Esempio n. 1
 function expand(Ast $crossover, Cycle $cycle, Directives $directives, BlueContext $blueContext) : TokenStream
     $expansion = clone $this->expansion;
     if ($this->unsafe) {
         hygienize($expansion, ['scope' => $cycle->id()]);
     return $this->mutate($expansion, $crossover, $cycle, $directives, $blueContext);
Esempio n. 2
  * Check if a page has any answers associated with it in a specific cycle
  * @param Page $page
  * @param Cycle $cycle
  * @return boolean
 public function hasCycleAnswers(Page $page, Cycle $cycle)
     $query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT FROM Jazzee\\Entity\\Answer answer JOIN answer.applicant applicant JOIN applicant.application application WHERE = :pageId AND application.cycle = :cycleId');
     $query->setParameter('pageId', $page->getId());
     $query->setParameter('cycleId', $cycle->getId());
     $result = $query->getResult();
     return count($result);
Esempio n. 3
  * findOneByProgramAndCycle
  * Search for an Application using its Program and Cycle
  * @param Program $program
  * @param Cycle $cycle
  * @return Application
 public function findOneByProgramAndCycle(Program $program, Cycle $cycle)
     $query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT a FROM Jazzee\\Entity\\Application a WHERE a.program = :programId AND  a.cycle = :cycleId');
     $query->setParameter('programId', $program->getId());
     $query->setParameter('cycleId', $cycle->getId());
     $result = $query->getResult();
     if (count($result)) {
         return $result[0];
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
 function test_cycle_class()
     $cycle = new Cycle(array("one", 2, "3"));
     $this->assertEqual("one", $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual(2, $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual("3", $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual("one", $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual("one", $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual(2, $cycle->value());
     $this->assertEqual("3", $cycle->value());
 public function packages()
     $this->data['cycles'] = Cycle::all();
     $this->data['services'] = Service::orderBy('name')->get();
     $this->data['packages'] = Package::paginate(25);
     return $this->layout->content = View::make('packages', $this->data);
 public static function exists($cycle_id)
     $service = Cycle::where('id', '=', $cycle_id)->count();
     if ($service > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 7
  * Get the navigation
  * @return Navigation
 public function getNavigation()
     if (empty($this->program) and empty($this->application)) {
         return null;
     $navigation = new \Foundation\Navigation\Container();
     $menu = new \Foundation\Navigation\Menu();
     if (empty($this->application)) {
         $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Welcome');
     } else {
         $path = 'apply/' . $this->program->getShortName() . '/' . $this->cycle->getName();
         $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Welcome');
         //Only show the other cycles link if there are other published visible cycles
         $applications = $this->_em->getRepository('Jazzee\\Entity\\Application')->findByProgram($this->program, false, true, array($this->application->getId()));
         if (count($applications) > 0) {
             $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Other Cycles');
             $link->setHref($this->path('apply/' . $this->program->getShortName()));
         $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Returning Applicants');
         $link->setHref($this->path($path . '/applicant/login'));
         if (!$this->application->isByInvitationOnly()) {
             $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Start a New Application');
             $link->setHref($this->path($path . '/applicant/new'));
     if ($this->isPreviewMode()) {
         $menu = new \Foundation\Navigation\Menu();
         $menu->setTitle('Preview Functions');
         $link = new \Foundation\Navigation\Link('Become Administrator');
     return $navigation;
Esempio n. 8

$cycleClass = new Cycle('class="col1"', 'class="col2"');
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="cycles caches">
echo _T('Caches');
echo th(N_("cache.cache")), th(N_("cache.slots")), th(N_("cache.size")), th(N_("cache.avail")), th(N_("cache.blocksgraph")), th(N_("cache.operations")), th(N_("cache.status")), th(N_("cache.hits")), th(N_("cache.hits_graph")), th(N_("cache.hits_avg_h")), th(N_("cache.hits_avg_s")), th(N_("cache.updates")), th(N_("cache.skips")), th(N_("cache.ooms")), th(N_("cache.errors")), th(N_("cache.readonly_protected")), th(N_("cache.cached")), th(N_("cache.deleted")), th(N_("cache.gc_timer"));
$numkeys = explode(',', 'slots,size,avail,hits,updates,skips,ooms,errors,cached,deleted');
$l_clear = _T('Clear');
$l_disabled = _T('Disabled');
$l_disable = _T('Disable');
$l_enable = _T('Enable');
$l_compiling = _T('Compiling');
$l_normal = _T('Normal');
$l_confirm = _T('Sure?');
foreach (getCacheInfos() as $i => $ci) {
    $class = $cycleClass->next();
    echo <<<TR
\t<tr {$class}>

    $pvalue = (int) ($ci['avail'] / $ci['size'] * 100);
    $pempty = 100 - $pvalue;
Esempio n. 9
  * find applicants in a cycle
  * Search for an Applicant by cycle
  * @param Cycle $cycle
  * @return array
 public function findByCycle(Cycle $cycle)
     $query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT a FROM Jazzee\\Entity\\Applicant a WHERE a.application IN (SELECT app FROM Jazzee\\Entity\\Application app WHERE app.cycle = :cycleId) AND a.deactivated=false');
     $query->setParameter('cycleId', $cycle->getId());
     return $query->getResult();
Esempio n. 10
/*      formulaire_cyclique.php      */
/*                                   */
/*      Formulaire d'ajout d'une     */
/*            tache cyclique         */
/*                                   */

//Récupération des informations nécessaires au formulaires
//Liste des ouvrages
$ouvrage = new Ouvrage();
$list_ouvrage = $ouvrage->lister($base);
//Liste des cycles
$cycle = new Cycle();
$list_cycle = $cycle->lister($base);

    <!-- Formulaire d'ajout d'une tache cyclique -->
    <form method="post" action="./php/traitement_formulaire.php">
            <legend>Ajout d'une intervention cyclique</legend>
                <label for="intervention">Intervention</label> : <input class="form-control" type="text" name="intervention" required />
                <label for="ouvrage">Ouvrage</label> : 
                <select class="form-control" name="ouvrage" id="ouvrage" required />
while ($donnees_ouvrage = $list_ouvrage->fetch()) {
Esempio n. 11

class Cycle
    public $arr;
    function setCycle()
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
            $this->arr[] = $i;
        return $this->arr;
    function viewResult($arr)
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < 100) {
            if ($this->arr[$i] % 3 == 0 && $this->arr[$i] % 12 != 0) {
                echo $this->arr[$i];
                echo "<br>";
$cycle = new Cycle();
Esempio n. 12
include "header.tpl.php";
<!-- //// BEGIN
<a href="help.php" target="_blank" id="help"><?php 
echo _T("Help");
//// END -->
<span class="switcher"><?php 
echo switcher("type", $types);
$a = new Cycle('class="col1"', 'class="col2"');
$b = new Cycle('class="col1"', 'class="col2"');
echo _T('Caches');
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="cycles">
	<col />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />
	<col />
	<col />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />
	<col align="right" />

// Include the configuration file
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../inc/config.php');
// Create Cycle instance and set Cycle Framework options
$cycle = Cycle::getInstance();
$cycle->configure(array('base_url' => '/database/', 'app_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'), 'views_path' => 'views/', 'layout' => 'layouts/layout.php'));
// Declare routes
$cycle->route('/', 'index');
function index($cycle)
    return $cycle->render('pages/index.php');
$cycle->route('/example', 'example');
function example($cycle)
    $server = new Zend_Json_Server();
    return $cycle->send($server->handle(), Cycle_Response::JSON);
$cycle->route('*', 'error');
function error($cycle)
// Run the application
Esempio n. 14
function reset_cycle($name = 'default')
    $cycle = Cycle::get_cycle($name);
    if ($cycle !== null) {