Esempio n. 1

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_GET["token"])) {
    // query database for user
    $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE token = ?", $_GET["token"]);
    // if we found user, check password
    if (count($rows) >= 1) {
        Lib::query("UPDATE users SET active = 1, token = NULL WHERE token = ?", $_GET["token"]);
        alert("Congratulations, your account is complete. You can now login", "success");
alert("Link is no longer valid.", "info");
Esempio n. 2

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
$limit = 25;
$followed = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM followers WHERE user_id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
$followed = array_column($followed, "topic_id");
$followed[] = -1;
// So it is not empty
$followed = implode(", ", $followed);
$counts = Lib::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM posts  WHERE topic_id IN (" . $followed . ")");
$count = (int) $counts[0]["count"];
$info = pageInfo($limit, $count);
$rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topic_id IN (" . $followed . ") ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $info["start"] . ", " . $limit);
$posts = formPosts($rows);
render("home.php", ["title" => "Home", "posts" => $posts, "page" => $info["page"], "last" => $info["last"]]);
Esempio n. 3
        $counts = Lib::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM topics");
        $count = (int) $counts[0]["count"];
        $info = pageInfo($limit, $count);
        $topics = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM topics ORDER BY num_followers DESC LIMIT " . $info["start"] . ", " . $limit);
        render("topics.php", ["title" => "Topics", "topics" => $topics, "page" => $info["page"], "last" => $info["last"]]);
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
            alert("Please name your new topic.", "danger");
        if (empty($_POST["description"])) {
            alert("Please describe your new topic", "danger");
        $shortname = shortname($_POST["name"]);
        $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE (name = ? OR shortname = ?)", $_POST["name"], $shortname);
        if (count($rows) != 0) {
            alert("This topic already exists.", "warning");
        $result = Lib::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO topics (name, shortname, description) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", $_POST["name"], $shortname, $_POST["description"]);
        if ($result == 0) {
            alert("Something went wrong. Please try again later.", "danger");
        // TODO: redirect to "/topics.php?shortname=" + $shortname
        redirect("/topics.php?shortname=" . $shortname);
Esempio n. 4

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_GET["query"])) {
    $query = $_GET["query"] . '%';
    $rows = Lib::query("SELECT name FROM topics WHERE name LIKE ?", $query);
    $results = [];
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $results[] = $row["name"];
    header("Content-type: application/json");
    print json_encode($results);
Esempio n. 5
                        } else {
                            $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", $_POST["username"]);
                            if (count($rows) != 0) {
                                echo "Username already exits.";
                            $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?", $_POST["email"]);
                            if (count($rows) != 0) {
                                echo "An account already exists with this email.";
                            $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                            $message = '<html><head><title>Email Verification</title></head><body>';
                            $message .= '<p>Welcome to The Network. <a href="http://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '/activate.php?token=' . $token . '">Click here to activate your account</a>.</p>';
                            $message .= '<p><i>If you do not know what this email is for just ignore it.</i></p>';
                            $message .= "</body></html>";
                            $sent = lib::sendEmail($_POST["email"], "The Network Verification", $message);
                            if ($sent === true) {
                                //registration complete
                                Lib::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO users (username, hash, email, token) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", $_POST["username"], password_hash($_POST["password"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), $_POST["email"], $token);
                                echo "OK";
                            } else {
                                echo "Verification email could not be sent. Please double check your email and try again.";
Esempio n. 6

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_POST["id"])) {
    $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM followers WHERE user_id = ? AND topic_id = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
    //if already followed, unfollow
    if (count($rows) > 0) {
        $result = Lib::query("DELETE FROM followers WHERE user_id = ? AND topic_id = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
        $result = Lib::query("UPDATE topics SET num_followers = num_followers - 1 WHERE id = ?", $_POST["id"]);
    } else {
        $result = Lib::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO followers (user_id, topic_id) VALUES (?, ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
        $result = Lib::query("UPDATE topics SET num_followers = num_followers + 1 WHERE id = ?", $_POST["id"]);
Esempio n. 7

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_POST["id"])) {
    $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE user_id = ? AND post_id = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
    //if already liked, unlike
    if (count($rows) > 0) {
        $result = Lib::query("DELETE FROM votes WHERE user_id = ? AND post_id = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
    } else {
        $result = Lib::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO votes (user_id, post_id) VALUES (?, ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["id"]);
Esempio n. 8

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_POST["text"]) && !(trim($_POST["text"]) == "") && !empty($_POST["topic"])) {
    $result = Lib::query("INSERT INTO posts (text, user_id, topic_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", $_POST["text"], $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["topic"]);
    if ($result == 0) {
        alert("Post failed", "danger");
    $topics = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = ?", $_POST["topic"]);
    $topic = $topics[0];
    redirect("/topics.php?shortname=" . $topic["shortname"]);
} else {
    alert("Please put content in your post.", "danger");
Esempio n. 9
 * Creates an array of posts in a format to print on the page given a mysql
 * reponse of posts.
function formPosts($rows)
    $posts = [];
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $users = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $row["user_id"]);
        $user = $users[0];
        //first and only user
        $votes = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE post_id = ?", $row["id"]);
        $numberLikes = count($votes);
        $userVotes = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE post_id = ? AND user_id = ?", $row["id"], $_SESSION["id"]);
        $liked = false;
        if (count($userVotes) == 1) {
            $liked = true;
        $topics = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id = ?", $row["topic_id"]);
        $topic = $topics[0];
        $posts[] = ["id" => $row["id"], "user" => $user, "date" => timeAgo(strtotime($row["date"])), "text" => $row["text"], "likes" => $numberLikes, "liked" => $liked, "topic" => $topic];
    return $posts;
Esempio n. 10

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
    // query database for user
    $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND active = 0", $_GET["username"]);
    // if we found user, check password
    if (count($rows) == 1) {
        $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
        $message = '<html><head><title>Email Verification</title></head><body>';
        $message .= '<p>Welcome to The Network. <a href="http://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '/activate.php?token=' . $token . '">Click here to activate your account</a>.</p>';
        $message .= '<p><i>If you do not know what this email is for just ignore it.</i></p>';
        $message .= "</body></html>";
        $sent = lib::sendEmail($rows[0]["email"], "The Network Verification", $message);
        if ($sent) {
            Lib::query("UPDATE users SET token = ? WHERE username = ?", $token, $_GET["username"]);
            alert("Email sent. Please check your email and click the link to activate", "success");
Esempio n. 11

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
$users = [];
// look for user via id
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $users = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_GET["id"]);
} else {
    if (isset($_GET["name"])) {
        $users = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", $_GET["name"]);
if (count($users) == 0) {
    alert("User not found", "danger");
$user = $users[0];
//first and only user
$limit = 15;
$counts = Lib::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM posts WHERE user_id = ?", $user["id"]);
$count = (int) $counts[0]["count"];
$info = pageInfo($limit, $count);
$rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $info["start"] . ", " . $limit, $user["id"]);
$posts = formPosts($rows);
render("user.php", ["title" => $user["username"], "username" => $user["username"], "posts" => $posts, "page" => $info["page"], "last" => $info["last"]]);
Esempio n. 12
        // else render form
        render("login_form.php", ["title" => "Log In"]);
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // validate submission
        if (empty($_POST["username"])) {
            echo "Please enter a username.";
        if (empty($_POST["password"])) {
            echo "Please enter a password.";
        // query database for user
        $rows = Lib::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", $_POST["username"]);
        // if we found user, check password
        if (count($rows) == 1) {
            // first (and only) row
            $row = $rows[0];
            if ($row["active"] == 0) {
                echo "Please verify your email first. Didn't get an email? <a class='alert-link' href='/resend.php?username="******"username"] . "'> Resend it!</a";
            } elseif (password_verify($_POST["password"], $row["hash"])) {
                // remember that user's now logged in by storing user's ID in session
                $_SESSION["id"] = $row["id"];
                // redirect to home
                echo "OK";
            } else {
                echo "Incorrect username or password.";
        } else {