
Esempio n. 5
 static function createAllPages()
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser;
     $template_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("template_name"));
     $template_multiple = $wgRequest->getBool("template_multiple");
     // If this is a multiple-instance template, there
     // shouldn't be a corresponding form or category.
     if ($template_multiple) {
         $form_name = null;
         $category_name = null;
     } else {
         $form_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("form_name"));
         $category_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("category_name"));
     if ($template_name === '' || !$template_multiple && ($form_name === '' || $category_name === '')) {
     $fields = array();
     $jobs = array();
     // Cycle through all the rows passed in.
     for ($i = 1; $wgRequest->getCheck("field_name_{$i}"); $i++) {
         // go through the query values, setting the appropriate local variables
         $property_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("property_name_{$i}"));
         $field_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("field_name_{$i}"));
         $property_type = $wgRequest->getVal("property_type_{$i}");
         $allowed_values = $wgRequest->getVal("allowed_values_{$i}");
         $is_list = $wgRequest->getCheck("is_list_{$i}");
         // Create an SFTemplateField object based on these
         // values, and add it to the $fields array.
         $field = SFTemplateField::create($field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list);
         $fields[] = $field;
         // Create the property, and make a job for it.
         if (!empty($property_name)) {
             $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values);
             $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name);
             $params = array();
             $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
             $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
             $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params);
     // Create the template, and save it (might as well save
     // one page, instead of just creating jobs for all of them).
     $template_format = $wgRequest->getVal("template_format");
     $full_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText($template_name, $fields, null, $category_name, null, null, $template_format);
     $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name);
     $template_article = new Article($template_title, 0);
     $edit_summary = '';
     $template_article->doEdit($full_text, $edit_summary);
     // Create the form, and make a job for it.
     $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create($template_name, '', false);
     $form_templates = array($form_template);
     $form = SFForm::create($form_name, $form_templates);
     $full_text = $form->createMarkup();
     $form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SF_NS_FORM, $form_name);
     $params = array();
     $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
     $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
     $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($form_title, $params);
     // Create the category, and make a job for it.
     $full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText($form_name, $category_name, '');
     $category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_CATEGORY, $category_name);
     $params = array();
     $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
     $params['page_text'] = $full_text;
     $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($category_title, $params);