Esempio n. 1
  * Select Genesis Hooks Callback. Renders select fields.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param array $args    Arguments passed by the setting
  * @global $blox_options Array of all the Blox settings
  * @return void
 public function select_hooks_callback($args)
     global $blox_options;
     $instance = Blox_Common::get_instance();
     $hooks = $instance->get_genesis_hooks();
     if (isset($blox_options[$args['id']])) {
         $value = $blox_options[$args['id']];
     } else {
         $value = isset($args['default']) ? $args['default'] : '';
     $html = '<select id="blox_settings[' . $args['id'] . ']" name="blox_settings[' . $args['id'] . ']" />';
     foreach ($hooks as $sections => $section) {
         $html .= '<optgroup label="' . $section['name'] . '">';
         foreach ($section['hooks'] as $hooks => $hook) {
             $selected = selected($hooks, esc_attr($value), false);
             $html .= '<option value="' . $hooks . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $hook['name'] . '</option>';
         $html .= '</optgroup>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     $html .= !empty($args['desc']) ? '<p class="description">' . $args['desc'] . '</p>' : '';
     echo $html;
Esempio n. 2
 * Helper function that get the content from the content block
 * Needs to remain outside the Blox_Frontend class due to Blox_Action_Storage ---> Possibly find work around...
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param array $args       These are any args associated to the action hook by default
 * @param array $parameters Additional args that we are passing to the action hook (whole point of using Block_Action_Storage)
function blox_frontend_content( $args, $parameters ) {

	// Reassign the parameters
	$id 	= $parameters[0];
	$block	= $parameters[1];
	$global = $parameters[2];

	// Get the type of block we are working with
	$block_scope = $global ? 'global' : 'local';

	// Get block settings
	$content_data = $block['content'];
	$style_data   = $block['style'];

	// Get access to some of our helper functions
	$instance = Blox_Common::get_instance();

	// Check is default Blox CSS is globally disabled
    $global_disable_default_css = blox_get_option( 'disable_default_css', '' );

	// Start with no theme
	$blox_theme = '';

	// Should we include our default styles? If so, add the default theme
	if ( empty( $global_disable_default_css ) ) {
		if ( empty( $style_data['disable_default_css'] ) || ! $style_data['disable_default_css'] ) {
			$blox_theme = 'blox-theme-default';

	// If this block has its own custom css, add that before the block is displayed on the page
	if ( ! empty( $style_data['custom_css'] ) ) {
		echo '<style type="text/css">' . $instance->minify_string( html_entity_decode( $style_data['custom_css'] ) ) . '</style>';

	// Make sure a content type is selected and then print our content block
	if ( ! empty( $content_data['content_type'] ) ) {
		if ( $content_data['content_type'] == 'raw' && $content_data['raw']['disable_markup'] == 1 ) {
			// Get the block content
			do_action( 'blox_print_content_' . $content_data['content_type'], $content_data, $id, $block, $global );
		} else {
			<div id="<?php echo 'blox_' . $block_scope . '_' . esc_attr( $id ); ?>" class="blox-container <?php echo 'blox-content-' . esc_attr( $content_data['content_type'] ); ?> <?php echo $blox_theme; ?> <?php echo 'blox-scope-' . $block_scope; ?> <?php echo ! empty( $style_data['custom_classes'] ) ? esc_attr( $style_data['custom_classes'] ) : '';?>">
				<div class="blox-wrap <?php echo $style_data['enable_wrap'] == 1 ? 'wrap' : '';?>">
					<?php do_action( 'blox_print_content_' . $content_data['content_type'], $content_data, $id, $block, $global ); ?>
Esempio n. 3
  * Helper function for retrieving the available content types.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return array Array of all content types.
 public function get_content_types()
     $instance = Blox_Common::get_instance();
     return $instance->get_content_types();
Esempio n. 4
     * Helper method for retrieving image sizes.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return array Array of image size data.
    public function get_image_sizes() {

        $instance = Blox_Common::get_instance();
        return $instance->get_image_sizes();
Esempio n. 5
  * Helper method for retrieving all Genesis hooks.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return array Array of all Genesis hooks.
 public function get_genesis_hooks()
     $instance = Blox_Common::get_instance();
     return $instance->get_genesis_hooks();
Esempio n. 6
    public function minify_string( $string ) {

        $clean = preg_replace( '/((?:\/\*(?:[^*]|(?:\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)|(?:\/\/.*))/', '', $string );
        $clean = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\t", "\n", '  ', '    ', '     ' ), '', $clean );
        return apply_filters( 'blox_minified_string', $clean, $string );

     * Returns the singleton instance of the class.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return object The class object.
    public static function get_instance() {

        if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof Blox_Common ) ) {
            self::$instance = new Blox_Common();

        return self::$instance;



// Load the common class.
$blox_common = Blox_Common::get_instance();