public static $arrOptions = array(1 => 'With photos only', 2 => 'With Floor plan'); public static $arrListOn = array('empty' => '-', 1 => 'Within 3 days', 2 => 'Within 1 week', 3 => 'Within 2 weeks', 4 => 'Within 1 month'); public static function getListingNameDetail($model) { $huyen = $model->rPropertyType ? $model->rPropertyType->name : ""; $name = MyFunctionCustom::showTitlePropertyOrBuilding($model->property_name_or_address); $type = $model->listing_type == 1 ? "For Rent" : "For Sale"; $location = $model->location_id; if ($location < 10) { $location = 'D0' . $location; } else { $location = 'D' . $location; } // return $huyen." ".$type." - ".$name." (".$location.")"; /* * DTOAN * DUNG DE HIEN THI TITLE KHI NGUOI DUNG TU DIEN VAO */
/** * Jun 07, 2014 - ANH DUNG * To do: save file * @param: $model is model ProGlobalEnquiry * @param: $fieldName file_name * @return: name of image upload/global_enquiry */ public static function saveFile($model, $fieldName) { if (is_null($model->{$fieldName})) { return ''; } $aDate = explode('-', $model->date_only); $pathUpload = ProGlobalEnquiry::$folderUpload . "/{$aDate['0']}/{$aDate['1']}/{$aDate['2']}"; $ext = $model->{$fieldName}->getExtensionName(); $file_name_slug = strtolower(MyFunctionCustom::slugify($model->{$fieldName}->getName())); $file_name_slug = str_replace(strtolower($ext), '', $file_name_slug); $model->file_name_slug = $file_name_slug; $fileName = date('Y-m-d'); $fileName = time() . '-' . ActiveRecord::randString() . '.' . $ext; $imageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $imageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath($pathUpload); $model->{$fieldName}->saveAs($pathUpload . '/' . $fileName); $model->{$fieldName} = $fileName; return $fileName; }
//if($model->validate() && $model->login()) if ($model->validate()) { if (!empty($returnUrl)) { $this->redirect($returnUrl); } /* Change at yii 1.1.13: * we not use: if (strpos(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl,'/index.php')===false) to check returnUrl */ if (strtolower(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl) !== strtolower(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/')) { $this->redirect(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl); } $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('member/member_profile/myprofile')); } } // display the login form $this->render('user_login/login', array('model' => $model)); } catch (Exception $exc) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'); } } /** * <Jason> * <*****@*****.**> * Logs out the current user and redirect to homepage. */ public function actionLogout() { $role_id = Yii::app()->user->role_id;
public function getSqft() { // copy from listing_detail.php if ($this->property_type_2 == 42) { //property type land $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($this->land_area, 'sqm'); $sqftcontent = $sqft != 0 && $sqft != '' ? "{$sqft} sqft" : ''; } else { $sqft = $this->floor_area; $sqm = $this->floor_area; if ($this->floor_area_unit == Listing::FLOOR_UNIT_SQM) { $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($this->floor_area, 'sqm'); } if ($this->floor_area_unit == Listing::FLOOR_UNIT_SQFT) { $sqm = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($this->floor_area, 'sqft'); } $tmp = array(); if ($sqft != 0 && $sqft != '') { $tmp[] = "{$sqft} sqft"; } if ($sqm != 0 && $sqm != '') { $tmp[] = "{$sqm} sqm (built-up)"; } $sqftcontent = implode(' / ', $tmp); } $s = Listing::showSqft($sqftcontent, Listing::GetFormatLandArea($this)); $arr = explode('/', $s); return trim(str_replace('sqft', '', $arr[0])); }
/** * Jun 07, 2014 - ANH DUNG * To do: save file * @param: $model is model ProGlobalEnquiry * @param: $fieldName file_name * @return: name of image upload/global_enquiry */ public static function saveFile($model, $fieldName) { if (is_null($model->{$fieldName})) { return ''; } $pathUpload = ProInventoryPhoto::$folderUpload; $ext = $model->{$fieldName}->getExtensionName(); $file_name_slug = strtolower(MyFunctionCustom::slugify($model->{$fieldName}->getName())); $file_name_slug = str_replace(strtolower($ext), '', $file_name_slug); $model->file_name_slug = $file_name_slug; $fileName = date('Y-m-d'); $uid = isset(Yii::app()->user->id) ? Yii::app()->user->id : 999999; $fileName = $uid . '-' . time() . '-' . ActiveRecord::randString() . '.' . $ext; $imageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $imageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath($pathUpload); $model->{$fieldName}->saveAs($pathUpload . '/' . $fileName); $model->{$fieldName} = $fileName; return $fileName; }
<div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php if ($model->property_type_2 == 42) { //property type land $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($model->land_area, 'sqm'); $sqftcontent = $sqft != 0 && $sqft != '' ? "{$sqft} sqft" : ''; } else { $sqft = $model->floor_area; $sqm = $model->floor_area; if ($model->floor_area_unit == Listing::FLOOR_UNIT_SQM) { $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($model->floor_area, 'sqm'); } if ($model->floor_area_unit == Listing::FLOOR_UNIT_SQFT) { $sqm = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($model->floor_area, 'sqft'); } $tmp = array(); if ($sqft != 0 && $sqft != '') { $tmp[] = "{$sqft} sqft"; } if ($sqm != 0 && $sqm != '') { $tmp[] = "{$sqm} sqm (built-up)"; } $sqftcontent = implode(' / ', $tmp); } $sqf = $model->search_psf; ?> <div class="primary-info"> <p>
/** * Apr 01, 2014 - ANH DUNG * To do: save file * @param: $model transactions * @param: $nameField ex: file_name * @param: $pathUpload ex: 'upload/transactions/property_document'; * @param: $nameBase name to show if need (option) * public static $folderUpload='upload/products/'; * @return: name of image */ public static function saveFile($model, $nameField, $pathUpload, $count) { if (is_null($model->{$nameField})) { return ''; } $ext = $model->{$nameField}->getExtensionName(); // $nameBase = $model->$nameField->getName(); // $nameBase = str_replace(strtolower($ext), '', $nameBase); // $nameBase = str_replace(strtoupper($ext), '', $nameBase); // $nameBase = trim($nameBase, '.'); $fileName = MyFunctionCustom::slugify($model->{$nameField}->getName()); $fileName = str_replace(strtolower($ext), '', $fileName); $fileName = trim($fileName, '-'); $fileName = trim($fileName); // $fileName = time().'_'.$fileName.'.'.$ext; $fileName = $fileName . '-' . time() . $count . '.' . $ext; // $fileName = $fileName.'.'.$ext; $imageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $imageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath($pathUpload . '/' . $model->transactions_id); $model->{$nameField}->saveAs($pathUpload . '/' . $model->transactions_id . '/' . $fileName); return $fileName; }
$url = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('site/tenantlogin'); if ($mUser->role_id == ROLE_LANDLORD) { $url = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('site/landlordlogin'); } $link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>'; $aBody = array('{FULL_NAME}' => $cmsFormater->formatFullNameRegisteredUsers($mUser), '{EMAIL}' => $mUser->email_not_login, '{NRIC}' => $mUser->nric_passportno_roc, '{PASSWORD}' => $mUser->temp_password, '{LINK_LOGIN}' => $link); $aSubject = array('{FULL_NAME}' => $cmsFormater->formatFullNameRegisteredUsers($mUser)); CmsEmail::sendmail(MAIL_LANDLORD_TENANT_LOGIN, $aSubject, $aBody, $mUser->email_not_login); } /** * @Author: ANH DUNG Apr 25, 2014 * @Todo: send mail to landlord and tenant, just notify * @Param: $mUser model user * @Param: $mTransactions
/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate($id) { try { $model = Pages::model()->findbyPk($id); $model->scenario = 'update'; // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); $old_image = $model->featured_image; $old_home_page = $model->thumb_image; if (isset($_POST['Pages'])) { $oldImg = $model->banner; $model->attributes = $_POST['Pages']; $uploadFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'banner'); $model->parent_id = $_POST['Pages']['parent_id']; // $model->show_footer = $_POST['Pages']['show_footer']; // $model->show_home_page = $_POST['Pages']['show_home_page']; // $model->short_content = $_POST['Pages']['short_content']; // $model->order = $_POST['Pages']['order']; if (isset($_POST['ck'])) { $model->show_desc = 1; } else { $model->show_desc = 0; } $isEmptyFileInput = empty($_FILES["Pages"]["name"]["imageFile"]); $new_banner = ''; if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { //has file input $model->imageFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'imageFile'); } $isEmptyHomePageInput = empty($_FILES["Pages"]["name"]["thumbFile"]); $new_home_page = ''; if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { //has file input $model->thumbFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'thumbFile'); } if ($model->validate()) { if ($uploadFile) { // remove old image and save new image to disk $model->removeBanner($oldImg); $model->saveBanner($uploadFile); } else { $model->banner = $oldImg; // keep old image } if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { //has file input $errorBanner = false; if (MyFunctionCustom::bannerIsSmall($model->imageFile->getTempName(), Pages::$aSizeBanner['960x252']['width'], Pages::$aSizeBanner['960x252']['height'])) { $errorBanner = true; } //Checked size of banner if ($errorBanner) { $model->addError('imageFile', 'Banner file size need larger than 960x252.'); } else { $ext_banner = $model->imageFile->getExtensionName(); $timestamp_banner = time(); $new_banner = $timestamp_banner . '.' . $ext_banner; } } if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { //has file input //Checked size of banner $errorBanner = false; if (MyFunctionCustom::bannerEqual($model->thumbFile->getTempName(), Pages::$aSizeHomePage['204x94']['width'], Pages::$aSizeHomePage['204x94']['height'])) { $errorBanner = true; } //Checked size of banner if ($errorBanner) { $model->addError('thumbFile', 'Thumb file size must be equal 204x94.'); } else { $ext_home_page = $model->thumbFile->getExtensionName(); $timestamp_home_page = time(); $model->thumb_image = $timestamp_home_page . '.' . $ext_home_page; } } if (!$model->hasErrors()) { if (isset($_POST['delete_current_image']) && $_POST['delete_current_image'] == 'on') { Pages::deleteImage($model); $model->featured_image = NULL; if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_image); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->imageFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $new_banner); $model->featured_image = $new_banner; $model->resizeBanner(); } $model->update(); } else { if ($new_banner != NULL) { $model->featured_image = $new_banner; } if ($model->update()) { if (!$isEmptyFileInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_image); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->imageFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $model->featured_image); $model->resizeBanner(); } } } //For home page if (isset($_POST['delete_current_image_home_page']) && $_POST['delete_current_image_home_page'] == 'on') { Pages::deleteImage($model, true); $model->thumb_image = NULL; if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_home_page); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->thumbFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $new_home_page); $model->thumb_image = $new_home_page; $model->resizeHomePages(); } $model->update(); } else { if ($new_home_page != NULL) { $model->thumb_image = $new_home_page; } if ($model->update()) { if (!$isEmptyHomePageInput) { $ImageProcessing = new ImageProcessing(); $ImageProcessing->delete('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $old_home_page); $ImageProcessing->createDirectoryByPath('upload/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id); $model->thumbFile->saveAs(YII_UPLOAD_DIR . '/admin/' . Pages::$folderUpload . '/' . $model->id . '/' . $model->thumb_image); $model->resizeHomePages(); } } } $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'actions' => $this->listActionsCanAccess)); } catch (exception $e) { Yii::log("Exception " . print_r($e, true), 'error'); throw new CHttpException("Exception " . print_r($e, true)); } }
/** * @param $model * @return bool * <Jason> * <*****@*****.**> */ public static function saveUserRegister($model) { if (isset($_POST['Users'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Users']; $model->validate(array('email', 'title', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'phone', 'area_code_id', 'password_hash', 'password_confirm')); // $model->validate(); // if ok validate then do something if (!$model->hasErrors()) { $model->email = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->email); //$model->email_temp = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->email); $model->title = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->title); $arr_email = explode('@', $model->email); $model->username = $arr_email[0]; $model->first_name = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->first_name); $model->last_name = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->last_name); $model->phone = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->phone); $model->area_code_id = ActiveRecord::clearHtml($model->area_code_id); // if(MyFunctionCustom::checkCountryFilter()) { // $model->status=STATUS_PENDING_USER; // } else { // $model->status=STATUS_BLOCK_IP; // } $model->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model->last_logged_in = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model->role_id = ROLE_REGISTER_MEMBER; $model->application_id = FE; $model->login_attemp = 0; //$model->verify_code = ActiveRecord::generateVerifyCode(); $model->temp_password = $_POST['Users']['password_hash']; $model->scenario = NULL; $model->save(); $model->password_hash = md5($_POST['Users']['password_hash']); $model->verify_code = sha1(mt_rand(10000, 99999) . time() . $model->email); $model->update(array('password_hash', 'verify_code')); MyFunctionCustom::sendMailAfterRegister($model); if ($model->is_subscriber) { Subscriber::saveSubscriberUser($model->id); } //Added subcriber return true; } } return false; }
</p> <!-- <p><?php /*echo $cmsFormater->formatPrice($data->office_bkank_valuation);*/ ?> </p> --> <?php if ($data->property_type_2 == 42) { //property type land $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($data->land_area, 'sqm'); $sqftcontent = "{$sqft} sqft"; } else { $sqft = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($data->floor_area, 'sqm'); $sqm = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($data->floor_area, 'sqft'); $sqftcontent = "{$sqft} sqft / {$sqm} sqm (built-up) "; } $sqf = MyFunctionCustom::convertData($data->price, 'sqf', $sqft); ?> <p><?php echo $sqftcontent; ?> </p> <p><?php echo "{$sqf} psf (built-up)"; ?> </p> <div class="ico-group clearfix"> <p class="btn-4"><span class="ico-bed"><?php echo $data->of_bedroom; ?>