Esempio n. 1
  * Get holdings structure for holdings
  * @param    Integer $fieldName
  * @return    Array[]
 protected function getStructuredHoldingsStructure($fieldName, $data = array())
     //$data    = array();
     $fields = $this->holdings ? $this->holdings->getFields($fieldName) : false;
     $mapping = array('B' => 'network', 'F' => 'institution_chb');
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
             $item = $this->extractFieldData($field, $mapping);
             $networkCode = $item['network'];
             $institution = $item['institution_chb'];
             $groupCode = $this->getGroup($institution);
             // Prevent display of untranslated and ungrouped institutions
             $institutionLabel = $this->translator->translate($institution, 'institution');
             if ($groupCode == 'unknown' || $institutionLabel === $institution) {
                 if ($groupCode === 'unknown') {
             // Make sure group is present
             if (!isset($data[$groupCode])) {
                 $data[$groupCode] = array('label' => $groupCode, 'networkCode' => $networkCode, 'institutions' => array());
             // Make sure institution is present
             if (!isset($data[$groupCode]['institutions'][$institution])) {
                 $data[$groupCode]['institutions'][$institution] = array('label' => $institution, 'bibinfolink' => $this->getBibInfoLink($institution));
     return $data;
Esempio n. 2
 function getNotes()
     $additionalNotesFields = array('520' => 'Description', '500' => 'General Note', '504' => 'Bibliography', '511' => 'Participants/Performers', '518' => 'Date/Time and Place of Event', '310' => 'Current Publication Frequency', '321' => 'Former Publication Frequency', '351' => 'Organization & arrangement of materials', '362' => 'Dates of publication and/or sequential designation', '501' => '"With"', '502' => 'Dissertation', '506' => 'Restrictions on Access', '507' => 'Scale for Graphic Material', '508' => 'Creation/Production Credits', '510' => 'Citation/References', '513' => 'Type of Report an Period Covered', '515' => 'Numbering Peculiarities', '521' => 'Target Audience', '522' => 'Geographic Coverage', '525' => 'Supplement', '526' => 'Study Program Information', '530' => 'Additional Physical Form', '533' => 'Reproduction', '534' => 'Original Version', '536' => 'Funding Information', '538' => 'System Details', '545' => 'Biographical or Historical Data', '546' => 'Language', '547' => 'Former Title Complexity', '550' => 'Issuing Body', '555' => 'Cumulative Index/Finding Aids', '556' => 'Information About Documentation', '561' => 'Ownership and Custodial History', '563' => 'Binding Information', '580' => 'Linking Entry Complexity', '581' => 'Publications About Described Materials', '586' => 'Awards', '590' => 'Local note', '599' => 'Differentiable Local note');
     $notes = array();
     foreach ($additionalNotesFields as $tag => $label) {
         /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcFields */
         $marcFields = $this->marcRecord->getFields($tag);
         foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
             $noteText = array();
             foreach ($marcField->getSubFields() as $subfield) {
                 /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $subfield */
                 $noteText[] = $subfield->getData();
             $note = implode(',', $noteText);
             if (strlen($note) > 0) {
                 $notes[] = array('label' => $label, 'note' => $note);
     return $notes;
Esempio n. 3
  * Get Status/Holdings Information from the internally stored MARC Record
  * (support method used by the NoILS driver).
  * @param array $field The MARC Field to retrieve
  * @param array $data  A keyed array of data to retrieve from subfields
  * @return array
 public function getFormattedMarcDetails($field, $data)
     // Initialize return array
     $matches = [];
     $i = 0;
     // Try to look up the specified field, return empty array if it doesn't
     // exist.
     $fields = $this->marcRecord->getFields($field);
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         return $matches;
     // Extract all the requested subfields, if applicable.
     foreach ($fields as $currentField) {
         foreach ($data as $key => $info) {
             $split = explode("|", $info);
             if ($split[0] == "msg") {
                 if ($split[1] == "true") {
                     $result = true;
                 } elseif ($split[1] == "false") {
                     $result = false;
                 } else {
                     $result = $split[1];
                 $matches[$i][$key] = $result;
             } else {
                 // Default to subfield a if nothing is specified.
                 if (count($split) < 2) {
                     $subfields = ['a'];
                 } else {
                     $subfields = str_split($split[1]);
                 $result = $this->getSubfieldArray($currentField, $subfields, true);
                 $matches[$i][$key] = count($result) > 0 ? (string) $result[0] : '';
         $matches[$i]['id'] = $this->getUniqueID();
     return $matches;
  * Return an array of all values extracted from the specified field/subfield
  * combination.  If multiple subfields are specified and $concat is true, they
  * will be concatenated together in the order listed -- each entry in the array
  * will correspond with a single MARC field.  If $concat is false, the return
  * array will contain separate entries for separate subfields.
  * @param   string      $field          The MARC field number to read
  * @param   array       $subFields      The MARC subfield codes to read
  * @param   bool        $concatenate         Should we concatenate subfields?
  * @access  private
  * @return  array
 private function getFieldArray($field, $subFields = null, $concatenate = true)
     if (!$this->marcRecord) {
         return array();
     // Default to subField a if nothing is specified.
     if (!is_array($subFields)) {
         $subFields = array('a');
     // Initialize return array
     $matches = array();
     // Try to look up the specified field, return empty array if it doesn't exist.
     $fields = $this->marcRecord->getFields($field);
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         return $matches;
     // Extract all the requested subfields, if applicable.
     foreach ($fields as $currentField) {
         $next = $this->getSubfieldArray($currentField, $subFields, $concatenate);
         $matches = array_merge($matches, $next);
     return $matches;
Esempio n. 5
  * Decode a MARC holding record.
  * @param File_MARC_Record $record Holding record to decode..
  * @return array Has two elements: the first is the list of
  *               locations found in the record, the second are the
  *               decoded holdings per se.
  * @todo Check if is OK to print multiple times textual holdings
  *       that had more than one $8.
 protected function decodeMarcHoldingRecord($record)
     $locations = [];
     $holdings = [];
     // First pass:
     //  - process locations
     //  - collect textual holdings indexed by linking number to be
     //    able to easily check later what fields from enumeration
     //    and chronology they override.
     $textuals = [];
     foreach ($record->getFields('852|866', true) as $field) {
         switch ($field->getTag()) {
             case '852':
                 $locations[] = $this->processMarcHoldingLocation($field);
             case '866':
                 $linking_fields = $field->getSubfields('8');
                 if ($linking_fields === false) {
                     // Skip textual holdings fields with no linking
                     continue 2;
                 foreach ($linking_fields as $linking_field) {
                     $linking = explode('.', $linking_field->getData());
                     // Only the linking part is used in textual
                     // holdings...
                     $linking = $linking[0];
                     // and it should be an int.
                     $textuals[(int) $linking] =& $field;
     // Second pass: enumeration and chronology, biblio
     // Digits to use to build a combined index with linking number
     // and sequence number.
     // PS: Does this make this implementation year-3K safe?
     $link_digits = floor(strlen((string) PHP_INT_MAX) / 2);
     foreach (array_key_exists(0, $textuals) ? [] : $record->getFields('863') as $field) {
         $linking_field = $field->getSubfield('8');
         if ($linking_field === false) {
             // Skip record if there is no linking number
         $linking = explode('.', $linking_field->getData());
         if (1 < count($linking)) {
             $sequence = explode('\\', $linking[1]);
             // Lets ignore the link type, as we only care for \x
             $sequence = $sequence[0];
         } else {
             $sequence = 0;
         $linking = $linking[0];
         if (array_key_exists((int) $linking, $textuals)) {
             // Skip coded holdings overridden by textual
             // holdings
         $decoded_holding = '';
         foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $subfield) {
             if (strpos('68x', $subfield->getCode()) !== false) {
             $decoded_holding .= ' ' . $subfield->getData();
         $ndx = (int) ($linking . sprintf("%0{$link_digits}u", $sequence));
         $holdings[$ndx] = trim($decoded_holding);
     foreach ($textuals as $linking => $field) {
         $textual_holding = $field->getSubfield('a')->getData();
         foreach ($field->getSubfields('z') as $note) {
             $textual_holding .= ' ' . $note->getData();
         $ndx = (int) ($linking . sprintf("%0{$link_digits}u", 0));
         $holdings[$ndx] = trim($textual_holding);
     return [$locations, $holdings];
Esempio n. 6
  * @param File_MARC_Record $marcRecord
  * @return bool
 function isRecordHoldable($marcRecord)
     $pType = $this->getPType();
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $items */
     $items = $marcRecord->getFields('989');
     $holdable = false;
     $itemNumber = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $subfield_j = $item->getSubfield('j');
         if (is_object($subfield_j) && !$subfield_j->isEmpty()) {
             $iType = $subfield_j->getData();
         } else {
             $iType = '0';
         $subfield_d = $item->getSubfield('d');
         if (is_object($subfield_d) && !$subfield_d->isEmpty()) {
             $locationCode = $subfield_d->getData();
         } else {
             $subfield_p = $item->getSubfield('p');
             if (is_object($subfield_p) && !$subfield_p->isEmpty()) {
                 $locationCode = $subfield_p->getData();
             } else {
                 $locationCode = '?????';
         //$logger->log("$itemNumber) iType = $iType, locationCode = $locationCode", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
         //Check the determiner table to see if this matches
         $holdable = $this->isItemHoldableToPatron($locationCode, $iType, $pType);
         if ($holdable) {
     return $holdable;
Esempio n. 7
  * Check all fields against the standard rules encoded in the class.
  * @param File_MARC_Record $marc Record to check
  * @return void
 protected function standardFieldChecks($marc)
     $fieldsSeen = array();
     foreach ($marc->getFields() as $current) {
         $tagNo = $current->getTag();
         // if 880 field, inherit rules from tagno in subfield _6
         if ($tagNo == 880) {
             if ($sub6 = $current->getSubfield(6)) {
                 $tagNo = substr($sub6->getData(), 0, 3);
                 $tagrules = isset($this->rules[$tagNo]) ? $this->rules[$tagNo] : null;
                 // 880 is repeatable, but its linked field may not be
                 if (isset($tagrules['repeatable']) && $tagrules['repeatable'] == 'NR' && isset($fieldsSeen['880.' . $tagNo])) {
                     $this->warn("{$tagNo}: Field is not repeatable.");
                 $fieldsSeen['880.' . $tagNo] = isset($fieldsSeen['880.' . $tagNo]) ? $fieldsSeen['880.' . $tagNo] + 1 : 1;
             } else {
                 $this->warn("880: No subfield 6.");
                 $tagRules = null;
         } else {
             // Default case -- not an 880 field:
             $tagrules = isset($this->rules[$tagNo]) ? $this->rules[$tagNo] : null;
             if (isset($tagrules['repeatable']) && $tagrules['repeatable'] == 'NR' && isset($fieldsSeen[$tagNo])) {
                 $this->warn("{$tagNo}: Field is not repeatable.");
             $fieldsSeen[$tagNo] = isset($fieldsSeen[$tagNo]) ? $fieldsSeen[$tagNo] + 1 : 1;
         // Treat data fields differently from control fields:
         if (intval(ltrim($tagNo, '0')) >= 10) {
             if (!empty($tagrules)) {
                 $this->checkIndicators($tagNo, $current, $tagrules);
                 $this->checkSubfields($tagNo, $current, $tagrules);
         } else {
             // Control field:
             if (strstr($current->toRaw(), chr(hexdec('1F')))) {
                 $this->warn("{$tagNo}: Subfields are not allowed in fields lower than 010");
         // Check to see if a checkxxx() function exists, and call it on the
         // field if it does
         $method = 'check' . $tagNo;
         if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
Esempio n. 8
  * @param File_MARC_Record $marcRecord
  * @return bool
 function isRecordHoldable($marcRecord)
     global $configArray;
     $pType = $this->getPType();
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $items */
     $marcItemField = isset($configArray['Reindex']['itemTag']) ? $configArray['Reindex']['itemTag'] : '989';
     $iTypeSubfield = isset($configArray['Reindex']['iTypeSubfield']) ? $configArray['Reindex']['iTypeSubfield'] : 'j';
     $locationSubfield = isset($configArray['Reindex']['locationSubfield']) ? $configArray['Reindex']['locationSubfield'] : 'j';
     $items = $marcRecord->getFields($marcItemField);
     $holdable = false;
     $itemNumber = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $subfield_j = $item->getSubfield($iTypeSubfield);
         if (is_object($subfield_j) && !$subfield_j->isEmpty()) {
             $iType = $subfield_j->getData();
         } else {
             $iType = '0';
         $subfield_d = $item->getSubfield($locationSubfield);
         if (is_object($subfield_d) && !$subfield_d->isEmpty()) {
             $locationCode = $subfield_d->getData();
         } else {
             $locationCode = '?????';
         //$logger->log("$itemNumber) iType = $iType, locationCode = $locationCode", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
         //Check the determiner table to see if this matches
         $holdable = $this->isItemHoldableToPatron($locationCode, $iType, $pType);
         if ($holdable) {
     return $holdable;