public function do_shortcode_reviewer($atts)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'post' => get_the_ID(), 'size' => '24', 'stars' => '5'), $atts));
     $review_id = intval($id);
     $post_id = intval($post);
     $size = intval($size);
     $stars = intval($stars);
     // Get post reviews
     $reviews = get_post_meta($post_id, 'rwp_reviews', true);
     // Check if user has inserted a valid review ID
     if (!isset($reviews[$review_id])) {
         return '<p>' . __('No review found! Insert a valid review ID.', $this->plugin_slug) . '</p>';
     // Get Review
     $this->review = $reviews[$id];
     // Check box type
     $review_type = $this->review_field('review_type', true);
     if ($review_type != 'PAR+UR') {
         return '<p>' . __('It\'s not possible to get reviewer scores of a users reviews box', $this->plugin_slug) . '</p>';
     // Get Template
     $templates = RWP_Reviewer::get_option('rwp_templates');
     $this->template = isset($templates[$this->review['review_template']]) ? $templates[$this->review['review_template']] : array();
     $max = $this->template_field('template_maximum_score', true);
     $min = $this->template_field('template_minimum_score', true);
     $scores = $this->review_field('review_scores', true);
     $avg = RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($scores);
     $score = $this->map_range($avg, $min, $max, 0, $stars);
     echo $this->get_stars($score, $size, $stars);
     //RWP_Reviewer::pretty_print( $this->review );
     //RWP_Reviewer::pretty_print( $this->template );
     return ob_get_clean();
Esempio n. 2
 public static function get_score_bar($score = array(), $template = array(), $theme = '', $size = 0)
     $avg = is_array($score) ? RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($score) : floatval($score);
     $max = floatval(self::template_field('template_maximum_score', $template, true));
     $value = floatval($avg);
     $range = explode('-', self::template_field('template_score_percentages', $template, true));
     $low = floatval($range[0]);
     $high = floatval($range[1]);
     $pct = round($value / $max * 100, 1);
     if ($pct < $low) {
         $color = self::template_field('template_low_score_color', $template, true);
     } else {
         if ($pct > $high) {
             $color = self::template_field('template_high_score_color', $template, true);
         } else {
             $color = self::template_field('template_medium_score_color', $template, true);
     $in = !empty($theme) ? '<span class="rwp-criterion-score" style="font-size: ' . ($size + 2) . 'px;">' . RWP_Reviewer::format_number($avg) . '</span>' : '';
     return '<div class="rwp-score-bar" style="width: ' . $pct . '%; background: ' . $color . ';">' . $in . '</div>';
Esempio n. 3
 private static function get_stars($scores = array(), $max = 10, $stars = 5, $icon = '')
     $avg = is_array($scores) ? RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($scores) : floatval($scores);
     $value = RWP_Reviewer::get_in_base($max, $stars, $avg);
     $int_value = intval($value);
     $decimal_value = $value - $int_value;
     if ($decimal_value >= 0.4 && $decimal_value <= 0.6) {
         $score = $int_value + 0.5;
     } else {
         if ($decimal_value > 0.6) {
             $score = $int_value + 1;
         } else {
             $score = $int_value;
     $count = $stars * 2;
     $html = '<div class="rwp-str rwp-api-rating-wrapper">';
     $j = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $oe = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'rwp-o' : 'rwp-e';
         $fx = $j < $score ? 'rwp-f' : 'rwp-x';
         $html .= '<span class="rwp-s ' . $oe . ' ' . $fx . '" style="background-image: url(' . $icon . ');"></span>';
         $j += 0.5;
     $html .= '</div><!-- /stars -->';
     return $html;
 protected function get_stars($scores = array(), $template, $stars = 5)
     $avg = is_array($scores) ? RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($scores) : floatval($scores);
     $value = RWP_Reviewer::get_in_base($template['template_maximum_score'], $stars, $avg);
     $int_value = intval($value);
     $decimal_value = $value - $int_value;
     if ($decimal_value >= 0.4 && $decimal_value <= 0.6) {
         $score = $int_value + 0.5;
     } else {
         if ($decimal_value > 0.6) {
             $score = $int_value + 1;
         } else {
             $score = $int_value;
     $count = $stars * 2;
     $html = '<div class="rwp-str">';
     $j = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $oe = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'rwp-o' : 'rwp-e';
         $fx = $j < $score ? 'rwp-f' : 'rwp-x';
         $html .= '<span class="rwp-s ' . $oe . ' ' . $fx . '" style="background-image: url(' . $template['template_rate_image'] . ');"></span>';
         $j += 0.5;
     $html .= '</div><!-- /stars -->';
     return $html;
 function column_rwp_reviews_table_review_score($item)
     $type = isset($item['review_type']) ? $item['review_type'] : 'PAR+UR';
     if ($type == 'PAR+UR') {
         $overall = isset($item['review_scores']) ? round(RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($item['review_scores']), 1) : 0;
         $score = isset($item['review_custom_overall_score']) && !empty($item['review_custom_overall_score']) ? $item['review_custom_overall_score'] : $overall;
         return '<strong>' . $score . '</strong> / ' . $this->templates[$item['review_template']]['template_maximum_score'];
     } else {
         return '---';
 public static function sort_score($a, $b)
     $avg_a = RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($a['rating_score']);
     $avg_b = RWP_Reviewer::get_avg($b['rating_score']);
     if ($avg_a == $avg_b) {
         return 0;
     return $avg_a > $avg_b ? -1 : 1;