$end_date = $ed_date; } // Fetch Dashboard Profile ID. $dashboard_profile_id = get_option('pt_webprofile_dashboard'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 class='opt-title'><span id='icon-options-general' class='analytics-options'><img src="<?php echo esc_url(plugins_url('images/wp-analytics-logo.png', dirname(__FILE__))); ?> " alt=""></span> <?php esc_html_e('Analytify Dashboard', 'wp-analytify'); ?> </h2> <?php if (wpa_check_profile_selection('Analytify')) { return; } $access_token = get_option('post_analytics_token'); if ($access_token) { ?> <div id="col-container"> <div class="metabox-holder"> <div class="postbox" style="width:100%;"> <div id="main-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable"> <div class="postbox "> <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br /> </div> <h3 class="hndle"> <span> <?php
public function get_single_admin_analytics($start_date = '', $end_date = '', $postID = 0, $ajax = 0) { global $post; if (wpa_check_profile_selection('Analytify', '<br /><b class="wpa_notice_error">Select your website profile at Analytify->settings->profile tab to load stats.</b>')) { return; } if ($postID == 0) { $u_post = '/'; // $urlPost['path']; } else { $u_post = parse_url(get_permalink($postID)); } if ($u_post['host'] == 'localhost') { $filter = false; } else { $filter = 'ga:pagePath==' . $u_post['path'] . ''; } if ($start_date == '') { $s_date = get_the_time('Y-m-d', $post->ID); if (get_the_time('Y', $post->ID) < 2005) { $s_date = '2005-01-01'; } } else { $s_date = $start_date; } if ($end_date == '') { $e_date = date('Y-m-d'); } else { $e_date = $end_date; } $show_settings = array(); $show_settings = get_option('post_analytics_settings_back'); // Stop here, if user has disable backend analytics i.e OFF if (get_option('post_analytics_disable_back') == 1 and $ajax == 0) { return; } echo '<p> Displaying Analytics of this page from ' . date('jS F, Y', strtotime($s_date)) . ' to ' . date('jS F, Y', strtotime($e_date)) . '</p>'; if (!empty($show_settings)) { if (is_array($show_settings)) { if (in_array('show-overall-back', $show_settings)) { $stats = $this->pa_get_analytics('ga:sessions,ga:bounces,ga:newUsers,ga:entrances,ga:pageviews,ga:sessionDuration,ga:avgTimeOnPage,ga:users', $s_date, $e_date, false, false, $filter); if (isset($stats->totalsForAllResults)) { include ANALYTIFY_ROOT_PATH . '/views/admin/single-general-stats.php'; wpa_single_include_general($this, $stats); } } } } }