Esempio n. 1
 public function WriteNewPlexOrder($orderObject, $billingAddressCode, $shippingAddressCode, $Prepaid_Authorization, $poNo)
     try {
         $plexServiceRequestObject = new plexServiceRequest();
         $responseHandlerObject = new ResponseHandler();
         if ($Prepaid_Authorization == 'test' || empty($Prepaid_Authorization)) {
             $Prepaid_Authorization = '1324567890';
             /*  This Prepaid_Authorization is for testing */
         //echo 'Prepaid_Authorization='.$Prepaid_Authorization;
         $plexuserUserId = 'PWPU' . str_pad($orderObject->get_user_id(), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $freightTerms = "PrePaid & Add";
         $shipping_service = str_replace(' ', '_', strtoupper($orderObject->get_shipping_method()));
         if ('FREE_SHIPPING' == trim($shipping_service)) {
             $shipping_service = 'UPS_GROUND';
             $freightTerms = 'PrePaid';
         } else {
             if ('FLAT_RATE' == trim($shipping_service)) {
                 $shipping_service = 'UPS_GROUND';
         /*request parameter*/
         $paramArray = array(array('Name' => 'Customer_Code', 'Value' => $plexuserUserId, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Ship_To_Customer_Address_Code', 'Value' => $shippingAddressCode, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Bill_To_Customer_Address_Code', 'Value' => $billingAddressCode, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Tax_Amount', 'Value' => $orderObject->get_total_tax(), 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Prepaid_Authorization', 'Value' => $Prepaid_Authorization, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'PO_No', 'Value' => $poNo, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Order_No_Prefix', 'Value' => 'PWPU', 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Carrier Code', 'Value' => 'UNITED_PARCEL_SERVICE_INC', 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Shipping_Service', 'Value' => $shipping_service, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Ship_From_Building_Code', 'Value' => "AND", 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Prepaid_Amount', 'Value' => $orderObject->get_total(), 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Freight_Terms', 'Value' => $freightTerms, 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'), array('Name' => 'Freight_Amount', 'Value' => $orderObject->get_total_shipping(), 'Required' => 'false', 'Output' => 'false'));
         PlexLog::addLog(' Info =>(' . $orderObject->get_user_id() . ') shipping cost (' . $orderObject->get_total_shipping() . ') ');
         foreach ($paramArray as $key => $value) {
             PlexLog::addLog(' Info =>(' . $orderObject->get_user_id() . ') order creation paramArray => ' . $value["Name"] . ' : ' . $value["Value"]);
             # code...
         /* call the service*/
         $rawResponse = $plexServiceRequestObject->call('ExecuteDataSource', PLEX_WRITE_NEW_ORDER, $paramArray);
         // echo "<pre>";
         // print_r($rawResponse);
         // echo "</pre>";
         /* get the order id from the raw response data */
         $plexOrderId = $responseHandlerObject->getOrderNoFromRawResponse($rawResponse);
         PlexLog::addLog(' Info =>(' . $orderObject->get_user_id() . ') A new Plex Order is generated (' . $plexOrderId . ') ');
         /* add all item present in the wooCommerce order object to plex order */
         $allItems = $orderObject->get_items();
         foreach ($allItems as $key => $value) {
             $productId = $value['product_id'];
             $Part_No = get_post_meta($productId, 'plexPartNo', true);
             $Quantity = $value['qty'];
             /*$Price 		= get_post_meta($productId, '_regular_price', true);*/
             $lineTotalPrice = $value['line_total'];
             // total price /*  as we have to send discounted price to plex*/
             $Price = $lineTotalPrice / $Quantity;
             /* adding product to plex order*/
             $retVal = $this->addProductwithPlexOrder($plexOrderId, $orderObject, $Part_No, $Price, $Quantity);
             PlexLog::addLog(' Info =>(' . $orderObject->get_user_id() . ') Adding products(' . $value['product_id'] . ') to Plex order( id:' . $plexOrderId . ') : Resault=' . $retVal . ' ( Part_No = ' . $Part_No . ' ; Quantity = ' . $Quantity . ' ; Price=' . $Price . ') ');
         return $plexOrderId;
     } catch (Exception $exec) {
         PlexLog::addLog(' Error =>(' . $customerId . ') Exception occure while WriteNewPlexOrder. Message :' . $exec->getMessage());
         return '';