Esempio n. 1
 public function pageGroupAuthorization($group_id)
     // Access-controlled page
     if (!$this->_app->user->checkAccess('uri_authorization_settings')) {
     $group = Group::find($group_id);
     // Load all auth rules
     $rules = GroupAuth::where('group_id', $group_id)->get();
     $this->_app->render('config/authorization.twig', ["group" => $group, "rules" => $rules]);
Esempio n. 2
  * Processes the request to create a new auth rule.
  * Processes the request from the auth creation form, checking that:
  * 1. The group does not already have a rule for the specified hook.
  * 2. The user has the necessary permissions to update the posted field(s);
  * 3. The submitted data is valid.
  * This route requires authentication (and should generally be limited to admins or the root user).
  * Request type: POST
  * @see formAuthCreate
  * @todo make this work for user-level rules as well
 public function createAuthRule($id, $type = "group")
     $post = $this->_app->request->post();
     // Load the request schema
     $requestSchema = new \Fortress\RequestSchema($this->_app->config('schema.path') . "/forms/auth-create.json");
     // Get the alert message stream
     $ms = $this->_app->alerts;
     // TODO: Check that the group exists
     $group = Group::find($id);
     // Access-controlled resource
     if (!$this->_app->user->checkAccess('create_auth', ['group' => $group])) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCESS_DENIED");
     // Set up Fortress to process the request
     $rf = new \Fortress\HTTPRequestFortress($ms, $requestSchema, $post);
     // Sanitize data
     // Validate, and halt on validation errors.
     $error = !$rf->validate(true);
     // Get the filtered data
     $data = $rf->data();
     // Remove csrf_token from object data
     // Perform desired data transformations on required fields.
     $data['hook'] = trim($data['hook']);
     $data['conditions'] = trim($data['conditions']);
     // Check if the group already has a rule for this hook
     if (GroupAuth::where("group_id", $id)->where("hook", $data['hook'])->first()) {
         $post['name'] = $group->name;
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "GROUP_AUTH_EXISTS", $post);
     // Halt on any validation errors
     if ($error) {
     // Create the rule
     $rule = new GroupAuth();
     $rule->group_id = $id;
     $rule->hook = $data['hook'];
     $rule->conditions = $data['conditions'];
     // Store new group to database
     // Success message
     $data['name'] = $group['name'];
     $ms->addMessageTranslated("success", "GROUP_AUTH_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL", $data);