Esempio n. 1
 public function authenticate($username, $password)
     $this->username = $username;
     if (strlen($password) == 0) {
         // LDAP will succeed binding with no password on AD
         // (defaults to anon bind)
         return false;
     $rs = ldap_connect($this->ldap_host, $this->ldap_port);
     if ($rs) {
         ldap_set_option($rs, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->ldap_version);
         ldap_set_option($rs, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
         $ldap_bind_pw = empty($this->ldap_search_pass) ? null : $this->ldap_search_pass;
         $ldap_bind_dn = $this->ldap_search_user;
         if (ldap_bind($rs, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw)) {
             $filter_r = html_entity_decode(str_replace('%USERNAME%', $username, $this->filter), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
             $result = ldap_search($rs, $this->base_dn, $filter_r);
             if ($result) {
                 $result_user = ldap_get_entries($rs, $result);
                 if ($result_user['count'] != 0) {
                     $first_user = $result_user[0];
                     $ldap_user_dn = $first_user['dn'];
                     // Bind with the dn of the user that matched our filter
                     // (only one user should match sAMAccountName or uid etc..)
                     if (ldap_bind($rs, $ldap_user_dn, $password)) {
                         if ($this->userExists($username)) {
                             // Update password if different
                             $tmpUser = new CUser();
                             $hash_pass = $this->hashPassword($password);
                             if ($hash_pass != $tmpUser->user_password) {
                                 $tmpUser->user_password = $hash_pass;
                             return true;
                         } else {
                             $this->createsqluser($username, $password, $first_user);
                         return true;
     if ($this->fallback == true) {
         $sqlAuth = new w2p_Authenticators_SQL();
         return $sqlAuth->authenticate($username, $password);
     return false;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function hook_preUpdate()
     $this->perm_func = 'updateLogin';
     $tmpUser = new CUser();
     if ('' == trim($this->user_password)) {
         $this->user_password = $tmpUser->user_password;
     } elseif ($tmpUser->user_password != $this->authenticator->hashPassword($this->user_password)) {
         $this->user_password = $this->authenticator->hashPassword($this->user_password);
     } else {
         $this->user_password = $tmpUser->user_password;
Esempio n. 3
                $contact->contact_private = 1;
    } else {
        $AppUI->setMsg('failed to delete role', UI_MSG_ERROR);
} else {
    if ($user_role) {
        $public_contact = false;
        if (dPgetConfig('user_contact_activate') && !$perms->checkLogin($user_id)) {
            $public_contact = true;
        if ($perms->insertUserRole($user_role, $user_id)) {
            $AppUI->setMsg('added', UI_MSG_OK, true);
            if ($public_contact) {
                // Mark contact as public
                $obj = new CUser();
                $contact = new CContact();
                if ($contact->load($obj->user_contact)) {
                    $contact->contact_private = 0;
        } else {
            $AppUI->setMsg('failed to add role', UI_MSG_ERROR);
Esempio n. 4
    die('You should not access this file directly.');
$del = isset($_REQUEST['del']) ? w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'del', false) : false;
$notify_new_user = isset($_POST['notify_new_user']) ? $_POST['notify_new_user'] : 0;
$perms =& $AppUI->acl();
if (!$perms->checkModule('admin', 'edit')) {
if (!$perms->checkModule('users', 'edit')) {
// prepare (and translate) the module name ready for the suffix
if ($_REQUEST['user_id']) {
    $user = new CUser();
    $contact = new CContact();
if ($del) {
    if ($perms->deleteUserRole(w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'role_id', 0), w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', 0))) {
        $AppUI->setMsg('deleted', UI_MSG_ALERT, true);
    } else {
        $AppUI->setMsg('failed to delete role', UI_MSG_ERROR);
if (isset($_REQUEST['user_role']) && $_REQUEST['user_role']) {
    if ($perms->insertUserRole($_REQUEST['user_role'], $_REQUEST['user_id'])) {
Esempio n. 5
 public function authenticate($username, $password)
     global $w2Pconfig;
     $this->username = $username;
     if (strlen($password) == 0) {
         return false;
         // LDAP will succeed binding with no password on AD (defaults to anon bind)
     if ($rs = ldap_connect($this->ldap_host, $this->ldap_port)) {
         ldap_set_option($rs, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->ldap_version);
         ldap_set_option($rs, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
         if ('' == $this->ldap_complete_string) {
              * This should be compliant with the old/previous LDAP settings
              *   that we've used all along.
             if (strpos($this->ldap_search_user, 'CN=') === false) {
                 $ldap_bind_dn = 'CN=' . $this->ldap_search_user . ',OU=Users,' . $this->base_dn;
             } else {
                 $ldap_bind_dn = $this->ldap_search_user . ',' . $this->base_dn;
         } else {
              * In case the LDAP configuration is different than expected,
              *   we can configure a completely custom one.
             $ldap_bind_dn = $this->ldap_complete_string;
         $ldap_bind_pw = empty($this->ldap_search_pass) ? null : $this->ldap_search_pass;
         if ($bindok = ldap_bind($rs, $ldap_bind_dn, $ldap_bind_pw)) {
             $filter_r = html_entity_decode(str_replace('%USERNAME%', $username, $this->filter), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
             $result = ldap_search($rs, $this->base_dn, $filter_r);
             if ($result) {
                 $result_user = ldap_get_entries($rs, $result);
                 if ($result_user['count'] != 0) {
                     $first_user = $result_user[0];
                     $ldap_user_dn = $first_user['dn'];
                     // Bind with the dn of the user that matched our filter (only one user should match sAMAccountName or uid etc..)
                     if ($bind_user = ldap_bind($rs, $ldap_user_dn, $password)) {
                         if ($this->userExists($username)) {
                             // Update password if different
                             $tmpUser = new CUser();
                             $hash_pass = MD5($password);
                             if ($hash_pass != $tmpUser->user_password) {
                                 $tmpUser->user_password = $hash_pass;
                             return true;
                         } else {
                             $this->createsqluser($username, $password, $first_user);
                         return true;
     if ($this->fallback == true) {
         return parent::authenticate($username, $password);
     return false;

 * $Id: ajax_vw_user_authentications.php 25142 2014-10-07 12:16:51Z phenxdesign $
 * @category Admin
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see
 * @version  $Revision: 25142 $
 * @link
// Récuperation de l'utilisateur sélectionné
$user_id = CValue::get("user_id");
$start = CValue::get("start");
$user = new CUser();
$user_authentication = new CUserAuthentication();
$ds = $user_authentication->getDS();
$where = array("user_id" => $ds->prepare("= ?", $user_id));
$limit = intval($start) . ", 30";
$list = $user_authentication->loadList($where, "datetime_login DESC", $limit);
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("list", $list);
$smarty->assign("user", $user);
Esempio n. 7
  * Search and map a user inside the LDAP
  * @param CUser       $user
  * @param CSourceLDAP $source_ldap
  * @param resource    $ldapconn
  * @param string      $person       [optional]
  * @param string      $filter       [optional]
  * @param boolean     $force_create [optional]
  * @return CUser
 static function searchAndMap(CUser $user, CSourceLDAP $source_ldap, $ldapconn, $person = null, $filter = null, $force_create = false)
     if (!$person) {
         $person = $user->user_username;
     $person = utf8_encode($person);
     if (!$filter) {
         $filter = "(samaccountname={$person})";
     $results = $source_ldap->ldap_search($ldapconn, $filter);
     if (!$results || $results["count"] == 0) {
         $user->_bound = false;
         $user->_count_ldap = 0;
         return $user;
     if ($results["count"] > 1) {
         throw new CMbException("CSourceLDAP_too-many-results");
     $results = $results[0];
     $idex = new CIdSante400();
     $idex->tag = CAppUI::conf("admin LDAP ldap_tag");
     $idex->object_class = "CUser";
     $idex->id400 = self::getObjectGUID($results);
     // On sauvegarde le password renseigné
     $user_password = $user->user_password;
     $_user_password = $user->_user_password;
     // objectguid retrouvé on charge le user
     if ($idex->_id) {
         $user = new CUser();
     } else {
         // objectguid non retrouvé on associe à l'user courant l'objectguid
         // Si on est pas en mode création on le recherche
         if (!$force_create) {
             // Suppression du password pour le loadMatchingObject
             $user->user_password = null;
             $user->_user_password = null;
             if (!$user->_id) {
                 throw new CMbException("Auth-failed-user-unknown");
     $user->_bound = true;
     $user = self::mapTo($user, $results);
     // Save Mediuser variables
     $actif = $user->_user_actif;
     $deb_activite = $user->_user_deb_activite;
     $fin_activite = $user->_user_fin_activite;
     // Restore User password variables
     $user->user_password = $user_password;
     $user->_user_password = $_user_password;
     if (!$user->user_type) {
         $user->user_type = 0;
     // Pas de profil
     $user->template = 0;
     $user->user_login_errors = 0;
     $msg = $user->store();
     if ($msg) {
         throw new CMbException($msg);
     if (!$force_create && !$user->_ref_mediuser->actif || $force_create && !$actif) {
         throw new CMbException("Auth-failed-user-deactivated");
     // Restore Mediuser variables
     $user->_user_actif = $actif;
     $user->_user_deb_activite = $deb_activite;
     $user->_user_fin_activite = $fin_activite;
     $user->_count_ldap = 1;
     if (!$idex->_id) {
         $idex->object_id = $user->_id;
         $idex->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
         if ($msg = $idex->store()) {
             throw new CMbException($msg);
     return $user;
Esempio n. 8

 * $Id$
 * @category Admin
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see
 * @version  $Revision$
 * @link
$forceChange = CView::request("forceChange", "bool");
$lifeDuration = CView::request("lifeDuration", "bool");
$user = new CUser();
$password_info = CAppUI::$user->_specs['_user_password']->minLength > 4 ? "Le mot de passe doit être composé d'au moins 6 caractères, comprenant des lettres et au moins un chiffre." : "Le mot de passe doit être composé d'au moins 4 caractères.";
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("user", $user);
$smarty->assign("forceChange", $forceChange);
$smarty->assign("lifeDuration", $lifeDuration);
$smarty->assign("lifetime", CAppUI::conf("admin CUser password_life_duration"));
$smarty->assign("pwd_info", $password_info);
  * @see parent::check()
 function check()
     $msg = null;
     $this->completeField("chir_id", "plageop_id", "sejour_id");
     if (!$this->_id && !$this->chir_id) {
         $msg .= "Praticien non valide ";
     // Bornes du séjour
     $sejour = $this->loadRefSejour();
     if ($this->_check_bounds && !$this->_forwardRefMerging) {
         if ($this->plageop_id !== null && !$sejour->entree_reelle) {
             $date = CMbDT::date($this->_datetime);
             $entree = CMbDT::date($sejour->entree_prevue);
             $sortie = CMbDT::date($sejour->sortie_prevue);
             if (!CMbRange::in($date, $entree, $sortie)) {
                 $msg .= "Intervention du {$date} en dehors du séjour du {$entree} au {$sortie}";
     // Vérification de la signature de l'anesthésiste pour la visite de pré-anesthésie
     if ($this->fieldModified("prat_visite_anesth_id") && $this->prat_visite_anesth_id !== null && $this->prat_visite_anesth_id != CAppUI::$user->_id) {
         $anesth = new CUser();
         if (!CUser::checkPassword($anesth->user_username, $this->_password_visite_anesth)) {
             $msg .= "Mot de passe incorrect";
     return $msg . parent::check();
Esempio n. 10
  * @return string error message when necessary, null otherwise
 function copyPermissionsFrom($user_id, $delExistingPerms = false)
     if (!$user_id) {
         return null;
     // Copy user type
     $profile = new CUser();
     $this->user_type = $profile->user_type;
     if ($msg = $this->store()) {
         return $msg;
     // Delete existing permissions
     if ($delExistingPerms) {
     // Get other user's permissions
     // Module permissions
     $perms = new CPermModule();
     $perms = $perms->loadList("user_id = '{$user_id}'");
     // Copy them
     foreach ($perms as $perm) {
         $perm->perm_module_id = null;
         $perm->user_id = $this->user_id;
     //Object permissions
     $perms = new CPermObject();
     $perms = $perms->loadList("user_id = '{$user_id}'");
     // Copy them
     foreach ($perms as $perm) {
         $perm->perm_object_id = null;
         $perm->user_id = $this->user_id;
     return null;
 public function getTaskEmailLog(CTask $task, CTask_Log $log)
     $project = new CProject();
     $projname = $project->load($task->task_project)->project_name;
     $contact = new CContact();
     $creatorname = $contact->findContactByUserid($log->task_log_creator)->contact_display_name;
     $body = $this->_AppUI->_('Project', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $projname . "\n";
     if ($task->task_parent != $task->task_id) {
         $tmpTask = new CTask();
         $taskname = $tmpTask->load($task->task_parent)->task_name;
         $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('Parent Task', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $taskname . "\n";
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('Task', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $task->task_name . "\n";
     $task_types = w2PgetSysVal('TaskType');
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('Task Type', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ':' . $task_types[$task->task_type] . "\n";
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('URL', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $task->task_id . "\n\n";
     $body .= "------------------------\n\n";
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('User', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $creatorname . "\n";
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('Hours', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $log->task_log_hours . "\n";
     $body .= $this->_AppUI->_('Summary', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $log->task_log_name . "\n\n";
     $body .= $log->task_log_description;
     $user = new CUser();
     $body .= "\n--\n" . $user->load($this->_AppUI->user_id)->user_signature;
     return $body;
Esempio n. 12
 public function store(CAppUI $AppUI = null)
     global $AppUI;
     $perms = $AppUI->acl();
     $stored = false;
     $this->_error = $this->check();
     if (count($this->_error)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->user_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('users', 'edit', $this->user_id)) {
         $perm_func = 'updateLogin';
         $tmpUser = new CUser();
         if ('' == trim($this->user_password)) {
             $this->user_password = $tmpUser->user_password;
         } elseif ($tmpUser->user_password != md5($this->user_password)) {
             $this->user_password = md5($this->user_password);
         } else {
             $this->user_password = $tmpUser->user_password;
         if ($msg = parent::store()) {
             $this->_error = $msg;
             return false;
         $stored = true;
     if (0 == $this->user_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('users', 'add')) {
         $perm_func = 'addLogin';
         $this->user_password = md5($this->user_password);
         if ($msg = parent::store()) {
             $this->_error = $msg;
             return false;
         $stored = true;
     if ($stored) {
         $perms->{$perm_func}($this->user_id, $this->user_username);
         $q = $this->_query;
         //Lets check if the user has allready default users preferences set, if not insert the default ones
         $q->addTable('user_preferences', 'upr');
         $q->addWhere('upr.pref_user = '******'user_preferences', 'dup');
             $q->addWhere('dup.pref_user = 0');
             $w2prefs = $q->loadList();
             foreach ($w2prefs as $w2prefskey => $w2prefsvalue) {
                 $q->addTable('user_preferences', 'up');
                 $q->addInsert('pref_user', $this->user_id);
                 $q->addInsert('pref_name', $w2prefsvalue['pref_name']);
                 $q->addInsert('pref_value', $w2prefsvalue['pref_value']);
         return $stored;
     return $stored;
Esempio n. 13

if (!defined('W2P_BASE_DIR')) {
    die('You should not access this file directly.');
$user_id = (int) w2PgetParam($_GET, 'user_id', 0);
$tab = $AppUI->processIntState('UserVwTab', $_GET, 'tab', 0);
$addPwT = $AppUI->processIntState('addProjWithTasks', $_POST, 'add_pwt', 0);
$user = new CUser();
if (!$user->load($user_id)) {
$canEdit = $user->canEdit();
global $addPwT, $company_id, $dept_ids, $department, $min_view, $m, $a;
if ($user_id != $AppUI->user_id && (!$perms->checkModuleItem('users', 'view', $user_id) || !$perms->checkModuleItem('users', 'view', $user_id))) {
$company_id = $AppUI->getState('UsrProjIdxCompany') !== null ? $AppUI->getState('UsrProjIdxCompany') : $AppUI->user_company;
$company_prefix = 'company_';
if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
    $AppUI->setState('UsrProjIdxDepartment', $_POST['department']);
    //if department is set, ignore the company_id field
$department = $AppUI->getState('UsrProjIdxDepartment') !== null ? $AppUI->getState('UsrProjIdxDepartment') : $company_prefix . $AppUI->user_company;
//if $department contains the $company_prefix string that it's requesting a company and not a department.  So, clear the
// $department variable, and populate the $company_id variable.
if (!(strpos($department, $company_prefix) === false)) {
    $company_id = substr($department, strlen($company_prefix));
    $AppUI->setState('UsrProjIdxCompany', $company_id);
Esempio n. 14
            $module->mod_type = $setup->mod_type;
            if ($setup->mod_version == $module->mod_version) {
                CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '%s' à la version %s", UI_MSG_OK, $module->mod_name, $setup->mod_version);
            } else {
                CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '%s' à la version %s sur %s", UI_MSG_WARNING, $module->mod_name, $module->mod_version, $setup->mod_version);
        } else {
            CAppUI::setMsg("Module '%s' non mis à jour", UI_MSG_WARNING, $module->mod_name);
        // To force dependency re-evaluation
    if (isset($_SESSION["_pass_deferred"]) && CAppUI::$instance->user_id == 1) {
        $user = new CUser();
        $user->_user_password = $_SESSION["_pass_deferred"];
    // In case the setup has added some user prefs
$module = new CModule();
if ($mod_id) {
} else {
    $module->mod_version = "all";
Esempio n. 15
 public function createsqluser($username, $password, $ldap_attribs = array())
     $hash_pass = $this->hashPassword($password);
     $u = new CUser();
     $u->user_username = $username;
     $u->user_password = $hash_pass;
     $u->user_type = 0;
     // Changed from 1 (administrator) to 0 (Default user)
     $u->user_contact = 0;
     $result = $u->store(null, true);
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $this->user_id = $user_id;
     $c = new CContact();
     if (count($ldap_attribs)) {
         // Contact information based on the inetOrgPerson class schema
         $c->contact_first_name = $ldap_attribs['givenname'][0];
         $c->contact_last_name = $ldap_attribs['sn'][0];
         $c->contact_city = $ldap_attribs['l'][0];
         $c->contact_country = $ldap_attribs['country'][0];
         $c->contact_state = $ldap_attribs['st'][0];
         $c->contact_zip = $ldap_attribs['postalcode'][0];
         $c->contact_job = $ldap_attribs['title'][0];
         $c->contact_email = $ldap_attribs['mail'][0];
         $c->contact_phone = $ldap_attribs['telephonenumber'][0];
         $c->contact_owner = $this->user_id;
         $result = $c->store();
         $contactArray = array('phone_mobile' => $ldap_attribs['mobile'][0]);
     //we may be able to use the above user element for this but I didnt know how it would handle an update after the store command so I created a new object.
     $tmpUser = new CUser();
     $tmpUser->user_contact = $this->contactId($user_id);
     $acl =& $this->AppUI->acl();
     $acl->insertUserRole($acl->get_group_id('normal'), $this->user_id);