Esempio n. 1
  * Performs sql query with error reporting and logging.
  * @todo Debug debug backtrace
  * @access public
  * @param  string $sSql query string
  * @return int query result handle
 public function query($sSql, &$hLink = '')
     if (!$hLink) {
         $hLink =& $this->_hMaster;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('sql') : '';
     $hRes = sqlite_query($sSql, $hLink);
     if (!$hRes) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Query Error:' . $this->_sqlError(), PHPFOX_DEBUG ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('sql', array('sql' => $sSql, 'slave' => $this->_sIsSlave, 'rows' => is_bool($hRes) ? '-' : sqlite_num_rows($hRes))) : '';
     $this->_sIsSlave = '';
     return $hRes;
Esempio n. 2
  * Performs sql query with error reporting and logging.
  * @todo Debug debug backtrace
  * @access public
  * @param  string $sSql query string
  * @return int query result handle
 public function query($sSql, &$hLink = '')
     if (!$hLink) {
         $hLink =& $this->_hMaster;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('sql') : '';
     $this->_sLastQuery = $sSql;
     $hRes = @ociparse($hLink, $sSql);
     if (!$hRes) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Query Error:' . $this->_sqlError(), PHPFOX_DEBUG ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('sql', array('sql' => $sSql, 'slave' => $this->_sIsSlave, 'rows' => is_bool($hRes) ? '-' : ocirowcount($hRes))) : '';
     $this->_sIsSlave = '';
     return $hRes;
Esempio n. 3
 public function get($sId, $iTime = 0)
     $oCache = parent::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('Phpfox_Cache_Storage_File') && Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_storage') == 'file') {
         return $oCache->get($sId, $iTime);
     if (class_exists('Phpfox_Cache_Storage_Memcache') && Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_storage') == 'memcache') {
         if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) {
             return false;
         if ($this->_bFromMemoryYN) {
             $this->_bFromMemoryYN = false;
             return false;
         PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('cache') : false;
         if (Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_skip')) {
             return false;
         $oMemcache = $this->getMemcache();
         $sName = $sId;
         if (!($sContent = $oMemcache->get($sName))) {
             return false;
         $aContent = unserialize($sContent);
         if (is_array($aContent) && isset($aContent['data'])) {
             $aContent = $aContent['data'];
             if (isset($aContent['time_stamp']) && (int) $iTime > 0) {
                 if (PHPFOX_TIME - $iTime * 60 > $aContent['time_stamp']) {
                     return false;
         PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('cache', array('namefile' => $sName)) : false;
         if (!isset($aContent)) {
             return false;
         if (!is_array($aContent) && empty($aContent)) {
             return true;
         if (is_array($aContent) && !count($aContent)) {
             return true;
         return $aContent;
Esempio n. 4
  * Performs sql query with error reporting and logging.
  * @see mysql_query()
  * @param  string $sSql MySQL query to perform
  * @param resource $hLink MySQL resource. If nothing is passed we load the default master server.
  * @return resource Returns the MYSQL resource from the function mysql_query()
 public function query($sSql, &$hLink = '')
     if (!$hLink) {
         $hLink =& $this->_hMaster;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('sql') : '';
     $hRes = @($this->_aCmd['mysql_query'] == 'mysqli_query' ? $this->_aCmd['mysql_query']($hLink, $sSql) : $this->_aCmd['mysql_query']($sSql, $hLink));
     if (defined('PHPFOX_LOG_SQL') && Phpfox::getLib('file')->isWritable(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'log' . PHPFOX_DS)) {
         $hFile = fopen(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'log' . PHPFOX_DS . 'phpfox_query_' . date('d.m.y', PHPFOX_TIME) . '_' . md5(Phpfox::getVersion()) . '.php', 'a');
         fwrite($hFile, '<?php defined(\'PHPFOX\') or exit(\'NO DICE!\');  ?>' . "##\n{$sSql}##\n");
     if (!$hRes) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Query Error:' . $this->_sqlError(), PHPFOX_DEBUG ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('sql', array('sql' => $sSql, 'slave' => $this->_bIsSlave, 'rows' => is_bool($hRes) ? '-' : @$this->_aCmd['mysql_num_rows']($hRes))) : '';
     $this->_bIsSlave = false;
     return $hRes;
Esempio n. 5
  * Gets and creates an object for a class.
  * @param string $sClass Class name.
  * @param array $aParams Params to pass to the class.
  * @return object Object created will be returned.
 public static function &getObject($sClass, $aParams = array())
     $sHash = md5($sClass . serialize($aParams));
     if (isset(self::$_aObject[$sHash])) {
         return self::$_aObject[$sHash];
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('object') : false;
     $sClass = str_replace(array('.', '-'), '_', $sClass);
     if (!class_exists($sClass)) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Unable to call class: ' . $sClass, E_USER_ERROR);
     if ($aParams) {
         self::$_aObject[$sHash] = new $sClass($aParams);
     } else {
         self::$_aObject[$sHash] = new $sClass();
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('object', array('name' => $sClass)) : false;
     if (method_exists(self::$_aObject[$sHash], 'getInstance')) {
         return self::$_aObject[$sHash]->getInstance();
     return self::$_aObject[$sHash];
Esempio n. 6
  * We attempt to get the cache file. Also used within an IF conditional statment
  * to check if the file has already been cached.
  * @see self::set()
  * @param string $sId Unique ID of the file we need to get. This is what is returned from when you use the set() method.
  * @param int $iTime By default this is left blank, however you can identify how long a file should be cached before it needs to be updated in minutes.
  * @return mixed If the file is cached we return the data. If the file is cached but emptry we return a true (bool). if the file has not been cached we return false (bool).
 public function get($sId, $iTime = 0)
     // We don't allow caching during an install or upgrade.
     if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_bFromMemory) {
         $this->_bFromMemory = false;
         return false;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('cache') : false;
     if (!$this->isCached($sId, $iTime)) {
         return false;
     require $this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId]);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('cache', array('namefile' => $this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId]))) : false;
     if (!isset($aContent)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_bSkipClose === false) {
         $this->_bSkipClose = false;
     	Incase the data is not an array and is empty make sure we return it as 'true' 
     	since the data is already cached.		
     if (!is_array($aContent) && empty($aContent)) {
         return true;
     if (is_array($aContent) && !count($aContent)) {
         return true;
     return $aContent;
Esempio n. 7
  * Gets a template file from cache. If the file does not exist we re-cache the template.
  * @param string $sFile Full path of the template we are loading.
 private function _getFromCache($sFile, $sTemplate = null)
     if (is_array($sFile)) {
         $sContent = $sFile[0];
         $sFile = $sTemplate;
     if (!$this->_isCached($sFile)) {
         $oTplCache = Phpfox::getLib('template.cache');
         if (!isset($sContent)) {
             $sContent = file_exists($sFile) ? file_get_contents($sFile) : null;
         $mData = $oTplCache->compile($this->_getCachedName($sFile), $sContent);
     // No cache directory so we must
     if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER_NO_TMP')) {
         eval(' ?>' . $mData . '<?php ');
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('template') : false;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('template', array('name' => $sFile)) : false;
Esempio n. 8
	if (!function_exists('json_decode'))
		function json_decode($mData) 
			$json = new Services_JSON();
			return ($json->decode($mData));

// Start a session if needed
if (!defined('PHPFOX_NO_SESSION'))

if (!defined('PHPFOX_NO_USER_SESSION'))

// check if user already verified their email

(($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('init')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false);

(PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('init') : false);

Esempio n. 9
  * We attempt to get the cache file. Also used within an IF conditional statment
  * to check if the file has already been cached.
  * @see self::set()
  * @param string $sId Unique ID of the file we need to get. This is what is returned from when you use the set() method.
  * @param int $iTime By default this is left blank, however you can identify how long a file should be cached before it needs to be updated in minutes.
  * @return mixed If the file is cached we return the data. If the file is cached but emptry we return a true (bool). if the file has not been cached we return false (bool).
 public function get($sId, $iTime = 0)
     // We don't allow caching during an install or upgrade.
     if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) {
         return false;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('cache') : false;
     if (!$this->isCached($sId, $iTime)) {
         return false;
     $aContent = (require $this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId]));
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('cache', array('namefile' => $this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId]))) : false;
     if (!is_array($aContent) && empty($aContent)) {
         return true;
     if (is_array($aContent) && !count($aContent)) {
         return true;
     return $aContent;
Esempio n. 10
  * Performs sql query with error reporting and logging.
  * @access public
  * @param  string $sSql query string
  * @return int query result handle
 public function query($sSql, &$hLink = '')
     if (!$hLink) {
         $hLink =& $this->_hMaster;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('sql') : '';
     $this->_sLastQuery = $sSql;
     $this->_hQuery = @pg_query($hLink, $sSql);
     if (!$this->_hQuery) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Query Error: ' . $this->_sqlError() . ' <br /> Query: ' . $sSql . '', PHPFOX_DEBUG ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('sql', array('sql' => $sSql, 'slave' => $this->_sIsSlave, 'rows' => is_bool($this->_hQuery) ? '-' : pg_num_rows($this->_hQuery))) : '';
     $this->_sIsSlave = '';
     return $this->_hQuery;
Esempio n. 11
  * We attempt to get the cache file. Also used within an IF conditional statment
  * to check if the file has already been cached.
  * @see self::set()
  * @param string $sId Unique ID of the file we need to get. This is what is returned from when you use the set() method.
  * @param int $iTime By default this is left blank, however you can identify how long a file should be cached before it needs to be updated in minutes.
  * @return mixed If the file is cached we return the data. If the file is cached but emptry we return a true (bool). if the file has not been cached we return false (bool).
 public function get($sId, $iTime = 0)
     // We don't allow caching during an install or upgrade.
     if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_bFromMemory) {
         $this->_bFromMemory = false;
         return false;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('cache') : false;
     if (!$this->isCached($sId, $iTime))
     	return false;
     if (Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_skip')) {
         return false;
     if (!($sContent = $this->_oDb->get($this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId])))) {
         return false;
     $aContent = unserialize($sContent);
     if (is_array($aContent) && isset($aContent['data'])) {
         $aContent = $aContent['data'];
         if (isset($aContent['time_stamp']) && (int) $iTime > 0) {
             if (PHPFOX_TIME - $iTime * 60 > $aContent['time_stamp']) {
                 return false;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('cache', array('namefile' => $this->_getName($this->_aName[$sId]))) : false;
     if (!isset($aContent)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_bSkipClose === false) {
         $this->_bSkipClose = false;
     	Incase the data is not an array and is empty make sure we return it as 'true' 
     	since the data is already cached.		
     if (!is_array($aContent) && empty($aContent)) {
         return true;
     if (is_array($aContent) && !count($aContent)) {
         return true;
     return $aContent;
Esempio n. 12
	 * Gets a template file from cache. If the file does not exist we re-cache the template.
	 * @param string $sFile Full path of the template we are loading.
	private function _getFromCache($sFile)
		if (!$this->_isCached($sFile))
			$oTplCache = Phpfox::getLib('template.cache');
			$sContent = (file_exists($sFile) ? file_get_contents($sFile) : null);
			$mData = $oTplCache->compile($this->_getCachedName($sFile), $sContent);
		// No cache directory so we must 
		if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER_NO_TMP'))
			eval(' ?>' . $mData . '<?php ');

		(PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('template') : false);		
		(PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('template', array('name' => $sFile)) : false);