Esempio n. 1
function sendAskedQuestion($username, $usermail, $usercat, $content)
    global $PMF_LANG, $faq;
    $retval = false;
    $faqconfig = PMF_Configuration::getInstance();
    $categoryNode = new PMF_Category_Node();
    if ($faqconfig->get('records.enableVisibilityQuestions')) {
        $visibility = 'N';
    } else {
        $visibility = 'Y';
    $questionData = array('id' => null, 'username' => $username, 'email' => $usermail, 'category_id' => $usercat, 'question' => $content, 'date' => date('YmdHis'), 'is_visible' => $visibility);
    list($user, $host) = explode("@", $questionData['email']);
    if (PMF_Filter::filterVar($questionData['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) != false) {
        $faqQuestions = new PMF_Faq_Questions();
        $categoryData = $categoryNode->fetch($questionData['category_id']);
        $questionMail = "User: "******", mailto:" . $questionData['email'] . "\n" . $PMF_LANG["msgCategory"] . ": " . $categoryData->name . "\n\n" . wordwrap($content, 72);
        $userId = $categoryData->user_id;
        $oUser = new PMF_User();
        $userEmail = $oUser->getUserData('email');
        $mainAdminEmail = $faqconfig->get('main.administrationMail');
        $mail = new PMF_Mail();
        $mail->setFrom($questionData['email'], $questionData['username']);
        // Let the category owner get a copy of the message
        if ($userEmail && $mainAdminEmail != $userEmail) {
        $mail->subject = '%sitename%';
        $mail->message = $questionMail;
        $retval = $mail->send();
    return $retval;
Esempio n. 2
 * @copyright 2003-2010 phpMyFAQ Team
 * @license Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
 * @link
 * @since     2003-12-20
if (!defined('IS_VALID_PHPMYFAQ')) {
    header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
print "<h2>" . $PMF_LANG["ad_categ_new"] . "</h2>\n";
if ($permission["addcateg"]) {
    $parentId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'cat', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 0);
    $categoryNode = new PMF_Category_Node();
    $categoryUser = new PMF_Category_User();
    $categoryGroup = new PMF_Category_Group();
    $categoryData = $categoryNode->fetch($parentId);
    <form action="?action=savecategory" method="post">
    print $PMF_LANG["ad_categ_new"];
    <input type="hidden" id="lang" name="lang" value="<?php 
    print $LANGCODE;
" />
    <input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="<?php 
    print $parent_id;
" />
Esempio n. 3
 // Moves a category
 if ($action == 'changecategory') {
     $firstCategoryId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'cat', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $secondCategoryId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'change', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     if ($categoryHelper->swapCategories($firstCategoryId, $secondCategoryId)) {
         printf('<p class="message">%s</p>', $PMF_LANG['ad_categ_updated']);
     } else {
         printf('<p class="error">%s<br />%s</p>', $PMF_LANG['ad_categ_paste_error'], $db->error());
 // Pastes a category
 if ($action == 'pastecategory') {
     $categoryId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'cat', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $parentId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'after', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $categoryData = $categoryNode->fetch($categoryId);
     $categoryData->parent_id = $parentId;
     if ($categoryNode->update($categoryId, (array) $categoryData)) {
         printf('<p class="message">%s</p>', $PMF_LANG['ad_categ_updated']);
     } else {
         printf('<p class="error">%s<br />%s</p>', $PMF_LANG['ad_categ_paste_error'], $db->error());
 // Lists all categories
 $lang = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'lang', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, $LANGCODE);
 $categoryDataProvider = new PMF_Category_Tree_DataProvider_SingleQuery($LANGCODE);
 $categoryTreeHelper = new PMF_Category_Tree_Helper(new PMF_Category_Tree($categoryDataProvider));
 foreach ($categoryTreeHelper as $categoryId => $categoryName) {
     $indent = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $categoryTreeHelper->indent);
     $categoryLang = $categoryTreeHelper->getInnerIterator()->current()->getLanguage();
     $parentId = $categoryTreeHelper->getInnerIterator()->current()->getParentId();
Esempio n. 4
 * @author    Thorsten Rinne <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2002-2010 phpMyFAQ Team
 * @license Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
 * @link
 * @since     2002-08-27
if (!defined('IS_VALID_PHPMYFAQ')) {
    header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
$categoryId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'cat', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if (!is_null($categoryId)) {
    $faqsession->userTracking('show_category', $categoryId);
    $categoryNode = new PMF_Category_Node();
    $selectedCategoryData = $categoryNode->fetch($categoryId);
    $records = $faq->showAllRecords($categoryId, $faqconfig->get('records.orderby'), $faqconfig->get('records.sortby'));
    if (!$records) {
        $records = $categoryLayout->renderTree();
    $backToParent = '';
    if ($selectedCategoryData->parent_id != 0) {
        $url = sprintf('%saction=show&amp;cat=%d', $sids, $selectedCategoryData->parent_id);
        $oLink = new PMF_Link(PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri() . '?' . $url);
        $oLink->text = $PMF_LANG['msgCategoryUp'];
        $backToParent = $oLink->toHtmlAnchor();
    $tpl->processTemplate('writeContent', array('writeCategory' => $PMF_LANG['msgEntriesIn'] . $selectedCategoryData->name, 'writeCategoryDescription' => $selectedCategoryData->description, 'writeThemes' => $records, 'writeOneThemeBack' => $backToParent));
    $tpl->includeTemplate('writeContent', 'index');
} else {
    $categoryLayout = new PMF_Category_Layout(new PMF_Category_Tree_Helper($categoryTree));
Esempio n. 5
  * Builds the PDF delivery for the given faq.
  * @param  integer $currentCategory The category under which we want the PDF to be created.
  * @param  string  $pdfFile         The path to the PDF file. Optional, default: pdf/<faq_id>.pdf.
  * @return mixed
 public function buildPDFFile($currentCategory, $pdfFile = null)
     global $PMF_LANG;
     // Sanity check: stop here if getRecord() has not been called yet
     if (empty($this->faqRecord)) {
         return false;
     // Default filename: pdf/<faq_id>.pdf
     if (empty($pdfFile)) {
         $pdfFile = 'pdf' . $this->faqRecord['id'] . '.pdf';
     $faqconfig = PMF_Configuration::getInstance();
     $categoryNode = new PMF_Category_Node();
     $categoryData = $categoryNode->fetch($currentCategory);
     $pdf = new PMF_Export_Pdf_Wrapper();
     $pdf->faq = $this->faqRecord;
     // Start building PDF...
     // Set any item
     $pdf->SetCreator($faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - powered by phpMyFAQ ' . $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion'));
     $pdf->SetFont('arialunicid0', '', 12);
     $pdf->WriteHTML(str_replace('../', '', $this->faqRecord['content']), true);
     $pdf->SetFont('arialunicid0', '', 11);
     $pdf->Write(5, $PMF_LANG['ad_entry_solution_id'] . ': #' . $this->faqRecord['solution_id']);
     $pdf->Write(5, $PMF_LANG['msgAuthor'] . ': ' . $this->faqRecord['author']);
     $pdf->Write(5, $PMF_LANG['msgLastUpdateArticle'] . $this->faqRecord['date']);
     // Build it
     return $pdf->Output($pdfFile);