function run() { if (Config::get(ROOT_UNI)->ref_active != 1) { return null; } /** @var $langObjects Language[] */ $langObjects = array(); $db = Database::get(); $sql = 'SELECT `username`, `ref_id`, `id`, `lang`, user.`universe` FROM %%USERS%% user INNER JOIN %%STATPOINTS%% as stats ON stats.`id_owner` = user.`id` AND stats.`stat_type` = :type AND stats.`total_points` >= :points WHERE user.`ref_bonus` = 1;'; $userArray = $db->select($sql, array(':type' => 1, ':points' => Config::get(ROOT_UNI)->ref_minpoints)); foreach ($userArray as $user) { if (!isset($langObjects[$user['lang']])) { $langObjects[$user['lang']] = new Language($user['lang']); $langObjects[$user['lang']]->includeData(array('L18N', 'INGAME', 'TECH', 'CUSTOM')); } $userConfig = Config::get($user['universe']); $LNG = $langObjects[$user['lang']]; $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + :bonus WHERE `id` = :userId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':bonus' => $userConfig->ref_bonus, ':userId' => $user['ref_id'])); $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `ref_bonus` = 0 WHERE `id` = :userId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':userId' => $user['id'])); $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_refferal_text'], $user['username'], pretty_number($userConfig->ref_minpoints), pretty_number($userConfig->ref_bonus), $LNG['tech'][921]); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($user['ref_id'], '', $LNG['sys_refferal_from'], 4, sprintf($LNG['sys_refferal_title'], $user['username']), $Message, TIMESTAMP); } return true; }
function send() { $username = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $prenom = HTTP::_GP('prenom', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $email = HTTP::_GP('email', ''); $sujet = HTTP::_GP('sujet', 0); $message = HTTP::_GP('message', ''); $errors = array(); if (!PlayerUtil::isMailValid($email)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailInvalid'); } if (empty($email)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailEmpty'); } if (empty($username)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailEmpty'); } if (empty($message)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailEmpty'); } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->printMessage(implode("<br>\r\n", $errors), NULL, array(array('label' => t('registerBack'), 'url' => 'javascript:window.history.back()'))); } require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $MailRAW = $GLOBALS['LNG']->getTemplate('email_vaild_contact'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{NAME}', '{FIRSTNAME}', '{EMAIL}', '{SUBJECT}', '{MESSAGE}', '{IP}'), array($username, $prenom, $email, $sujet, $message, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), $MailRAW); $to = '(EMAIL)'; $headers = 'From: ' . $email . '' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $email . '' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; //Mail::send($to, $username, Config::get('game_name'), $MailContent); mail('(EMAIL)', Config::get('game_name'), $MailContent, $headers); $this->redirectTo('index.php?page=disclamer'); }
function ReturnEvent() { $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_stat_mess'], GetStartAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''), pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']), $LNG['tech'][903]); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 4, $LNG['sys_mess_fleetback'], $Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $this->RestoreFleet(); }
function send() { global $USER, $LNG; $ticketID = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $message = HTTP::_GP('message', '', true); $change = HTTP::_GP('change_status', 0); $ticketDetail = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT ownerID, subject, status FROM " . TICKETS . " WHERE ticketID = " . $ticketID . ";"); $status = $change ? $ticketDetail['status'] <= 1 ? 2 : 1 : 1; if (!$change && empty($message)) { HTTP::redirectTo('admin.php?page=support&mode=view&id=' . $ticketID); } $subject = "RE: " . $ticketDetail['subject']; if ($change && $status == 1) { $this->ticketObj->createAnswer($ticketID, $USER['id'], $USER['username'], $subject, $LNG['ti_admin_open'], $status); } if (!empty($message)) { $this->ticketObj->createAnswer($ticketID, $USER['id'], $USER['username'], $subject, $message, $status); } if ($change && $status == 2) { $this->ticketObj->createAnswer($ticketID, $USER['id'], $USER['username'], $subject, $LNG['ti_admin_close'], $status); } $subject = sprintf($LNG['sp_answer_message_title'], $ticketID); $text = sprintf($LNG['sp_answer_message'], $ticketID); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($ticketDetail['ownerID'], $USER['id'], $USER['username'], 4, $subject, $text, TIMESTAMP, NULL, 1, Universe::getEmulated()); HTTP::redirectTo('admin.php?page=support'); }
function newPassword() { global $LNG; $userID = HTTP::_GP('u', 0); $validationKey = HTTP::_GP('k', ''); $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as state FROM %%LOSTPASSWORD%% WHERE userID = :userID AND `key` = :validationKey AND `time` > :time AND hasChanged = 0;"; $isValid = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userID' => $userID, ':validationKey' => $validationKey, ':time' => TIMESTAMP - 1800), 'state'); if (empty($isValid)) { $this->printMessage($LNG['passwordValidInValid'], array(array('label' => $LNG['passwordBack'], 'url' => 'index.php'))); } $newPassword = uniqid(); $sql = "SELECT username, email_2 as mail, universe FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userID;"; $userData = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userID' => $userID)); $config = Config::get($userData['universe']); $MailRAW = $LNG->getTemplate('email_lost_password_changed'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{GAMENAME}', '{GAMEMAIL}', '{PASSWORD}'), array($userData['username'], $config->game_name . ' - ' . $config->uni_name, $config->smtp_sendmail, $newPassword), $MailRAW); $sql = "UPDATE %%USERS%% SET password = :newPassword WHERE id = :userID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':userID' => $userID, ':newPassword' => PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($newPassword))); require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $subject = sprintf($LNG['passwordChangedMailTitle'], $config->game_name); Mail::send($userData['mail'], $userData['username'], $subject, $MailContent); $sql = "UPDATE %%LOSTPASSWORD%% SET hasChanged = 1 WHERE userID = :userID AND `key` = :validationKey;"; $db->update($sql, array(':userID' => $userID, ':validationKey' => $validationKey)); $this->printMessage($LNG['passwordChangedMailSend'], array(array('label' => $LNG['passwordNext'], 'url' => 'index.php'))); }
function show() { if (empty($_POST)) { HTTP::redirectTo('index.php'); } $db = Database::get(); $username = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $password = HTTP::_GP('password', '', true); $sql = "SELECT id, password FROM %%USERS%% WHERE universe = :universe AND username = :username;"; $loginData = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':universe' => Universe::current(), ':username' => $username)); if (isset($loginData)) { $hashedPassword = PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($password); if ($loginData['password'] != $hashedPassword) { // Fallback pre 1.7 if ($loginData['password'] == md5($password)) { $sql = "UPDATE %%USERS%% SET password = :hashedPassword WHERE id = :loginID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':hashedPassword' => $hashedPassword, ':loginID' => $loginData['id'])); } else { HTTP::redirectTo('index.php?code=1'); } } $session = Session::create(); $session->userId = (int) $loginData['id']; $session->adminAccess = 0; $session->save(); HTTP::redirectTo('game.php'); } else { HTTP::redirectTo('index.php?code=1'); } }
private function _activeUser() { $validationID = HTTP::_GP('i', 0); $validationKey = HTTP::_GP('k', ''); $userData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE validationID = " . $validationID . " AND validationKey = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($validationKey) . "';"); if (!isset($userData)) { $this->printMessage(t('vertifyNoUserFound')); } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE validationID = " . $validationID . ";"); list($userID, $planetID) = PlayerUtil::createPlayer($userData['universe'], $userData['userName'], $userData['password'], $userData['email'], $userData['race'], $userData['language']); if (Config::get('mail_active', $userData['universe']) == 1) { require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $MailSubject = t('registerMailCompleteTitle', Config::get('game_name', $userData['universe'])); $MailRAW = $GLOBALS['LNG']->getTemplate('email_reg_done'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{GAMENAME}', '{GAMEMAIL}'), array($userData['email'], Config::get('game_name') . ' - ' . Config::get('uni_name'), Config::get('smtp_sendmail')), $MailRAW); try { Mail::send($userData['email'], $userData['userName'], $MailSubject, $MailContent); } catch (Exception $e) { // This mail is wayne. } } if (!empty($userData['referralID'])) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET\n\t\t\t`ref_id`\t= " . $userData['referralID'] . ",\n\t\t\t`ref_bonus`\t= 1\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= " . $userID . ";"); } if (!empty($userData['externalAuthUID'])) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . USERS_AUTH . " SET\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= " . $userID . ",\n\t\t\t`account`\t= '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($userData['externalAuthUID']) . "',\n\t\t\t`mode`\t\t= '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($userData['externalAuthMethod']) . "';"); } $nameSender = t('registerWelcomePMSenderName'); $subject = t('registerWelcomePMSubject'); $message = t('registerWelcomePMText', Config::get('game_name', $userData['universe'])); SendSimpleMessage($userID, 1, TIMESTAMP, 1, $nameSender, $subject, $message); return array('userID' => $userID, 'userName' => $userData['userName'], 'planetID' => $planetID); }
function ShowPassEncripterPage() { global $LNG; $Password = HTTP::_GP('md5q', '', true); $template = new template(); $template->assign_vars(array('md5_md5' => $Password, 'md5_enc' => PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($Password), 'et_md5_encripter' => $LNG['et_md5_encripter'], 'et_encript' => $LNG['et_encript'], 'et_result' => $LNG['et_result'], 'et_pass' => $LNG['et_pass'])); $template->show('PassEncripterPage.tpl'); }
function ShowSendMessagesPage() { global $USER, $LNG; $ACTION = HTTP::_GP('action', ''); if ($ACTION == 'send') { switch ($USER['authlevel']) { case AUTH_MOD: $class = 'mod'; break; case AUTH_OPS: $class = 'ops'; break; case AUTH_ADM: $class = 'admin'; break; default: $class = ''; break; } $Subject = HTTP::_GP('subject', '', true); $Message = HTTP::_GP('text', '', true); $Mode = HTTP::_GP('mode', 0); $Lang = HTTP::_GP('lang', ''); if (!empty($Message) && !empty($Subject)) { require 'includes/classes/BBCode.class.php'; if ($Mode == 0 || $Mode == 2) { $From = '<span class="' . $class . '">' . $LNG['user_level'][$USER['authlevel']] . ' ' . $USER['username'] . '</span>'; $pmSubject = '<span class="' . $class . '">' . $Subject . '</span>'; $pmMessage = '<span class="' . $class . '">' . BBCode::parse($Message) . '</span>'; $USERS = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT `id`, `username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'" . (!empty($Lang) ? " AND `lang` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($Lang) . "'" : "") . ";"); while ($UserData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($USERS)) { $sendMessage = str_replace('{USERNAME}', $UserData['username'], $pmMessage); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($UserData['id'], $USER['id'], $From, 50, $pmSubject, $sendMessage, TIMESTAMP, NULL, 1, Universe::getEmulated()); } } if ($Mode == 1 || $Mode == 2) { require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $userList = array(); $USERS = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT `email`, `username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'" . (!empty($Lang) ? " AND `lang` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($Lang) . "'" : "") . ";"); while ($UserData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($USERS)) { $userList[$UserData['email']] = array('username' => $UserData['username'], 'body' => BBCode::parse(str_replace('{USERNAME}', $UserData['username'], $Message))); } Mail::multiSend($userList, strip_tags($Subject)); } exit($LNG['ma_message_sended']); } else { exit($LNG['ma_subject_needed']); } } $sendModes = $LNG['ma_modes']; if (Config::get()->mail_active == 0) { unset($sendModes[1]); unset($sendModes[2]); } $template = new template(); $template->assign_vars(array('langSelector' => array_merge(array('' => $LNG['ma_all']), $LNG->getAllowedLangs(false)), 'modes' => $sendModes)); $template->show('SendMessagesPage.tpl'); }
function ReturnEvent() { $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); $sql = 'SELECT name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;'; $planetName = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id']), 'name'); $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_tran_mess_back'], $planetName, GetStartAddressLink($this->_fleet, '')); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 4, $LNG['sys_mess_fleetback'], $Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $this->RestoreFleet(); }
function TargetEvent() { global $resource; $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0';"); $iGalaxyPlace = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "';"); $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';"); $senderPlanet = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'] . "';"); $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']); $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($senderUser); if ($iGalaxyPlace != 0) { $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notfree'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, '')); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } elseif ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets) { $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_maxcolo'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''), $MaxPlanets); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } elseif (PlayerUtil::allowPlanetPosition($this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $senderUser) == false) { $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notech'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''), $MaxPlanets); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } else { require_once 'includes/functions/CreateOnePlanetRecord.php'; $NewOwnerPlanet = CreateOnePlanetRecord($this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], $LNG['fcp_colony'], false, $senderUser['authlevel']); if ($NewOwnerPlanet === false) { $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_badpos'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, '')); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } else { $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] = $NewOwnerPlanet; $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_allisok'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, '')); $this->StoreGoodsToPlanet(); if ($this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] == 1) { $this->KillFleet(); } else { $CurrentFleet = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']); $NewFleet = ''; foreach ($CurrentFleet as $Item => $Group) { if (empty($Group)) { continue; } $Class = explode(",", $Group); if ($Class[0] == 208 && $Class[1] > 1) { $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . ($Class[1] - 1) . ";"; } elseif ($Class[0] != 208 && $Class[1] > 0) { $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . $Class[1] . ";"; } } $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleet); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] - 1); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', 0); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', 0); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', 0); $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); } } } SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 4, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from'], $LNG['sys_colo_mess_report'], $TheMessage); $this->SaveFleet(); }
function ReturnEvent() { $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); $sql = 'SELECT name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;'; $planetName = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id']), 'name'); $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_fleet_won'], $planetName, GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''), pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']), $LNG['tech'][903]); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 4, $LNG['sys_mess_fleetback'], $Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $this->RestoreFleet(); }
function ReturnEvent() { $LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']); if ($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter'] > 0) { $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_expe_back_home_with_dm'], $LNG['tech'][921], pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_darkmatter']), $LNG['tech'][921]); $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', '220,0;'); } else { $message = $LNG['sys_expe_back_home_without_dm']; } PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 4, $LNG['sys_mess_fleetback'], $message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $this->RestoreFleet(); }
function run() { $config = Config::get(ROOT_UNI); $unis = Universe::availableUniverses(); //Delete old messages $del_before = TIMESTAMP - $config->del_oldstuff * 86400; $del_inactive = TIMESTAMP - $config->del_user_automatic * 86400; $del_deleted = TIMESTAMP - $config->del_user_manually * 86400; if ($del_inactive === TIMESTAMP) { $del_inactive = 2147483647; } $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%MESSAGES%% WHERE `message_time` < :time;'; Database::get()->delete($sql, array(':time' => $del_before)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%ALLIANCE%% WHERE `ally_members` = 0;'; Database::get()->delete($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE `destruyed` < :time AND `destruyed` != 0;'; Database::get()->delete($sql, array(':time' => TIMESTAMP)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%SESSION%% WHERE `lastonline` < :time;'; Database::get()->delete($sql, array(':time' => TIMESTAMP - SESSION_LIFETIME)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%FLEETS_EVENT%% WHERE fleetID NOT IN (SELECT fleet_id FROM %%FLEETS%%);'; Database::get()->delete($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `email_2` = `email` WHERE `setmail` < :time;'; Database::get()->update($sql, array(':time' => TIMESTAMP)); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM %%USERS%% WHERE `authlevel` = :authlevel AND ((`db_deaktjava` != 0 AND `db_deaktjava` < :timeDeleted) OR `onlinetime` < :timeInactive);'; $deleteUserIds = Database::get()->select($sql, array(':authlevel' => AUTH_USR, ':timeDeleted' => $del_deleted, ':timeInactive' => $del_inactive)); if (empty($deleteUserIds)) { foreach ($deleteUserIds as $dataRow) { PlayerUtil::deletePlayer($dataRow['id']); } } foreach ($unis as $uni) { $sql = 'SELECT units FROM %%TOPKB%% WHERE `universe` = :universe ORDER BY units DESC LIMIT 99,1;'; $battleHallLowest = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':universe' => $uni), 'units'); if (!is_null($battleHallLowest)) { $sql = 'DELETE %%TOPKB%%, %%TOPKB_USERS%% FROM %%TOPKB%% INNER JOIN %%TOPKB_USERS%% USING (rid) WHERE `universe` = :universe AND `units` < :battleHallLowest;'; Database::get()->delete($sql, array(':universe' => $uni, ':battleHallLowest' => $battleHallLowest)); } } $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%RW%% WHERE `time` < :time AND `rid` NOT IN (SELECT `rid` FROM %%TOPKB%%);'; Database::get()->delete($sql, array(':time' => $del_before)); }
function ShowLoginPage() { global $USER; $session = Session::create(); if ($session->adminAccess == 1) { HTTP::redirectTo('admin.php'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['admin_pw'])) { $password = PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($_REQUEST['admin_pw']); if ($password == $USER['password']) { $session->adminAccess = 1; HTTP::redirectTo('admin.php'); } } $template = new template(); $template->assign_vars(array('bodyclass' => 'standalone', 'username' => $USER['username'])); $template->show('LoginPage.tpl'); }
function lotinfo() { global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $UNI, $CONF, $resource, $pricelist; $lotID = HTTP::_GP('lotID', 0); $info = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT ps.*, p.field_current, p.field_max, p.id_luna FROM uni1_planetauction as ps \n\tINNER JOIN " . PLANETS . " as p ON = ps.planetID WHERE auctionID = " . $lotID . ";"); $info = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($info); $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0' AND universe = " . $UNI . ";"); $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($USER); if ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets) { $this->printMessage("you can not buy additional planets as you have reached the max allowed planets / user!", true, array('game.php?page=Planeta', 2)); die; } elseif ($USER['id'] == $info['selledID']) { $this->printMessage("you can not rebuy your old planets!", true, array('game.php?page=Planeta', 2)); die; } else { $this->tplObj->loadscript("jquery.countdown.js"); $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('lotID' => $lotID, 'type' => $info['type'], 'field_max' => $info['field_max'], 'id_luna' => $info['id_luna'], 'planetID' => $info['planetID'], 'time' => !empty($info['time']) && $info['time'] > TIMESTAMP ? $info['time'] - TIMESTAMP : 0, 'current_price' => round($info['price'] + $info['price'] / 100 * 1))); $this->display("page.planetauctions.lot.tpl"); } }
private function _activeUser() { $validationID = HTTP::_GP('i', 0); $validationKey = HTTP::_GP('k', ''); $userData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE validationID = " . $validationID . " AND validationKey = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($validationKey) . "';"); if (!isset($userData)) { $this->printMessage(t('vertifyNoUserFound')); } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE validationID = " . $validationID . ";"); list($userID, $planetID) = PlayerUtil::createPlayer($userData['universe'], $userData['userName'], $userData['password'], $userData['email'], $userData['language'], $userData['planetName']); if (!empty($userData['referralID'])) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET\n\t\t\t`ref_id`\t= " . $userData['referralID'] . ",\n\t\t\t`ref_bonus`\t= 1\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= " . $userID . ";"); } if (!empty($userData['externalAuthUID'])) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . USERS_AUTH . " SET\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= " . $userID . ",\n\t\t\t`account`\t= '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($userData['externalAuthUID']) . "',\n\t\t\t`mode`\t\t= '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($userData['externalAuthMethod']) . "';"); } $nameSender = t('registerWelcomePMSenderName'); $subject = t('registerWelcomePMSubject'); $message = t('registerWelcomePMText', Config::get('game_name', $userData['universe'])); return array('userID' => $userID, 'userName' => $userData['userName'], 'planetID' => $planetID); }
private function _activeUser() { global $LNG; $validationID = HTTP::_GP('i', 0); $validationKey = HTTP::_GP('k', ''); $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS_VALID%%\n\t\tWHERE validationID\t= :validationID\n\t\tAND validationKey\t= :validationKey\n\t\tAND universe\t\t= :universe;"; $userData = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':validationKey' => $validationKey, ':validationID' => $validationID, ':universe' => Universe::current())); if (empty($userData)) { $this->printMessage($LNG['vertifyNoUserFound']); } $config = Config::get(); $sql = "DELETE FROM %%USERS_VALID%% WHERE validationID = :validationID;"; $db->delete($sql, array(':validationID' => $validationID)); list($userID, $planetID) = PlayerUtil::createPlayer($userData['universe'], $userData['userName'], $userData['password'], $userData['email'], $userData['language']); if ($config->mail_active == 1) { require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $MailSubject = sprintf($LNG['registerMailCompleteTitle'], $config->game_name, Universe::current()); $MailRAW = $LNG->getTemplate('email_reg_done'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{GAMENAME}', '{GAMEMAIL}'), array($userData['userName'], $config->game_name . ' - ' . $config->uni_name, $config->smtp_sendmail), $MailRAW); try { Mail::send($userData['email'], $userData['userName'], $MailSubject, $MailContent); } catch (Exception $e) { // This mail is wayne. } } if (!empty($userData['referralID'])) { $sql = "UPDATE %%USERS%% SET\n\t\t\t`ref_id`\t= :referralId,\n\t\t\t`ref_bonus`\t= 1\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= :userID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':referralId' => $userData['referralID'], ':userID' => $userID)); } if (!empty($userData['externalAuthUID'])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO %%USERS_AUTH%% SET\n\t\t\t`id`\t\t= :userID,\n\t\t\t`account`\t= :externalAuthUID,\n\t\t\t`mode`\t\t= :externalAuthMethod;"; $db->insert($sql, array(':userID' => $userID, ':externalAuthUID' => $userData['externalAuthUID'], ':externalAuthMethod' => $userData['externalAuthMethod'])); } $senderName = $LNG['registerWelcomePMSenderName']; $subject = $LNG['registerWelcomePMSubject']; $message = sprintf($LNG['registerWelcomePMText'], $config->game_name, $userData['universe']); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($userID, 1, $senderName, 1, $subject, $message, TIMESTAMP); return array('userID' => $userID, 'userName' => $userData['userName'], 'planetID' => $planetID); }
function newPassword() { $userID = HTTP::_GP('u', 0); $validationKey = HTTP::_GP('k', ''); $isValid = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . LOSTPASSWORD . " WHERE userID = " . $userID . " AND `key` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($validationKey) . "' AND time > " . (TIMESTAMP - 1800) . " AND hasChanged = 0;"); if (empty($isValid)) { $this->printMessage(t('passwordValidInValid'), NULL, array(array('label' => t('passwordBack'), 'url' => 'index.php'))); } $newPassword = uniqid(); $userData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT username, email_2 as mail FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $userID . ";"); $MailRAW = $GLOBALS['LNG']->getTemplate('email_lost_password_changed'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{GAMENAME}', '{GAMEMAIL}', '{PASSWORD}', '{EMAIL}', '{IP}', '{DATE}'), array($userData['username'], Config::get('game_name') . ' - ' . Config::get('uni_name'), Config::get('smtp_sendmail'), $newPassword, $email_2, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], date("m.d.y")), $MailRAW); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET password = '******' WHERE id = " . $userID . ";"); require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $headers = "From:\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To:\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; mail($userData['mail'], t('passwordChangedMailTitle', Config::get('game_name')), $MailContent, $headers); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . LOSTPASSWORD . " SET hasChanged = 1 WHERE userID = " . $userID . " AND `key` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($validationKey) . "';"); $this->printMessage(t('passwordChangedMailSend'), NULL, array(array('label' => t('passwordNext'), 'url' => 'index.php'))); }
public function SetNextQueueTechOnTop() { global $resource, $LNG; if (empty($this->USER['b_tech_queue'])) { $this->USER['b_tech'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_id'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_planet'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_queue'] = ''; return false; } $CurrentQueue = unserialize($this->USER['b_tech_queue']); $Loop = true; while ($Loop == true) { $ListIDArray = $CurrentQueue[0]; $isAnotherPlanet = $ListIDArray[4] != $this->PLANET['id']; if ($isAnotherPlanet) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;'; $PLANET = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $ListIDArray[4])); $RPLANET = new ResourceUpdate(true, false); list(, $PLANET) = $RPLANET->CalcResource($this->USER, $PLANET, false, $this->USER['b_tech']); } else { $PLANET = $this->PLANET; } $PLANET[$resource[31] . '_inter'] = self::getNetworkLevel($this->USER, $PLANET); $Element = $ListIDArray[0]; $Level = $ListIDArray[1]; $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($this->USER, $PLANET, $Element); $BuildTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($this->USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costResources); $HaveResources = BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($this->USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costResources); $BuildEndTime = $this->USER['b_tech'] + $BuildTime; $CurrentQueue[0] = array($Element, $Level, $BuildTime, $BuildEndTime, $PLANET['id']); if ($HaveResources == true) { if (isset($costResources[901])) { $PLANET[$resource[901]] -= $costResources[901]; } if (isset($costResources[902])) { $PLANET[$resource[902]] -= $costResources[902]; } if (isset($costResources[903])) { $PLANET[$resource[903]] -= $costResources[903]; } if (isset($costResources[921])) { $this->USER[$resource[921]] -= $costResources[921]; } $this->USER['b_tech_id'] = $Element; $this->USER['b_tech'] = $BuildEndTime; $this->USER['b_tech_planet'] = $PLANET['id']; $this->USER['b_tech_queue'] = serialize($CurrentQueue); $Loop = false; } else { if ($this->USER['hof'] == 1) { if (!isset($costResources[901])) { $costResources[901] = 0; } if (!isset($costResources[902])) { $costResources[902] = 0; } if (!isset($costResources[903])) { $costResources[903] = 0; } $Message = sprintf($LNG['sys_notenough_money'], $PLANET['name'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $LNG['tech'][$Element], pretty_number($PLANET['metal']), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($PLANET['crystal']), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($PLANET['deuterium']), $LNG['tech'][903], pretty_number($costResources[901]), $LNG['tech'][901], pretty_number($costResources[902]), $LNG['tech'][902], pretty_number($costResources[903]), $LNG['tech'][903]); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->USER['id'], 0, $this->USER['b_tech'], 99, $LNG['sys_techlist'], $LNG['sys_buildlist_fail'], $Message); } array_shift($CurrentQueue); if (count($CurrentQueue) == 0) { $this->USER['b_tech'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_id'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_planet'] = 0; $this->USER['b_tech_queue'] = ''; $Loop = false; } else { $BaseTime = $BuildEndTime - $BuildTime; $NewQueue = array(); foreach ($CurrentQueue as $ListIDArray) { $ListIDArray[2] = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($this->USER, $PLANET, $ListIDArray[0]); $BaseTime += $ListIDArray[2]; $ListIDArray[3] = $BaseTime; $NewQueue[] = $ListIDArray; } $CurrentQueue = $NewQueue; } } if ($isAnotherPlanet) { $RPLANET->SavePlanetToDB($this->USER, $PLANET); $RPLANET = NULL; unset($RPLANET); } else { $this->PLANET = $PLANET; } } return true; }
function delete() { global $LNG, $PLANET, $USER; $password = HTTP::_GP('password', '', true); if (!empty($password)) { $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as state FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE\n (fleet_owner = :userID AND (fleet_start_id = :planetID OR fleet_start_id = :lunaID)) OR\n (fleet_target_owner = :userID AND (fleet_end_id = :planetID OR fleet_end_id = :lunaID));"; $IfFleets = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userID' => $USER['id'], ':planetID' => $PLANET['id'], ':lunaID' => $PLANET['id_luna']), 'state'); if ($IfFleets > 0) { $this->sendJSON(array('message' => $LNG['ov_abandon_planet_not_possible'])); } elseif ($USER['id_planet'] == $PLANET['id']) { $this->sendJSON(array('message' => $LNG['ov_principal_planet_cant_abanone'])); } elseif (PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($password) != $USER['password']) { $this->sendJSON(array('message' => $LNG['ov_wrong_pass'])); } else { if ($PLANET['planet_type'] == 1) { $sql = "UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET destruyed = :time WHERE id = :planetID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':time' => TIMESTAMP + 86400, ':planetID' => $PLANET['id'])); $sql = "DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :lunaID;"; $db->delete($sql, array(':lunaID' => $PLANET['id_luna'])); } else { $sql = "UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET id_luna = 0 WHERE id_luna = :planetID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':planetID' => $PLANET['id'])); $sql = "DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetID;"; $db->delete($sql, array(':planetID' => $PLANET['id'])); } $session->planetId = $USER['id_planet']; $this->sendJSON(array('ok' => true, 'message' => $LNG['ov_planet_abandoned'])); } } }
function send() { global $LNG; $config = Config::get(); if ($config->game_disable == 0 || $config->reg_closed == 1) { $this->printMessage($LNG['registerErrorUniClosed'], array(array('label' => $LNG['registerBack'], 'url' => 'javascript:window.history.back()'))); } $userName = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $password = HTTP::_GP('password', '', true); $password2 = HTTP::_GP('passwordReplay', '', true); $mailAddress = HTTP::_GP('email', ''); $mailAddress2 = HTTP::_GP('emailReplay', ''); $rulesChecked = HTTP::_GP('rules', 0); $language = HTTP::_GP('lang', ''); $referralID = HTTP::_GP('referralID', 0); $externalAuth = HTTP::_GP('externalAuth', array()); if (!isset($externalAuth['account'], $externalAuth['method'])) { $externalAuthUID = 0; $externalAuthMethod = ''; } else { $externalAuthUID = $externalAuth['account']; $externalAuthMethod = strtolower(str_replace(array('_', '\\', '/', '.', ""), '', $externalAuth['method'])); } $errors = array(); if (empty($userName)) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorUsernameEmpty']; } if (!PlayerUtil::isNameValid($userName)) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorUsernameChar']; } if (strlen($password) < 6) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorPasswordLength']; } if ($password != $password2) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorPasswordSame']; } if (!PlayerUtil::isMailValid($mailAddress)) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorMailInvalid']; } if (empty($mailAddress)) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorMailEmpty']; } if ($mailAddress != $mailAddress2) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorMailSame']; } if ($rulesChecked != 1) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorRules']; } $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\t\tFROM %%USERS%%\n\t\t\t\tWHERE universe = :universe\n\t\t\t\tAND username = :userName\n\t\t\t) + (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\t\tFROM %%USERS_VALID%%\n\t\t\t\tWHERE universe = :universe\n\t\t\t\tAND username = :userName\n\t\t\t) as count;"; $countUsername = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':universe' => Universe::current(), ':userName' => $userName), 'count'); $sql = "SELECT (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM %%USERS%%\n\t\t\tWHERE universe = :universe\n\t\t\tAND (\n\t\t\t\temail = :mailAddress\n\t\t\t\tOR email_2 = :mailAddress\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t) + (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM %%USERS_VALID%%\n\t\t\tWHERE universe = :universe\n\t\t\tAND email = :mailAddress\n\t\t) as count;"; $countMail = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':universe' => Universe::current(), ':mailAddress' => $mailAddress), 'count'); if ($countUsername != 0) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorUsernameExist']; } if ($countMail != 0) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorMailExist']; } if ($config->capaktiv === '1') { require_once 'includes/libs/reCAPTCHA/recaptchalib.php'; $recaptcha_challenge_field = HTTP::_GP('recaptcha_challenge_field', ''); $recaptcha_response_field = HTTP::_GP('recaptcha_response_field', ''); $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($config->capprivate, Session::getClientIp(), $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field); if (!$resp->is_valid) { $errors[] = $LNG['registerErrorCaptcha']; } } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->printMessage(implode("<br>\r\n", $errors), array(array('label' => $LNG['registerBack'], 'url' => 'javascript:window.history.back()'))); } $path = 'includes/extauth/' . $externalAuthMethod . '.class.php'; if (!empty($externalAuth['account']) && file_exists($path)) { require $path; $methodClass = ucwords($externalAuthMethod) . 'Auth'; /** @var $authObj externalAuth */ $authObj = new $methodClass(); $externalAuthUID = 0; if ($authObj->isActiveMode() && $authObj->isValid()) { $externalAuthUID = $authObj->getAccount(); } } if ($config->ref_active == 1 && !empty($referralID)) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as state FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :referralID AND universe = :universe;"; $Count = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':referralID' => $referralID, ':universe' => Universe::current()), 'state'); if ($Count == 0) { $referralID = 0; } } else { $referralID = 0; } $validationKey = md5(uniqid('2m')); $sql = "INSERT INTO %%USERS_VALID%% SET\n\t\t\t\t`userName` = :userName,\n\t\t\t\t`validationKey` = :validationKey,\n\t\t\t\t`password` = :password,\n\t\t\t\t`email` = :mailAddress,\n\t\t\t\t`date` = :timestamp,\n\t\t\t\t`ip` = :remoteAddr,\n\t\t\t\t`language` = :language,\n\t\t\t\t`universe` = :universe,\n\t\t\t\t`referralID` = :referralID,\n\t\t\t\t`externalAuthUID` = :externalAuthUID,\n\t\t\t\t`externalAuthMethod` = :externalAuthMethod;"; $db->insert($sql, array(':userName' => $userName, ':validationKey' => $validationKey, ':password' => PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($password), ':mailAddress' => $mailAddress, ':timestamp' => TIMESTAMP, ':remoteAddr' => Session::getClientIp(), ':language' => $language, ':universe' => Universe::current(), ':referralID' => $referralID, ':externalAuthUID' => $externalAuthUID, ':externalAuthMethod' => $externalAuthMethod)); $validationID = $db->lastInsertId(); $verifyURL = 'index.php?page=vertify&i=' . $validationID . '&k=' . $validationKey; if ($config->user_valid == 0 || !empty($externalAuthUID)) { $this->redirectTo($verifyURL); } else { require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $MailRAW = $LNG->getTemplate('email_vaild_reg'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{PASSWORD}', '{GAMENAME}', '{VERTIFYURL}', '{GAMEMAIL}'), array($userName, $password, $config->game_name . ' - ' . $config->uni_name, HTTP_PATH . $verifyURL, $config->smtp_sendmail), $MailRAW); $subject = sprintf($LNG['registerMailVertifyTitle'], $config->game_name); Mail::send($mailAddress, $userName, $subject, $MailContent); $this->printMessage($LNG['registerSendComplete']); } }
function show() { global $USER, $CONF, $LNG, $UNI; $ranki = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT `id`, s.total_rank, s.build_rank, s.tech_rank FROM " . USERS . " as u INNER JOIN " . STATPOINTS . " as s ON = s.id_owner WHERE onlinetime < " . (TIMESTAMP - 15 * 24 * 60 * 60) . " AND bana = '0' LIMIT 5 ;"); $balken = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->countquery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . $UNI . " AND onlinetime > '" . (TIMESTAMP - 45 * 60) . "';"); $länge2 = 365 / $CONF['users_amount']; $länge = $balken * $länge2; $RangeList = array(); while ($StatRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($ranki)) { $RangeList[] = array('id' => $StatRow['id'], 'total_rank' => $StatRow['total_rank'], 'build_rank' => $StatRow['build_rank'], 'tech_rank' => $StatRow['tech_rank']); } if ($_POST) { $userName = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $password = HTTP::_GP('password', '', true); $mailAddress = HTTP::_GP('email', ''); $rulesChecked = HTTP::_GP('rules', 0); $id = HTTP::_GP('idc', ''); $allowedTo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT `id`, onlinetime, authlevel FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = " . $id . " ;"); $allowedTo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($allowedTo); $errors = array(); if (Config::get('game_disable') == 0 || Config::get('reg_closed') == 1) { $this->printMessage(t('registerErrorUniClosed'), NULL, array(array('label' => t('registerBack'), 'url' => 'javascript:window.history.back()'))); } //Esto es para verificar si existe ya un usuario con esa ip. if (empty($userName)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorUsernameEmpty'); } if ($allowedTo['onlinetime'] > TIMESTAMP - 15 * 24 * 60 * 60) { $errors[] = t('youcanttakeoverthisaccount'); } if ($allowedTo['authlevel'] > 0) { $errors[] = t('adminaccount'); } if (!PlayerUtil::isNameValid($userName)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorUsernameChar'); } if (strlen($password) < 6) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorPasswordLength'); } if (!PlayerUtil::isMailValid($mailAddress)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailInvalid'); } if (empty($mailAddress)) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailEmpty'); } if ($rulesChecked != 1) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorRules'); } $countUsername = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*) \n\t\t\tFROM " . USERS . " \n\t\t\tWHERE universe = " . $GLOBALS['UNI'] . "\n\t\t\tAND username = '******'DATABASE']->escape($userName) . "'\n\t\t) + (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM " . USERS_VALID . "\n\t\t\tWHERE universe = " . $GLOBALS['UNI'] . "\n\t\t\tAND username = '******'DATABASE']->escape($userName) . "'\n\t\t);"); $countMail = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM " . USERS . "\n\t\t\tWHERE universe = " . $GLOBALS['UNI'] . "\n\t\t\tAND (\n\t\t\t\temail = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($mailAddress) . "'\n\t\t\t\tOR email_2 = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($mailAddress) . "'\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t) + (\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM " . USERS_VALID . "\n\t\t\tWHERE universe = " . $GLOBALS['UNI'] . "\n\t\t\tAND email = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($mailAddress) . "'\n\t\t);"); if ($countUsername != 0) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorUsernameExist'); } if ($countMail != 0) { $errors[] = t('registerErrorMailExist'); } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->printMessage(implode("<br>\r\n", $errors), NULL, array(array('label' => t('registerBack'), 'url' => 'javascript:window.history.back()'))); } $validationKey = md5(uniqid('2m')); $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET\n\t\t\t\t`userName` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($userName) . "',\n\t\t\t\t`password` = '" . PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($password) . "',\n\t\t\t\t`email` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->escape($mailAddress) . "',\n\t\t\t\t`darkmatter` = '300000',\n\t\t\t\t`ip_at_reg` = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "' WHERE id = '" . $id . "' ;"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $vertifyURL = 'game.php?page=overview'; if (Config::get('user_valid') == 0 || !empty($externalAuthUID)) { $this->redirectTo($vertifyURL); } else { require 'includes/classes/Mail.class.php'; $MailSubject = t('registerMailVertifyTitle'); $MailRAW = $GLOBALS['LNG']->getTemplate('email_vaild_reg'); $MailContent = str_replace(array('{USERNAME}', '{PASSWORD}', '{GAMENAME}', '{GAMEMAIL}'), array($userName, $password, Config::get('game_name') . ' - ' . Config::get('uni_name'), Config::get('smtp_sendmail')), $MailRAW); Mail::send($mailAddress, $userName, t('registerMailVertifyTitle', Config::get('game_name')), $MailContent); $this->printMessage(t('registerSendComplete')); } } $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('RangeList' => $RangeList, 'reg_user' => $CONF['users_amount'], 'online_users' => $balken, 'balken')); $this->render('page.takeover.default.tpl'); }
function ShowCreatorPage() { global $LNG, $USER; $template = new template(); switch ($_GET['mode']) { case 'user': $LNG->includeData(array('PUBLIC')); if ($_POST) { $UserName = HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $UserPass = HTTP::_GP('password', ''); $UserPass2 = HTTP::_GP('password2', ''); $UserMail = HTTP::_GP('email', ''); $UserMail2 = HTTP::_GP('email2', ''); $UserAuth = HTTP::_GP('authlevel', 0); $Galaxy = HTTP::_GP('galaxy', 0); $System = HTTP::_GP('system', 0); $Planet = HTTP::_GP('planet', 0); $Language = HTTP::_GP('lang', ''); $ExistsUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . Universe::getEmulated() . " AND username = '******'DATABASE']->sql_escape($UserName) . "') + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE universe = " . Universe::getEmulated() . " AND username = '******'DATABASE']->sql_escape($UserName) . "')"); $ExistsMails = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . Universe::getEmulated() . " AND (email = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($UserMail) . "' OR email_2 = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($UserMail) . "')) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS_VALID . " WHERE universe = " . Universe::getEmulated() . " AND email = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($UserMail) . "')"); $errors = ""; $config = Config::get(Universe::getEmulated()); if (!PlayerUtil::isMailValid($UserMail)) { $errors .= $LNG['invalid_mail_adress']; } if (empty($UserName)) { $errors .= $LNG['empty_user_field']; } if (strlen($UserPass) < 6) { $errors .= $LNG['password_lenght_error']; } if ($UserPass != $UserPass2) { $errors .= $LNG['different_passwords']; } if ($UserMail != $UserMail2) { $errors .= $LNG['different_mails']; } if (!PlayerUtil::isNameValid($UserName)) { $errors .= $LNG['user_field_specialchar']; } if ($ExistsUser != 0) { $errors .= $LNG['user_already_exists']; } if ($ExistsMails != 0) { $errors .= $LNG['mail_already_exists']; } if (!PlayerUtil::isPositionFree(Universe::getEmulated(), $Galaxy, $System, $Planet)) { $errors .= $LNG['planet_already_exists']; } if ($Galaxy > $config->max_galaxy || $System > $config->max_system || $Planet > $config->max_planets) { $errors .= $LNG['po_complete_all2']; } if (!empty($errors)) { $template->message($errors, '?page=create&mode=user', 10, true); exit; } $Language = array_key_exists($Language, $LNG->getAllowedLangs(false)) ? $Language : $config->lang; PlayerUtil::createPlayer(Universe::getEmulated(), $UserName, PlayerUtil::cryptPassword($UserPass), $UserMail, $Language, $Galaxy, $System, $Planet, $LNG['fcm_planet'], $UserAuth); $template->message($LNG['new_user_success'], '?page=create&mode=user', 5, true); exit; } $AUTH = array(); $AUTH[AUTH_USR] = $LNG['user_level'][AUTH_USR]; if ($USER['authlevel'] >= AUTH_OPS) { $AUTH[AUTH_OPS] = $LNG['user_level'][AUTH_OPS]; } if ($USER['authlevel'] >= AUTH_MOD) { $AUTH[AUTH_MOD] = $LNG['user_level'][AUTH_MOD]; } if ($USER['authlevel'] >= AUTH_ADM) { $AUTH[AUTH_ADM] = $LNG['user_level'][AUTH_ADM]; } $template->assign_vars(array('admin_auth' => $USER['authlevel'], 'new_add_user' => $LNG['new_add_user'], 'new_creator_refresh' => $LNG['new_creator_refresh'], 'new_creator_go_back' => $LNG['new_creator_go_back'], 'universe' => $LNG['mu_universe'], 'user_reg' => $LNG['user_reg'], 'pass_reg' => $LNG['pass_reg'], 'pass2_reg' => $LNG['pass2_reg'], 'email_reg' => $LNG['email_reg'], 'email2_reg' => $LNG['email2_reg'], 'new_coord' => $LNG['new_coord'], 'new_range' => $LNG['new_range'], 'lang_reg' => $LNG['lang_reg'], 'new_title' => $LNG['new_title'], 'Selector' => array('auth' => $AUTH, 'lang' => $LNG->getAllowedLangs(false)))); $template->show('CreatePageUser.tpl'); break; case 'moon': if ($_POST) { $PlanetID = HTTP::_GP('add_moon', 0); $MoonName = HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $Diameter = HTTP::_GP('diameter', 0); $MoonPlanet = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT temp_max, temp_min, id_luna, galaxy, system, planet, planet_type, destruyed, id_owner FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id = '" . $PlanetID . "' AND universe = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "' AND planet_type = '1' AND destruyed = '0';"); if (!isset($MoonPlanet)) { $template->message($LNG['mo_planet_doesnt_exist'], '?page=create&mode=moon', 3, true); exit; } $moonId = PlayerUtil::createMoon(Universe::getEmulated(), $MoonPlanet['galaxy'], $MoonPlanet['system'], $MoonPlanet['planet'], $MoonPlanet['id_owner'], 20, $_POST['diameter_check'] == 'on' ? NULL : $Diameter, $MoonName); if ($moonId !== false) { $template->message($LNG['mo_moon_added'], '?page=create&mode=moon', 3, true); } else { $template->message($LNG['mo_moon_unavaible'], '?page=create&mode=moon', 3, true); } exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('admin_auth' => $USER['authlevel'], 'universum' => $LNG['mu_universe'], 'po_add_moon' => $LNG['po_add_moon'], 'input_id_planet' => $LNG['input_id_planet'], 'mo_moon_name' => $LNG['mo_moon_name'], 'mo_diameter' => $LNG['mo_diameter'], 'mo_temperature' => $LNG['mo_temperature'], 'mo_fields_avaibles' => $LNG['mo_fields_avaibles'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'new_creator_refresh' => $LNG['new_creator_refresh'], 'mo_moon' => $LNG['fcm_moon'], 'new_creator_go_back' => $LNG['new_creator_go_back'])); $template->show('CreatePageMoon.tpl'); break; case 'planet': if ($_POST) { $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $Galaxy = HTTP::_GP('galaxy', 0); $System = HTTP::_GP('system', 0); $Planet = HTTP::_GP('planet', 0); $name = HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $field_max = HTTP::_GP('field_max', 0); $config = Config::get(Universe::getEmulated()); if ($Galaxy > $config->max_galaxy || $System > $config->max_system || $Planet > $config->max_planets) { $template->message($LNG['po_complete_all2'], '?page=create&mode=planet', 3, true); exit; } $ISUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT id, authlevel FROM " . USERS . " WHERE id = '" . $id . "' AND universe = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); if (!PlayerUtil::checkPosition(Universe::getEmulated(), $Galaxy, $System, $Planet) || !isset($ISUser)) { $template->message($LNG['po_complete_all'], '?page=create&mode=planet', 3, true); exit; } $planetId = PlayerUtil::createPlanet($Galaxy, $System, $Planet, Universe::getEmulated(), $id, NULL, false, $ISUser['authlevel']); $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; if ($_POST['diameter_check'] != 'on' || $field_max > 0) { $SQL .= "field_max = '" . $field_max . "' "; } if (!empty($name)) { $SQL .= ", name = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($name) . "' "; } $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "id = '" . $planetId . "'"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $template->message($LNG['po_complete_succes'], '?page=create&mode=planet', 3, true); exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('admin_auth' => $USER['authlevel'], 'po_add_planet' => $LNG['po_add_planet'], 'po_galaxy' => $LNG['po_galaxy'], 'po_system' => $LNG['po_system'], 'po_planet' => $LNG['po_planet'], 'input_id_user' => $LNG['input_id_user'], 'new_creator_coor' => $LNG['new_creator_coor'], 'po_name_planet' => $LNG['po_name_planet'], 'po_fields_max' => $LNG['po_fields_max'], 'button_add' => $LNG['button_add'], 'po_colony' => $LNG['fcp_colony'], 'new_creator_refresh' => $LNG['new_creator_refresh'], 'new_creator_go_back' => $LNG['new_creator_go_back'])); $template->show('CreatePagePlanet.tpl'); break; default: $template->assign_vars(array('new_creator_title_u' => $LNG['new_creator_title_u'], 'new_creator_title_p' => $LNG['new_creator_title_p'], 'new_creator_title_l' => $LNG['new_creator_title_l'], 'new_creator_title' => $LNG['new_creator_title'])); $template->show('CreatePage.tpl'); break; } }
function ShowSearchPage() { global $LNG, $USER; if ($_GET['delete'] == 'user') { PlayerUtil::deletePlayer((int) $_GET['user']); message($LNG['se_delete_succes_p'], '?page=search&search=users&minimize=on', 2); } elseif ($_GET['delete'] == 'planet') { PlayerUtil::deletePlanet((int) $_GET['planet']); message($LNG['se_delete_succes_p'], '?page=search&search=planet&minimize=on', 2); } $SearchFile = HTTP::_GP('search', ''); $SearchFor = HTTP::_GP('search_in', ''); $SearchMethod = HTTP::_GP('fuki', ''); $SearchKey = HTTP::_GP('key_user', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $Page = HTTP::_GP('side', 0); $Order = HTTP::_GP('key_order', ''); $OrderBY = HTTP::_GP('key_acc', ''); $limit = HTTP::_GP('limit', 25); $Selector = array('list' => array('users' => $LNG['se_users'], 'planet' => $LNG['se_planets'], 'moon' => $LNG['se_moons'], 'alliance' => $LNG['se_allys'], 'vacation' => $LNG['se_vacations'], 'banned' => $LNG['se_suspended'], 'admin' => $LNG['se_authlevels'], 'inactives' => $LNG['se_inactives'], 'online' => $LNG['online_users'], 'p_connect' => $LNG['se_planets_act']), 'search' => array('name' => $LNG['se_input_name'], 'id' => $LNG['input_id']), 'filter' => array('normal' => $LNG['se_type_all'], 'exacto' => $LNG['se_type_exact'], 'last' => $LNG['se_type_last'], 'first' => $LNG['se_type_first']), 'order' => array('ASC' => $LNG['se_input_asc'], 'DESC' => $LNG['se_input_desc']), 'limit' => array('1' => '1', '5' => '5', '10' => '10', '15' => '15', '20' => '20', '25' => '25', '50' => '50', '100' => '100', '200' => '200', '500' => '500')); $template = new template(); if (HTTP::_GP('minimize', '') == 'on') { $Minimize = "&minimize=on"; $template->assign_vars(array('minimize' => 'checked = "checked"', 'diisplaay' => 'style="display:none;"')); } switch ($SearchMethod) { case 'exacto': $SpecifyWhere = "= '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($SearchKey) . "'"; break; case 'last': $SpecifyWhere = "LIKE '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($SearchKey, true) . "%'"; break; case 'first': $SpecifyWhere = "LIKE '%" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($SearchKey, true) . "'"; break; default: $SpecifyWhere = "LIKE '%" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($SearchKey, true) . "%'"; break; } if (!empty($SearchFile)) { $ArrayUsers = array("users", "vacation", "admin", "inactives", "online"); $ArrayPlanets = array("planet", "moon", "p_connect"); $ArrayBanned = array("banned"); $ArrayAlliance = array("alliance"); if (in_array($SearchFile, $ArrayUsers)) { $Table = "users"; $NameLang = $LNG['se_search_users']; $SpecifyItems = "id,username,email_2,onlinetime,register_time,user_lastip,authlevel,bana,urlaubs_modus"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_userss']; $SpecialSpecify = ""; if ($SearchFile == "vacation") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND urlaubs_modus = '1'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_vacatii']; } if ($SearchFile == "online") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND onlinetime >= '" . (TIMESTAMP - 15 * 60) . "'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_connect']; } if ($SearchFile == "inactives") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND onlinetime < '" . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . "'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_inact']; } if ($SearchFile == "admin") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND authlevel <= '" . $USER['authlevel'] . "' AND authlevel > '0'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_admm']; } $SpecialSpecify .= " AND universe = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'"; $SearchFor == "name" ? $WhereItem = "WHERE username" : ($WhereItem = "WHERE id"); $ArrayOSec = array("id", "username", "email_2", "onlinetime", "register_time", "user_lastip", "authlevel", "bana", "urlaubs_modus"); $Array0SecCount = count($ArrayOSec); for ($OrderNum = 0; $OrderNum < $Array0SecCount; $OrderNum++) { $OrderBYParse[$ArrayOSec[$OrderNum]] = $LNG['se_search_users'][$OrderNum]; } } elseif (in_array($SearchFile, $ArrayPlanets)) { $Table = "planets p"; $TableUsers = "2"; $NameLang = $LNG['se_search_planets']; $SpecifyItems = ",,CONCAT(u.username, ' (ID: ', p.id_owner, ')'),p.last_update,p.galaxy,p.system,p.planet,p.id_luna"; if ($SearchFile == "planet") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND planet_type = '1'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_planett']; } elseif ($SearchFile == "moon") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND planet_type = '3'"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_moonn']; } elseif ($SearchFile == "p_connect") { $SpecialSpecify = "AND last_update >= " . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60) . ""; $SName = $LNG['se_input_act_pla']; } $SpecialSpecify .= " AND p.universe = " . Universe::getEmulated(); $WhereItem = "LEFT JOIN " . USERS . " u ON = p.id_owner "; if ($SearchFor == "name") { $WhereItem .= "WHERE"; } else { $WhereItem .= "WHERE"; } $ArrayOSec = array("id", "name", "id_owner", "id_luna", "last_update", "galaxy", "system", "planet"); $Array0SecCount = count($ArrayOSec); for ($OrderNum = 0; $OrderNum < $Array0SecCount; $OrderNum++) { $OrderBYParse[$ArrayOSec[$OrderNum]] = $LNG['se_search_planets'][$OrderNum]; } } elseif (in_array($SearchFile, $ArrayBanned)) { $Table = "banned"; $NameLang = $LNG['se_search_banned']; $SpecifyItems = "id,who,time,longer,theme,author"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_susss']; $SpecialSpecify = " AND universe = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'"; $SearchFor == "name" ? $WhereItem = "WHERE who" : ($WhereItem = "WHERE id"); $ArrayOSec = array("id", "who", "time", "longer", "theme", "author"); $Array0SecCount = count($ArrayOSec); for ($OrderNum = 0; $OrderNum < $Array0SecCount; $OrderNum++) { $OrderBYParse[$ArrayOSec[$OrderNum]] = $LNG['se_search_banned'][$OrderNum]; } } elseif (in_array($SearchFile, $ArrayAlliance)) { $Table = "alliance"; $NameLang = $LNG['se_search_alliance']; $SpecifyItems = "id,ally_name,ally_tag,ally_owner,ally_register_time,ally_members"; $SName = $LNG['se_input_allyy']; $SpecialSpecify = " AND ally_universe = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'"; $SearchFor == "name" ? $WhereItem = "WHERE ally_name" : ($WhereItem = "WHERE id"); $ArrayOSec = array("id", "ally_name", "ally_tag", "ally_owner", "ally_register_time", "ally_members"); $Array0SecCount = count($ArrayOSec); for ($OrderNum = 0; $OrderNum < $Array0SecCount; $OrderNum++) { $OrderBYParse[$ArrayOSec[$OrderNum]] = $LNG['se_search_alliance'][$OrderNum]; } } $RESULT = MyCrazyLittleSearch($SpecifyItems, $WhereItem, $SpecifyWhere, $SpecialSpecify, $Order, $OrderBY, $limit, $Table, $Page, $NameLang, $ArrayOSec, $Minimize, $SName, $SearchFile); } $template->assign_vars(array('Selector' => $Selector, 'limit' => $limit, 'search' => $SearchKey, 'SearchFile' => $SearchFile, 'SearchFor' => $SearchFor, 'SearchMethod' => $SearchMethod, 'Order' => $Order, 'OrderBY' => $OrderBY, 'OrderBYParse' => $OrderBYParse, 'se_search' => $LNG['se_search'], 'se_limit' => $LNG['se_limit'], 'se_asc_desc' => $LNG['se_asc_desc'], 'se_filter_title' => $LNG['se_filter_title'], 'se_search_in' => $LNG['se_search_in'], 'se_type_typee' => $LNG['se_type_typee'], 'se_intro' => $LNG['se_intro'], 'se_search_title' => $LNG['se_search_title'], 'se_contrac' => $LNG['se_contrac'], 'se_search_order' => $LNG['se_search_order'], 'ac_minimize_maximize' => $LNG['ac_minimize_maximize'], 'LIST' => $RESULT['LIST'], 'PAGES' => $RESULT['PAGES'])); $template->show('SearchPage.tpl'); }
function accept() { global $USER, $LNG; $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $db = Database::get(); $sql = "DELETE FROM %%BUDDY_REQUEST%% WHERE id = :id;"; $db->delete($sql, array(':id' => $id)); $sql = "SELECT sender, u.username FROM %%BUDDY%% b INNER JOIN %%USERS%% u ON sender = WHERE = :id;"; $sender = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':id' => $id)); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($sender['sender'], $USER['id'], $USER['username'], 4, $LNG['bu_accepted_request_title'], sprintf($LNG['bu_accepted_request_body'], $sender['username'], $USER['username']), TIMESTAMP); $this->redirectTo("game.php?page=buddyList"); }
public function getACSPageData($fleetID) { global $USER, $LNG; $db = Database::get(); $sql = "SELECT fleet_start_time, fleet_end_id, fleet_group, fleet_mess FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_id = :fleetID;"; $fleetData = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':fleetID' => $fleetID)); if ($db->rowCount() != 1) { return array(); } if ($fleetData['fleet_mess'] == 1 || $fleetData['fleet_start_time'] <= TIMESTAMP) { return array(); } if ($fleetData['fleet_group'] == 0) { $acsData = $this->createACS($fleetID, $fleetData); } else { $acsData = $this->loadACS($fleetData); } if (empty($acsData)) { return array(); } $acsName = HTTP::_GP('acsName', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); if (!empty($acsName)) { if (PlayerUtil::isNameValid($acsName)) { $this->sendJSON($LNG['fl_acs_newname_alphanum']); } $sql = "UPDATE %%AKS%% SET name = acsName WHERE id = :acsID;"; $db->update($sql, array(':acsName' => $acsName, ':acsID' => $acsData['id'])); $this->sendJSON(false); } $invitedUsers = array(); $sql = "SELECT id, username FROM %%USERS_ACS%% INNER JOIN %%USERS%% ON userID = id WHERE acsID = :acsID;"; $userResult = $db->select($sql, array(':acsID' => $acsData['id'])); foreach ($userResult as $userRow) { $invitedUsers[$userRow['id']] = $userRow['username']; } $newUser = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $statusMessage = ""; if (!empty($newUser)) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM %%USERS%% WHERE universe = :universe AND username = :username;"; $newUserID = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':universe' => Universe::current(), ':username' => $newUser), 'id'); if (empty($newUserID)) { $statusMessage = $LNG['fl_player'] . " " . $newUser . " " . $LNG['fl_dont_exist']; } elseif (isset($invitedUsers[$newUserID])) { $statusMessage = $LNG['fl_player'] . " " . $newUser . " " . $LNG['fl_already_invited']; } else { $statusMessage = $LNG['fl_player'] . " " . $newUser . " " . $LNG['fl_add_to_attack']; $sql = "INSERT INTO %%USERS_ACS%% SET acsID = :acsID, userID = :newUserID;"; $db->insert($sql, array(':acsID' => $acsData['id'], ':newUserID' => $newUserID)); $invitedUsers[$newUserID] = $newUser; $inviteTitle = $LNG['fl_acs_invitation_title']; $inviteMessage = $LNG['fl_player'] . $USER['username'] . $LNG['fl_acs_invitation_message']; PlayerUtil::sendMessage($newUserID, $USER['id'], TIMESTAMP, 1, $USER['username'], $inviteTitle, $inviteMessage); } } return array('invitedUsers' => $invitedUsers, 'acsName' => $acsData['name'], 'mainFleetID' => $fleetID, 'statusMessage' => $statusMessage); }
function ShowAccountEditorPage() { global $LNG, $reslist, $resource; $template = new template(); switch ($_GET['edit']) { case 'resources': $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $id_dark = HTTP::_GP('id_dark', 0); $metal = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('metal', 0.0))); $cristal = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('cristal', 0.0))); $deut = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('deut', 0.0))); $dark = HTTP::_GP('dark', 0); if ($_POST) { if (!empty($id)) { $before = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `metal`,`crystal`,`deuterium`,`universe` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "';"); } if (!empty($id_dark)) { $before_dm = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `darkmatter` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id_dark . "';"); } if ($_POST['add']) { if (!empty($id)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`metal` = `metal` + '" . $metal . "', "; $SQL .= "`crystal` = `crystal` + '" . $cristal . "', "; $SQL .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` + '" . $deut . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $after = array('metal' => $before['metal'] + $metal, 'crystal' => $before['crystal'] + $cristal, 'deuterium' => $before['deuterium'] + $deut); } if (!empty($id_dark)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`darkmatter` = `darkmatter` + '" . $dark . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id_dark . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "' "; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $after_dm = array('darkmatter' => $before_dm['darkmatter'] + $dark); } } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { if (!empty($id)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`metal` = `metal` - '" . $metal . "', "; $SQL .= "`crystal` = `crystal` - '" . $cristal . "', "; $SQL .= "`deuterium` = `deuterium` - '" . $deut . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $after = array('metal' => $before['metal'] - $metal, 'crystal' => $before['crystal'] - $cristal, 'deuterium' => $before['deuterium'] - $deut); } if (!empty($id_dark)) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`darkmatter` = `darkmatter` - '" . $dark . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . $id_dark . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $after_dm = array('darkmatter' => $before_dm['darkmatter'] - $dark); } } if (!empty($id)) { $LOG = new Log(2); $LOG->target = $id; $LOG->universe = $before_dm['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); } if (!empty($id_dark)) { $LOG = new Log(1); $LOG->target = $id_dark; $LOG->universe = $before_dm['universe']; $LOG->old = $before_dm; $LOG->new = $after_dm; $LOG->save(); } if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_res_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=resources'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_res_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=resources'); } } exit; } $template->show('AccountEditorPageResources.tpl'); break; case 'ships': if ($_POST) { $before1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); $before = array(); $after = array(); foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $before[$ID] = $before1[$resource[$ID]]; } if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`eco_hash` = '', "; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = $before[$ID] + max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`eco_hash` = '', "; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = max($before[$ID] - max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))), 0); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } $LOG = new Log(2); $LOG->target = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $LOG->universe = $before1['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_ships_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=ships'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_ships_sucess'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=ships'); } } exit; } $parse['ships'] = ""; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT)); $template->show('AccountEditorPageShips.tpl'); break; case 'defenses': if ($_POST) { $before1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); $before = array(); $after = array(); foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $before[$ID] = $before1[$resource[$ID]]; } if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = $before[$ID] + max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = max($before[$ID] - max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))), 0); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $Name = $LNG['log_nomoree']; } $LOG = new Log(2); $LOG->target = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $LOG->universe = $before1['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_defenses_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=defenses'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_defenses_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=defenses'); } } exit; } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT)); $template->show('AccountEditorPageDefenses.tpl'); break; break; case 'buildings': if ($_POST) { $PlanetData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); if (!isset($PlanetData)) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_not_exist'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } $before = array(); $after = array(); foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $before[$ID] = $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]; } if ($_POST['add']) { $Fields = 0; $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`eco_hash` = '', "; foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $Count = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . $Count . "'"; $after[$ID] = $before[$ID] + $Count; $Fields += $Count; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= ", `field_current` = `field_current` + '" . $Fields . "'"; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $Fields = 0; $QryUpdate = array(); $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $SQL .= "`eco_hash` = '', "; foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $Count = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . $Count . "'"; $after[$ID] = max($before[$ID] - $Count, 0); $Fields += $Count; } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= ", `field_current` = `field_current` - '" . $Fields . "'"; $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } $LOG = new Log(2); $LOG->target = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $LOG->universe = Universe::getEmulated(); $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_build_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_build_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=buildings'); } } exit; } foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT)); $template->show('AccountEditorPageBuilds.tpl'); break; case 'researchs': if ($_POST) { $before1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); $before = array(); $after = array(); foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $before[$ID] = $before1[$resource[$ID]]; } if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = $before[$ID] + max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = max($before[$ID] - max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))), 0); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } $LOG = new Log(1); $LOG->target = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $LOG->universe = $before1['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_tech_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=researchs'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_tech_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=researchs'); } } exit; } foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT)); $template->show('AccountEditorPageResearch.tpl'); break; case 'personal': if ($_POST) { $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $username = HTTP::_GP('username', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $password = HTTP::_GP('password', '', true); $email = HTTP::_GP('email', ''); $email_2 = HTTP::_GP('email_2', ''); $vacation = HTTP::_GP('vacation', ''); $before = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `username`,`email`,`email_2`,`password`,`urlaubs_modus`,`urlaubs_until` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); $after = array(); $PersonalQuery = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; if (!empty($username) && $id != ROOT_USER) { $PersonalQuery .= "`username` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($username) . "', "; $after['username'] = $username; } if (!empty($email) && $id != ROOT_USER) { $PersonalQuery .= "`email` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($email) . "', "; $after['email'] = $email; } if (!empty($email_2) && $id != ROOT_USER) { $PersonalQuery .= "`email_2` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($email_2) . "', "; $after['email_2'] = $email_2; } if (!empty($password) && $id != ROOT_USER) { $PersonalQuery .= "`password` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(cryptPassword($password)) . "', "; $after['password'] = cryptPassword($password) != $before['password'] ? 'CHANGED' : ''; } $before['password'] = ''; $Answer = 0; $TimeAns = 0; if ($vacation == 'yes') { $Answer = 1; $after['urlaubs_modus'] = 1; $TimeAns = TIMESTAMP + $_POST['d'] * 86400 + $_POST['h'] * 3600 + $_POST['m'] * 60 + $_POST['s']; $after['urlaubs_until'] = $TimeAns; } $PersonalQuery .= "`urlaubs_modus` = '" . $Answer . "', `urlaubs_until` = '" . $TimeAns . "' "; $PersonalQuery .= "WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "'"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($PersonalQuery); $LOG = new Log(1); $LOG->target = $id; $LOG->universe = $before['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); $template->message($LNG['ad_personal_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=personal'); exit; } $template->assign_vars(array('Selector' => array('' => $LNG['select_option'], 'yes' => $LNG['one_is_yes'][1], 'no' => $LNG['one_is_yes'][0]))); $template->show('AccountEditorPagePersonal.tpl'); break; case 'officiers': if ($_POST) { $before1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "';"); $before = array(); $after = array(); foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) { $before[$ID] = $before1[$resource[$ID]]; } if ($_POST['add']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` + '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = $before[$ID] + max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } elseif ($_POST['delete']) { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) { $QryUpdate[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = `" . $resource[$ID] . "` - '" . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))) . "'"; $after[$ID] = max($before[$ID] - max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))), 0); } $SQL .= implode(", ", $QryUpdate); $SQL .= "WHERE "; $SQL .= "`id` = '" . HTTP::_GP('id', 0) . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); } $LOG = new Log(1); $LOG->target = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $LOG->universe = $before1['universe']; $LOG->old = $before; $LOG->new = $after; $LOG->save(); if ($_POST['add']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_add_offi_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=officiers'); } else { if ($_POST['delete']) { $template->message($LNG['ad_delete_offi_success'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=officiers'); } } exit; } foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) { $INPUT[$ID] = array('type' => $resource[$ID]); } $template->assign_vars(array('inputlist' => $INPUT)); $template->show('AccountEditorPageOfficiers.tpl'); break; case 'planets': if ($_POST) { $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $name = HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $diameter = HTTP::_GP('diameter', 0); $fields = HTTP::_GP('fields', 0); $buildings = HTTP::_GP('0_buildings', ''); $ships = HTTP::_GP('0_ships', ''); $defenses = HTTP::_GP('0_defenses', ''); $c_hangar = HTTP::_GP('0_c_hangar', ''); $c_buildings = HTTP::_GP('0_c_buildings', ''); $change_pos = HTTP::_GP('change_position', ''); $galaxy = HTTP::_GP('g', 0); $system = HTTP::_GP('s', 0); $planet = HTTP::_GP('p', 0); if (!empty($name)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `name` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($name) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($buildings == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) { $BUILD[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $BUILD) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($ships == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $SHIPS[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $SHIPS) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($defenses == 'on') { foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $DEFS[] = "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = '0'"; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET " . implode(', ', $DEFS) . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($c_hangar == 'on') { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `b_hangar` = '0', `b_hangar_plus` = '0', `b_hangar_id` = '' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($c_buildings == 'on') { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `b_building` = '0', `b_building_id` = '' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if (!empty($diameter)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `diameter` = '" . $diameter . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if (!empty($fields)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `field_max` = '" . $fields . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($change_pos == 'on' && $galaxy > 0 && $system > 0 && $planet > 0 && $galaxy <= Config::get(Universe::getEmulated())->max_galaxy && $system <= Config::get(Universe::getEmulated())->max_system && $planet <= Config::get(Universe::getEmulated())->max_planets) { $P = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT galaxy,system,planet,planet_type FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); if ($P['planet_type'] == '1') { if (PlayerUtil::checkPosition(Universe::getEmulated(), $galaxy, $system, $planet, $P['planet_type'])) { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets3'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } else { if (PlayerUtil::checkPosition(Universe::getEmulated(), $galaxy, $system, $planet, $P['planet_type'])) { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets5'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $Target = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT id_luna FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND `planet_type` = '1';"); if ($Target['id_luna'] != '0') { $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_error_planets4'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `id_luna` = '0' WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $P['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $P['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $P['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1';UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `id_luna` = '" . $id . "' WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "' AND planet_type = '1';UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); $QMOON2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT id_owner FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $system . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planet . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `galaxy` = '" . $galaxy . "', `system` = '" . $system . "', `planet` = '" . $planet . "', `id_owner` = '" . $QMOON2['id_owner'] . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "' AND `planet_type` = '3';"); } } $template->message($LNG['ad_pla_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=planets'); exit; } $template->show('AccountEditorPagePlanets.tpl'); break; case 'alliances': if ($_POST) { $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); $name = HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $changeleader = HTTP::_GP('changeleader', 0); $tag = HTTP::_GP('tag', '', UTF8_SUPPORT); $externo = HTTP::_GP('externo', '', true); $interno = HTTP::_GP('interno', '', true); $solicitud = HTTP::_GP('solicitud', '', true); $delete = HTTP::_GP('delete', ''); $delete_u = HTTP::_GP('delete_u', ''); $QueryF = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . ALLIANCE . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); if (!empty($name)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_name` = '" . $name . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if (!empty($tag)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_tag` = '" . $tag . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } $QueryF2 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT ally_id FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $changeleader . "';"); $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_owner` = '" . $changeleader . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_rank_id` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" . $changeleader . "';"); if (!empty($externo)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_description` = '" . $externo . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if (!empty($interno)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_text` = '" . $interno . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if (!empty($solicitud)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_request` = '" . $solicitud . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); } if ($delete == 'on') { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query("DELETE FROM " . ALLIANCE . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0' WHERE `ally_id` = '" . $id . "';"); } if (!empty($delete_u)) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->multi_query("UPDATE " . ALLIANCE . " SET `ally_members` = ally_members - 1 WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `ally_universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `ally_id` = '0', `ally_rank_id` = '0', `ally_register_time` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" . $delete_u . "' AND `ally_id` = '" . $id . "';"); } $template->message($LNG['ad_ally_succes'], '?page=accounteditor&edit=alliances'); exit; } $template->show('AccountEditorPageAlliance.tpl'); break; default: $template->show('AccountEditorPageMenu.tpl'); break; } }
function ShowQuickEditorPage() { global $USER, $LNG, $reslist, $resource; $action = HTTP::_GP('action', ''); $edit = HTTP::_GP('edit', ''); $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0); switch ($edit) { case 'planet': $DataIDs = array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['build'], $reslist['defense']); $SpecifyItemsPQ = ""; foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $SpecifyItemsPQ .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "`,"; } $PlanetData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsPQ . " `name`, `id_owner`, `planet_type`, `galaxy`, `system`, `planet`, `destruyed`, `diameter`, `field_current`, `field_max`, `temp_min`, `temp_max`, `metal`, `crystal`, `deuterium` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "';"); if ($action == 'send') { $SQL = "UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET "; $Fields = $PlanetData['field_current']; foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $level = min(max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0.0))), in_array($ID, $reslist['build']) ? 255 : 1.8446744073709552E+19); if (in_array($ID, $reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']])) { $Fields += $level - $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]; } $SQL .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = " . $level . ", "; } $SQL .= "`metal` = " . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('metal', 0.0))) . ", "; $SQL .= "`crystal` = " . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('crystal', 0.0))) . ", "; $SQL .= "`deuterium` = " . max(0, round(HTTP::_GP('deuterium', 0.0))) . ", "; $SQL .= "`field_current` = '" . $Fields . "', "; $SQL .= "`field_max` = '" . HTTP::_GP('field_max', 0) . "', "; $SQL .= "`name` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT)) . "', "; $SQL .= "`eco_hash` = '' "; $SQL .= "WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $old = array(); $new = array(); foreach (array_merge($DataIDs, $reslist['resstype'][1]) as $IDs) { $old[$IDs] = $PlanetData[$resource[$IDs]]; $new[$IDs] = max(0, round(HTTP::_GP($resource[$IDs], 0.0))); } $old['field_max'] = $PlanetData['field_max']; $new['field_max'] = HTTP::_GP('field_max', 0); $LOG = new Log(2); $LOG->target = $id; $LOG->old = $old; $LOG->new = $new; $LOG->save(); exit(sprintf($LNG['qe_edit_planet_sucess'], $PlanetData['name'], $PlanetData['galaxy'], $PlanetData['system'], $PlanetData['planet'])); } $UserInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $PlanetData['id_owner'] . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); $build = $defense = $fleet = array(); foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PlanetData['planet_type']] as $ID) { $build[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) { $fleet[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) { $defense[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $PlanetData[$resource[$ID]]); } $template = new template(); $template->assign_vars(array('build' => $build, 'fleet' => $fleet, 'defense' => $defense, 'id' => $id, 'ownerid' => $PlanetData['id_owner'], 'ownername' => $UserInfo['username'], 'name' => $PlanetData['name'], 'galaxy' => $PlanetData['galaxy'], 'system' => $PlanetData['system'], 'planet' => $PlanetData['planet'], 'field_min' => $PlanetData['field_current'], 'field_max' => $PlanetData['field_max'], 'temp_min' => $PlanetData['temp_min'], 'temp_max' => $PlanetData['temp_max'], 'metal' => floatToString($PlanetData['metal']), 'crystal' => floatToString($PlanetData['crystal']), 'deuterium' => floatToString($PlanetData['deuterium']), 'metal_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['metal']), 'crystal_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['crystal']), 'deuterium_c' => pretty_number($PlanetData['deuterium']))); $template->show('QuickEditorPlanet.tpl'); break; case 'player': $DataIDs = array_merge($reslist['tech'], $reslist['officier']); $SpecifyItemsPQ = ""; foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $SpecifyItemsPQ .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "`,"; } $UserData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsPQ . " `username`, `authlevel`, `galaxy`, `system`, `planet`, `id_planet`, `darkmatter`, `authattack`, `authlevel` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "';"); $ChangePW = $USER['id'] == ROOT_USER || $id != ROOT_USER && $USER['authlevel'] > $UserData['authlevel']; if ($action == 'send') { $SQL = "UPDATE " . USERS . " SET "; foreach ($DataIDs as $ID) { $SQL .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "` = " . min(abs(HTTP::_GP($resource[$ID], 0)), 255) . ", "; } $SQL .= "`darkmatter` = '" . max(HTTP::_GP('darkmatter', 0), 0) . "', "; if (!empty($_POST['password']) && $ChangePW) { $SQL .= "`password` = '" . PlayerUtil::cryptPassword(HTTP::_GP('password', '', true)) . "', "; } $SQL .= "`username` = '" . $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT)) . "', "; $SQL .= "`authattack` = '" . ($UserData['authlevel'] != AUTH_USR && HTTP::_GP('authattack', '') == 'on' ? $UserData['authlevel'] : 0) . "' "; $SQL .= "WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"; $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($SQL); $old = array(); $new = array(); $multi = HTTP::_GP('multi', 0); foreach ($DataIDs as $IDs) { $old[$IDs] = $UserData[$resource[$IDs]]; $new[$IDs] = abs(HTTP::_GP($resource[$IDs], 0)); } $old[921] = $UserData[$resource[921]]; $new[921] = abs(HTTP::_GP($resource[921], 0)); $old['username'] = $UserData['username']; $new['username'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(HTTP::_GP('name', '', UTF8_SUPPORT)); $old['authattack'] = $UserData['authattack']; $new['authattack'] = $UserData['authlevel'] != AUTH_USR && HTTP::_GP('authattack', '') == 'on' ? $UserData['authlevel'] : 0; $old['multi'] = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . MULTI . " WHERE userID = " . $id . ";"); $new['authattack'] = $multi; if ($old['multi'] != $multi) { if ($multi == 0) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . MULTI . " WHERE userID = " . (int) $id . ";"); } elseif ($multi == 1) { $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . MULTI . " SET userID = " . (int) $id . ";"); } } $LOG = new Log(1); $LOG->target = $id; $LOG->old = $old; $LOG->new = $new; $LOG->save(); exit(sprintf($LNG['qe_edit_player_sucess'], $UserData['username'], $id)); } $PlanetInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `name` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $UserData['id_planet'] . "' AND `universe` = '" . Universe::getEmulated() . "';"); $tech = array(); $officier = array(); foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) { $tech[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($UserData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $UserData[$resource[$ID]]); } foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) { $officier[] = array('type' => $resource[$ID], 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$ID], 'count' => pretty_number($UserData[$resource[$ID]]), 'input' => $UserData[$resource[$ID]]); } $template = new template(); $template->assign_vars(array('tech' => $tech, 'officier' => $officier, 'id' => $id, 'planetid' => $UserData['id_planet'], 'planetname' => $PlanetInfo['name'], 'name' => $UserData['username'], 'galaxy' => $UserData['galaxy'], 'system' => $UserData['system'], 'planet' => $UserData['planet'], 'authlevel' => $UserData['authlevel'], 'authattack' => $UserData['authattack'], 'multi' => $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . MULTI . " WHERE userID = " . $id . ";"), 'ChangePW' => $ChangePW, 'darkmatter' => floatToString($UserData['darkmatter']), 'darkmatter_c' => pretty_number($UserData['darkmatter']))); $template->show('QuickEditorUser.tpl'); break; } }
function TargetEvent() { global $pricelist, $reslist, $resource; $db = Database::get(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;'; $senderUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'])); $targetUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'])); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;'; $targetPlanet = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $sql = 'SELECT name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;'; $senderPlanetName = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id']), 'name'); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']); $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate(); list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_end_id = :planetId AND fleet_mission = 5 AND fleet_end_stay > :time;'; $targetStayFleets = $db->select($sql, array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'], ':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'])); foreach ($targetStayFleets as $fleetRow) { $fleetData = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetRow['fleet_array']); foreach ($fleetData as $shipId => $shipAmount) { $targetPlanet[$resource[$shipId]] += $shipAmount; } } $fleetAmount = $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] * (1 + $senderUser['factor']['SpyPower']); $senderSpyTech = max($senderUser['spy_tech'], 1); $targetSpyTech = max($targetUser['spy_tech'], 1); $techDifference = abs($senderSpyTech - $targetSpyTech); $MinAmount = ($senderSpyTech > $targetSpyTech ? -1 : 1) * pow($techDifference * SPY_DIFFENCE_FACTOR, 2); $SpyFleet = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount; $SpyDef = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 1 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR; $SpyBuild = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 3 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR; $SpyTechno = $fleetAmount >= $MinAmount + 5 * SPY_VIEW_FACTOR; $classIDs[900] = array_merge($reslist['resstype'][1], $reslist['resstype'][2]); if ($SpyFleet) { $classIDs[200] = $reslist['fleet']; } if ($SpyDef) { $classIDs[400] = array_merge($reslist['defense'], $reslist['missile']); } if ($SpyBuild) { $classIDs[0] = $reslist['build']; } if ($SpyTechno) { $classIDs[100] = $reslist['tech']; } $targetChance = mt_rand(0, min($fleetAmount / 4 * ($targetSpyTech / $senderSpyTech), 100)); $spyChance = mt_rand(0, 100); $spyData = array(); foreach ($classIDs as $classID => $elementIDs) { foreach ($elementIDs as $elementID) { if (isset($targetUser[$resource[$elementID]])) { $spyData[$classID][$elementID] = $targetUser[$resource[$elementID]]; } else { $spyData[$classID][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]]; } } if ($senderUser['spyMessagesMode'] == 1) { $spyData[$classID] = array_filter($spyData[$classID]); } } // I'm use template class here, because i want to exclude HTML in PHP. require_once 'includes/classes/class.template.php'; $template = new template(); $template->caching = true; $template->compile_id = $senderUser['lang']; $template->loadFilter('output', 'trimwhitespace'); list($tplDir) = $template->getTemplateDir(); $template->setTemplateDir($tplDir . 'game/'); $template->assign_vars(array('spyData' => $spyData, 'targetPlanet' => $targetPlanet, 'targetChance' => $targetChance, 'spyChance' => $spyChance, 'isBattleSim' => ENABLE_SIMULATOR_LINK == true && isModuleAvailable(MODULE_SIMULATOR), 'title' => sprintf($LNG['sys_mess_head'], $targetPlanet['name'], $targetPlanet['galaxy'], $targetPlanet['system'], $targetPlanet['planet'], _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], $targetUser['timezone'], $LNG)))); $template->assign_vars(array('LNG' => $LNG), false); $spyReport = $template->fetch('shared.mission.spyReport.tpl'); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_qg'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_report'], $spyReport, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $LNG = $this->getLanguage($targetUser['lang']); $targetMessage = $LNG['sys_mess_spy_ennemyfleet'] . " " . $senderPlanetName; if ($this->_fleet['fleet_start_type'] == 3) { $targetMessage .= $LNG['sys_mess_spy_report_moon'] . ' '; } $text = '<a href="game.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=%1$s&system=%2$s">[%1$s:%2$s:%3$s]</a> %7$s %8$s <a href="game.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=%4$s&system=%5$s">[%4$s:%5$s:%6$s]</a> %9$s'; $targetMessage .= sprintf($text, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_start_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['sys_mess_spy_seen_at'], $targetPlanet['name'], $LNG['sys_mess_spy_seen_at2']); PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_target_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_control'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_spy_activity'], $targetMessage, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); if ($targetChance >= $spyChance) { $config = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe']); $whereCol = $this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3 ? "id_luna" : "id"; $sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET der_metal = der_metal + :metal, der_crystal = der_crystal + :crystal WHERE ' . $whereCol . ' = :planetId;'; $db->update($sql, array(':metal' => $fleetAmount * $pricelist[210]['cost'][901] * $config->Fleet_Cdr / 100, ':crystal' => $fleetAmount * $pricelist[210]['cost'][902] * $config->Fleet_Cdr / 100, ':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'])); $this->KillFleet(); } else { $this->setState(FLEET_RETURN); $this->SaveFleet(); } }