function tearDown() { $cache =& new Cache_Lite_File(array('cacheDir' => "{$this->_cacheDirectory}/", 'masterFile' => '', 'automaticSerialization' => true, 'errorHandlingAPIBreak' => true)); $cache->clean(); Piece_Unity_Context::clear(); Piece_Unity_Error::clearErrors(); }
/** * Sets a status code. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND * @param integer $statusCode */ function Piece_Unity_HTTPStatus($statusCode) { if (!array_key_exists($statusCode, $this->_statusCodes)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Unknown status code [ {$statusCode} ], be sure the status code is correct."); return; } $this->_statusCode = $statusCode; }
/** * @param string $requiredPermission * @return boolean */ function _authenticate($requiredPermission) { if (!$GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Interceptor_AuthorizationTestCase_hasPermission']) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED); return; } return true; }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @return boolean */ function invoke() { $session =& $this->_context->getSession(); $session->start(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } return true; }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED */ function invoke() { $appRoot = $this->_getConfiguration('appRoot'); if (!is_null($appRoot)) { $result = chdir($appRoot); if (!$result) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED, "Failed calling chdir() for the configuration point [ appRoot ] on the plugin [ {$this->_name} ]."); return; } } $appRootPath = $this->_getConfiguration('appRootPath'); if (!is_null($appRootPath)) { $this->_context->setAppRootPath($appRootPath); } }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @return boolean */ function invoke() { $session =& $this->_context->getSession(); $session->start(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } if (!$this->_getConfiguration('enableExpiration')) { return true; } if ($session->hasAttribute('_sessionUpdatedAt') && !$this->_handleExpiration()) { return false; } $session->setAttribute('_sessionUpdatedAt', time()); return true; }
/** * Determines appropriate renderer extension by the view scheme in the current * view string such like "http:", "json:", "html:", etc. * * @return string * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_VALUE */ function invoke() { $viewString = $this->_context->getView(); $positionOfColon = strpos($viewString, ':'); if ($positionOfColon === 0) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_VALUE, "The view string [ {$viewString} ] should not start with colon."); return; } $viewScheme = !$positionOfColon ? 'html' : substr($viewString, 0, $positionOfColon); $rendererExtension = $this->_getConfiguration($viewScheme); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $this->_context->setView(preg_replace('/^html:/', '', $viewString)); return $rendererExtension; }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION */ function invoke() { $configurators =& $this->_getExtension('configurators'); if (!is_array($configurators)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the extension point [ configurators ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] should be an array."); return; } foreach (array_merge($this->_requiredConfigurators, $configurators) as $extension) { $configurator =& Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::factory($extension); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $configurator->invoke(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } } }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION */ function invoke() { $interceptors =& $this->_getExtension('interceptors'); if (!is_array($interceptors)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the extension point [ interceptors ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] should be an array."); return; } foreach ($interceptors as $extension) { $interceptor =& Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::factory($extension); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } /* * Stops the invocation of the interceptors if an interceptor * returns false. * * @return boolean */ $doContinue = $interceptor->invoke(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } if (!$doContinue) { break; } } }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @return string * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_CANNOT_READ */ function invoke() { $eventName = $this->_context->getEventName(); if ($this->_getConfiguration('useDefaultEvent')) { if (is_null($eventName) || !strlen($eventName)) { $eventName = $this->_getConfiguration('defaultEventName'); $this->_context->setEventName($eventName); } } $class = str_replace('.', '', "{$eventName}Action"); $actionDirectory = $this->_getConfiguration('actionDirectory'); if (is_null($actionDirectory)) { return $eventName; } if (!Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($class)) { Piece_Unity_Error::disableCallback(); Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::load($class, $actionDirectory); Piece_Unity_Error::enableCallback(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { $error = Piece_Unity_Error::pop(); if ($error['code'] == PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { return $eventName; } Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_CANNOT_READ, "Failed to read the action class [ {$class} ] for any reasons.", 'exception', array(), $error); return; } if (!Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($class)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The class [ {$class} ] is not found in the loaded file."); return; } } $action =& new $class(); if (!method_exists($action, 'invoke')) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The method invoke() is not found in the class [ {$class} ]."); return; } $viewString = $action->invoke($this->_context); if (is_null($viewString)) { return $eventName; } else { return $viewString; } }
/** * Removes a name/value pair from the query string. * * @param string $name * @since Method available since Release 0.11.0 * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION */ function removeQueryString($name) { if (is_null($this->_url)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, __FUNCTION__ . ' method must be called after initializing.'); return; } $this->_url->removeQueryString($name); }
* ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package Piece_Unity * @copyright Piece Project * @license BSD License (revised) * @version SVN: $Id$ * @since File available since Release 1.0.0 */ error_reporting(E_ALL); if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../imports')) { set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../imports/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../imports/spyc-0.2.5'); } require_once 'Piece/Unity.php'; require_once 'Piece/Unity/Error.php'; Piece_Unity_Error::pushCallback(create_function('$error', 'var_dump($error); return ' . PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DIE . ';')); $base = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../webapp'; ini_set('session.cookie_path', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))); session_save_path("{$base}/sessions"); $unity =& new Piece_Unity("{$base}/config", "{$base}/cache"); $unity->setConfiguration('Configurator_AppRoot', 'appRoot', dirname(__FILE__)); $unity->setConfiguration('Renderer_Flexy', 'turnOffLayoutByHTTPAccept', true); $unity->dispatch(); /* * Local Variables: * mode: php * coding: iso-8859-1 * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil * indent-tabs-mode: nil
/** * Sends a HTTP status line like "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found". * * @param integer $statusCode * @since Method available since Release 1.5.0 */ function sendHTTPStatus($statusCode) { $httpStatus =& new Piece_Unity_HTTPStatus($statusCode); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $httpStatus->send(); }
/** * Gets the configuration of the given configuration point. * * @param string $configurationPoint * @return string * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND * @since Method available since Release 0.12.0 */ function _getConfiguration($configurationPoint) { $configurationPoint = strtolower($configurationPoint); if (!array_key_exists($configurationPoint, $this->_configurationPoints)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The configuration point [ {$configurationPoint} ] is not found in the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ].", 'exception', false, false, debug_backtrace()); return; } $config =& $this->_context->getConfiguration(); $configuration = $config->getConfiguration($this->_name, $configurationPoint); if (is_null($configuration)) { $configuration = $this->_configurationPoints[$configurationPoint]; } return $configuration; }
function tearDown() { Piece_Unity_Error::clearErrors(); }
/** * Renders a HTML. * * @param boolean $isLayout */ function _doRender($isLayout) { $templateDirectory = $this->_getConfiguration('templateDirectory'); if (!$isLayout) { $view = $this->_context->getView(); } else { $layoutDirectory = $this->_getConfiguration('layoutDirectory'); if (!is_null($layoutDirectory)) { $templateDirectory = $layoutDirectory; } $view = $this->_getConfiguration('layoutView'); } if (is_null($templateDirectory)) { return; } $file = "{$templateDirectory}/" . str_replace('_', '/', str_replace('.', '', $view)) . $this->_getConfiguration('templateExtension'); $viewElement =& $this->_context->getViewElement(); $rendering =& new Piece_Unity_Service_Rendering_PHP(); $rendering->render($file, $viewElement); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { $error = Piece_Unity_Error::pop(); Piece_Unity_Error::push('PIECE_UNITY_PLUGIN_RENDERER_HTML_ERROR_NOT_FOUND', $error['message'], 'exception', array(), $error); } }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION */ function invoke() { $filters =& $this->_getExtension('filters'); if (!is_array($filters)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the extension point [ filters ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] should be an array."); return; } while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } foreach ($filters as $extension) { /* * All output filters must have the signature as follows. * * @param string $buffer * @return string */ if (!function_exists($extension)) { $filter =& Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::factory($extension); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } ob_start(array(&$filter, 'invoke')); } else { ob_start($extension); } } }
/** * Restores field values from the given validation set and container. * * @param string $validationSet * @param mixed &$container * @since Method available since Release 1.1.0 */ function restoreValues($validationSet, &$container) { $validation =& $this->_context->getValidation(); $fieldNames = $validation->getFieldNames($validationSet); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } foreach ($fieldNames as $field) { $this->setValue($field, @$container->{$field}); } }
/** * Creates a user-defined object used as a controller object by * HTML_Template_Flexy::outputObject(). * * @return mixed * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND */ function &_createController() { $controllerDirectory = $this->_getConfiguration('controllerDirectory'); if (is_null($controllerDirectory)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the configuration point [ controllerDirectory ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] is required."); $return = null; return $return; } $controllerClass = $this->_getConfiguration('controllerClass'); if (is_null($controllerClass)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the configuration point [ controllerClass ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] is required."); $return = null; return $return; } if (!Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($controllerClass)) { Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::load($controllerClass, $controllerDirectory); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { $return = null; return $return; } if (!Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($controllerClass)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The class [ {$controllerClass} ] not found in the loaded file."); $return = null; return $return; } } $controller =& new $controllerClass(); return $controller; }
/** * Creates a plugin object from the plugin directories. * * @param string $pluginName * @return mixed * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_PLUGIN * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_CANNOT_READ */ function &factory($pluginName) { if (!array_key_exists($pluginName, $GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Instances'])) { $found = false; foreach ($GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Prefixes'] as $prefixAlias) { $pluginClass = Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::_getPluginClass($pluginName, $prefixAlias); if (Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($pluginClass)) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { foreach ($GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Directories'] as $pluginDirectory) { foreach ($GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Prefixes'] as $prefixAlias) { $pluginClass = Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::_getPluginClass($pluginName, $prefixAlias); Piece_Unity_Error::disableCallback(); Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::load($pluginClass, $pluginDirectory); Piece_Unity_Error::enableCallback(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { $error = Piece_Unity_Error::pop(); if ($error['code'] == PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { continue; } Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_CANNOT_READ, "Failed to read the plugin [ {$pluginName} ] for any reasons.", 'exception', array(), $error); $return = null; return $return; } if (Piece_Unity_ClassLoader::loaded($pluginClass)) { $found = true; break 2; } } } if (!$found) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The plugin [ {$pluginName} ] is not found in the following directories:\n" . implode("\n", $GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Directories'])); $return = null; return $return; } } $plugin =& new $pluginClass($prefixAlias); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { $return = null; return $return; } if (!is_subclass_of($plugin, 'Piece_Unity_Plugin_Common')) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_PLUGIN, "The plugin [ {$pluginName} ] is invalid."); $return = null; return $return; } $GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Instances'][$pluginName] =& $plugin; } return $GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Instances'][$pluginName]; }
/** * Creates a Piece_Unity_Config object from a configuration file or * a cache. * * @param string $configDirectory * @param string $cacheDirectory * @return Piece_Unity_Config * @static */ function &factory($configDirectory = null, $cacheDirectory = null) { if (is_null($configDirectory)) { $config =& new Piece_Unity_Config(); return $config; } if (!file_exists($configDirectory)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The configuration directory [ {$configDirectory} ] is not found."); $return = null; return $return; } $configFile = "{$configDirectory}/piece-unity-config.yaml"; if (!file_exists($configFile)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The configuration file [ {$configFile} ] is not found."); $return = null; return $return; } if (!is_readable($configFile)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_READABLE, "The configuration file [ {$configFile} ] is not readable."); $return = null; return $return; } if (is_null($cacheDirectory)) { return Piece_Unity_Config_Factory::_getConfigurationFromFile($configFile); } if (!file_exists($cacheDirectory)) { trigger_error("The cache directory [ {$cacheDirectory} ] is not found.", E_USER_WARNING); return Piece_Unity_Config_Factory::_getConfigurationFromFile($configFile); } if (!is_readable($cacheDirectory) || !is_writable($cacheDirectory)) { trigger_error("The cache directory [ {$cacheDirectory} ] is not readable or writable.", E_USER_WARNING); return Piece_Unity_Config_Factory::_getConfigurationFromFile($configFile); } return Piece_Unity_Config_Factory::_getConfiguration($configFile, $cacheDirectory); }
/** * Sets the extension to the extension point of the plugin. * * @param string $plugin * @param string $extensionPoint * @param string $extension * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION * @since Method available since Release 1.1.0 */ function setExtension($plugin, $extensionPoint, $extension) { if (is_null($this->_config)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, __FUNCTION__ . ' method must be called after calling configure().'); return; } $this->_config->setExtension($plugin, $extensionPoint, $extension); }
/** * Enables the last callback. * * @since Method available since Release 1.5.0 */ function enableCallback() { Piece_Unity_Error::popCallback(); }
/** * Renders a HTML or HTML fragment. * * @param string $file * @param Piece_Unity_ViewElement &$viewElement * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED */ function render($file, &$viewElement) { $flexy =& new HTML_Template_Flexy($this->_options); $resultOfCompile = $flexy->compile($file); if (PEAR::isError($resultOfCompile)) { if ($flexy->currentTemplate === false) { Piece_Unity_Error::pushPEARError($resultOfCompile, PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "The HTML template file [ {$file} ] is not found or not readable."); return; } Piece_Unity_Error::pushPEARError($resultOfCompile, PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED, 'Failed to invoke HTML_Template_Flexy::compile() for any reasons.'); return; } $viewElements = $viewElement->getElements(); if (is_null($this->_controller)) { $this->_controller = (object) $viewElements; } else { foreach (array_keys($viewElements) as $element) { if (!is_object($viewElements[$element])) { $this->_controller->{$element} = $viewElements[$element]; } else { $this->_controller->{$element} =& $viewElements[$element]; } } } $flexyElement =& new Piece_Unity_Service_FlexyElement(); $flexyElement->setViewElement($viewElement); $resultOfOutputObject = $flexy->outputObject($this->_controller, $flexyElement->createFormElements()); if (PEAR::isError($resultOfOutputObject)) { Piece_Unity_Error::pushPEARError($resultOfOutputObject, PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVOCATION_FAILED, 'Failed to invoke HTML_Template_Flexy::outputObject() for any reasons.'); } }
/** * Sets the Piece_Flow_Continuation_Service object to $_continuation * property and the context. * * @since Method available since Release 0.9.0 */ function _prepareContinuation() { $session =& $this->_context->getSession(); $continuationServer =& $session->getAttribute(PIECE_UNITY_CONTINUATION_SESSIONKEY); if (is_null($continuationServer)) { $continuationServer =& $this->_createContinuationServer(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $session->setAttributeByRef(PIECE_UNITY_CONTINUATION_SESSIONKEY, $continuationServer); $session->setPreloadCallback('_Dispatcher_Continuation', array('Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory', 'factory')); $session->addPreloadClass('_Dispatcher_Continuation', 'Dispatcher_Continuation'); } $continuationService =& $continuationServer->createService(); $this->_context->setContinuation($continuationService); $this->_continuationServer =& $continuationServer; }
/** * Invokes the plugin specific code. */ function invoke() { $configurator =& $this->_getExtension('configurator'); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $configurator->invoke(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $outputFilter =& $this->_getExtension('outputFilter'); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $outputFilter->invoke(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $interceptor =& $this->_getExtension('interceptor'); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $interceptor->invoke(); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $controller =& $this->_getExtension('controller'); if (Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()) { return; } $controller->invoke(); }
function testDetectCicularReferenceInObject() { $context =& Piece_Unity_Context::singleton(); $foo =& new stdClass(); $bar =& new stdClass(); $baz =& new stdClass(); $foo->bar =& $bar; $bar->baz =& $baz; $baz->foo =& $foo; $viewElement =& $context->getViewElement(); $viewElement->setElementByRef('foo', $foo); $config =& new Piece_Unity_Config(); $config->setConfiguration('Renderer_JSON', 'contentType', 'text/javascript'); $config->setConfiguration('Renderer_JSON', 'include', array()); $config->setConfiguration('Renderer_JSON', 'exclude', array()); $config->setConfiguration('Renderer_JSON', 'useJSONP', true); $config->setConfiguration('Renderer_JSON', 'callbackKey', 'callback'); $context =& Piece_Unity_Context::singleton(); $context->setConfiguration($config); $renderer =& Piece_Unity_Plugin_Factory::factory('Renderer_JSON'); Piece_Unity_Error::disableCallback(); $renderer->invoke(); Piece_Unity_Error::enableCallback(); $this->assertTrue(Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()); $error = Piece_Unity_Error::pop(); $this->assertEquals(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_VALUE, $error['code']); $this->assertEquals(strtolower('_visitObject'), strtolower($error['context']['function'])); }
/** * Makes a list of non-SSLable servers. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION */ function _setNonSSLableServers() { $nonSSLableServers = $this->_getConfiguration('nonSSLableServers'); if (!is_array($nonSSLableServers)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the configuration point [ nonSSLableServers ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] should be an array."); return; } foreach ($nonSSLableServers as $nonSSLableServer) { Piece_Unity_URI::addNonSSLableServer($nonSSLableServer); } }
function testFallback() { $context =& Piece_Unity_Context::singleton(); $context->setView('NonExistingView'); $viewElement =& $context->getViewElement(); $viewElement->setElement('content', 'This is a dynamic content.'); $config =& $this->_getConfig(); $config->setConfiguration("Renderer_{$this->_target}", 'useFallback', true); $config->setConfiguration("Renderer_{$this->_target}", 'fallbackView', 'Fallback'); $config->setConfiguration("Renderer_{$this->_target}", 'fallbackDirectory', "{$this->_cacheDirectory}/templates/Fallback"); $config->setConfiguration("Renderer_{$this->_target}", 'fallbackCompileDirectory', "{$this->_cacheDirectory}/compiled-templates/Fallback"); $context->setConfiguration($config); set_error_handler(create_function('$code, $message, $file, $line', "\nif (\$code == E_USER_WARNING) {\n \$GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Renderer_HTML_CompatibilityTests_hasWarnings'] = true;\n}\n")); $output = $this->_render(); restore_error_handler(); $this->assertEquals('<html> <body> <p>This is a test for fallback.</p> </body> </html>', rtrim($output)); $this->assertFalse(Piece_Unity_Error::hasErrors()); $this->assertTrue($GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Renderer_HTML_CompatibilityTests_hasWarnings']); $GLOBALS['PIECE_UNITY_Plugin_Renderer_HTML_CompatibilityTests_hasWarnings'] = false; }
/** * Sets filter prefixes. * * @throws PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION */ function _setFilterPrefixes() { $filterPrefixes = $this->_getConfiguration('filterPrefixes'); if (!is_array($filterPrefixes)) { Piece_Unity_Error::push(PIECE_UNITY_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, "The value of the configuration point [ filterPrefixes ] on the plug-in [ {$this->_name} ] should be an array."); return; } foreach (array_reverse($filterPrefixes) as $filterPrefix) { Piece_Unity_Validation::addFilterPrefix($filterPrefix); } }