  * カテゴリツリーの取得.
  * @param array $arrParentCategoryId 親カテゴリの配列
  * @param boolean $count_check 登録商品数をチェックする場合はtrue
  * @return array $arrRet カテゴリーツリーの配列を返す
 function lfGetCatTree($arrParentCategoryId, $count_check = false)
     $objQuery = new SC_Query_Ex();
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     $col = '*';
     $from = 'dtb_category left join dtb_category_total_count on dtb_category.category_id = dtb_category_total_count.category_id';
     // 登録商品数のチェック
     if ($count_check) {
         $where = 'del_flg = 0 AND product_count > 0';
     } else {
         $where = 'del_flg = 0';
     $objQuery->setOption('ORDER BY rank DESC');
     $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where);
     foreach ($arrParentCategoryId as $category_id) {
         $arrParentID = $objDb->sfGetParents('dtb_category', 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $category_id);
         $arrBrothersID = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetBrothersArray($arrRet, 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $arrParentID);
         $arrChildrenID = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetUnderChildrenArray($arrRet, 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $category_id);
         $this->root_parent_id[] = $arrParentID[0];
         $arrDispID = array_merge($arrBrothersID, $arrChildrenID);
         foreach ($arrRet as $key => $array) {
             foreach ($arrDispID as $val) {
                 if ($array['category_id'] == $val) {
                     $arrRet[$key]['display'] = 1;
     return $arrRet;
Esempio n. 2
  * カテゴリツリーの取得を複数カテゴリで行う.
  * @param  integer $product_id  商品ID
  * @param  bool    $count_check 登録商品数のチェックを行う場合 true
  * @return array   カテゴリツリーの配列
 public static function sfGetMultiCatTree($product_id, $count_check = false)
     $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance();
     $col = '';
     $col .= ' cat.category_id,';
     $col .= ' cat.category_name,';
     $col .= ' cat.parent_category_id,';
     $col .= ' cat.level,';
     $col .= ' cat.rank,';
     $col .= ' cat.creator_id,';
     $col .= ' cat.create_date,';
     $col .= ' cat.update_date,';
     $col .= ' cat.del_flg, ';
     $col .= ' ttl.product_count';
     $from = 'dtb_category as cat left join dtb_category_total_count as ttl on ttl.category_id = cat.category_id';
     // 登録商品数のチェック
     if ($count_check) {
         $where = 'del_flg = 0 AND product_count > 0';
     } else {
         $where = 'del_flg = 0';
     $objQuery->setOption('ORDER BY rank DESC');
     $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where);
     $arrCategory_id = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfGetCategoryId($product_id);
     $arrCatTree = array();
     foreach ($arrCategory_id as $pkey => $parent_category_id) {
         $arrParentID = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfGetParents('dtb_category', 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $parent_category_id);
         foreach ($arrParentID as $pid) {
             foreach ($arrRet as $key => $array) {
                 if ($array['category_id'] == $pid) {
                     $arrCatTree[$pkey][] = $arrRet[$key];
     return $arrCatTree;
 function getBreadcrumbByCategoryId($category_id)
     $arrBreadcrumb = array();
     // 正当性チェック
     if (!SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($category_id) || SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsZeroFilling($category_id) || !SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfIsRecord('dtb_category', 'category_id', (array) $category_id, 'del_flg = 0')) {
         $this->current_name = '全商品';
         return array();
     // 指定されたカテゴリIDを元に正しいカテゴリIDを取得する。
     $arrCategory_id = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfGetCategoryId('', $category_id);
     if (empty($arrCategory_id)) {
         $this->current_name = '全商品';
         return array();
     // 商品が属するカテゴリIDを縦に取得
     $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
     $arrCatID = $objDb->sfGetParents("dtb_category", "parent_category_id", "category_id", $arrCategory_id[0]);
     $objQuery = new SC_Query();
     $index_no = 0;
     foreach ($arrCatID as $val) {
         // カテゴリー名称を取得
         $sql = "SELECT category_name FROM dtb_category WHERE category_id = ?";
         $arrVal = array($val);
         $CatName = $objQuery->getOne($sql, $arrVal);
         if ($val != $category_id) {
             $arrBreadcrumb[$index_no]['category_name'] = $CatName;
             $arrBreadcrumb[$index_no]['category_id'] = $val;
         } else {
             $this->current_name = $CatName;
     return $arrBreadcrumb;