/** * Retrieves an image based on the attachments for a particular post. * * @param string $size * @param array $original * @param bool $get_original * @param bool $attachment_id * @param array $options * @return array|bool|mixed|string|void */ function suffusion_get_image_from_attachment($size = 'thumbnail', &$original = array(), $get_original = false, $attachment_id = false, $options = array()) { global $post; $img = ""; if (!$attachment_id) { $attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order')); if (is_array($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $id => $attachment) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size); if ($img && $get_original) { $original = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full'); } break; } } } else { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, $size); } // Try YAPB if (($img == "" || is_array($img) && count($img) == 0) && function_exists('yapb_is_photoblog_post') && yapb_is_photoblog_post()) { $standard_sizes = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large'); if (!isset($width) || !isset($height)) { // Retrieve the physical sizes from the named size. global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size])) { $size_array = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size]; $width = $size_array['width']; $height = $size_array['height']; } else { if (in_array($size, $standard_sizes)) { $width = get_option($size . '_size_w'); $height = get_option($size . '_size_h'); } else { $width = get_option('full_size_w'); $height = get_option('full_size_h'); } } if (isset($options["featured"]) || isset($options['featured-widget'])) { $img_class = "featured-excerpt-" . $options["excerpt_position"]; } else { if (isset($options['mag-headline']) || isset($options['mag-excerpt']) || isset($options['tile-thumb'])) { $img_class = ''; } else { if (isset($options['mosaic-thumb'])) { $img_class = 'suf-mosaic-img'; } else { if (isset($options['widget-thumb'])) { $img_class = 'suf-widget-thumb'; } else { global $suf_excerpt_thumbnail_alignment; $img_class = $suf_excerpt_thumbnail_alignment . '-thumbnail'; } } } } $img = yapb_get_thumbnail('', array('alt' => esc_attr($post->post_title)), '', array("w={$width}", "h={$height}", "q=100"), $img_class); $original['yapb'] = true; } } return $img; }
} else { if (is_page()) { query_posts($perpage); } else { query_posts('category_name=' . get_page_uri($post->ID) . $perpage); } } } } } } the_post(); ?> <?php if (yapb_is_photoblog_post()) { ?> <?php $title = the_title('', '', false); echo yapb_get_thumbnail('<p class="thumbnail"><a rel=\'bookmark\' title=\'' . $title . '\' href=\'' . get_permalink() . '\'>', array('alt' => $title, 'title' => $title), '</a></p>', array('w=90', 'q=90')); ?> <?php } ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> </div> </div> <ul id="globalNav" class="nav global"> <li <?php
/** * Generates an excerpt with additional parameters * * @param bool $show_image Shows a thumbnail if set to true * @param bool $echo Echoes the output * @param bool $filter_length Whether a filter should be applied to restrict the length of the excerpt * @param string $length_callback Function to call for controlling the excerpt length. Default is <code>suffusion_excerpt_length</code> * @return mixed|string|void */ function suffusion_excerpt($show_image = false, $echo = true, $filter_length = true, $length_callback = 'suffusion_excerpt_length') { $ret = ""; if ($show_image) { $ret = suffusion_get_image(array()); } if ($filter_length) { if (function_exists($length_callback)) { add_filter('excerpt_length', $length_callback); } else { add_filter('excerpt_length', 'suffusion_excerpt_length'); } } // If this is a YAPB post, disable this filter, otherwise the YAPB thumbnail is shown in excerpts... if (function_exists('yapb_is_photoblog_post') && yapb_is_photoblog_post()) { global $yapb; remove_filter('the_content', array(&$yapb, '_filter_the_content')); } $excerpt = get_the_excerpt(); $excerpt = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $excerpt); $ret .= $excerpt; if ($echo) { echo $ret; } // If this is a YAPB post, re-add this filter for full content posts if (function_exists('yapb_is_photoblog_post') && yapb_is_photoblog_post()) { global $yapb; add_filter('the_content', array(&$yapb, '_filter_the_content')); } return $ret; }