Esempio n. 1
 public function saveBatchJobDtaItem($recordData)
     return $this->_save($recordData, Billing_Controller_BatchJobDtaItem::getInstance(), 'BatchJobDtaItem');
Esempio n. 2
 public function prepareDebitDtaExport(Billing_Model_BatchJob $job)
     try {
         $dueDate = new Zend_Date();
         $db = Tinebase_Core::getDb();
         $tm = Tinebase_TransactionManager::getInstance();
         $tId = $tm->startTransaction($db);
         $job = Billing_Api_BatchJobManager::getInstance()->loadBatchJob($job->getId());
         //			Billing_Api_BatchJobManager::getInstance()->startBatchJob();
         $data = $job->getData();
         $filters = $data['filters'];
         $aContexts = $data['contexts'];
         if (!is_array($aContexts)) {
             $aContexts = Zend_Json::decode($aContexts);
         $pagination = new Tinebase_Model_Pagination();
         //require_once 'Payment/DTA.php';
         if (!is_array($filters)) {
             $filters = Zend_Json::decode($filters);
         // get all open items (for debit)
         // grouped by debitors
         /*$filters[] = array(
         		'field' => 'banking_exp_date',
         		'operator' => 'isnull',
         		'value' => ''
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'state', 'operator' => 'not', 'value' => 'DONE');
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'type', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => 'DEBIT');
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'is_cancelled', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => 0);
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'is_cancellation', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => 0);
         //$contextFilters = array('ERP');
         $contextFilters = array();
         foreach ($aContexts as $context => $flag) {
             if ($flag) {
                 $contextFilters[] = $context;
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'erp_context_id', 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => $contextFilters);
         $rawFilters = $filters;
         $paymentTypeCount = count($paymentTypeKeys);
         $filter = new Billing_Model_OpenItemFilter($filters, 'AND');
         // due date: means date of execution of debit -> necessary for determination of sepa mandates
         // Telefonat: Rudat, hhartl 14.05.2014
         // "wenn im Filter angegeben, dann verwenden, ansonsten Tagesdatum"
         if ($filter->isFilterSet("due_date")) {
             $dueDate = new Zend_Date($filter->getFilter("due_date")->getValue());
         // count membership matching filters
         $openItemIds = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->search($filter, new Tinebase_Model_Pagination(array('sort' => 'id', 'dir' => 'ASC')), false, true);
         $debitorOpenItemIds = array();
         $limit = 0;
         //echo "global count: ".count($openItemIds);
         foreach ($openItemIds as $openItemId) {
             /*if($limit++ > 250){
             $openItem = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->get($openItemId);
             $debitorId = $openItem->getForeignId('debitor_id');
             if (!array_key_exists($debitorId, $debitorOpenItemIds)) {
                 $debitorOpenItemIds[$debitorId] = array();
             $debitorOpenItemIds[$debitorId][] = $openItemId;
         $addFilters = array();
         $addFilters[] = array('field' => 'membership_type', 'operator' => 'notin', 'value' => array('MEMBER_EX', 'MEMBER_GESCHENK', 'SCHENKER'));
         foreach ($debitorOpenItemIds as $debitorId => $debitorOpenItems) {
             $debitor = null;
             $contact = null;
             $contactId = null;
             $isError = false;
             try {
                 $debitor = Billing_Controller_Debitor::getInstance()->get($debitorId);
                 $contactId = $debitor->getForeignId('contact_id');
                 $contact = $debitor->getForeignRecord('contact_id', Addressbook_Controller_Contact::getInstance());
                 $valid = 'UNKNOWN';
                 $activeMembershipIds = Membership_Controller_SoMember::getInstance()->getActiveMembershipsByContactId($contact->getId(), $dueDate, $addFilters);
                 $mandate = null;
                 $count = count($activeMembershipIds);
                 if (count($activeMembershipIds) == 1) {
                     $membership = Membership_Controller_SoMember::getInstance()->getSoMember($activeMembershipIds[0]);
                     if ($membership->allowsSepaDirectDebit($dueDate)) {
                         //echo "has::";
                         $hasMandate = true;
                         $mandate = $membership->getForeignRecordBreakNull('sepa_mandate_id', Billing_Controller_SepaMandate::getInstance());
                         $valid = 'YES';
                     $bankAccount = $membership->getForeignRecordBreakNull('bank_account_id', Billing_Controller_BankAccount::getInstance());
                 } elseif (count($activeMembershipIds) == 0) {
                     $regularDonations = Donator_Controller_RegularDonation::getInstance()->getByContactId($contact->getId());
                     foreach ($regularDonations as $regDon) {
                         if ($regDon->allowsSepaDirectDebit()) {
                             $mandate = $regDon->getForeignRecordBreakNull('sepa_mandate_id', Billing_Controller_SepaMandate::getInstance());
                             $valid = 'YES';
                             //echo "has::";
                 $bankAccountName = '';
                 $bankName = '';
                 //echo "adr $contactId - count: $count\r\n";
                 if (is_null($mandate)) {
                     $bankAccount = null;
                     $valid = 'NO';
                     $sepaMandateId = null;
                     $bankAccountId = null;
                     $receipt = $openItem->getForeignRecordBreakNull('receipt_id', Billing_Controller_Receipt::getInstance());
                     $text = 'Kein gültiges Sepa-Mandat';
                     if ($receipt->getForeignId('payment_method_id') != 'DEBIT') {
                 } else {
                     $text = 'Sepa-Lastschrift';
                     $bankAccountId = $mandate->getForeignIdBreakNull('bank_account_id');
                     $sepaMandateId = $mandate->getId();
                 $errorInfo = '';
                 // REMARK[HH, 2013-08-23]: now set saldation contexts chosen by checkbox in start dialog:
                 // fixes quickhack hardcoded array('MEMBERSHIP','DONATOR')
                 $aSaldation = Billing_Controller_DebitorAccount::getInstance()->getSummationByDebitorId($debitorId, $contextFilters);
                 $saldation = $aSaldation['sum'];
                 $actionState = 'OPEN';
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $isError = true;
                 $valid = "NO";
                 $text = "Fehler - Debitor {$debitorId} kann nicht verarbeitet werden.";
                 $em = "";
                 if (is_null($debitor)) {
                     $em .= "Debitor konnte nicht geladen werden " . $debitorId . " ";
                 if (is_null($contact) || is_null($contactId)) {
                     $em .= "Kontakt konnte nicht geladen werden. Debitor.Nr.:" . $debitorId;
                 $errorInfo = "Fehler: " . $em . " <br/>\r\n Original-Meldung: " . $e->__toString();
                 $bankAccountId = null;
                 $mandate = null;
                 $actionState = 'ERROR';
                 $bankAccountName = "";
                 $bankName = "";
                 $sepaMandateId = null;
                 $contactId = $debitorId;
             $batchJobDta = new Billing_Model_BatchJobDta(null, true);
             $batchJobDta->setFromArray(array('job_id' => $job->getId(), 'contact_id' => $contactId, 'debitor_id' => $debitorId, 'bank_account_id' => $bankAccountId, 'bank_account_usage_id' => 1, 'sepa_mandate_id' => $sepaMandateId, 'bank_valid' => $valid, 'bank_account_number' => 0, 'bank_code' => 0, 'bank_account_name' => $bankAccountName, 'bank_name' => $bankName, 'total_sum' => 0, 'total_saldation' => $saldation, 'diff_saldation' => 0, 'count_pos' => 0, 'skip' => !is_null($mandate), 'action_text' => $text, 'action_data' => null, 'action_type' => 'DRYRUN', 'action_state' => $actionState, 'error_info' => $errorInfo, 'created_datetime' => Zend_Date::now(), 'valid_datetime' => Zend_Date::now(), 'to_process_datetime' => Zend_Date::now(), 'process_datetime' => Zend_Date::now(), 'usage' => ''));
             $batchJobDta = $this->create($batchJobDta);
             if (!$isError) {
                 $batchJobDtaId = $batchJobDta->getId();
                 $posCount = count($debitorOpenItems);
                 $totalSum = 0;
                 $usages = array();
                 foreach ($debitorOpenItems as $openItemId) {
                     $openItem = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->get($openItemId);
                     $sum = (double) $openItem->__get('open_sum');
                     $batchJobDtaItem = new Billing_Model_BatchJobDtaItem(null, true);
                     $batchJobDtaItem->setFromArray(array('batch_dta_id' => $batchJobDtaId, 'open_item_id' => $openItem->getId(), 'erp_context_id' => $openItem->__get('erp_context_id'), 'total_sum' => $sum, 'skip' => false, 'usage' => $openItem->__get('usage')));
                     $usages[] = $openItem->__get('usage');
                     $totalSum += $sum;
                 $usage = implode(' ', $usages);
                 $batchJobDta->__set('usage', $usage);
                 $batchJobDta->__set('total_sum', $totalSum);
                 $batchJobDta->__set('diff_saldation', $totalSum + $saldation);
                 if ($totalSum + $saldation != 0) {
                     $batchJobDta->__set('action_text', $batchJobDta->__get('action_text') . ' Differenz überprüfen');
                 $batchJobDta->__set('count_pos', $posCount);
         //$log = ob_get_clean();
         return array('state' => 'success', 'result' => null);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->__toString();
         return array('state' => 'failure', 'result' => null, 'errorInfo' => array('message' => $e->getMessage(), 'trace' => $e->getTrace()));