Esempio n. 1
 public function saveSale($in_sale_id, $items, $payments, $payment_received, $customer_id, $employee_id, $sub_total, $total, $comment, $status = self::sale_complete_status, $discount_amount, $discount_symbol, $gst_amount, $sale_rep_id)
     if (count($items) == 0) {
         return '-1';
     $message = "";
     //Check if invoice already exists
     $model = Sale::model()->findSale($in_sale_id);
     $payment_types = '';
     foreach ($payments as $payment_id => $payment) {
         $payment_types = $payment_types . $payment['payment_type'] . ': ' . $payment['payment_amount'] . '<br />';
     $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
     try {
         // Transaction Date for Inventory, Payment and sale trans date
         $trans_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         // Getting Customer Account Info
         $account = Account::model()->getAccountInfo($customer_id);
         $old_total = $this->getOldSaleTotal($in_sale_id);
         //Rolling back the Sale Total of old / previous Sale & Saving Change / Edit Sale into [account receivable] table
         if ($account && $in_sale_id) {
             AccountReceivable::model()->saveAccountRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $in_sale_id, -$old_total, $trans_date, 'Edit Sale', 'CHASALE', 'R');
             Account::model()->withdrawAccountBal($account, $old_total);
         //Saving existing Sale Item to Inventory table and removing it out
         $this->updateSale($in_sale_id, $employee_id, $trans_date);
         $model->client_id = $customer_id;
         $model->employee_id = $employee_id;
         $model->payment_type = $payment_types;
         $model->remark = $comment;
         $model->sub_total = $sub_total;
         $model->status = $status;
         $model->discount_amount = $discount_amount === null ? 0 : $discount_amount;
         $model->discount_type = $discount_symbol === null ? '%' : $discount_symbol;
         $model->vat = $gst_amount == null ? 0 : $gst_amount;
         $model->salerep_id = $sale_rep_id;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $sale_id = $model->id;
             $date_paid = $trans_date;
             $trans_code = 'CHSALE';
             $trans_status = $total > 0 ? 'N' : 'R';
             // If Return Sale Transaction Type = 'CHSALE' same but Transaction Status = 'R' reverse
             // Saving Sale Item (Sale & Sale Item gotta save firstly even for Suspended Sale)
             $this->saveSaleItem($items, $sale_id, $employee_id);
             // We only save Sale Payment, Account Receivable transaction and update Account (outstanding balance) of completed sale transaction
             if ($status == self::sale_complete_status) {
                 //$account = Account::model()->getAccountInfo($customer_id);
                 if ($account) {
                     // Add hot bill before proceed payment
                     Account::model()->depositAccountBal($account, $total);
                     SalePayment::model()->batchPayment($customer_id, $employee_id, $account, $payment_received, $date_paid, $comment);
                     //Saving Account Receivable for Sale transaction code = 'CHSALE'
                     AccountReceivable::model()->saveAccountRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $sale_id, $total, $trans_date, $comment, $trans_code, $trans_status);
                 } else {
                     // If no customer selected only Sale Payment History
                     PaymentHistory::model()->savePaymentHistory($customer_id, $payment_received, $date_paid, $employee_id, $comment);
             $message = $sale_id;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $message = '-1' . $e->getMessage();
     return $message;
Esempio n. 2
 public function batchPayment($client_id, $employee_id, $account, $total_paid, $paid_date, $note)
     $sql = "SELECT sale_id,sale_time,client_name,amount_to_paid\n                  FROM (\n                    SELECT s.sale_id,sale_time,client_name,(s.`sub_total`-IFNULL(sp.payment_amount,0)) amount_to_paid\n                    FROM \n                    (SELECT sale_id,s.`sale_time`,CONCAT(c.first_name,' ',last_name) client_name,s.`sub_total`\n                     FROM sale s, `client` c\n                     WHERE s.`client_id` =\n                     AND s LEFT JOIN v_sale_payment sp ON sp.sale_id=s.sale_id\n                    ) AS t\n                  WHERE amount_to_paid>0\n                  ORDER BY sale_time";
     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(true, array(':client_id' => $client_id));
     $paid_amount = $total_paid;
     $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $payment_id = PaymentHistory::model()->savePaymentHistory($client_id, $total_paid, $paid_date, $employee_id, $note);
         foreach ($result as $record) {
             if ($paid_amount <= $record["amount_to_paid"]) {
                 $payment_amount = $paid_amount;
                 $this->saveSalePayment($record["sale_id"], $payment_id, $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
                 $this->saveAccuntRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $record["sale_id"], $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
             } else {
                 $paid_amount = $paid_amount - $record["amount_to_paid"];
                 $payment_amount = $record["amount_to_paid"];
                 $this->saveSalePayment($record["sale_id"], $payment_id, $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
                 $this->saveAccuntRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $record["sale_id"], $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
         Account::model()->updateAccountBal($account, $total_paid);
         $message = $payment_id;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //return $e->getMessage();
         $message = '-1' . $e->getMessage();
     return $message;
Esempio n. 3
 public function batchPayment($client_id, $employee_id, $account, $total_paid, $paid_date, $note)
     $sql = "SELECT sale_id,s.`sale_time`,CONCAT(c.first_name,' ',c.last_name) client_name\n              ,( - IFNULL(sp.payment_amount,0)) amount_to_paid\n            FROM v_sale s JOIN `client` c ON s.`client_id` = AND\n                    LEFT JOIN v_sale_payment sp ON\n            WHERE s.status=:status\n            AND ( - IFNULL(sp.payment_amount,0))>0\n            ORDER BY sale_time";
     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(true, array(':client_id' => $client_id, ':status' => $this->_sale_completed));
     $paid_amount = $total_paid;
     $trans_code = 'PAY';
     $trans_status = $total_paid > 0 ? 'N' : 'R';
     // If [Payment Amount] > 0 then Paid else Return to Customer
     $payment_id = PaymentHistory::model()->savePaymentHistory($client_id, $total_paid, $paid_date, $employee_id, $note);
     if ($payment_id != 0) {
         foreach ($result as $record) {
             if ($paid_amount <= $record["amount_to_paid"]) {
                 $payment_amount = $paid_amount;
                 $this->saveSalePayment($record["sale_id"], $payment_id, $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
                 AccountReceivable::model()->saveAccountRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $record["sale_id"], -$payment_amount, $paid_date, $note, $trans_code, $trans_status);
             } else {
                 $paid_amount = $paid_amount - $record["amount_to_paid"];
                 $payment_amount = $record["amount_to_paid"];
                 $this->saveSalePayment($record["sale_id"], $payment_id, $payment_amount, $paid_date, $note);
                 AccountReceivable::model()->saveAccountRecv($account->id, $employee_id, $record["sale_id"], -$payment_amount, $paid_date, $note, $trans_code, $trans_status);
         Account::model()->withdrawAccountBal($account, $total_paid);
     $message = $payment_id;
     return $message;