isInstalledStandard() public static method

Coding standards are directories located in the CodeSniffer/Standards directory. Valid coding standards include a ruleset.xml file.
See also: getInstalledStandards()
public static isInstalledStandard ( string $standard ) : boolean
$standard string The name of the coding standard.
return boolean
Esempio n. 1
  * Convert the passed standard into a valid standard.
  * Checks things like default values and case.
  * @param string $standard The standard to validate.
  * @return string
 public function validateStandard($standard)
     if ($standard === null) {
         // They did not supply a standard to use.
         // Try to get the default from the config system.
         $standard = PHP_CodeSniffer::getConfigData('default_standard');
         if ($standard === null) {
             $standard = 'PEAR';
     // Check if the standard name is valid. If not, check that the case
     // was not entered incorrectly.
     if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standard) === false) {
         $installedStandards = PHP_CodeSniffer::getInstalledStandards();
         foreach ($installedStandards as $validStandard) {
             if (strtolower($standard) === strtolower($validStandard)) {
                 $standard = $validStandard;
     return $standard;
  * Executes PHP code sniffer against PhingFile or a FileSet
 public function main()
     if (!class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer')) {
         @(include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer.php');
         if (!class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer')) {
             throw new BuildException("This task requires the PHP_CodeSniffer package installed and available on the include path", $this->getLocation());
      * Determine PHP_CodeSniffer version number
     if (!$this->skipversioncheck) {
         if (defined('PHP_CodeSniffer::VERSION')) {
             preg_match('/\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d/', PHP_CodeSniffer::VERSION, $version);
         } else {
             preg_match('/\\d\\.\\d\\.\\d/', shell_exec('phpcs --version'), $version);
         if (version_compare($version[0], '1.2.2') < 0) {
             throw new BuildException('PhpCodeSnifferTask requires PHP_CodeSniffer version >= 1.2.2', $this->getLocation());
     if (!isset($this->file) and count($this->filesets) == 0) {
         throw new BuildException("Missing either a nested fileset or attribute 'file' set");
     if (count($this->formatters) == 0) {
         // turn legacy format attribute into formatter
         $fmt = new PhpCodeSnifferTask_FormatterElement();
         $this->formatters[] = $fmt;
     $fileList = array();
     if (!isset($this->file)) {
         $project = $this->getProject();
         foreach ($this->filesets as $fs) {
             $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($project);
             $files = $ds->getIncludedFiles();
             $dir = $fs->getDir($this->project)->getAbsolutePath();
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $fileList[] = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
     } else {
         $fileList[] = $this->file->getPath();
     $cwd = getcwd();
     // Save command line arguments because it confuses PHPCS (version 1.3.0)
     $oldArgs = $_SERVER['argv'];
     $_SERVER['argv'] = array();
     $_SERVER['argc'] = 0;
     include_once 'phing/tasks/ext/phpcs/PhpCodeSnifferTask_Wrapper.php';
     $codeSniffer = new PhpCodeSnifferTask_Wrapper($this->verbosity, $this->tabWidth, $this->encoding);
     if ($this->allowedTypes) {
         PhpCodeSnifferTask_Wrapper::$allowedTypes = $this->allowedTypes;
     if (is_array($this->ignorePatterns)) {
     foreach ($this->configData as $configData) {
         $codeSniffer->setConfigData($configData->getName(), $configData->getValue(), true);
      * Verifying if standard is installed only after setting config data.
      * Custom standard paths could be provided via installed_paths config parameter.
     foreach ($this->standards as $standard) {
         if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standard) === false) {
             // They didn't select a valid coding standard, so help them
             // out by letting them know which standards are installed.
             $installedStandards = PHP_CodeSniffer::getInstalledStandards();
             $numStandards = count($installedStandards);
             $errMsg = '';
             if ($numStandards === 0) {
                 $errMsg = 'No coding standards are installed.';
             } else {
                 $lastStandard = array_pop($installedStandards);
                 if ($numStandards === 1) {
                     $errMsg = 'The only coding standard installed is ' . $lastStandard;
                 } else {
                     $standardList = implode(', ', $installedStandards);
                     $standardList .= ' and ' . $lastStandard;
                     $errMsg = 'The installed coding standards are ' . $standardList;
             throw new BuildException('ERROR: the "' . $standard . '" coding standard is not installed. ' . $errMsg, $this->getLocation());
     if (!$this->showWarnings) {
         $codeSniffer->cli->warningSeverity = 0;
     // nasty integration hack
     $values = $codeSniffer->cli->getDefaults();
     $_SERVER['argv'] = array('t');
     $_SERVER['argc'] = 1;
     foreach ($this->formatters as $fe) {
         $output = $fe->getUseFile() ? $fe->getOutFile() : null;
         $_SERVER['argv'][] = '--report-' . $fe->getType() . '=' . $output;
     $codeSniffer->process($fileList, $this->standards, $this->sniffs, $this->noSubdirectories);
     $_SERVER['argv'] = array();
     $_SERVER['argc'] = 0;
     // generate the documentation
     if ($this->docGenerator !== '' && $this->docFile !== null) {
         $codeSniffer->generateDocs($this->standards, $this->sniffs, $this->docGenerator);
         $output = ob_get_contents();
         // write to file
         $outputFile = $this->docFile->getPath();
         $check = file_put_contents($outputFile, $output);
         if (is_bool($check) && !$check) {
             throw new BuildException('Error writing doc to ' . $outputFile);
     } elseif ($this->docGenerator !== '' && $this->docFile === null) {
         $codeSniffer->generateDocs($this->standards, $this->sniffs, $this->docGenerator);
     if ($this->haltonerror && $codeSniffer->reporting->totalErrors > 0) {
         throw new BuildException('phpcodesniffer detected ' . $codeSniffer->reporting->totalErrors . ' error' . ($codeSniffer->reporting->totalErrors > 1 ? 's' : ''));
     if ($this->haltonwarning && $codeSniffer->reporting->totalWarnings > 0) {
         throw new BuildException('phpcodesniffer detected ' . $codeSniffer->reporting->totalWarnings . ' warning' . ($codeSniffer->reporting->totalWarnings > 1 ? 's' : ''));
     $_SERVER['argv'] = $oldArgs;
     $_SERVER['argc'] = count($oldArgs);
Esempio n. 3
  * Runs PHP_CodeSniffer over files and directories.
  * @param array $values An array of values determined from CLI args.
  * @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
  * @see    getCommandLineValues()
 public function process($values = array())
     if (empty($values) === true) {
         $values = $this->getCommandLineValues();
     } else {
         $values = array_merge($this->getDefaults(), $values);
         $this->values = $values;
     if ($values['generator'] !== '') {
         $phpcs = new PHP_CodeSniffer($values['verbosity']);
         if ($values['standard'] === null) {
             $values['standard'] = $this->validateStandard(null);
         foreach ($values['standard'] as $standard) {
             $phpcs->generateDocs($standard, $values['sniffs'], $values['generator']);
     // If no standard is supplied, get the default.
     $values['standard'] = $this->validateStandard($values['standard']);
     foreach ($values['standard'] as $standard) {
         if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standard) === false) {
             // They didn't select a valid coding standard, so help them
             // out by letting them know which standards are installed.
             echo 'ERROR: the "' . $standard . '" coding standard is not installed. ';
     if ($values['explain'] === true) {
         foreach ($values['standard'] as $standard) {
     $phpcs = new PHP_CodeSniffer($values['verbosity'], null, null, null);
     $phpcs->initStandard($values['standard'], $values['sniffs']);
     $values = $this->values;
     // Set file extensions if they were specified. Otherwise,
     // let PHP_CodeSniffer decide on the defaults.
     if (empty($values['extensions']) === false) {
     // Set ignore patterns if they were specified.
     if (empty($values['ignored']) === false) {
         $ignorePatterns = array_merge($phpcs->getIgnorePatterns(), $values['ignored']);
     // Set some convenience member vars.
     if ($values['errorSeverity'] === null) {
         $this->errorSeverity = PHPCS_DEFAULT_ERROR_SEV;
     } else {
         $this->errorSeverity = $values['errorSeverity'];
     if ($values['warningSeverity'] === null) {
         $this->warningSeverity = PHPCS_DEFAULT_WARN_SEV;
     } else {
         $this->warningSeverity = $values['warningSeverity'];
     if (empty($values['reports']) === true) {
         $values['reports']['full'] = $values['reportFile'];
         $this->values['reports'] = $values['reports'];
     // Include bootstrap files.
     foreach ($values['bootstrap'] as $bootstrap) {
         include $bootstrap;
     $phpcs->processFiles($values['files'], $values['local']);
     if (empty($values['files']) === true || $values['stdin'] !== null) {
         $fileContents = $values['stdin'];
         if ($fileContents === null) {
             // Check if they are passing in the file contents.
             $handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
             stream_set_blocking($handle, true);
             $fileContents = stream_get_contents($handle);
         if ($fileContents === '') {
             // No files and no content passed in.
             echo 'ERROR: You must supply at least one file or directory to process.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $phpcs->processFile('STDIN', $fileContents);
     // Interactive runs don't require a final report and it doesn't really
     // matter what the retun value is because we know it isn't being read
     // by a script.
     if ($values['interactive'] === true) {
         return 0;
     return $this->printErrorReport($phpcs, $values['reports'], $values['showSources'], $values['reportFile'], $values['reportWidth']);
Esempio n. 4
  * Runs PHP_CodeSniffer over files and directories.
  * @param array $values An array of values determined from CLI args.
  * @return array Returns list of errors/warnings
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception
  * @see    \PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI::getCommandLineValues()
  * @see    \PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI::process()
 public function process($values = array())
     if (empty($values) === true) {
         $values = $this->getCommandLineValues();
     } else {
         $values = array_merge($this->getDefaults(), $values);
         $this->values = $values;
     if ($values['generator'] !== '') {
         throw new Exception('This parameter is not supported.');
     // If no standard is supplied, get the default.
     $values['standard'] = $this->validateStandard($values['standard']);
     foreach ($values['standard'] as $standard) {
         if (\PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standard) === false) {
             // They didn't select a valid coding standard, so help them
             // out by letting them know which standards are installed.
             throw new \PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('ERROR: the "' . $standard . '" coding standard is not installed.');
     $phpcs = $this->getSniffer($values);
     $phpcs->initStandard($values['standard'], $values['sniffs']);
     $values = $this->values;
     // Set file extensions if they were specified. Otherwise,
     // let PHP_CodeSniffer decide on the defaults.
     if (empty($values['extensions']) === false) {
     // Set ignore patterns if they were specified.
     if (empty($values['ignored']) === false) {
         $ignorePatterns = array_merge($phpcs->getIgnorePatterns(), $values['ignored']);
     // Set some convenience member vars.
     if ($values['errorSeverity'] === null) {
         $this->errorSeverity = PHPCS_DEFAULT_ERROR_SEV;
     } else {
         $this->errorSeverity = $values['errorSeverity'];
     if ($values['warningSeverity'] === null) {
         $this->warningSeverity = PHPCS_DEFAULT_WARN_SEV;
     } else {
         $this->warningSeverity = $values['warningSeverity'];
     if (empty($values['reports']) === true) {
         $values['reports']['full'] = $values['reportFile'];
         $this->values['reports'] = $values['reports'];
     $result = $phpcs->processFiles($values['files'], $values['local']);
     if (empty($values['files']) === true) {
         // Check if they are passing in the file contents.
         $handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
         $fileContents = stream_get_contents($handle);
         if ($fileContents === '') {
             // No files and no content passed in.
             throw new \Exception('ERROR: You must supply at least one file or directory to process.');
         } else {
             if ($fileContents !== '') {
                 $phpcs->processFile('STDIN', $fileContents);
     // Interactive runs don't require a final report and it doesn't really
     // matter what the return value is because we know it isn't being read
     // by a script.
     if ($values['interactive'] === true) {
         return array();
     return $result;
  * Sets the coding standard to test for
  * @param string $standard The coding standard
  * @return void
 public function setStandard($standard)
     if (!class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer')) {
         include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer.php';
     if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standard) === false) {
         // They didn't select a valid coding standard, so help them
         // out by letting them know which standards are installed.
         $installedStandards = PHP_CodeSniffer::getInstalledStandards();
         $numStandards = count($installedStandards);
         $errMsg = '';
         if ($numStandards === 0) {
             $errMsg = 'No coding standards are installed.';
         } else {
             $lastStandard = array_pop($installedStandards);
             if ($numStandards === 1) {
                 $errMsg = 'The only coding standard installed is ' . $lastStandard;
             } else {
                 $standardList = implode(', ', $installedStandards);
                 $standardList .= ' and ' . $lastStandard;
                 $errMsg = 'The installed coding standards are ' . $standardList;
         throw new BuildException('ERROR: the "' . $standard . '" coding standard is not installed. ' . $errMsg, $this->getLocation());
     $this->standard = $standard;
Esempio n. 6
 private function process($files, $interactive = true)
     $standards = 'Webasyst';
     if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($standards) === false) {
         $this->tracef('WARNING: %s standard not found, will used PSR2. Some rules are differ', $standards);
         $standards = 'PSR2';
     if (is_array($standards) === false) {
         $standards = array($standards);
     $phpcs = new PHP_CodeSniffer(0, 4, 'UTF-8', $interactive);
     // Set file extensions if they were specified. Otherwise,
     // let PHP_CodeSniffer decide on the defaults.
     if (true) {
         $extensions = array('php', 'js', 'css');
     if (is_array($files) === false) {
         $files = array($files);
     // Reset the members.
     // Ensure this option is enabled or else line endings will not always
     // be detected properly for files created on a Mac with the /r line ending.
     ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
     $sniffs = array();
     foreach ($standards as $standard) {
         $installed = $phpcs->getInstalledStandardPath($standard);
         if ($installed !== null) {
             $standard = $installed;
         } else {
             if (is_dir($standard) === true && is_file(realpath($standard . '/ruleset.xml')) === true) {
                 $standard = realpath($standard . '/ruleset.xml');
         $sniffs = array_merge($sniffs, $phpcs->processRuleset($standard));
     //end foreach
     $sniffRestrictions = array();
     $phpcs->registerSniffs($sniffs, $sniffRestrictions);
     // The SVN pre-commit calls process() to init the sniffs
     // and ruleset so there may not be any files to process.
     // But this has to come after that initial setup.
     $_SERVER['argc'] = 0;
     $errors_count = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $phpcsFile = $phpcs->processFile($file);
         // Show progress information.
         if ($phpcsFile !== null) {
             $count = $phpcsFile->getErrorCount() + $phpcsFile->getWarningCount();
             if (!$interactive && $count) {
                 $report = array('ERROR' => $phpcsFile->getErrors(), 'WARNING' => $phpcsFile->getWarnings());
                 $this->tracef("\nFILE: %s", str_replace($this->path . '/', '', $file));
                 $this->trace(str_repeat('-', 80));
                 foreach ($report as $type => $errors) {
                     foreach ($errors as $line => $line_errors) {
                         foreach ($line_errors as $column => $errors) {
                             foreach ($errors as $error) {
                                 $this->tracef('%4d | %s | %s', $line, $type, $error['message']);
                 $this->trace(str_repeat('-', 80));
             $errors_count += $count;
     return $errors_count;
  * @link
 private function codeStyle($param)
     error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     $files = array();
     $ext = array('php', 'js', 'html', 'css');
     foreach ($this->files as $file) {
         if (in_array(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $ext)) {
             if ($param === 'vendors' && preg_match('@^(lib/)?vendors/@', $file)) {
             if (preg_match('@\\.min\\.(js|css)$@', $file)) {
             $files[] = $this->path . '/' . $file;
     include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer.php';
     if (!class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer')) {
         $this->trace('WARNING: Code style check skipped:');
         $this->trace('         PEAR extension CodeSniffer required');
     $values = array('verbosity' => 0, 'tabWidth' => 4, 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'interactive' => true, 'files' => $files, 'standard' => 'Webasyst', 'sniffs' => array(), 'local' => true, 'reports' => array('full' => null), 'extensions' => array('php', 'html', 'js', 'css'));
     if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($values['standard']) === false) {
         $this->tracef('WARNING: %s standard not found, will used PSR2. Some rules are differ', $values['standard']);
         $values['standard'] = 'PSR2';
     $phpcs = new PHP_CodeSniffer($values['verbosity'], $values['tabWidth'], $values['encoding'], $values['interactive']);
     // Set file extensions if they were specified. Otherwise,
     // let PHP_CodeSniffer decide on the defaults.
     if (empty($values['extensions']) === false) {
     try {
         $phpcs->process($values['files'], $values['standard'], $values['sniffs'], $values['local']);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->tracef('ERROR: %s', $ex->getMessage());
Esempio n. 8
  * Return a list of sniffs that a coding standard has defined.
  * Sniffs are found by recursing the standard directory and also by
  * asking the standard for included sniffs.
  * @param string $dir      The directory where to look for the files.
  * @param string $standard The name of the coding standard. If NULL, no
  *                         included sniffs will be checked for.
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception If there was an error opening the directory.
 private function _getSniffFiles($dir, $standard = null)
     $di = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
     $files = array();
     foreach ($di as $file) {
         // Skip hidden files.
         if (substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 1) === '.') {
         // We are only interested in PHP and sniff files.
         $fileParts = explode('.', $file);
         if (array_pop($fileParts) !== 'php') {
         $basename = basename($file, '.php');
         if (substr($basename, -5) !== 'Sniff') {
         $files[] = $file->getPathname();
     // Load the standard class and ask it for a list of external
     // sniffs to include in the standard.
     if ($standard !== null && is_file("{$dir}/{$standard}CodingStandard.php") === true) {
         include_once "{$dir}/{$standard}CodingStandard.php";
         $standardClassName = "PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_{$standard}_{$standard}CodingStandard";
         $standardClass = new $standardClassName();
         $includedSniffs = $standardClass->getIncludedSniffs();
         foreach ($includedSniffs as $sniff) {
             $sniffDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/CodeSniffer/Standards/{$sniff}");
             if (is_dir($sniffDir) === true) {
                 if (PHP_CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($sniff) === true) {
                     // We are including a whole coding standard.
                     $files += $this->_getSniffFiles($sniffDir, $sniff);
                 } else {
                     // We are including a whole directory of sniffs.
                     $files += $this->_getSniffFiles($sniffDir);
             } else {
                 if (substr($sniffDir, -5) !== 'Sniff') {
                 $files[] = "{$sniffDir}.php";
     //end if
     return $files;
Esempio n. 9
  * Execute the task
  * @return self
  * @throw BuildException
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->getStandard()) {
         throw new BuildException("No standard set");
     if (!class_exists("CodeSniffer")) {
         Pale::run(function () {
             require_once "PHP/CodeSniffer.php";
     if (CodeSniffer::isInstalledStandard($this->getStandard()) === false) {
         throw new BuildException("Invalid standard name");
     // Clear out argv so PHP_CodeSniffer doesn"t freak out
     $oldArgv = $SERVER["argv"];
     $SERVER["argv"] = array();
     $SERVER["argc"] = 0;
     // Get the current working directory because PHP_CodeSniffer will change it
     $cwd = getcwd();
     $codeSniffer = new CodeSniffer(0, 0, "UTF-8");
     $codeSniffer->process($this->getFiles(), $this->filterProperties($this->getStandard()));
     // Restore the argv/c superglobals
     $SERVER["argv"] = $oldArgv;
     $SERVER["argc"] = count($oldArgv);
     // Reset the current working directory
     $filesViolations = $codeSniffer->getFilesErrors();
     $reporting = new Reporting();
     $report = $reporting->prepare($filesViolations, $this->getShowWarnings());
     $reporting->printReport($this->getReportType(), $filesViolations, $this->getShowSources(), $this->getReportFile(), $this->getReportWidth());
     return $this;