function CalculateWeight(&$arreglo, &$arregloNormalDate, $fechaExamen, $diasPreparacion, $factorCarga) { $inicio = strtotime('-' . $diasPreparacion . ' day', strtotime($fechaExamen)); $inicio = date('Y-m-d', $inicio); $i = 1; while (strtotime($inicio) < strtotime($fechaExamen)) { $miliseconds = strtotime($inicio); //$miliseconds=strtotime($inicio)*1; Esto funciona en windows!!! $valor = MathFunction::calculate($i, $factorCarga, $diasPreparacion); $i++; $arregloNormalDate[$inicio] = isset($arregloNormalDate[$inicio]) ? $arregloNormalDate[$inicio] + $valor : $valor; $arreglo[$miliseconds] = isset($arreglo[$miliseconds]) ? $arreglo[$miliseconds] + $valor : $valor; $inicio = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($inicio))); } $miliseconds = strtotime($inicio); //$miliseconds=strtotime($inicio)*1; Esto funciona en windows!!! $arreglo[$miliseconds] = isset($arreglo[$miliseconds]) ? $arreglo[$miliseconds] + $valor : $valor; $arregloNormalDate[$inicio] = isset($arregloNormalDate[$inicio]) ? $arregloNormalDate[$inicio] + $valor : $valor; }
* visit or send a letter to * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(300, 300); $plot = new MathPlot(-3, 3, 3, -3); $plot->setInterval(0.2); $plot->setPadding(NULL, NULL, NULL, 20); $function = new MathFunction('cos'); $function->setColor(new DarkGreen()); $function->mark->setType(MARK_SQUARE); $function->mark->setSize(3); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = cos(x)", LEGEND_MARK); $function = new MathFunction('exp'); $function->setColor(new DarkRed()); $function->mark->setType(MARK_SQUARE); $function->mark->setSize(3); $function->mark->setFill(new DarkBlue()); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = exp(x)", LEGEND_MARK); function x2($x) { return -$x * $x + 0.5; } $function = new MathFunction('x2'); $function->setColor(new DarkBlue()); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = - x * x + 0.5"); $plot->legend->setPosition(0.9, 0.8); $plot->legend->setPadding(3, 3, 3, 3, 3); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();
/* * This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. * To view a copy of the public domain dedication, * visit or send a letter to * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(400, 400); $graph->setTiming(TRUE); $plot = new MathPlot(-3, 3, 6, 0); $plot->setInterval(0.2); $plot->setPadding(NULL, NULL, NULL, 20); $function = new MathFunction('acos', -1, 1); $function->setColor(new DarkGreen()); $function->mark->setType(MARK_SQUARE); $function->mark->setSize(4); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = acos(x)"); $function = new MathFunction('exp'); $function->setColor(new DarkRed()); $function->mark->setType(MARK_CIRCLE); $function->mark->setSize(7); $function->mark->setFill(new Blue()); $function->mark->border->show(); $function->mark->border->setColor(new Black()); $function->line->hide(TRUE); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = exp(x)"); $plot->legend->setPosition(0.4, 0.1); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();
<?php /* * This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. * To view a copy of the public domain dedication, * visit or send a letter to * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(300, 300); // Set graph title $graph->title->set('f(x) = x * x'); $graph->title->setBackgroundColor(new White(0)); $graph->title->setPadding(NULL, NULL, 10, 10); $graph->title->move(0, -10); $plot = new MathPlot(-3, 3, 10, -2); $plot->setInterval(0.2); $plot->setPadding(NULL, NULL, NULL, 20); // Defines x² function x2($x) { return $x * $x; } $function = new MathFunction('x2'); $function->setColor(new Orange()); $plot->add($function); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();
require_once "../../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(400, 400); $graph->setTiming(TRUE); $plot = new MathPlot(-5, 5, 5, -5); $plot->grid->hide(FALSE); $plot->grid->setType(LINE_DOTTED); $plot->setInterval(mt_rand(1, 10) / 10); function x2($x) { return $x * $x; } function random($x) { return mt_rand(-3, 3); } $function = new MathFunction('x2'); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = x * x"); $function = new MathFunction('random'); $function->setColor(new Orange()); $plot->add($function); $function = new MathFunction('sqrt', 0); $function->setColor(new DarkBlue()); $function->line->setThickness(3); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = sqrt(x)"); $function = new MathFunction('sin'); $function->setColor(new DarkGreen()); $function->line->setStyle(LINE_DASHED); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = sin(x)"); $plot->legend->setPosition(NULL, 0.85); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();
<?php /* * This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. * To view a copy of the public domain dedication, * visit or send a letter to * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(300, 300); $plot = new MathPlot(-3, 3, 20, -1); $plot->setInterval(0.2); $plot->setPadding(NULL, NULL, NULL, 20); $plot->yAxis->setLabelInterval(4); $function = new MathFunction('exp'); $function->setColor(new DarkRed()); $function->mark->setType(MARK_SQUARE); $function->mark->setSize(3); $function->mark->setFill(new DarkBlue()); $plot->add($function, "f(x) = exp(x)", LEGEND_MARK); $plot->legend->setPosition(0.4, 0.2); $plot->legend->setPadding(3, 3, 3, 3, 3); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();
<?php /* * This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. * To view a copy of the public domain dedication, * visit or send a letter to * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. * */ require_once "../MathPlot.class.php"; $graph = new Graph(300, 300); $plot = new MathPlot(-3, 3, 2, -3); $plot->setInterval(0.05); $function = new MathFunction('sqrt', 0); $plot->add($function, "sqrt(x)"); function x2($x) { return -$x * $x; } $function = new MathFunction('sin', -2, 2); $function->setColor(new DarkBlue()); $plot->add($function, "sin(x) (-2 < x < 2)"); $plot->legend->setPosition(0.98, 0.8); $plot->legend->setTextFont(new Tuffy(8)); $graph->add($plot); $graph->draw();