Esempio n. 1
 static function fail_bad_database()
     global $Conf, $Opt;
     $errors = array();
     if (get($Opt, "multiconference") && $Opt["confid"] === "__nonexistent__") {
         $errors[] = "You haven’t specified a conference and this is a multiconference installation.";
     } else {
         if (get($Opt, "multiconference")) {
             $errors[] = "The “" . $Opt["confid"] . "” conference does not exist. Check your URL to make sure you spelled it correctly.";
         } else {
             $errors[] = "HotCRP was unable to load. A system administrator must fix this problem.";
             $errors[] = "Error: Unable to connect to database " . Dbl::sanitize_dsn($Conf->dsn);
             if (defined("HOTCRP_TESTHARNESS")) {
                 $errors[] = "You may need to run `lib/ -c test/options.php` to create the database.";