toDateTime() public static method

Format a timestamp or the current time to go into the database.
public static toDateTime ( integer $Timestamp = '' ) : string
$Timestamp integer
return string The formatted date and time.
  * Grabs all new notifications and adds them to the sender's inform queue.
  * This method gets called by dashboard's hooks file to display new
  * notifications on every pageload.
  * @since 2.0.18
  * @access public
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender The object calling this method.
 public static function informNotifications($Sender)
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     if (!$Session->isValid()) {
     $ActivityModel = new ActivityModel();
     // Get five pending notifications.
     $Where = array('NotifyUserID' => Gdn::session()->UserID, 'Notified' => ActivityModel::SENT_PENDING);
     // If we're in the middle of a visit only get very recent notifications.
     $Where['DateUpdated >'] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime(strtotime('-5 minutes'));
     $Activities = $ActivityModel->getWhere($Where, 0, 5)->resultArray();
     $ActivityIDs = array_column($Activities, 'ActivityID');
     $Sender->EventArguments['Activities'] =& $Activities;
     foreach ($Activities as $Activity) {
         if ($Activity['Photo']) {
             $UserPhoto = anchor(img($Activity['Photo'], array('class' => 'ProfilePhotoMedium')), $Activity['Url'], 'Icon');
         } else {
             $UserPhoto = '';
         $Excerpt = Gdn_Format::plainText($Activity['Story']);
         $ActivityClass = ' Activity-' . $Activity['ActivityType'];
         $Sender->informMessage($UserPhoto . Wrap($Activity['Headline'], 'div', array('class' => 'Title')) . Wrap($Excerpt, 'div', array('class' => 'Excerpt')), 'Dismissable AutoDismiss' . $ActivityClass . ($UserPhoto == '' ? '' : ' HasIcon'));
  * Resolves a discussion
  * @param object $discussion
  * @param int $resolve
  * @return void
 public function resolve(&$discussion, $resolve)
     $resolution = array('Resolved' => $resolve, 'DateResolved' => $resolve ? Gdn_Format::toDateTime() : null, 'ResolvedUserID' => $resolve ? Gdn::session()->UserID : null);
     $discussionID = val('DiscussionID', $discussion);
     self::discussionModel()->setField($discussionID, $resolution);
     svalr('Resolved', $discussion, $resolve);
  * Create the target category that is needed for this plugin to work.
 public function structure()
     $category = (array) CategoryModel::instance()->getByCode('welcome');
     $cachedCategoryID = val('CategoryID', $category, false);
     if (!$cachedCategoryID) {
         $categoryModel = CategoryModel::instance();
         $categoryModel->save(['ParentCategoryID' => -1, 'Depth' => 1, 'InsertUserID' => 1, 'UpdateUserID' => 1, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Name' => 'Welcome', 'UrlCode' => 'welcome', 'Description' => 'Introduce yourself to the community!', 'PermissionCategoryID' => -1]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function structure()
     // Get a user for operations.
     $UserID = Gdn::sql()->GetWhere('User', array('Name' => 'Akismet', 'Admin' => 2))->Value('UserID');
     if (!$UserID) {
         $UserID = Gdn::sql()->Insert('User', array('Name' => 'Akismet', 'Password' => RandomString('20'), 'HashMethod' => 'Random', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Admin' => '2'));
     saveToConfig('Plugins.Akismet.UserID', $UserID);
 public function markRead($CategoryID, $TKey)
     if (Gdn::session()->validateTransientKey($TKey)) {
         $this->CategoryModel->SaveUserTree($CategoryID, array('DateMarkedRead' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime()));
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
  * Show the contributor agreement form & workflow for signing.
 public function index()
     if (!Gdn::session()->isValid()) {
         $this->View = 'signin';
     } else {
         if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack() && $this->Form->getFormValue('Agree', '') == '1') {
             Gdn::sql()->update('User')->set('DateContributorAgreement', Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), true, false)->where('UserID', Gdn::session()->UserID)->put();
             $this->View = 'done';
Esempio n. 7
  * @param string $ID
  * @param string $ServeFile
 public function index($ID = '', $ServeFile = '0')
     // Define the item being downloaded
     if (strtolower($ID) == 'vanilla') {
         $ID = 'vanilla-core';
     $UrlFilename = Gdn::request()->filename();
     $PathInfo = pathinfo($UrlFilename);
     $Ext = val('extension', $PathInfo);
     if ($Ext == 'zip') {
         $ServeFile = '1';
         $ID = $Ext = val('filename', $PathInfo);
     // Find the requested addon
     $this->Addon = $this->AddonModel->getSlug($ID, true);
     $this->setData('Addon', $this->Addon);
     if (!is_array($this->Addon) || !val('File', $this->Addon)) {
         $this->Addon = array('Name' => 'Not Found', 'Version' => 'undefined', 'File' => '');
     } else {
         $AddonID = $this->Addon['AddonID'];
         if ($ServeFile != '1') {
         if ($ServeFile == '1') {
             // Record this download
             $this->Database->sql()->insert('Download', array('AddonID' => $AddonID, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'RemoteIp' => @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
             $this->AddonModel->setProperty($AddonID, 'CountDownloads', $this->Addon['CountDownloads'] + 1);
             if (val('Slug', $this->Addon)) {
                 $Filename = $this->Addon['Slug'];
             } else {
                 $Filename = "{$this->Addon['Name']}-{$this->Addon['Version']}";
             $Filename = Gdn_Format::url($Filename) . '.zip';
             $File = $this->Addon['File'];
             $Url = Gdn_Upload::url($File);
             Gdn_FileSystem::serveFile($Url, $Filename);
Esempio n. 8
  * Enforces AgeGate verification at registration submission.
  * @param EntryController $sender Sending Controller.
  * @param array $args Arguments.
 public function entryController_registerValidation_handler($sender, $args)
     $day = (int) $sender->Form->getFormValue('DateOfBirth_Day', 0);
     $month = (int) $sender->Form->getFormValue('DateOfBirth_Month', 0);
     $year = (int) $sender->Form->getFormValue('DateOfBirth_Year', 0);
     if ($day == 0 || $year == 0 || $month == 0) {
         $sender->UserModel->Validation->addValidationResult('', "Please select a valid Date of Birth.");
     $dob = Gdn_Format::toDateTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
     $datetime1 = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day);
     $datetime2 = new DateTime();
     $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
     $age = $interval->format('%y');
     $minimumAge = C('Plugins.AgeGate.MinimumAge', 0);
     $minimumAgeWithConsent = C('Plugins.AgeGate.MinimumAgeWithConsent', false);
     $addConfirmation = C('Plugins.AgeGate.AddConfirmation', false);
     if ($minimumAgeWithConsent) {
         if ($addConfirmation && $age < $minimumAgeWithConsent && $age >= $minimumAge) {
             $sender->UserModel->Validation->applyRule('AgeGateConfirmation', 'Required', 'You must confirm you have received consent to register.');
         if ($age < $minimumAge) {
             $sender->UserModel->Validation->addValidationResult('', sprintf("You must be at least %d years old to register.", $minimumAge));
     } elseif ($age < $minimumAge) {
         if ($addConfirmation) {
             $sender->UserModel->Validation->applyRule('AgeGateConfirmation', 'Required', 'You must confirm you have received consent to register.');
         } else {
             $sender->UserModel->Validation->addValidationResult('', sprintf("You must be at least %d years old to register.", $minimumAge));
     // Set the value on the form so that it will be saved to user model
     if ($sender->Form->errorCount() == 0 && !$sender->UserModel->Validation->results()) {
         $sender->Form->_FormValues['DateOfBirth'] = $dob;
Esempio n. 9
 protected function getFileHeader()
     $Now = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
     $Result = "<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();\n/** This file was generated by the LocaleModel on {$Now} **/\n\n";
     return $Result;
  * Save message from form submission.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param array $FormPostValues Values submitted via form.
  * @return int Unique ID of message created or updated.
 public function save($FormPostValues, $Conversation = null, $Options = array())
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     // Define the primary key in this model's table.
     // Add & apply any extra validation rules:
     $this->Validation->applyRule('Body', 'Required');
     $this->EventArguments['FormPostValues'] = $FormPostValues;
     // Determine if spam check should be skipped.
     $SkipSpamCheck = !empty($Options['NewConversation']);
     // Validate the form posted values
     $MessageID = false;
     if ($this->validate($FormPostValues) && !$this->checkForSpam('ConversationMessage', $SkipSpamCheck)) {
         $Fields = $this->Validation->schemaValidationFields();
         // All fields on the form that relate to the schema
         touchValue('Format', $Fields, c('Garden.InputFormatter', 'Html'));
         $this->EventArguments['Fields'] = $Fields;
         $MessageID = $this->SQL->insert($this->Name, $Fields);
         $this->LastMessageID = $MessageID;
         $ConversationID = val('ConversationID', $Fields, 0);
         if (!$Conversation) {
             $Conversation = $this->SQL->getWhere('Conversation', array('ConversationID' => $ConversationID))->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
         $Message = $this->getID($MessageID);
         $this->EventArguments['Conversation'] = $Conversation;
         $this->EventArguments['Message'] = $Message;
         // Get the new message count for the conversation.
         $SQLR = $this->SQL->select('MessageID', 'count', 'CountMessages')->select('MessageID', 'max', 'LastMessageID')->from('ConversationMessage')->where('ConversationID', $ConversationID)->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
         if (sizeof($SQLR)) {
             list($CountMessages, $LastMessageID) = array_values($SQLR);
         } else {
         // Update the conversation's DateUpdated field.
         $DateUpdated = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
         $this->SQL->update('Conversation c')->set('CountMessages', $CountMessages)->set('LastMessageID', $LastMessageID)->set('UpdateUserID', Gdn::session()->UserID)->set('DateUpdated', $DateUpdated)->where('ConversationID', $ConversationID)->put();
         // Update the last message of the users that were previously up-to-date on their read messages.
         $this->SQL->update('UserConversation uc')->set('uc.LastMessageID', $MessageID)->set('uc.DateConversationUpdated', $DateUpdated)->where('uc.ConversationID', $ConversationID)->where('uc.Deleted', '0')->where('uc.CountReadMessages', $CountMessages - 1)->where('uc.UserID <>', $Session->UserID)->put();
         // Update the date updated of the users that were not up-to-date.
         $this->SQL->update('UserConversation uc')->set('uc.DateConversationUpdated', $DateUpdated)->where('uc.ConversationID', $ConversationID)->where('uc.Deleted', '0')->where('uc.CountReadMessages <>', $CountMessages - 1)->where('uc.UserID <>', $Session->UserID)->put();
         // Update the sending user.
         $this->SQL->update('UserConversation uc')->set('uc.CountReadMessages', $CountMessages)->set('Deleted', 0)->set('uc.DateConversationUpdated', $DateUpdated)->where('ConversationID', $ConversationID)->where('UserID', $Session->UserID)->put();
         // Find users involved in this conversation
         $UserData = $this->SQL->select('UserID')->select('LastMessageID')->select('Deleted')->from('UserConversation')->where('ConversationID', $ConversationID)->get()->result(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
         $UpdateCountUserIDs = array();
         $NotifyUserIDs = array();
         // Collapse for call to UpdateUserCache and ActivityModel.
         $InsertUserFound = false;
         foreach ($UserData as $UpdateUser) {
             $LastMessageID = val('LastMessageID', $UpdateUser);
             $UserID = val('UserID', $UpdateUser);
             $Deleted = val('Deleted', $UpdateUser);
             if ($UserID == val('InsertUserID', $Fields)) {
                 $InsertUserFound = true;
                 if ($Deleted) {
                     $this->SQL->put('UserConversation', array('Deleted' => 0, 'DateConversationUpdated' => $DateUpdated), array('ConversationID' => $ConversationID, 'UserID' => $UserID));
             // Update unread for users that were up to date
             if ($LastMessageID == $MessageID) {
                 $UpdateCountUserIDs[] = $UserID;
             // Send activities to users that have not deleted the conversation
             if (!$Deleted) {
                 $NotifyUserIDs[] = $UserID;
         if (!$InsertUserFound) {
             $UserConversation = array('UserID' => val('InsertUserID', $Fields), 'ConversationID' => $ConversationID, 'LastMessageID' => $LastMessageID, 'CountReadMessages' => $CountMessages, 'DateConversationUpdated' => $DateUpdated);
             $this->SQL->insert('UserConversation', $UserConversation);
         if (sizeof($UpdateCountUserIDs)) {
             $ConversationModel = new ConversationModel();
             $ConversationModel->updateUserUnreadCount($UpdateCountUserIDs, true);
         $activityModel = new ActivityModel();
         foreach ($NotifyUserIDs as $notifyUserID) {
             if ($Session->UserID == $notifyUserID) {
                 // don't notify self.
             // Notify the users of the new message.
             $activity = array('ActivityType' => 'ConversationMessage', 'ActivityUserID' => val('InsertUserID', $Fields), 'NotifyUserID' => $notifyUserID, 'HeadlineFormat' => t('HeadlineFormat.ConversationMessage', '{ActivityUserID,user} sent you a <a href="{Url,html}">message</a>'), 'RecordType' => 'Conversation', 'RecordID' => $ConversationID, 'Story' => val('Body', $Fields, ''), 'Format' => val('Format', $Fields, c('Garden.InputFormatter')), 'Route' => "/messages/{$ConversationID}#{$MessageID}");
             if (c('Conversations.Subjects.Visible') && val('Subject', $Conversation, '')) {
                 $activity['HeadlineFormat'] = val('Subject', $Conversation, '');
             $activityModel->queue($activity, 'ConversationMessage');
     return $MessageID;
Esempio n. 11
  * @param $discussion_id
  * @param $tags
  * @param array $types
  * @param int $category_id
  * @param string $new_type
  * @throws Exception
 public function saveDiscussion($discussion_id, $tags, $types = array(''), $category_id = 0, $new_type = '')
     // First grab all of the current tags.
     $all_tags = $current_tags = $this->getDiscussionTags($discussion_id, TagModel::IX_TAGID);
     // Put all the default tag types in the types if necessary.
     if (in_array('', $types)) {
         $types = array_merge($types, array_keys($this->defaultTypes()));
         $types = array_unique($types);
     // Remove the types from the current tags that we don't need anymore.
     $current_tags = array_filter($current_tags, function ($row) use($types) {
         if (in_array($row['Type'], $types)) {
             return true;
         return false;
     // Turn the tags into a nice array.
     if (is_string($tags)) {
         $tags = TagModel::SplitTags($tags);
     $new_tags = array();
     $tag_ids = array();
     // See which tags are new and which ones aren't.
     foreach ($tags as $tag_id) {
         if (is_id($tag_id)) {
             $tag_ids[$tag_id] = true;
         } else {
             $new_tags[TagModel::tagSlug($tag_id)] = $tag_id;
     // See if any of the new tags actually exist by searching by name.
     if (!empty($new_tags)) {
         $found_tags = $this->getWhere(array('Name' => array_keys($new_tags)))->resultArray();
         foreach ($found_tags as $found_tag_row) {
             $tag_ids[$found_tag_row['TagID']] = $found_tag_row;
     // Add any remaining tags that need to be added.
     if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.Tagging.Add')) {
         foreach ($new_tags as $name => $full_name) {
             $new_tag = array('Name' => trim(str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($name)), '-'), 'FullName' => $full_name, 'Type' => $new_type, 'CategoryID' => $category_id, 'InsertUserID' => Gdn::session()->UserID, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'CountDiscussions' => 0);
             $tag_id = $this->SQL->options('Ignore', true)->insert('Tag', $new_tag);
             $tag_ids[$tag_id] = true;
     // Grab the tags so we can see more information about them.
     $save_tags = $this->getWhere(array('TagID' => array_keys($tag_ids)))->resultArray();
     // Add any parent tags that may need to be added.
     foreach ($save_tags as $save_tag) {
         $parent_tag_id = val('ParentTagID', $save_tag);
         if ($parent_tag_id) {
             $tag_ids[$parent_tag_id] = true;
         $all_tags[$save_tag['TagID']] = $save_tag;
     // Remove tags that are already associated with the discussion.
     //      $same_tag_ids = array_intersect_key($tag_ids, $current_tags);
     //      $current_tags = array_diff_key($current_tags, $same_tag_ids);
     //      $tag_ids = array_diff_key($tag_ids, $same_tag_ids);
     // Figure out the tags we need to add.
     $insert_tag_ids = array_diff_key($tag_ids, $current_tags);
     // Figure out the tags we need to remove.
     $delete_tag_ids = array_diff_key($current_tags, $tag_ids);
     $now = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
     // Insert the new tag mappings.
     foreach ($insert_tag_ids as $tag_id => $bool) {
         if (isset($all_tags[$tag_id])) {
             $insert_category_id = $all_tags[$tag_id]['CategoryID'];
         } else {
             $insert_category_id = $category_id;
         $this->SQL->options('Ignore', true)->insert('TagDiscussion', array('DiscussionID' => $discussion_id, 'TagID' => $tag_id, 'DateInserted' => $now, 'CategoryID' => $insert_category_id));
     // Delete the old tag mappings.
     if (!empty($delete_tag_ids)) {
         $this->SQL->delete('TagDiscussion', array('DiscussionID' => $discussion_id, 'TagID' => array_keys($delete_tag_ids)));
     // Increment the tag counts.
     if (!empty($insert_tag_ids)) {
         $this->SQL->update('Tag')->set('CountDiscussions', 'CountDiscussions + 1', false)->whereIn('TagID', array_keys($insert_tag_ids))->put();
     // Decrement the tag counts.
     if (!empty($delete_tag_ids)) {
         $this->SQL->update('Tag')->set('CountDiscussions', 'CountDiscussions - 1', false)->whereIn('TagID', array_keys($delete_tag_ids))->put();
  * @param array $FormPostValues
  * @param array|bool $UserModel
  * @param array $Options
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception
 public function save($FormPostValues, $UserModel, $Options = array())
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     $UserID = $Session->UserID;
     $SendEmail = val('SendEmail', $Options, true);
     $Resend = val('Resend', $Options, false);
     // Define the primary key in this model's table.
     // Add & apply any extra validation rules:
     $this->Validation->applyRule('Email', 'Email');
     // Make sure required db fields are present.
     if (!isset($FormPostValues['DateExpires'])) {
         $Expires = strtotime(c('Garden.Registration.InviteExpiration'));
         if ($Expires > time()) {
             $FormPostValues['DateExpires'] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime($Expires);
     $FormPostValues['Code'] = $this->GetInvitationCode();
     // Validate the form posted values
     if ($this->validate($FormPostValues, true) === true) {
         $Fields = $this->Validation->ValidationFields();
         // All fields on the form that need to be validated
         $Email = arrayValue('Email', $Fields, '');
         // Make sure this user has a spare invitation to send.
         $InviteCount = $UserModel->GetInvitationCount($UserID);
         if ($InviteCount == 0) {
             $this->Validation->addValidationResult('Email', 'You do not have enough invitations left.');
             return false;
         // Make sure that the email does not already belong to an account in the application.
         $TestData = $UserModel->getWhere(array('Email' => $Email));
         if ($TestData->numRows() > 0) {
             $this->Validation->addValidationResult('Email', 'The email you have entered is already related to an existing account.');
             return false;
         // Make sure that the email does not already belong to an invitation in the application.
         $TestData = $this->getWhere(array('Email' => $Email));
         $DeleteID = false;
         if ($TestData->numRows() > 0) {
             if (!$Resend) {
                 $this->Validation->addValidationResult('Email', 'An invitation has already been sent to the email you entered.');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // Mark the old invitation for deletion.
                 $DeleteID = val('InvitationID', $TestData->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY));
         // Define the fields to be inserted
         $Fields = $this->Validation->SchemaValidationFields();
         // Call the base model for saving
         $InvitationID = $this->insert($Fields);
         // Delete an old invitation.
         if ($InvitationID && $DeleteID) {
         // Now that saving has succeeded, update the user's invitation settings
         if ($InviteCount > 0) {
         // And send the invitation email
         if ($SendEmail) {
             try {
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $this->Validation->addValidationResult('Email', sprintf(t('Although the invitation was created successfully, the email failed to send. The server reported the following error: %s'), strip_tags($ex->getMessage())));
                 return false;
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 13
  * Delete a single user.
  * @param int $userID The user to delete.
  * @param array $options See {@link UserModel::deleteContent()}, and {@link UserModel::getDelete()}.
 public function deleteID($userID, $options = [])
     if ($userID == $this->getSystemUserID()) {
         $this->Validation->addValidationResult('', 'You cannot delete the system user.');
         return false;
     $Content = [];
     // Remove shared authentications.
     $this->getDelete('UserAuthentication', ['UserID' => $userID], $Content);
     // Remove role associations.
     $this->getDelete('UserRole', ['UserID' => $userID], $Content);
     $this->deleteContent($userID, $options, $Content);
     // Remove the user's information
     $this->SQL->update('User')->set(['Name' => t('[Deleted User]'), 'Photo' => null, 'Password' => randomString('10'), 'About' => '', 'Email' => 'user_' . $userID . '', 'ShowEmail' => '0', 'Gender' => 'u', 'CountVisits' => 0, 'CountInvitations' => 0, 'CountNotifications' => 0, 'InviteUserID' => null, 'DiscoveryText' => '', 'Preferences' => null, 'Permissions' => null, 'Attributes' => dbencode(['State' => 'Deleted']), 'DateSetInvitations' => null, 'DateOfBirth' => null, 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'HourOffset' => '0', 'Score' => null, 'Admin' => 0, 'Deleted' => 1])->where('UserID', $userID)->put();
     // Remove user's cache rows
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
  * Create or update a comment.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $DiscussionID Unique ID to add the comment to. If blank, this method will throw an error.
 public function comment($DiscussionID = '')
     // Get $DiscussionID from RequestArgs if valid
     if ($DiscussionID == '' && count($this->RequestArgs)) {
         if (is_numeric($this->RequestArgs[0])) {
             $DiscussionID = $this->RequestArgs[0];
     // If invalid $DiscussionID, get from form.
     $DiscussionID = is_numeric($DiscussionID) ? $DiscussionID : $this->Form->getFormValue('DiscussionID', 0);
     // Set discussion data
     $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID;
     $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID);
     // Is this an embedded comment being posted to a discussion that doesn't exist yet?
     $vanilla_type = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_type', '');
     $vanilla_url = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_url', '');
     $vanilla_category_id = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_category_id', '');
     $Attributes = array('ForeignUrl' => $vanilla_url);
     $vanilla_identifier = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_identifier', '');
     $isEmbeddedComments = $vanilla_url != '' && $vanilla_identifier != '';
     // Only allow vanilla identifiers of 32 chars or less - md5 if larger
     if (strlen($vanilla_identifier) > 32) {
         $Attributes['vanilla_identifier'] = $vanilla_identifier;
         $vanilla_identifier = md5($vanilla_identifier);
     if (!$Discussion && $isEmbeddedComments) {
         $Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getForeignID($vanilla_identifier, $vanilla_type);
         if ($Discussion) {
             $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID = $Discussion->DiscussionID;
             $this->Form->setValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     // If so, create it!
     if (!$Discussion && $isEmbeddedComments) {
         // Add these values back to the form if they exist!
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_identifier', $vanilla_identifier);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_type', $vanilla_type);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_url', $vanilla_url);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_category_id', $vanilla_category_id);
         $PageInfo = fetchPageInfo($vanilla_url);
         if (!($Title = $this->Form->getFormValue('Name'))) {
             $Title = val('Title', $PageInfo, '');
             if ($Title == '') {
                 $Title = t('Undefined discussion subject.');
                 if (!empty($PageInfo['Exception']) && $PageInfo['Exception'] === "Couldn't connect to host.") {
                     $Title .= ' ' . t('Page timed out.');
         $Description = val('Description', $PageInfo, '');
         $Images = val('Images', $PageInfo, array());
         $LinkText = t('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here');
         if (!$Description && count($Images) == 0) {
             $Body = formatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
         } else {
             $Body = formatString('
         <div class="EmbeddedContent">{Image}<strong>{Title}</strong>
            <p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>
            <div class="ClearFix"></div>
         </div>', array('Title' => $Title, 'Excerpt' => $Description, 'Image' => count($Images) > 0 ? img(val(0, $Images), array('class' => 'LeftAlign')) : '', 'Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
         if ($Body == '') {
             $Body = $vanilla_url;
         if ($Body == '') {
             $Body = t('Undefined discussion body.');
         // Validate the CategoryID for inserting.
         $Category = CategoryModel::categories($vanilla_category_id);
         if (!$Category) {
             $vanilla_category_id = c('Vanilla.Embed.DefaultCategoryID', 0);
             if ($vanilla_category_id <= 0) {
                 // No default category defined, so grab the first non-root category and use that.
                 $vanilla_category_id = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->select('CategoryID')->from('Category')->where('CategoryID >', 0)->get()->firstRow()->CategoryID;
                 // No categories in the db? default to 0
                 if (!$vanilla_category_id) {
                     $vanilla_category_id = 0;
         } else {
             $vanilla_category_id = $Category['CategoryID'];
         $EmbedUserID = c('Garden.Embed.UserID');
         if ($EmbedUserID) {
             $EmbedUser = Gdn::userModel()->getID($EmbedUserID);
         if (!$EmbedUserID || !$EmbedUser) {
             $EmbedUserID = Gdn::userModel()->getSystemUserID();
         $EmbeddedDiscussionData = array('InsertUserID' => $EmbedUserID, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'CategoryID' => $vanilla_category_id, 'ForeignID' => $vanilla_identifier, 'Type' => $vanilla_type, 'Name' => $Title, 'Body' => $Body, 'Format' => 'Html', 'Attributes' => dbencode($Attributes));
         $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] =& $EmbeddedDiscussionData;
         $DiscussionID = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->insert('Discussion', $EmbeddedDiscussionData);
         $ValidationResults = $this->DiscussionModel->validationResults();
         if (count($ValidationResults) == 0 && $DiscussionID > 0) {
             $this->Form->addHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             // Put this in the form so reposts won't cause new discussions.
             $this->Form->setFormValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             // Put this in the form values so it is used when saving comments.
             $this->setJson('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => false));
             // Update the category discussion count
             if ($vanilla_category_id > 0) {
                 $this->DiscussionModel->updateDiscussionCount($vanilla_category_id, $DiscussionID);
     // If no discussion was found, error out
     if (!$Discussion) {
         $this->Form->addError(t('Failed to find discussion for commenting.'));
      * Special care is taken for embedded comments.  Since we don't currently use an advanced editor for these
      * comments, we may need to apply certain filters and fixes to the data to maintain its intended display
      * with the input format (e.g. maintaining newlines).
     if ($isEmbeddedComments) {
         $inputFormatter = $this->Form->getFormValue('Format', c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
         switch ($inputFormatter) {
             case 'Wysiwyg':
                 $this->Form->setFormValue('Body', nl2br($this->Form->getFormValue('Body')));
     $PermissionCategoryID = val('PermissionCategoryID', $Discussion);
     // Setup head
     // Setup comment model, $CommentID, $DraftID
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     $CommentID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'CommentID') ? $this->Comment->CommentID : '';
     $DraftID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'DraftID') ? $this->Comment->DraftID : '';
     $this->EventArguments['CommentID'] = $CommentID;
     $this->EventArguments['DraftID'] = $DraftID;
     // Determine whether we are editing
     $Editing = $CommentID > 0 || $DraftID > 0;
     $this->EventArguments['Editing'] = $Editing;
     // If closed, cancel & go to discussion
     if ($Discussion && $Discussion->Closed == 1 && !$Editing && !$Session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Close', true, 'Category', $PermissionCategoryID)) {
     // Add hidden IDs to form
     $this->Form->addHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     $this->Form->addHidden('CommentID', $CommentID);
     $this->Form->addHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, true);
     // Check permissions
     if ($Discussion && $Editing) {
         // Permission to edit
         if ($this->Comment->InsertUserID != $Session->UserID) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         // Make sure that content can (still) be edited.
         $EditContentTimeout = c('Garden.EditContentTimeout', -1);
         $CanEdit = $EditContentTimeout == -1 || strtotime($this->Comment->DateInserted) + $EditContentTimeout > time();
         if (!$CanEdit) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         // Make sure only moderators can edit closed things
         if ($Discussion->Closed) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         $this->Form->setFormValue('CommentID', $CommentID);
     } elseif ($Discussion) {
         // Permission to add
         $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Add', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         // Save as a draft?
         $FormValues = $this->Form->formValues();
         $FormValues = $this->CommentModel->filterForm($FormValues);
         if (!$Editing) {
         if ($DraftID == 0) {
             $DraftID = $this->Form->getFormValue('DraftID', 0);
         $Type = GetIncomingValue('Type');
         $Draft = $Type == 'Draft';
         $this->EventArguments['Draft'] = $Draft;
         $Preview = $Type == 'Preview';
         if ($Draft) {
             $DraftID = $this->DraftModel->save($FormValues);
             $this->Form->addHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, true);
         } elseif (!$Preview) {
             // Fix an undefined title if we can.
             if ($this->Form->getFormValue('Name') && val('Name', $Discussion) == t('Undefined discussion subject.')) {
                 $Set = array('Name' => $this->Form->getFormValue('Name'));
                 if (isset($vanilla_url) && $vanilla_url && strpos(val('Body', $Discussion), t('Undefined discussion subject.')) !== false) {
                     $LinkText = t('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here');
                     $Set['Body'] = formatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
                 $this->DiscussionModel->setField(val('DiscussionID', $Discussion), $Set);
             $Inserted = !$CommentID;
             $CommentID = $this->CommentModel->save($FormValues);
             // The comment is now half-saved.
             if (is_numeric($CommentID) && $CommentID > 0) {
                 if (in_array($this->deliveryType(), array(DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL, DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA))) {
                     $this->CommentModel->save2($CommentID, $Inserted, true, true);
                 } else {
                     $this->jsonTarget('', url("/post/comment2.json?commentid={$CommentID}&inserted={$Inserted}"), 'Ajax');
                 // $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID);
                 $Comment = $this->CommentModel->getID($CommentID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => false));
                 $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $Discussion;
                 $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $Comment;
             } elseif ($CommentID === SPAM || $CommentID === UNAPPROVED) {
                 $this->StatusMessage = t('CommentRequiresApprovalStatus', 'Your comment will appear after it is approved.');
             if ($CommentID > 0 && $DraftID > 0) {
         // Handle non-ajax requests first:
         if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0) {
                 // Make sure that this form knows what comment we are editing.
                 if ($CommentID > 0) {
                     $this->Form->addHidden('CommentID', $CommentID);
                 // If the comment was not a draft
                 if (!$Draft) {
                     // Redirect to the new comment.
                     if ($CommentID > 0) {
                     } elseif ($CommentID == SPAM) {
                         $this->setData('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($Discussion));
                         $this->View = 'Spam';
                 } elseif ($Preview) {
                     // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment
                     $this->Comment = new stdClass();
                     $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID;
                     $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name;
                     $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo;
                     $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::date();
                     $this->Comment->Body = val('Body', $FormValues, '');
                     $this->Comment->Format = val('Format', $FormValues, c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
                     $this->addAsset('Content', $this->fetchView('preview'));
                 } else {
                     // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save
                     $this->informMessage(sprintf(t('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::date()));
         } else {
             // Handle ajax-based requests
             if ($this->Form->errorCount() > 0) {
                 // Return the form errors
             } else {
                 // Make sure that the ajax request form knows about the newly created comment or draft id
                 $this->setJson('CommentID', $CommentID);
                 $this->setJson('DraftID', $DraftID);
                 if ($Preview) {
                     // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment
                     $this->Comment = new stdClass();
                     $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID;
                     $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name;
                     $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo;
                     $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::date();
                     $this->Comment->Body = val('Body', $FormValues, '');
                     $this->Comment->Format = val('Format', $FormValues, c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
                     $this->View = 'preview';
                 } elseif (!$Draft) {
                     // If the comment was not a draft
                     // If Editing a comment
                     if ($Editing) {
                         // Just reload the comment in question
                         $this->Offset = 1;
                         $Comments = $this->CommentModel->getIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => false));
                         $this->setData('Comments', $Comments);
                         $this->setData('Discussion', $Discussion);
                         // Load the discussion
                         $this->ControllerName = 'discussion';
                         $this->View = 'comments';
                         // Also define the discussion url in case this request came from the post screen and needs to be redirected to the discussion
                         $this->setJson('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($this->Discussion) . '#Comment_' . $CommentID);
                     } else {
                         // If the comment model isn't sorted by DateInserted or CommentID then we can't do any fancy loading of comments.
                         $OrderBy = valr('0.0', $this->CommentModel->orderBy());
                         //                     $Redirect = !in_array($OrderBy, array('c.DateInserted', 'c.CommentID'));
                         //							$DisplayNewCommentOnly = $this->Form->getFormValue('DisplayNewCommentOnly');
                         //                     if (!$Redirect) {
                         //                        // Otherwise load all new comments that the user hasn't seen yet
                         //                        $LastCommentID = $this->Form->getFormValue('LastCommentID');
                         //                        if (!is_numeric($LastCommentID))
                         //                           $LastCommentID = $CommentID - 1; // Failsafe back to this new comment if the lastcommentid was not defined properly
                         //                        // Don't reload the first comment if this new comment is the first one.
                         //                        $this->Offset = $LastCommentID == 0 ? 1 : $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($LastCommentID);
                         //                        // Do not load more than a single page of data...
                         //                        $Limit = c('Vanilla.Comments.PerPage', 30);
                         //                        // Redirect if the new new comment isn't on the same page.
                         //                        $Redirect |= !$DisplayNewCommentOnly && PageNumber($this->Offset, $Limit) != PageNumber($Discussion->CountComments - 1, $Limit);
                         //                     }
                         //                     if ($Redirect) {
                         //                        // The user posted a comment on a page other than the last one, so just redirect to the last page.
                         //                        $this->RedirectUrl = Gdn::request()->Url("discussion/comment/$CommentID/#Comment_$CommentID", true);
                         //                     } else {
                         //                        // Make sure to load all new comments since the page was last loaded by this user
                         //								if ($DisplayNewCommentOnly)
                         $this->Offset = $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($CommentID);
                         $Comments = $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => false));
                         $this->setData('Comments', $Comments);
                         $this->setData('NewComments', true);
                         $this->ClassName = 'DiscussionController';
                         $this->ControllerName = 'discussion';
                         $this->View = 'comments';
                         //                     }
                         // Make sure to set the user's discussion watch records
                         $CountComments = $this->CommentModel->getCount($DiscussionID);
                         $Limit = is_object($this->data('Comments')) ? $this->data('Comments')->numRows() : $Discussion->CountComments;
                         $Offset = $CountComments - $Limit;
                         $this->CommentModel->SetWatch($this->Discussion, $Limit, $Offset, $CountComments);
                 } else {
                     // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save
                     $this->informMessage(sprintf(t('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::date()));
                 // And update the draft count
                 $UserModel = Gdn::userModel();
                 $CountDrafts = $UserModel->getAttribute($Session->UserID, 'CountDrafts', 0);
                 $this->setJson('MyDrafts', t('My Drafts'));
                 $this->setJson('CountDrafts', $CountDrafts);
     } elseif ($this->Request->isPostBack()) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException(t('Invalid CSRF token.', 'Invalid CSRF token. Please try again.'), 401);
     } else {
         // Load form
         if (isset($this->Comment)) {
             $this->Form->setData((array) $this->Comment);
     // Include data for FireEvent
     if (property_exists($this, 'Discussion')) {
         $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $this->Discussion;
     if (property_exists($this, 'Comment')) {
         $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $this->Comment;
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) {
         if ($this->data('Comments') instanceof Gdn_DataSet) {
             $Comment = $this->data('Comments')->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if ($Comment) {
                 $Photo = $Comment['InsertPhoto'];
                 if (strpos($Photo, '//') === false) {
                     $Photo = Gdn_Upload::url(changeBasename($Photo, 'n%s'));
                 $Comment['InsertPhoto'] = $Photo;
             $this->Data = array('Comment' => $Comment);
     } else {
         require_once $this->fetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'Discussion');
         // Render default view.
Esempio n. 15
  * Update a conversation as read for a specific user id.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $ConversationID Unique ID of conversation effected.
  * @param int $ReadingUserID Unique ID of current user.
 public function markRead($ConversationID, $ReadingUserID)
     // Update the the read conversation count for the user.
     $this->SQL->update('UserConversation uc')->join('Conversation c', 'c.ConversationID = uc.ConversationID')->set('uc.CountReadMessages', 'c.CountMessages', false)->set('uc.DateLastViewed', Gdn_Format::toDateTime())->set('uc.LastMessageID', 'c.LastMessageID', false)->where('c.ConversationID', $ConversationID)->where('uc.ConversationID', $ConversationID)->where('uc.UserID', $ReadingUserID)->put();
     // Also update the unread conversation count for this user
     $CountUnread = $this->countUnread($ReadingUserID);
     // Also write through to the current session user.
     if ($ReadingUserID > 0 && $ReadingUserID == Gdn::session()->UserID) {
         Gdn::session()->User->CountUnreadConversations = $CountUnread;
Esempio n. 16
  * @param $sender controller instance.
  * @param int|string $commentID Identifier of the comment.
  * @throws notFoundException
 public function _commentOptions($sender, $commentID)
     $sender->Form = new Gdn_Form();
     $Comment = $sender->CommentModel->getID($commentID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     if (!$Comment) {
         throw notFoundException('Comment');
     $Discussion = $sender->DiscussionModel->getID(val('DiscussionID', $Comment));
     $sender->permission('Vanilla.Discussions.Edit', true, 'Category', val('PermissionCategoryID', $Discussion));
     if ($sender->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $QnA = $sender->Form->getFormValue('QnA');
         if (!$QnA) {
             $QnA = null;
         $CurrentQnA = val('QnA', $Comment);
         if ($CurrentQnA != $QnA) {
             $Set = array('QnA' => $QnA);
             if ($QnA == 'Accepted') {
                 $Set['DateAccepted'] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
                 $Set['AcceptedUserID'] = Gdn::session()->UserID;
             } else {
                 $Set['DateAccepted'] = null;
                 $Set['AcceptedUserID'] = null;
             $sender->CommentModel->setField($commentID, $Set);
             // Determine QnA change
             if ($Comment['QnA'] != $QnA) {
                 $Change = 0;
                 switch ($QnA) {
                     case 'Rejected':
                         $Change = -1;
                         if ($Comment['QnA'] != 'Accepted') {
                             $Change = 0;
                     case 'Accepted':
                         $Change = 1;
                         if ($Comment['QnA'] == 'Rejected') {
                             $Change = 0;
                         if ($Comment['QnA'] == 'Accepted') {
                             $Change = -1;
             // Apply change effects
             if ($Change) {
                 // Update the user
                 $UserID = val('InsertUserID', $Comment);
                 // Update reactions
                 if ($this->Reactions) {
                     include_once Gdn::controller()->fetchViewLocation('reaction_functions', '', 'plugins/Reactions');
                     $Rm = new ReactionModel();
                     // If there's change, reactions will take care of it
                     $Rm->react('Comment', $Comment['CommentID'], 'AcceptAnswer');
         // Recalculate the Q&A status of the discussion.
         Gdn::controller()->jsonTarget('', '', 'Refresh');
     } else {
     $sender->setData('Comment', $Comment);
     $sender->setData('Discussion', $Discussion);
     $sender->setData('_QnAs', array('Accepted' => t('Yes'), 'Rejected' => t('No'), '' => t("Don't know")));
     $sender->setData('Title', t('Q&A Options'));
     $sender->render('CommentOptions', '', 'plugins/QnA');
 public function notificationsPopin()
     $Where = array('NotifyUserID' => Gdn::session()->UserID, 'DateUpdated >=' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(strtotime('-2 weeks')));
     $this->ActivityModel = new ActivityModel();
     $Activities = $this->ActivityModel->getWhere($Where, 0, 5)->resultArray();
     $this->setData('Activities', $Activities);
     $this->setData('Title', t('Notifications'));
     $this->render('Popin', 'Activity', 'Dashboard');
Esempio n. 18
  * Adds $this->UpdateUserID and $this->DateUpdated fields to an associative
  * array of fieldname/values if those fields exist on the table being updated.
  * @param array $Fields The array of fields to add the values to.
 protected function addUpdateFields(&$Fields)
     if ($this->Schema->fieldExists($this->Name, $this->DateUpdated)) {
         if (!isset($Fields[$this->DateUpdated])) {
             $Fields[$this->DateUpdated] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     if ($Session->UserID > 0 && $this->Schema->fieldExists($this->Name, $this->UpdateUserID)) {
         if (!isset($Fields[$this->UpdateUserID])) {
             $Fields[$this->UpdateUserID] = $Session->UserID;
     if ($this->Schema->FieldExists($this->Name, 'UpdateIPAddress') && !isset($Fields['UpdateIPAddress'])) {
         $Fields['UpdateIPAddress'] = Gdn::request()->ipAddress();
Esempio n. 19
  * Used by $this->Stash() to create & manage sessions for users & guests.
  * This is a stop-gap solution until full session management for users &
  * guests can be imlemented.
 private function _getStashSession($ValueToStash)
     $CookieName = c('Garden.Cookie.Name', 'Vanilla');
     $Name = $CookieName . '-sid';
     // Grab the entire session record
     $SessionID = val($Name, $_COOKIE, '');
     // If there is no session, and no value for saving, return;
     if ($SessionID == '' && $ValueToStash == '') {
         return false;
     $Session = Gdn::SQL()->select()->from('Session')->where('SessionID', $SessionID)->get()->firstRow();
     if (!$Session) {
         $SessionID = betterRandomString(32);
         $TransientKey = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 11) . '!';
         // Save the session information to the database.
         Gdn::SQL()->insert('Session', array('SessionID' => $SessionID, 'UserID' => Gdn::session()->UserID, 'TransientKey' => $TransientKey, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime()));
         Trace("Inserting session stash {$SessionID}");
         $Session = Gdn::SQL()->select()->from('Session')->where('SessionID', $SessionID)->get()->firstRow();
         // Save a session cookie
         $Path = c('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/');
         $Domain = c('Garden.Cookie.Domain', '');
         $Expire = 0;
         // If the domain being set is completely incompatible with the current domain then make the domain work.
         $CurrentHost = Gdn::request()->host();
         if (!stringEndsWith($CurrentHost, trim($Domain, '.'))) {
             $Domain = '';
         safeCookie($Name, $SessionID, $Expire, $Path, $Domain);
         $_COOKIE[$Name] = $SessionID;
     $Session->Attributes = @unserialize($Session->Attributes);
     if (!$Session->Attributes) {
         $Session->Attributes = array();
     return $Session;
Esempio n. 20
  * Update an existing category, handling its tree properties and caching.
  * @param array $category The category to update.
  * @return bool Returns **true** if the category updated or **false** otherwise.
 public function update(array $category)
     if (empty($category['CategoryID'])) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException("Category ID is required.");
     $category += ['DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'UpdateUserID' => 1];
     // Get the current category.
     $oldCategory = $this->get($category['CategoryID']);
     if (!$oldCategory) {
         $inserted = $this->insert($category);
         if ($inserted) {
             return $category['CategoryID'];
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->sql->put('Category', $category, ['CategoryID' => $category['CategoryID']]);
         // Did my parent change?
         if ((int) $oldCategory['ParentCategoryID'] !== (int) $category['ParentCategoryID']) {
             // Increment the new parent and decrement the old parent.
             $this->sql->put('Category', ['CountCategories-' => 1], ['CategoryID' => $oldCategory['ParentCategoryID']]);
             $this->sql->put('Category', ['CountCategories+' => 1], ['CategoryID' => $category['ParentCategoryID']]);
         return true;
Esempio n. 21
  * If looking at the root node, make sure it exists and that the
  * nested set columns exist in the table.
  * @since 2.0.15
  * @access public
 public function applyUpdates()
     if (!c('Vanilla.NestedCategoriesUpdate')) {
         // Add new columns
         $Construct = Gdn::database()->Structure();
         $Construct->table('Category')->column('TreeLeft', 'int', true)->column('TreeRight', 'int', true)->column('Depth', 'int', true)->column('CountComments', 'int', '0')->column('LastCommentID', 'int', true)->set(0, 0);
         // Insert the root node
         if ($this->SQL->getWhere('Category', array('CategoryID' => -1))->numRows() == 0) {
             $this->SQL->insert('Category', array('CategoryID' => -1, 'TreeLeft' => 1, 'TreeRight' => 4, 'Depth' => 0, 'InsertUserID' => 1, 'UpdateUserID' => 1, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Name' => t('Root Category Name', 'Root'), 'UrlCode' => '', 'Description' => t('Root Category Description', 'Root of category tree. Users should never see this.')));
         // Build up the TreeLeft & TreeRight values.
         saveToConfig('Vanilla.NestedCategoriesUpdate', 1);
Esempio n. 22
$SQL = Gdn::database()->sql();
$Construct = Gdn::database()->Structure();
$Px = $Construct->DatabasePrefix();
$CategoryExists = $Construct->TableExists();
$PermissionCategoryIDExists = $Construct->columnExists('PermissionCategoryID');
$LastDiscussionIDExists = $Construct->columnExists('LastDiscussionID');
$Construct->PrimaryKey('CategoryID')->column('ParentCategoryID', 'int', true)->column('TreeLeft', 'int', true)->column('TreeRight', 'int', true)->column('Depth', 'int', true)->column('CountDiscussions', 'int', '0')->column('CountComments', 'int', '0')->column('DateMarkedRead', 'datetime', null)->column('AllowDiscussions', 'tinyint', '1')->column('Archived', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('Name', 'varchar(255)')->column('UrlCode', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('Description', 'varchar(500)', true)->column('Sort', 'int', true)->column('CssClass', 'varchar(50)', true)->column('Photo', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('PermissionCategoryID', 'int', '-1')->column('PointsCategoryID', 'int', '0')->column('HideAllDiscussions', 'tinyint(1)', '0')->column('DisplayAs', array('Categories', 'Discussions', 'Heading', 'Default'), 'Default')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', false, 'key')->column('UpdateUserID', 'int', true)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime')->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime')->column('LastCommentID', 'int', null)->column('LastDiscussionID', 'int', null)->column('LastDateInserted', 'datetime', null)->column('AllowedDiscussionTypes', 'varchar(255)', null)->column('DefaultDiscussionType', 'varchar(10)', null)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$RootCategoryInserted = false;
if ($SQL->getWhere('Category', array('CategoryID' => -1))->numRows() == 0) {
    $SQL->insert('Category', array('CategoryID' => -1, 'TreeLeft' => 1, 'TreeRight' => 4, 'InsertUserID' => 1, 'UpdateUserID' => 1, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Name' => 'Root', 'UrlCode' => '', 'Description' => 'Root of category tree. Users should never see this.', 'PermissionCategoryID' => -1));
    $RootCategoryInserted = true;
if ($Drop || !$CategoryExists) {
    $SQL->insert('Category', array('ParentCategoryID' => -1, 'TreeLeft' => 2, 'TreeRight' => 3, 'InsertUserID' => 1, 'UpdateUserID' => 1, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Name' => 'General', 'UrlCode' => 'general', 'Description' => 'General discussions', 'PermissionCategoryID' => -1));
} elseif ($CategoryExists && !$PermissionCategoryIDExists) {
    if (!c('Garden.Permissions.Disabled.Category')) {
        // Existing installations need to be set up with per/category permissions.
        $SQL->update('Category')->set('PermissionCategoryID', 'CategoryID', false)->put();
        $SQL->update('Permission')->set('JunctionColumn', 'PermissionCategoryID')->where('JunctionColumn', 'CategoryID')->put();
if ($CategoryExists) {
    $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
// Construct the discussion table.
$DiscussionExists = $Construct->TableExists();
Esempio n. 23
 * @copyright 2009-2016 Vanilla Forums Inc.
 * @license GNU GPL v2
 * @since 2.0
 * @package Vanilla
$SQL = Gdn::database()->sql();
// Only do this once, ever.
$Row = $SQL->get('Discussion', '', 'asc', 1)->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
if ($Row) {
$DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
// Prep default content
$DiscussionTitle = "BAM! You&rsquo;ve got a sweet forum";
$DiscussionBody = "There&rsquo;s nothing sweeter than a fresh new forum, ready to welcome your community. A Vanilla Forum has all the bits and pieces you need to build an awesome discussion platform customized to your needs. Here&rsquo;s a few tips:\n<ul>\n   <li>Use the <a href=\"/dashboard/settings/gettingstarted\">Getting Started</a> list in the Dashboard to configure your site.</li>\n   <li>Don&rsquo;t use too many categories. We recommend 3-8. Keep it simple!</li>\n   <li>&ldquo;Announce&rdquo; a discussion (click the gear) to stick to the top of the list, and &ldquo;Close&rdquo; it to stop further comments.</li>\n   <li>Use &ldquo;Sink&rdquo; to take attention away from a discussion. New comments will no longer bring it back to the top of the list.</li>\n   <li>Bookmark a discussion (click the star) to get notifications for new comments. You can edit notification settings from your profile.</li>\n</ul>\nGo ahead and edit or delete this discussion, then spread the word to get this place cooking. Cheers!";
$CommentBody = "This is the first comment on your site and it&rsquo;s an important one.\n\nDon&rsquo;t see your must-have feature? We keep Vanilla nice and simple by default. Use <b>addons</b> to get the special sauce your community needs.\n\nNot sure which addons to enable? Our favorites are Button Bar and Tagging. They&rsquo;re almost always a great start.";
$WallBody = "Ping! An activity post is a public way to talk at someone. When you update your status here, it posts it on your activity feed.";
// Prep content meta data
$SystemUserID = Gdn::userModel()->GetSystemUserID();
$TargetUserID = Gdn::session()->UserID;
$Now = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
$CategoryID = val('CategoryID', CategoryModel::DefaultCategory());
// Get wall post type ID
$WallCommentTypeID = $SQL->getWhere('ActivityType', array('Name' => 'WallPost'))->value('ActivityTypeID');
// Insert first discussion & comment
$DiscussionID = $SQL->Options('Ignore', true)->insert('Discussion', array('Name' => t('StubDiscussionTitle', $DiscussionTitle), 'Body' => t('StubDiscussionBody', $DiscussionBody), 'Format' => 'Html', 'CategoryID' => $CategoryID, 'ForeignID' => 'stub', 'InsertUserID' => $SystemUserID, 'DateInserted' => $Now, 'DateLastComment' => $Now, 'LastCommentUserID' => $SystemUserID, 'CountComments' => 1));
$CommentID = $SQL->insert('Comment', array('DiscussionID' => $DiscussionID, 'Body' => t('StubCommentBody', $CommentBody), 'Format' => 'Html', 'InsertUserID' => $SystemUserID, 'DateInserted' => $Now));
$SQL->update('Discussion')->set('LastCommentID', $CommentID)->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->put();
// Insert first wall post
$SQL->insert('Activity', array('Story' => t('StubWallBody', $WallBody), 'Format' => 'Html', 'HeadlineFormat' => '{RegardingUserID,you} &rarr; {ActivityUserID,you}', 'NotifyUserID' => -1, 'ActivityUserID' => $TargetUserID, 'RegardingUserID' => $SystemUserID, 'ActivityTypeID' => $WallCommentTypeID, 'InsertUserID' => $SystemUserID, 'DateInserted' => $Now, 'DateUpdated' => $Now));
Esempio n. 24
  * @return Gdn_SQLDriver $this
 public function history($UpdateFields = true, $InsertFields = false)
     $UserID = valr('User.UserID', Gdn::session(), Gdn::session()->UserID);
     if ($InsertFields) {
         $this->set('DateInserted', Gdn_Format::toDateTime())->set('InsertUserID', $UserID);
     if ($UpdateFields) {
         $this->set('DateUpdated', Gdn_Format::toDateTime())->set('UpdateUserID', $UserID);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 25
  * @param $Data
  * @param array $Options
  * @return string
 public static function format($Data, $Options = array())
     if (is_string($Options)) {
         $Options = array('VariableName' => $Options);
     $Defaults = array('VariableName' => 'Configuration', 'WrapPHP' => true, 'SafePHP' => true, 'Headings' => true, 'ByLine' => true, 'FormatStyle' => 'Array');
     $Options = array_merge($Defaults, $Options);
     $VariableName = val('VariableName', $Options);
     $WrapPHP = val('WrapPHP', $Options, true);
     $SafePHP = val('SafePHP', $Options, true);
     $ByLine = val('ByLine', $Options, false);
     $Headings = val('Headings', $Options, true);
     $FormatStyle = val('FormatStyle', $Options);
     $Formatter = "Format{$FormatStyle}Assignment";
     $FirstLine = '';
     $Lines = array();
     if ($WrapPHP) {
         $FirstLine .= "<?php ";
     if ($SafePHP) {
         $FirstLine .= "if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();";
     if (!empty($FirstLine)) {
         $Lines[] = $FirstLine;
     if (!is_array($Data)) {
         return $Lines[0];
     $LastKey = false;
     foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value) {
         if ($Headings && $LastKey != $Key && is_array($Value)) {
             $Lines[] = '';
             $Lines[] = '// ' . $Key;
             $LastKey = $Key;
         if ($FormatStyle == 'Array') {
             $Prefix = '$' . $VariableName . "[" . var_export($Key, true) . "]";
         if ($FormatStyle == 'Dotted') {
             $Prefix = '$' . $VariableName . "['" . trim(var_export($Key, true), "'");
         $Formatter($Lines, $Prefix, $Value);
     if ($ByLine) {
         $Session = Gdn::session();
         $User = $Session->UserID > 0 && is_object($Session->User) ? $Session->User->Name : 'Unknown';
         $Lines[] = '';
         $Lines[] = '// Last edited by ' . $User . ' (' . RemoteIp() . ')' . Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
     $Result = implode(PHP_EOL, $Lines);
     return $Result;
Esempio n. 26
  * @param $Log
  * @param bool $DeleteLog
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws Gdn_UserException
 protected function _RestoreOne($Log, $DeleteLog = true)
     // Throw an event to see if the restore is being overridden.
     $Handled = false;
     $this->EventArguments['Handled'] =& $Handled;
     $this->EventArguments['Log'] =& $Log;
     if ($Handled) {
         // a plugin handled the restore.
     if ($Log['RecordType'] == 'Configuration') {
         throw new Gdn_UserException('Restoring configuration edits is currently not supported.');
     if ($Log['RecordType'] == 'Registration') {
         $TableName = 'User';
     } else {
         $TableName = $Log['RecordType'];
     $Data = $Log['Data'];
     if (isset($Data['Attributes'])) {
         $Attr = 'Attributes';
     } elseif (isset($Data['Data'])) {
         $Attr = 'Data';
     } else {
         $Attr = '';
     if ($Attr) {
         if (is_string($Data[$Attr])) {
             $Data[$Attr] = @unserialize($Data[$Attr]);
         // Record a bit of information about the restoration.
         if (!is_array($Data[$Attr])) {
             $Data[$Attr] = array();
         $Data[$Attr]['RestoreUserID'] = Gdn::session()->UserID;
         $Data[$Attr]['DateRestored'] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
     //      decho($Data, 'Row being restored');
     if (!isset($Columns[$TableName])) {
         $Columns[$TableName] = Gdn::sql()->FetchColumns($TableName);
     $Set = array_flip($Columns[$TableName]);
     // Set the sets from the data.
     foreach ($Set as $Key => $Value) {
         if (isset($Data[$Key])) {
             $Value = $Data[$Key];
             if (is_array($Value)) {
                 $Value = serialize($Value);
             $Set[$Key] = $Value;
         } else {
     switch ($Log['Operation']) {
         case 'Edit':
             // We are restoring an edit so just update the record.
             $IDColumn = $Log['RecordType'] . 'ID';
             $Where = array($IDColumn => $Log['RecordID']);
             Gdn::sql()->put($TableName, $Set, $Where);
         case 'Delete':
         case 'Spam':
         case 'Moderate':
         case 'Pending':
         case 'Ban':
             $IDColumn = $Log['RecordType'] . 'ID';
             if (!$Log['RecordID']) {
                 // This log entry was never in the table.
                 //               unset($TableName);
                 if (isset($Set['DateInserted'])) {
                     $Set['DateInserted'] = Gdn_Format::toDateTime();
             // Insert the record back into the db.
             if ($Log['Operation'] == 'Spam' && $Log['RecordType'] == 'Registration') {
                 saveToConfig(array('Garden.Registration.NameUnique' => false, 'Garden.Registration.EmailUnique' => false), '', false);
                 if (isset($Data['Username'])) {
                     $Set['Name'] = $Data['Username'];
                 $ID = Gdn::userModel()->InsertForBasic($Set, false, array('ValidateSpam' => false));
                 if (!$ID) {
                     throw new Exception(Gdn::userModel()->Validation->resultsText());
                 } else {
                     Gdn::userModel()->SendWelcomeEmail($ID, '', 'Register');
             } else {
                 $ID = Gdn::sql()->Options('Replace', true)->insert($TableName, $Set);
                 if (!$ID && isset($Log['RecordID'])) {
                     $ID = $Log['RecordID'];
                 // Unban a user.
                 if ($Log['RecordType'] == 'User' && $Log['Operation'] == 'Ban') {
                     Gdn::userModel()->setField($ID, 'Banned', 0);
                 // Keep track of a discussion ID so that its count can be recalculated.
                 if ($Log['Operation'] != 'Edit') {
                     switch ($Log['RecordType']) {
                         case 'Discussion':
                             $this->_RecalcIDs['Discussion'][$ID] = true;
                         case 'Comment':
                             $this->_RecalcIDs['Discussion'][$Log['ParentRecordID']] = true;
                 if ($Log['Operation'] == 'Pending') {
                     switch ($Log['RecordType']) {
                         case 'Discussion':
                             if (val('UserDiscussion', $this->_RecalcIDs) && val($Log['RecordUserID'], $this->_RecalcIDs['UserDiscussion'])) {
                             } else {
                                 $this->_RecalcIDs['UserDiscussion'][$Log['RecordUserID']] = 1;
                         case 'Comment':
                             if (val('UserComment', $this->_RecalcIDs) && val($Log['RecordUserID'], $this->_RecalcIDs['UserComment'])) {
                             } else {
                                 $this->_RecalcIDs['UserComment'][$Log['RecordUserID']] = 1;
     // Fire 'after' event
     if (isset($ID)) {
         $this->EventArguments['InsertID'] = $ID;
     if ($DeleteLog) {
         Gdn::sql()->delete('Log', array('LogID' => $Log['LogID']));
Esempio n. 27
  * Marks the specified announcement as dismissed by the specified user.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $DiscussionID Unique ID of discussion being affected.
  * @param int $UserID Unique ID of the user being affected.
 public function dismissAnnouncement($DiscussionID, $UserID)
     $Count = $this->SQL->select('UserID')->from('UserDiscussion')->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->where('UserID', $UserID)->get()->numRows();
     $CountComments = $this->SQL->select('CountComments')->from('Discussion')->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->get()->firstRow()->CountComments;
     if ($Count > 0) {
         $this->SQL->update('UserDiscussion')->set('CountComments', $CountComments)->set('DateLastViewed', Gdn_Format::toDateTime())->set('Dismissed', '1')->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->where('UserID', $UserID)->put();
     } else {
         $this->SQL->Options('Ignore', true);
         $this->SQL->insert('UserDiscussion', array('UserID' => $UserID, 'DiscussionID' => $DiscussionID, 'CountComments' => $CountComments, 'DateLastViewed' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Dismissed' => '1'));
  * Get the number of comments inserted since the given timestamp.
  * @since 1.0
  * @access public
 public function getCommentCountSince($DiscussionID, $DateAllViewed)
     // Only for members
     if (!Gdn::session()->isValid()) {
     // Validate DiscussionID
     $DiscussionID = (int) $DiscussionID;
     if (!$DiscussionID) {
         throw new Exception('A valid DiscussionID is required in GetCommentCountSince.');
     // Get new comment count
     return Gdn::database()->sql()->from('Comment c')->where('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID)->where('DateInserted >', Gdn_Format::toDateTime($DateAllViewed))->getCount();
Esempio n. 29
  * Record the user's watch data.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param object $Discussion Discussion being watched.
  * @param int $Limit Max number to get.
  * @param int $Offset Number to skip.
  * @param int $TotalComments Total in entire discussion (hard limit).
 public function setWatch($Discussion, $Limit, $Offset, $TotalComments)
     $NewComments = false;
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     if ($Session->UserID > 0) {
         // Max comments we could have seen
         $CountWatch = $Limit + $Offset;
         if ($CountWatch > $TotalComments) {
             $CountWatch = $TotalComments;
         // This dicussion looks familiar...
         if (is_numeric($Discussion->CountCommentWatch)) {
             if ($CountWatch < $Discussion->CountCommentWatch) {
                 $CountWatch = $Discussion->CountCommentWatch;
             if (isset($Discussion->DateLastViewed)) {
                 $NewComments |= Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($Discussion->DateLastComment) > Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($Discussion->DateLastViewed);
             if ($TotalComments > $Discussion->CountCommentWatch) {
                 $NewComments |= true;
             // Update the watch data.
             if ($NewComments) {
                 // Only update the watch if there are new comments.
                 $this->SQL->put('UserDiscussion', array('CountComments' => $CountWatch, 'DateLastViewed' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime()), array('UserID' => $Session->UserID, 'DiscussionID' => $Discussion->DiscussionID));
         } else {
             // Make sure the discussion isn't archived.
             $ArchiveDate = c('Vanilla.Archive.Date', false);
             if (!$ArchiveDate || Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($Discussion->DateLastComment) > Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($ArchiveDate)) {
                 $NewComments = true;
                 // Insert watch data.
                 $this->SQL->Options('Ignore', true);
                 $this->SQL->insert('UserDiscussion', array('UserID' => $Session->UserID, 'DiscussionID' => $Discussion->DiscussionID, 'CountComments' => $CountWatch, 'DateLastViewed' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime()));
          * Fuzzy way of trying to automatically mark a cateogyr read again
          * if the user reads all the comments on the first few pages.
         // If this discussion is in a category that has been marked read,
         // check if reading this thread causes it to be completely read again
         $CategoryID = val('CategoryID', $Discussion);
         if ($CategoryID) {
             $Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryID);
             if ($Category) {
                 $DateMarkedRead = val('DateMarkedRead', $Category);
                 if ($DateMarkedRead) {
                     // Fuzzy way of looking back about 2 pages into the past
                     $LookBackCount = c('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 50) * 2;
                     // Find all discussions with content from after DateMarkedRead
                     $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
                     $Discussions = $DiscussionModel->get(0, 101, array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID, 'DateLastComment>' => $DateMarkedRead));
                     // Abort if we get back as many as we asked for, meaning a
                     // lot has happened.
                     $NumDiscussions = $Discussions->numRows();
                     if ($NumDiscussions <= $LookBackCount) {
                         // Loop over these and see if any are still unread
                         $MarkAsRead = true;
                         while ($Discussion = $Discussions->NextRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
                             if ($Discussion['Read']) {
                             $MarkAsRead = false;
                         // Mark this category read if all the new content is read
                         if ($MarkAsRead) {
                             $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
                             $CategoryModel->SaveUserTree($CategoryID, array('DateMarkedRead' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime()));
 public function structure()
     // Get a user for operations.
     $UserID = Gdn::sql()->getWhere('User', array('Name' => 'StopForumSpam', 'Admin' => 2))->value('UserID');
     if (!$UserID) {
         $UserID = Gdn::sql()->insert('User', array('Name' => 'StopForumSpam', 'Password' => randomString('20'), 'HashMethod' => 'Random', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'Admin' => '2'));
     saveToConfig('Plugins.StopForumSpam.UserID', $UserID, array('CheckExisting' => true));