function process() { if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { check_admin_referer('thesis-header-upload', '_wpnonce-thesis-header-upload'); #wp $overrides = array('test_form' => false); $file = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['import'], $overrides); #wp if (isset($file['error'])) { wp_die($file['error'], __('Image Upload Error', 'thesis')); } #wp if ($file['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $file['type'] == 'image/pjpeg' || $file['type'] == 'image/png' || $file['type'] == 'image/gif') { $this->url = $file['url']; $image = $file['file']; list($this->width, $this->height) = getimagesize($image); if ($this->width <= $this->optimal_width) { $this->save($image); } elseif ($this->width > $this->optimal_width) { if (apply_filters('thesis_crop_header', true)) { #filter $this->ratio = $this->width / $this->optimal_width; $cropped = wp_crop_image($image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->optimal_width, $this->height / $this->ratio, false, str_replace(basename($image), 'cropped-' . basename($image), $image)); #wp if (is_wp_error($cropped)) { #wp wp_die(__('Your image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.', 'thesis'), __('Image Processing Error', 'thesis')); } #wp $this->url = str_replace(basename($this->url), basename($cropped), $this->url); $this->width = round($this->width / $this->ratio); $this->height = round($this->height / $this->ratio); $this->save($cropped); @unlink($image); } else { $this->save($image); } } } else { $this->error = true; } } elseif ($_GET['remove']) { check_admin_referer('thesis-remove-header'); #wp unset($this->header); delete_option('thesis_header'); #wp global $thesis_design; if (!$thesis_design->display['header']['tagline'] && apply_filters('thesis_header_auto_tagline', true)) { #filter $thesis_design->display['header']['tagline'] = true; update_option('thesis_design_options', $thesis_design); #wp } thesis_generate_css(); $this->removed = true; } }
/** * Gets attachment uploaded by Media Manager, crops it, then saves it as a * new object. Returns JSON-encoded object details. */ public function ajax_header_crop() { check_ajax_referer('image_editor-' . $_POST['id'], 'nonce'); if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { wp_send_json_error(); } if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'uploads')) { wp_send_json_error(); } $crop_details = $_POST['cropDetails']; $dimensions = $this->get_header_dimensions(array('height' => $crop_details['height'], 'width' => $crop_details['width'])); $attachment_id = absint($_POST['id']); $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $crop_details['x1'], (int) $crop_details['y1'], (int) $crop_details['width'], (int) $crop_details['height'], (int) $dimensions['dst_width'], (int) $dimensions['dst_height']); if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'))); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $object = $this->create_attachment_object($cropped, $attachment_id); unset($object['ID']); $new_attachment_id = $this->insert_attachment($object, $cropped); $object['attachment_id'] = $new_attachment_id; $object['width'] = $dimensions['dst_width']; $object['height'] = $dimensions['dst_height']; wp_send_json_success($object); }
/** * AJAX handler for cropping an image. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @global WP_Site_Icon $wp_site_icon */ function wp_ajax_crop_image() { $attachment_id = absint($_POST['id']); check_ajax_referer('image_editor-' . $attachment_id, 'nonce'); if (!current_user_can('customize')) { wp_send_json_error(); } $context = str_replace('_', '-', $_POST['context']); $data = array_map('absint', $_POST['cropDetails']); $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, $data['x1'], $data['y1'], $data['width'], $data['height'], $data['dst_width'], $data['dst_height']); if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('Image could not be processed.'))); } switch ($context) { case 'site-icon': require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-icon.php'; global $wp_site_icon; /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication. $object = $wp_site_icon->create_attachment_object($cropped, $attachment_id); unset($object['ID']); // Update the attachment. add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); $attachment_id = $wp_site_icon->insert_attachment($object, $cropped); remove_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); // Additional sizes in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js(). add_filter('image_size_names_choose', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); break; default: /** * Filters the attachment id for a cropped image. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @param int $attachment_id The ID of the cropped image. * @param string $context The feature requesting the cropped image. */ $attachment_id = apply_filters('wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_id', 0, $context); if (!$attachment_id) { wp_send_json_error(); } } wp_send_json_success(wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($attachment_id)); }
/** * AJAX handler for cropping an image. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @global WP_Site_Icon $wp_site_icon */ function wp_ajax_crop_image() { $attachment_id = absint($_POST['id']); check_ajax_referer('image_editor-' . $attachment_id, 'nonce'); if (!current_user_can('customize')) { wp_send_json_error(); } $context = str_replace('_', '-', $_POST['context']); $data = array_map('absint', $_POST['cropDetails']); $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, $data['x1'], $data['y1'], $data['width'], $data['height'], $data['dst_width'], $data['dst_height']); if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('Image could not be processed.'))); } switch ($context) { case 'site-icon': require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-icon.php'; global $wp_site_icon; // Skip creating a new attachment if the attachment is a Site Icon. if (get_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_context', true) == $context) { // Delete the temporary cropped file, we don't need it. wp_delete_file($cropped); // Additional sizes in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js(). add_filter('image_size_names_choose', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); break; } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication. $object = $wp_site_icon->create_attachment_object($cropped, $attachment_id); unset($object['ID']); // Update the attachment. add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); $attachment_id = $wp_site_icon->insert_attachment($object, $cropped); remove_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); // Additional sizes in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js(). add_filter('image_size_names_choose', array($wp_site_icon, 'additional_sizes')); break; default: /** * Fires before a cropped image is saved. * * Allows to add filters to modify the way a cropped image is saved. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @param string $context The Customizer control requesting the cropped image. * @param int $attachment_id The attachment ID of the original image. * @param string $cropped Path to the cropped image file. */ do_action('wp_ajax_crop_image_pre_save', $context, $attachment_id, $cropped); /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication. $parent_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id); $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); $size = @getimagesize($cropped); $image_type = $size ? $size['mime'] : 'image/jpeg'; $object = array('post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => $image_type, 'guid' => $url, 'context' => $context); $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped); /** * Filter the cropped image attachment metadata. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @see wp_generate_attachment_metadata() * * @param array $metadata Attachment metadata. */ $metadata = apply_filters('wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_metadata', $metadata); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $metadata); /** * Filter the attachment ID for a cropped image. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @param int $attachment_id The attachment ID of the cropped image. * @param string $context The Customizer control requesting the cropped image. */ $attachment_id = apply_filters('wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_id', $attachment_id, $context); } wp_send_json_success(wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($attachment_id)); }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since unknown */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header'); if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $original = get_attached_file($_POST['attachment_id']); $cropped = wp_crop_image($_POST['attachment_id'], $_POST['x1'], $_POST['y1'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT); $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $_POST['attachment_id']); // For replication $parent = get_post($_POST['attachment_id']); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $_POST['attachment_id'], 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url); // Update the attachment wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); wp_update_attachment_metadata($_POST['attachment_id'], wp_generate_attachment_metadata($_POST['attachment_id'], $cropped)); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $medium)); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $original)); return $this->finished(); }
function bp_core_avatar_cropstore($source, $canvas, $v1_x1, $v1_y1, $v1_w, $v1_h, $v2_x1, $v2_y1, $v2_w, $v2_h, $from_signup = false, $filename = 'avatar', $item_id = null) { $size = getimagesize($source); $dims = getimagesize($canvas); // Figure out multiplier for scaling $multi = $size[0] / $dims[0]; if ($item_id) { $filename_item_id = $item_id . '-'; } if ($filename != 'avatar') { $v1_filename = '-' . $filename_item_id . $filename . '-thumb'; $v2_filename = '-' . $filename_item_id . $filename . '-full'; } else { $v1_filename = '-avatar1'; $v2_filename = '-avatar2'; } $v1_filename = apply_filters('bp_avatar_v1_filename', $v1_filename); $v2_filename = apply_filters('bp_avatar_v2_filename', $v2_filename); // Perform v1 crop $v1_dest = apply_filters('bp_avatar_v1_dest', dirname($source) . '/' . preg_replace('!(\\.[^.]+)?$!', $v1_filename . '$1', basename($source), 1), $source); if ($from_signup) { $v1_out = wp_crop_image($source, $v1_x1, $v1_y1, $v1_w, $v1_h, CORE_AVATAR_V1_W, CORE_AVATAR_V1_H, false, $v1_dest); } else { $v1_out = wp_crop_image($source, $v1_x1 * $multi, $v1_y1 * $multi, $v1_w * $multi, $v1_h * $multi, CORE_AVATAR_V1_W, CORE_AVATAR_V1_H, false, $v1_dest); } // Perform v2 crop if (CORE_AVATAR_V2_W !== false && CORE_AVATAR_V2_H !== false) { $v2_dest = apply_filters('bp_avatar_v2_dest', dirname($source) . '/' . preg_replace('!(\\.[^.]+)?$!', $v2_filename . '$1', basename($source), 1), $source); if ($from_signup) { $v2_out = wp_crop_image($source, $v2_x1, $v2_y1, $v2_w, $v2_h, CORE_AVATAR_V2_W, CORE_AVATAR_V2_H, false, $v2_dest); } else { $v2_out = wp_crop_image($source, $v2_x1 * $multi, $v2_y1 * $multi, $v2_w * $multi, $v2_h * $multi, CORE_AVATAR_V2_W, CORE_AVATAR_V2_H, false, $v2_dest); } } // Clean up canvas and original images used during cropping foreach (array(str_replace('..', '', $source), str_replace('..', '', $canvas)) as $f) { @unlink($f); } $dir = $source; do { $dir = dirname($dir); @rmdir($dir); // will fail on non-empty directories } while (substr_count($dir, '/') >= 2 && stristr($dir, ABSPATH)); return apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_cropstore', array('v1_out' => $v1_out, 'v2_out' => $v2_out)); }
function step_3() { if ( $_POST['oitar'] > 1 ) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $header = wp_crop_image($_POST['attachment_id'], $_POST['x1'], $_POST['y1'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT); $header = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $header); // For replication $parent = get_post($_POST['attachment_id']); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($header), $parent_url); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); // cleanup $file = get_attached_file( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); $medium = str_replace(basename($file), 'midsize-'.basename($file), $file); @unlink( apply_filters( 'wp_delete_file', $medium ) ); wp_delete_attachment( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); return $this->finished(); }
/** * Saves a new Site Icon. * * @since 4.3.0 */ public function set_site_icon() { check_admin_referer('set-site-icon'); $attachment_id = absint($_REQUEST['attachment_id']); $create_new_attachement = !empty($_REQUEST['create-new-attachment']); /* * If the current attachment as been set as site icon don't delete it. */ if (get_option('site_icon') == $attachment_id) { // Get the file path. $image_url = get_attached_file($attachment_id); // Update meta data and possibly regenerate intermediate sizes. add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); $this->update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $image_url); remove_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); } else { // Delete any existing site icon images. $this->delete_site_icon(); if (empty($_REQUEST['skip-cropping'])) { $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, $_REQUEST['crop-x'], $_REQUEST['crop-y'], $_REQUEST['crop-w'], $_REQUEST['crop-h'], $this->min_size, $this->min_size); } elseif ($create_new_attachement) { $cropped = _copy_image_file($attachment_id); } else { $cropped = get_attached_file($attachment_id); } if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $object = $this->create_attachment_object($cropped, $attachment_id); if ($create_new_attachement) { unset($object['ID']); } // Update the attachment. add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); $attachment_id = $this->insert_attachment($object, $cropped); remove_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); // Save the site_icon data into option update_option('site_icon', $attachment_id); } add_settings_error('site-icon', 'icon-updated', __('Site Icon updated.'), 'updated'); }
function upme_initialize_upload_box() { global $current_user, $upme_save; $id = $_GET['upme_id']; $meta = isset($_GET['upme_meta']) ? $_GET['upme_meta'] : ''; $disabled = isset($_GET['upme_disabled']) ? $_GET['upme_disabled'] : ''; $settings = get_option('upme_options'); $display = '<html> <head> ' . upme_crop_iframe_head() . ' <style type="text/css"> html{ overflow: hidden; } </style> </head> <body> <form id="upme-crop-frm" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; $display .= ' <div class="upme-crop-wrap">'; $display .= ' <div class="upme-wrap">'; $display .= ' <div class="upme-field upme-separator upme-edit upme-clearfix" style="display: block;">' . __('Update Profile Picture', 'upme') . '</div>'; $profile_pic_url = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id); if (is_array($upme_save->errors) && count($upme_save->errors) != 0) { if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) { $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block'); $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'none'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-upload-submit-' . $id]) || isset($_POST['upme-crop-request-' . $id])) { // Display crop area on file upload or crop link click if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) { $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'block'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-crop-submit-' . $id])) { // Crop the image on area selection and submit $data_x1 = isset($_POST['upme-crop-x1']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-x1'] : 0; $data_y1 = isset($_POST['upme-crop-y1']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-y1'] : 0; $data_width = isset($_POST['upme-crop-width']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-width'] : 50; $data_height = isset($_POST['upme-crop-height']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-height'] : 50; $src = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id); $upme_upload_path = ''; $upme_upload_url = ''; if ($upload_dir = upme_get_uploads_folder_details()) { $upme_upload_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/upme/"; $upme_upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upme/"; $src = str_replace($upme_upload_url, $upme_upload_path, $src); } if (is_readable($src)) { $result = wp_crop_image($src, $data_x1, $data_y1, $data_width, $data_height, $data_width, $data_height); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { $cropped_path = str_replace($upme_upload_path, $upme_upload_url, $result); update_user_meta($id, $meta, $cropped_path); $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block'); } } update_crop_image_display($id, $meta, $cropped_path); } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-crop-save-' . $id])) { $src = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id); update_crop_image_display($id, $meta, $src); } else { if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) { $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block'); $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'none'); } } $display .= ' </div>'; $display .= ' </div>'; $display .= ' </form> </body> </html>'; echo $display; exit; }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'uploads')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if (!empty($_POST['skip-cropping']) && !(current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') || current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width'))) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); $original = get_attached_file($attachment_id); $max_width = 0; // For flex, limit size of image displayed to 1500px unless theme says otherwise if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width')) { $max_width = 1500; } if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'max-width')) { $max_width = max($max_width, get_theme_support('custom-header', 'max-width')); } $max_width = max($max_width, get_theme_support('custom-header', 'width')); if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') && !current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') || $_POST['width'] > $max_width) { $dst_height = absint($_POST['height'] * ($max_width / $_POST['width'])); } elseif (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') && current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width')) { $dst_height = absint($_POST['height']); } else { $dst_height = get_theme_support('custom-header', 'height'); } if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') && !current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') || $_POST['width'] > $max_width) { $dst_width = absint($_POST['width'] * ($max_width / $_POST['width'])); } elseif (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') && current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height')) { $dst_width = absint($_POST['width']); } else { $dst_width = get_theme_support('custom-header', 'width'); } if (empty($_POST['skip-cropping'])) { $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], $dst_width, $dst_height); } elseif (!empty($_POST['create-new-attachment'])) { $cropped = _copy_image_file($attachment_id); } else { $cropped = get_attached_file($attachment_id); } if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($attachment_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); $size = @getimagesize($cropped); $image_type = $size ? $size['mime'] : 'image/jpeg'; // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $attachment_id, 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => $image_type, 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header'); if (!empty($_POST['create-new-attachment'])) { unset($object['ID']); } // Update the attachment $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped)); $width = $dst_width; $height = $dst_height; $this->set_header_image(compact('url', 'attachment_id', 'width', 'height')); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); if (file_exists($medium)) { /** * Filter the path of the file to delete. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $medium Path to the file to delete. */ @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $medium)); } if (empty($_POST['create-new-attachment']) && empty($_POST['skip-cropping'])) { /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */ @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $original)); } return $this->finished(); }
/** * Saves a new Site Icon. * * @since 4.3.0 */ public function set_site_icon() { check_admin_referer('set-site-icon'); // Delete any existing site icon images. $this->delete_site_icon(); $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); // TODO if (empty($_POST['skip-cropping'])) { $crop_ratio = (double) $_POST['crop_ratio']; $crop_data = $this->convert_coordinates_from_resized_to_full($_POST['crop-x'], $_POST['crop-y'], $_POST['crop-w'], $_POST['crop-h'], $crop_ratio); $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, $crop_data['crop_x'], $crop_data['crop_y'], $crop_data['crop_width'], $crop_data['crop_height'], $this->min_size, $this->min_size); } elseif (!empty($_POST['create-new-attachment'])) { $cropped = _copy_image_file($attachment_id); } else { $cropped = get_attached_file($attachment_id); } if (!$cropped || is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $object = $this->create_attachment_object($cropped, $attachment_id); if (!empty($_POST['create-new-attachment'])) { unset($object['ID']); } // Update the attachment add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); $attachment_id = $this->insert_attachment($object, $cropped); remove_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', array($this, 'additional_sizes')); // Save the site_icon data into option update_option('site_icon', $attachment_id); add_settings_error('site-icon', 'icon-updated', __('Site Icon updated.'), 'updated'); }
/** * Crop an uploaded avatar. * * originally from bp file <>. It was copied since naming it does not have any filters * for renaming and changing the cropped avatae * * $args has the following parameters: * object - What component the avatar is for, e.g. "user" * avatar_dir The absolute path to the avatar * item_id - Item ID * original_file - The absolute path to the original avatar file * crop_w - Crop width * crop_h - Crop height * crop_x - The horizontal starting point of the crop * crop_y - The vertical starting point of the crop * * @param array $args { * Array of function parameters. * @type string $object Object type of the item whose avatar you're * handling. 'user', 'group', 'blog', or custom. Default: 'user'. * @type string $avatar_dir Subdirectory where avatar should be stored. * Default: 'avatars'. * @type bool|int $item_id ID of the item that the avatar belongs to. * @type bool|string $original_file Absolute papth to the original avatar * file. * @type int $crop_w Crop width. Default: the global 'full' avatar width, * as retrieved by bp_core_avatar_full_width(). * @type int $crop_h Crop height. Default: the global 'full' avatar height, * as retrieved by bp_core_avatar_full_height(). * @type int $crop_x The horizontal starting point of the crop. Default: 0. * @type int $crop_y The vertical starting point of the crop. Default: 0. * } * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function bcp_core_avatar_handle_crop($args = '') { $existing_avatar = ''; $coverphoto_full_width = BCP_MAX_WIDTH; $coverphoto_full_height = BCP_MAX_HEIGHT; $coverphoto_thumb_full_width = BCP_THUMB_MAX_WIDTH; $coverphoto_thumb_full_height = BCP_THUMB_MAX_HEIGHT; $r = wp_parse_args($args, array('object' => 'user', 'avatar_dir' => 'avatars', 'item_id' => false, 'original_file' => false, 'crop_w' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'crop_h' => bp_core_avatar_full_height(), 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0)); /*** * You may want to hook into this filter if you want to override this function. * Make sure you return false. */ if (!apply_filters('bp_core_pre_avatar_handle_crop', true, $r)) { return true; } extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); if (empty($original_file)) { return false; } $original_file = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . $original_file; if (!file_exists($original_file)) { return false; } if (empty($item_id)) { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', dirname($original_file), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } else { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . '/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } if (!file_exists($avatar_folder_dir)) { return false; } require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; // Delete the existing avatar files for the object $args = array('object_id' => $item_id, 'type' => 'user'); //change object type to groups for groups if ('group-avatars' == $avatar_dir) { $args['type'] = 'groups'; } $existing_covers = bcp_fetch_cover_photo($args); if (!empty($existing_covers)) { // Check that the new avatar doesn't have the same name as the // old one before deleting $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $existing_avatar_path = str_replace($upload_dir['baseurl'], '', $existing_avatar); $new_avatar_path = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], '', $original_file); if ($existing_avatar_path !== $new_avatar_path) { if ($handle = opendir($avatar_folder_dir)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { $file_info = pathinfo($entry); $file_name = $file_info['filename']; $file_ext = $file_info['extension']; $cover_photos = array('coverphoto-full', 'coverphoto-thumb'); if (in_array($file_name, $cover_photos)) { // cover photo exists $file = $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $file_name . '.' . $file_ext; @unlink($file); } } } // close the directory closedir($handle); } } } // Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping if (empty($crop_w)) { $crop_w = bp_core_avatar_full_width(); } if (empty($crop_h)) { $crop_h = bp_core_avatar_full_height(); } // Get the file extension $data = @getimagesize($original_file); $ext = $data['mime'] == 'image/png' ? 'png' : 'jpg'; // Set the full and thumb filenames $full_filename = 'coverphoto-full.' . $ext; $thumb_filename = 'coverphoto-thumb.' . $ext; // Crop the image $full_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, $coverphoto_thumb_width, $coverphoto_thumb_height, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename); $thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, $coverphoto_thumb_full_width, $coverphoto_thumb_full_height, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename); // Check for errors if (empty($full_cropped) || empty($thumb_cropped) || is_wp_error($full_cropped) || is_wp_error($thumb_cropped)) { return false; } // Remove the original @unlink($original_file); return true; }
/** * Save options on the VFB Pro > Email Design page * * @access public * @since 2.4.3 * @return void */ public function save_email_design() { global $wpdb; if (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || !isset($_GET['page'])) { return; } if ('vfb-email-design' !== $_GET['page']) { return; } if ('email_design' !== $_REQUEST['action']) { return; } $form_id = absint($_REQUEST['form_id']); check_admin_referer('update-design-' . $form_id); $email = unserialize($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT form_email_design FROM {$this->form_table_name} WHERE form_id = %d", $form_id))); $header_image = !empty($email['header_image']) ? $email['header_image'] : ''; if (isset($_FILES['header_image'])) { $value = $_FILES['header_image']; if ($value['size'] > 0) { // Handle the upload using WP's wp_handle_upload function. Takes the posted file and an options array $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($value, array('test_form' => false)); @(list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($uploaded_file['file'])); if ($width == 600 && $height == 137) { $header_image = isset($uploaded_file['file']) ? $uploaded_file['url'] : ''; } elseif ($width > 600) { $oitar = $width / 600; $image = wp_crop_image($uploaded_file['file'], 0, 0, $width, $height, 600, $height / $oitar, false, str_replace(basename($uploaded_file['file']), 'vfb-header-img-' . basename($uploaded_file['file']), $uploaded_file['file'])); if (is_wp_error($image)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $header_image = str_replace(basename($uploaded_file['url']), basename($image), $uploaded_file['url']); } else { $dst_width = 600; $dst_height = absint($height * (600 / $width)); $cropped = wp_crop_image($uploaded_file['file'], 0, 0, $width, $height, $dst_width, $dst_height, false, str_replace(basename($uploaded_file['file']), 'vfb-header-img-' . basename($uploaded_file['file']), $uploaded_file['file'])); if (is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $header_image = str_replace(basename($uploaded_file['url']), basename($cropped), $uploaded_file['url']); } } } $email_design = array('format' => $_REQUEST['format'], 'link_love' => $_REQUEST['link_love'], 'footer_text' => $_REQUEST['footer_text'], 'background_color' => $_REQUEST['background_color'], 'header_text' => $_REQUEST['header_text'], 'header_image' => $header_image, 'header_color' => $_REQUEST['header_color'], 'header_text_color' => $_REQUEST['header_text_color'], 'fieldset_color' => $_REQUEST['fieldset_color'], 'section_color' => $_REQUEST['section_color'], 'section_text_color' => $_REQUEST['section_text_color'], 'text_color' => $_REQUEST['text_color'], 'link_color' => $_REQUEST['link_color'], 'row_color' => $_REQUEST['row_color'], 'row_alt_color' => $_REQUEST['row_alt_color'], 'border_color' => $_REQUEST['border_color'], 'footer_color' => $_REQUEST['footer_color'], 'footer_text_color' => $_REQUEST['footer_text_color'], 'font_family' => $_REQUEST['font_family'], 'header_font_size' => $_REQUEST['header_font_size'], 'fieldset_font_size' => $_REQUEST['fieldset_font_size'], 'section_font_size' => $_REQUEST['section_font_size'], 'text_font_size' => $_REQUEST['text_font_size'], 'footer_font_size' => $_REQUEST['footer_font_size']); // Update form details $wpdb->update($this->form_table_name, array('form_email_design' => serialize($email_design)), array('form_id' => $form_id), array('%s'), array('%d')); }
public function handle_crop() { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); $cover_photo = get_transient('profile_cover_photo_' . $user_id); // Get the file extension $data = @getimagesize($cover_photo); $ext = $data['mime'] == 'image/png' ? 'png' : 'jpg'; $base_filename = basename($cover_photo, '.' . $ext); // create a new filename but, if it's already been cropped, strip out the -cropped $new_filename = str_replace('-cropped', '', $base_filename) . '-cropped.' . $ext; $new_filepath = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . '/cover-photo/' . $user_id . '/' . $new_filename; $new_fileurl = bp_core_avatar_url() . '/cover-photo/' . $user_id . '/' . $new_filename; $crop_fileurl = str_replace(trailingslashit(get_home_url()), '', bp_core_avatar_url()) . '/cover-photo/' . $user_id . '/' . $new_filename; // delete the old cover photo if it exists if (file_exists($new_filepath)) { @unlink($new_filepath); } $cropped_header = wp_crop_image($cover_photo, $_POST['x'], $_POST['y'], $_POST['w'], $_POST['h'], $this->width, $this->height, false, $crop_fileurl); if (!is_wp_error($cropped_header)) { $old_file_path = get_user_meta(bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'profile_cover_photo_path', true); if (file_exists($old_file_path)) { @unlink($old_file_path); } // update with the new image and path bp_update_user_meta(bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'profile_cover_photo', $new_fileurl); bp_update_user_meta(bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'profile_cover_photo_path', $new_filepath); delete_transient('is_cover_photo_uploaded_' . bp_displayed_user_id()); delete_transient('profile_cover_photo_' . bp_displayed_user_id()); } }
function step_3() { //check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $custom = get_post_custom($_POST['banner']); $banner_height = $custom['height'][0]; $banner_width = $custom['width'][0]; $original_id = get_attached_file($_POST['attachment_id']); $cropped = wp_crop_image($original_id, $_POST['x1'], $_POST['y1'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], $banner_width, $banner_height); if (is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $original_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($original_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url); // Update the attachment $cropped_image = wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($cropped_image, $cropped); wp_update_attachment_metadata($cropped_image, $attach_data); $cropped_image_url = wp_get_attachment_url($cropped_image); $cropped_image_id = $cropped_image; $sliderID = $_POST['banner']; $url = wp_get_attachment_url($cropped_image_id); $custom = get_post_custom($sliderID); $banner_height = $custom['height'][0]; $banner_width = $custom['width'][0]; $alcyone_slides = $custom['slides'][0]; $i = 0; $loop = true; while ($loop) { //for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $i++; if ($custom['alcyone_slide_' . $i][0] == "") { update_post_meta($sliderID, 'alcyone_slide_' . $i, $cropped_image_id); update_post_meta($sliderID, 'slides', $alcyone_slides + 1); $slide_id = 'alcyone_slide_' . $i; $loop = false; } } ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo $url; ?> " width="<?php echo $prew_width; ?> " /></br> <input type="hidden" id="image_id" value="<?php echo $cropped_image_id; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" id="slide_id" value="<?php echo $slide_id; ?> "/> <input type="submit" value="" class="settings"/> <input type="submit" value="" class="delete"/> </li> <?php // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $medium)); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $original)); //return finished(); die; }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'uploads')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); $original = get_attached_file($attachment_id); $max_width = 0; // For flex, limit size of image displayed to 1500px unless theme says otherwise if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width')) { $max_width = 1500; } if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'max-width')) { $max_width = max($max_width, get_theme_support('custom-header', 'max-width')); } $max_width = max($max_width, get_theme_support('custom-header', 'width')); if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') && !current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') || $_POST['width'] > $max_width) { $dst_height = absint($_POST['height'] * ($max_width / $_POST['width'])); } elseif (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') && current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width')) { $dst_height = absint($_POST['height']); } else { $dst_height = get_theme_support('custom-header', 'height'); } if (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') && !current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height') || $_POST['width'] > $max_width) { $dst_width = absint($_POST['width'] * ($max_width / $_POST['width'])); } elseif (current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-width') && current_theme_supports('custom-header', 'flex-height')) { $dst_width = absint($_POST['width']); } else { $dst_width = get_theme_support('custom-header', 'width'); } $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], $dst_width, $dst_height); if (is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($attachment_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $attachment_id, 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header'); if (isset($_POST['new-attachment']) && $_POST['new-attachment']) { unset($object['ID']); } // Update the attachment $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped)); update_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', get_option('stylesheet')); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); $header_data = new stdClass(); $header_data->attachment_id = $attachment_id; $header_data->url = $url; $header_data->thumbnail_url = $url; $header_data->width = $dst_width; $header_data->height = $dst_height; set_theme_mod('header_image_data', $header_data); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); if (file_exists($medium)) { @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $medium)); } if (empty($_POST['new-attachment'])) { @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $original)); } return $this->finished(); }
/** * Add a new image size to the an already existing attachment. Handy for one * off spaces where you don't want to have an image size created for every * attachment uploaded. Once created the image will be accessable via the * normal wp route with your size name. * * @param integer $id ID of the attachment we want to mod * @param integer $crop_width The width of the new image in px * @param integer $crop_height Height of the new image in px * @param boolean $crop Are we going to crop this image * @param string $size_name Name of the image size * * @return Mixed wp_error or string, wp_error on fail otherwise the url to the new image. */ function add_resized_attachment($id, $crop_width, $crop_height, $crop = false, $size_name = 'special-size') { if (!wp_attachment_is_image($id)) { return new WP_Error('attachment_invalid', sprintf(__('The passed ID (%d) is not that of an attachment or an image.', icit_core::DOM), $id)); } // If it's been created already lets not do anything. $image_auto = image_get_intermediate_size($id, $size_name); if ($crop === true && (int) $image_auto['width'] == $crop_width && (int) $image_auto['height'] == $crop_height && $image_auto['url']) { return $image_auto['url']; } elseif ($crop === false && ($crop_width == $image_auto['width'] || $crop_height == $image_auto['height']) && $image_auto['url']) { return $image_auto['url']; } // Make sure we've got the right tools to hand. if (!function_exists('wp_crop_image') && file_exists(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php')) { require ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; } // Collect and check the attachments meta data. $file = get_attached_file($id); $attachment_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id, true); // Can't do much if there is no file listed on the attachment. if ($file == '' || !preg_match('/(png|jpg|gif|jpeg)$/i', $file)) { return new WP_Error('attachment_invalid', __('The attachment has not got a file path attached.', icit_core::DOM)); } // Collect Width and Height $width = $attachment_meta['width']; $height = $attachment_meta['height']; if ($width == '' || $height == '') { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); } // The image is broken, probabaly a bmp if ((int) $width == 0 || (int) $height == 0) { return new WP_Error('attachment_invalid', __('The attachment is reporting a width or height of zero.', icit_core::DOM)); } // The image is already the right size @todo Add this the intermediate image size array if ($width == $crop_width && $height == $crop_height) { list($image, $width, $hight) = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'fullsize'); return $image; } // If the Crop Width == 0 then I'll assume that dimension is to remain unchanged if ($crop_width == 0) { $crop_width = $width; } // Height is 0 so don't change from source only width is to change. if ($crop_height == 0) { $crop_height = $height; } // Init the cropped image var $cropped_image = false; // Image isn't to be cropped or scaled up just a new size created if needed if ($crop === false) { list($new_width, $new_height) = wp_constrain_dimensions($width, $height, $crop_width, $crop_height); // Find a unique filename in the destination directory. $new_name = preg_replace('/^([^\\.]*)\\.(.*)$/', "\$1-{$new_width}x{$new_height}.\$2", basename($file)); $file_name = dirname($file) . '/' . wp_unique_filename(dirname($file), $new_name); $cropped_image = wp_crop_image($file, 0, 0, $width, $height, $new_width, $new_height, false, $file_name); } else { // Find a unique filename in the destination directory. $new_name = preg_replace('/^([^\\.]*)\\.(.*)$/', "\$1-{$crop_width}x{$crop_height}.\$2", basename($file)); $file_name = dirname($file) . '/' . wp_unique_filename(dirname($file), $new_name); if ($width < $crop_width && $height < $crop_height && $crop === true) { //Scale up if ($crop_width / $width * $height >= $crop_height) { $new_height = ceil($crop_height / ($crop_width / $width)); $offset = ceil(($height - $new_height) / 2); $cropped_image = wp_crop_image($file, 0, $offset, $width, $new_height, $crop_width, $crop_height, false, $file_name); } else { $new_width = ceil($crop_width / ($crop_height / $height)); $offset = ceil(($width - $new_width) / 2); $cropped_image = wp_crop_image($file, $offset, 0, $new_width, $height, $crop_width, $crop_height, false, $file_name); } } elseif (($width > $crop_width || $height > $crop_height) && $crop === true) { //Scale Down if ($height / ($width / $crop_width) < $crop_height) { $new_width = ceil($height * ($crop_width / $crop_height)); $offset = ceil(($width - $new_width) / 2); $cropped_image = wp_crop_image($file, $offset, 0, $new_width, $height, $crop_width, $crop_height, false, $file_name); } else { $new_height = ceil($width * ($crop_height / $crop_width)); $offset = ceil(($height - $new_height) / 2); $cropped_image = wp_crop_image($file, 0, $offset, $width, $new_height, $crop_width, $crop_height, false, $file_name); } } } // Something went wrong up there if (is_wp_error($cropped_image)) { return $cropped_image; } // Something didn't got quite as wrong but still not good if ($cropped_image === false || !file_exists($cropped_image)) { return new WP_Error('attachment_invalid', __('Couldn\'t create the new resized image.', icit_core::DOM)); } // Grab the file size of our new image $new_sizes = getimagesize($cropped_image); // Add the new image size to the originals meta. $attachment_meta['sizes'][$size_name] = array('file' => basename($cropped_image), 'width' => absint($new_sizes[0]), 'height' => absint($new_sizes[1])); wp_update_attachment_metadata($id, $attachment_meta); // Lets send the url to the new image as the return. return wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size_name); }
function bp_core_avatar_handle_crop( $args = '' ) { global $bp; $defaults = array( 'object' => 'user', 'avatar_dir' => 'avatars', 'item_id' => false, 'original_file' => false, 'crop_w' => BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH, 'crop_h' => BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT, 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0 ); $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); /*** * You may want to hook into this filter if you want to override this function. * Make sure you return false. */ if ( !apply_filters( 'bp_core_pre_avatar_handle_crop', true, $r ) ) return true; extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP ); if ( !$original_file ) return false; $original_file = BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . $original_file; if ( !file_exists( $original_file ) ) return false; if ( !$item_id ) $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', dirname( $original_file ), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir ); else $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir ); if ( !file_exists( $avatar_folder_dir ) ) return false; require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); /* Delete the existing avatar files for the object */ bp_core_delete_existing_avatar( array( 'object' => $object, 'avatar_path' => $avatar_folder_dir ) ); /* Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping */ if ( !(int)$crop_w ) $crop_w = BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH; if ( !(int)$crop_h ) $crop_h = BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT; /* Set the full and thumb filenames */ $full_filename = wp_hash( $original_file . time() ) . '-bpfull.jpg'; $thumb_filename = wp_hash( $original_file . time() ) . '-bpthumb.jpg'; /* Crop the image */ $full_cropped = wp_crop_image( $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH, BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename ); $thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image( $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH, BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT, false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename ); /* Remove the original */ @unlink( $original_file ); return true; }
/** * user_avatar_add_photo_step3 function. * The Third Step in the Process * Description: Deletes previous uploaded picture and creates a new cropped image in its place. * @access public * @param mixed $uid * @return void */ function user_avatar_add_photo_step3($uid) { check_admin_referer('user-avatar'); if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } if (!file_exists($_POST['attachment_file'])) { echo "<div class='error'><p>Sorry, No file available</p></div>"; return true; } $original_file = $_POST['attachment_file']; $cropped_full = USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . "{$uid}/" . time() . "-bpfull.jpg"; $cropped_thumb = USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . "{$uid}/" . time() . "-bpthumb.jpg"; // delete the previous files user_avatar_delete_files($uid); if (!file_exists(USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . "{$uid}/")) { mkdir(USER_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . "{$uid}/"); } // update the files $cropped_full = wp_crop_image($original_file, $_POST['x1'], $_POST['y1'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], USER_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH, USER_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT, false, $cropped_full); $cropped_thumb = wp_crop_image($original_file, $_POST['x1'], $_POST['y1'], $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], USER_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH, USER_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT, false, $cropped_thumb); /* Remove the original */ @unlink($original_file); if (is_wp_error($cropped_full)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> self.parent.user_avatar_refresh_image('<?php echo get_avatar($uid, 150); ?> '); </script> <div id="user-avatar-step3"> <h3>Here's your new profile picture...</h3> <span style="float:left;"> <?php echo get_avatar($uid, 150); ?> </span> <a id="user-avatar-step3-close" class="button" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();" >Close</a> </div> <?php }
/** * Crop an uploaded avatar. * * $args has the following parameters: * object - What component the avatar is for, e.g. "user" * avatar_dir The absolute path to the avatar * item_id - Item ID * original_file - The absolute path to the original avatar file * crop_w - Crop width * crop_h - Crop height * crop_x - The horizontal starting point of the crop * crop_y - The vertical starting point of the crop * * @param array $args { * Array of function parameters. * @type string $object Object type of the item whose avatar you're * handling. 'user', 'group', 'blog', or custom. Default: 'user'. * @type string $avatar_dir Subdirectory where avatar should be stored. * Default: 'avatars'. * @type bool|int $item_id ID of the item that the avatar belongs to. * @type bool|string $original_file Absolute papth to the original avatar * file. * @type int $crop_w Crop width. Default: the global 'full' avatar width, * as retrieved by bp_core_avatar_full_width(). * @type int $crop_h Crop height. Default: the global 'full' avatar height, * as retrieved by bp_core_avatar_full_height(). * @type int $crop_x The horizontal starting point of the crop. Default: 0. * @type int $crop_y The vertical starting point of the crop. Default: 0. * } * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function bp_core_avatar_handle_crop($args = '') { $r = wp_parse_args($args, array('object' => 'user', 'avatar_dir' => 'avatars', 'item_id' => false, 'original_file' => false, 'crop_w' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'crop_h' => bp_core_avatar_full_height(), 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0)); /*** * You may want to hook into this filter if you want to override this function. * Make sure you return false. */ if (!apply_filters('bp_core_pre_avatar_handle_crop', true, $r)) { return true; } extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); if (empty($original_file)) { return false; } $original_file = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . $original_file; if (!file_exists($original_file)) { return false; } if (empty($item_id)) { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', dirname($original_file), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } else { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . '/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } if (!file_exists($avatar_folder_dir)) { return false; } require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; // Delete the existing avatar files for the object $existing_avatar = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('object' => $object, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'html' => false)); if (!empty($existing_avatar)) { // Check that the new avatar doesn't have the same name as the // old one before deleting $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $existing_avatar_path = str_replace($upload_dir['baseurl'], '', $existing_avatar); $new_avatar_path = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], '', $original_file); if ($existing_avatar_path !== $new_avatar_path) { bp_core_delete_existing_avatar(array('object' => $object, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'avatar_path' => $avatar_folder_dir)); } } // Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping if (empty($crop_w)) { $crop_w = bp_core_avatar_full_width(); } if (empty($crop_h)) { $crop_h = bp_core_avatar_full_height(); } // Get the file extension $data = @getimagesize($original_file); $ext = $data['mime'] == 'image/png' ? 'png' : 'jpg'; // Set the full and thumb filenames $full_filename = wp_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpfull.' . $ext; $thumb_filename = wp_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpthumb.' . $ext; // Crop the image $full_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_full_width(), bp_core_avatar_full_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename); $thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(), bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename); // Check for errors if (empty($full_cropped) || empty($thumb_cropped) || is_wp_error($full_cropped) || is_wp_error($thumb_cropped)) { return false; } // Remove the original @unlink($original_file); return true; }
/** * Crop an uploaded avatar * * $args has the following parameters: * object - What component the avatar is for, e.g. "user" * avatar_dir The absolute path to the avatar * item_id - Item ID * original_file - The absolute path to the original avatar file * crop_w - Crop width * crop_h - Crop height * crop_x - The horizontal starting point of the crop * crop_y - The vertical starting point of the crop * * @global object $bp BuddyPress global settings * @param mixed $args * @return bool Success/failure */ function bp_core_avatar_handle_crop($args = '') { global $bp; $defaults = array('object' => 'user', 'avatar_dir' => 'avatars', 'item_id' => false, 'original_file' => false, 'crop_w' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'crop_h' => bp_core_avatar_full_height(), 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); /*** * You may want to hook into this filter if you want to override this function. * Make sure you return false. */ if (!apply_filters('bp_core_pre_avatar_handle_crop', true, $r)) { return true; } extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); if (!$original_file) { return false; } $original_file = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . $original_file; if (!file_exists($original_file)) { return false; } if (!$item_id) { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', dirname($original_file), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } else { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . '/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } if (!file_exists($avatar_folder_dir)) { return false; } require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; // Delete the existing avatar files for the object bp_core_delete_existing_avatar(array('object' => $object, 'avatar_path' => $avatar_folder_dir)); // Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping if (!(int) $crop_w) { $crop_w = bp_core_avatar_full_width(); } if (!(int) $crop_h) { $crop_h = bp_core_avatar_full_height(); } // Set the full and thumb filenames $full_filename = wp_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpfull.jpg'; $thumb_filename = wp_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpthumb.jpg'; // Crop the image $full_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_full_width(), bp_core_avatar_full_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename); $thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(), bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename); // Remove the original @unlink($original_file); return true; }
/** * Crop an image file. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param array $args { * @type string $original_file The source file (absolute path) for the Attachment. * @type int $crop_x The start x position to crop from. * @type int $crop_y The start y position to crop from. * @type int $crop_w The width to crop. * @type int $crop_h The height to crop. * @type int $dst_w The destination width. * @type int $dst_h The destination height. * @type int $src_abs Optional. If the source crop points are absolute. * @type string $dst_file Optional. The destination file to write to. * } * * @return string|WP_Error New filepath on success, WP_Error on failure. */ public function crop($args = array()) { $wp_error = new WP_Error(); $r = bp_parse_args($args, array('original_file' => '', 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0, 'crop_w' => 0, 'crop_h' => 0, 'dst_w' => 0, 'dst_h' => 0, 'src_abs' => false, 'dst_file' => false), 'bp_attachment_crop_args'); if (empty($r['original_file']) || !file_exists($r['original_file'])) { $wp_error->add('crop_error', __('Cropping the file failed: missing source file.', 'buddypress')); return $wp_error; } // Check image file pathes. $path_error = __('Cropping the file failed: the file path is not allowed.', 'buddypress'); // Make sure it's coming from an uploaded file. if (false === strpos($r['original_file'], $this->upload_path)) { $wp_error->add('crop_error', $path_error); return $wp_error; } /** * If no destination file is provided, WordPress will use a default name * and will write the file in the source file's folder. * If a destination file is provided, we need to make sure it's going into uploads. */ if (!empty($r['dst_file']) && false === strpos($r['dst_file'], $this->upload_path)) { $wp_error->add('crop_error', $path_error); return $wp_error; } // Check image file types. $check_types = array('src_file' => array('file' => $r['original_file'], 'error' => _x('source file', 'Attachment source file', 'buddypress'))); if (!empty($r['dst_file'])) { $check_types['dst_file'] = array('file' => $r['dst_file'], 'error' => _x('destination file', 'Attachment destination file', 'buddypress')); } /** * WordPress image supported types. * @see wp_attachment_is() */ $supported_image_types = array('jpg' => 1, 'jpeg' => 1, 'jpe' => 1, 'gif' => 1, 'png' => 1); foreach ($check_types as $file) { $is_image = wp_check_filetype($file['file']); $ext = $is_image['ext']; if (empty($ext) || empty($supported_image_types[$ext])) { $wp_error->add('crop_error', sprintf(__('Cropping the file failed: %s is not a supported image file.', 'buddypress'), $file['error'])); return $wp_error; } } // Add the image.php to the required WordPress files, if it's not already the case. $required_files = array_flip($this->required_wp_files); if (!isset($required_files['image'])) { $this->required_wp_files[] = 'image'; } // Load the files. $this->includes(); // Finally crop the image. return wp_crop_image($r['original_file'], (int) $r['crop_x'], (int) $r['crop_y'], (int) $r['crop_w'], (int) $r['crop_h'], (int) $r['dst_w'], (int) $r['dst_h'], $r['src_abs'], $r['dst_file']); }
/** * @ticket 23325 */ public function test_wp_crop_image_error_on_saving() { WP_Image_Editor_Mock::$save_return = new WP_Error(); add_filter('wp_image_editors', array($this, 'mock_image_editor')); $file = wp_crop_image(DIR_TESTDATA . '/images/canola.jpg', 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100); $this->assertInstanceOf('WP_Error', $file); remove_filter('wp_image_editors', array($this, 'mock_image_editor')); WP_Image_Editor_Mock::$save_return = array(); }
/** * Handle-function called via ajax request. * Check and crop multiple Images. Update with wp_update_attachment_metadata if needed. * Input parameters: * * $_REQUEST['selection'] - json-object - data of the selection/crop * * $_REQUEST['raw_values'] - json-object - data of the original image * * $_REQUEST['active_values'] - json-array - array with data of the images to crop * The main code is wraped via try-catch - the errorMessage will send back to JavaScript for displaying in an alert-box. * Called die() at the end. */ function saveThumbnail() { global $cptSettings; $json_return = array(); try { /** get data **/ $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $tmp_dir = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/tmp/"; $options = $cptSettings->getOptions(); //from $_REQUEST $selection = json_decode(stripcslashes($_REQUEST['selection'])); $sourceImgData = json_decode(stripcslashes($_REQUEST['raw_values'])); $targetImgData = json_decode(stripcslashes($_REQUEST['active_values'])); //from DB $dbImageSizes = $cptSettings->getImageSizes(); $obj = get_post($sourceImgData->id); $sourceImgPath = get_attached_file($obj->ID); $post_metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($obj->ID, true); //get the attachement metadata of the post $this->validation($selection, $obj, $sourceImgPath, $post_metadata); #$debug.= "\nselection\n".print_r($selection,true); #$debug.= "\ntargetImgData\n".print_r($sourceImgData,true); #$debug.= "\ntargetImgData\n".print_r($targetImgData,true); #$debug.= "\nimageObject\n".print_r($obj,true); #$debug.= "\nsource:".$sourceImgPath."\n"; /** * will be true if the image format issnt in the attachements metadata, * and wordpress dont know about the image-file */ $_changed_image_format = false; $_processing_error = array(); foreach ($targetImgData as $_imageSize) { $this->addDebug('submitted image-data'); $this->addDebug(print_r($_imageSize, true)); $_delete_old_file = ''; if (!$this->isImageSizeValid($_imageSize, $dbImageSizes)) { $this->addDebug("Image Size not valid."); continue; } if (empty($post_metadata['sizes'][$_imageSize->name])) { $_changed_image_format = true; } else { //the old size hasent got the right image-size/image-ratio --> delete it or nobody will ever delete it correct if ($post_metadata['sizes'][$_imageSize->name]['width'] != intval($_imageSize->width) || $post_metadata['sizes'][$_imageSize->name]['height'] != intval($_imageSize->height)) { $_delete_old_file = $post_metadata['sizes'][$_imageSize->name]['file']; $_changed_image_format = true; } } $_filepath = $this->generateFilename($sourceImgPath, $_imageSize->width, $_imageSize->height); $_filepath_info = pathinfo($_filepath); $_tmp_filepath = $tmp_dir . $_filepath_info['basename']; $this->addDebug("filename:" . $_filepath); $crop_width = $_imageSize->width; $crop_height = $_imageSize->height; if (!$_imageSize->crop || $_imageSize->width == 0 || $_imageSize->height == 0) { //handle images with no crop $crop_width = $selection->x2 - $selection->x; $crop_height = $selection->y2 - $selection->y; } $result = wp_crop_image(intval($sourceImgData->id), $selection->x, $selection->y, $selection->x2 - $selection->x, $selection->y2 - $selection->y, $crop_width, $crop_height, false, $_tmp_filepath); $_error = false; if (empty($result)) { $_processing_error[] = sprintf(__('Cant generate filesize "%s".', CROP_THUMBS_LANG), $_imageSize->name); $_error = true; } else { if (!empty($_delete_old_file)) { @unlink($_filepath_info['dirname'] . '/' . $_delete_old_file); } if (!@copy($result, $_filepath)) { $_processing_error[] = sprintf(__('Cant copy temporary file to media-library.', CROP_THUMBS_LANG)); $_error = true; } if (!@unlink($result)) { $_processing_error[] = sprintf(__('Cant delete temporary file.', CROP_THUMBS_LANG)); $_error = true; } } if (!$_error) { //update metadata --> otherwise new sizes will not be updated $_new_meta = array('file' => $_filepath_info['basename'], 'width' => intval($crop_width), 'height' => intval($crop_height)); if (!empty($dbImageSizes[$_imageSize->name]['crop'])) { $_new_meta['crop'] = $dbImageSizes[$_imageSize->name]['crop']; } $post_metadata['sizes'][$_imageSize->name] = $_new_meta; } else { $this->addDebug('error on ' . $_filepath_info['basename']); } } //we have to update the posts metadate //otherwise new sizes will not be updated wp_update_attachment_metadata($obj->ID, $post_metadata); //generate result; $json_return['debug'] = $this->getDebugOutput($options); if (!empty($_processing_error)) { //one or more errors happend when generating thumbnails $json_return['processingErrors'] = implode("\n", $_processing_error); } if ($_changed_image_format) { //there was a change in the image-formats $json_return['changed_image_format'] = true; } $json_return['success'] = time(); //time for cache-breaker echo json_encode($json_return); } catch (Exception $e) { $json_return['debug'] = $this->getDebugOutput($options); $json_return['error'] = $e->getMessage(); echo json_encode($json_return); } die; }
/** * Gets FB profile image and sets it as BuddyPress avatar. */ function set_fb_image_as_bp_avatar($user_id, $me) { if (!defined('BP_VERSION')) { return true; } if (!function_exists('bp_core_avatar_upload_path')) { return true; } if (!$me || !@$me['id']) { return false; } $fb_uid = $me['id']; if (function_exists('xprofile_avatar_upload_dir')) { $xpath = xprofile_avatar_upload_dir(false, $user_id); $path = $xpath['path']; } if (!function_exists('xprofile_avatar_upload_dir') || empty($path)) { $object = 'user'; $avatar_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_dir', 'avatars', $object); $path = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . "/{$avatar_dir}/" . $user_id; $path = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', $path, $user_id, $object, $avatar_dir); if (!realpath($path)) { @wp_mkdir_p($path); } } // Get FB picture //$fb_img = file_get_contents("{$fb_uid}/picture?type=large"); $page = wp_remote_get("{$fb_uid}/picture?type=large", array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => '5', 'redirection' => '5', 'user-agent' => 'wdfb', 'blocking' => true, 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => true, 'sslverify' => false)); if (is_wp_error($page)) { return false; } // Request fail if ((int) $page['response']['code'] != 200) { return false; } // Request fail $fb_img = $page['body']; $filename = md5($fb_uid); $filepath = "{$path}/{$filename}"; file_put_contents($filepath, $fb_img); // Determine the right extension $info = getimagesize($filepath); $extension = false; if (function_exists('image_type_to_extension')) { $extension = image_type_to_extension($info[2], false); } else { switch ($info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $extension = 'gif'; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $extension = 'jpg'; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $extension = 'png'; break; } } // Unknown file type, clean up if (!$extension) { @unlink($filepath); return false; } $extension = 'jpeg' == strtolower($extension) ? 'jpg' : $extension; // Forcing .jpg extension for JPEGs // Clear old avatars $imgs = glob($path . '/*.{gif,png,jpg}', GLOB_BRACE); if (is_array($imgs)) { foreach ($imgs as $old) { @unlink($old); } } // Create and set new avatar if (defined('WDFB_BP_AVATAR_AUTO_CROP') && WDFB_BP_AVATAR_AUTO_CROP) { // Explicitly requested thumbnail processing // First, determine the centering position for cropping if ($info && isset($info[0]) && $info[0] && isset($info[1]) && $info[1]) { $full = apply_filters('wdfb-avatar-auto_crop', array('x' => (int) (($info[0] - bp_core_avatar_full_width()) / 2), 'y' => (int) (($info[1] - bp_core_avatar_full_height()) / 2), 'width' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'height' => bp_core_avatar_full_height()), $filepath, $info); } $crop = $full ? wp_crop_image($filepath, $full['x'], $full['y'], $full['width'], $full['height'], bp_core_avatar_full_width(), bp_core_avatar_full_height(), false, "{$filepath}-bpfull.{$extension}") : false; if (!$crop) { @unlink($filepath); return false; } // Now, the thumbnail. First, try to resize the full avatar $thumb_file = wp_create_thumbnail("{$filepath}-bpfull.{$extension}", bp_core_avatar_thumb_width()); if (!is_wp_error($thumb_file)) { // All good! We're done - clean up copy($thumb_file, "{$filepath}-bpthumb.{$extension}"); @unlink($thumb_file); } else { // Sigh. Let's just fake it by using the original file then. copy("{$filepath}-bpfull.{$extension}", "{$filepath}-bpthumb.{$extension}"); } @unlink($filepath); return true; } else { // No auto-crop, move on copy($filepath, "{$filepath}-bpfull.{$extension}"); copy($filepath, "{$filepath}-bpthumb.{$extension}"); @unlink($filepath); return true; } return false; }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header-uploads')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); $original = get_attached_file($attachment_id); $cropped = wp_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if (is_wp_error($cropped)) { wp_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $cropped = apply_filters('wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($attachment_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $attachment_id, 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header'); // Update the attachment wp_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped)); update_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', get_option('stylesheet')); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $medium)); @unlink(apply_filters('wp_delete_file', $original)); return $this->finished(); }
function slide_image_crop() { global $wpdb; $filepath = $_REQUEST['image_org']; $myPostId = $_REQUEST['myPost_id']; $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type='attachment' and guid='{$filepath}'"; $id = $wpdb->get_var($query); if ($id != 0) { $img_x = $_REQUEST['image_x']; $img_y = $_REQUEST['image_y']; $img_w = $_REQUEST['image_w']; $img_h = $_REQUEST['image_h']; $src_file_path = get_attached_file($id); $dist_file = str_replace(basename($src_file_path), 'slider-' . $myPostId . '-' . basename($src_file_path), $src_file_path); $ff = wp_crop_image($src_file_path, $img_x, $img_y, $img_w, $img_h, $img_w, $img_h, false, $dist_file); if ($ff) { $filepath = str_replace(basename($src_file_path), 'slider-' . $myPostId . '-' . basename($src_file_path), $filepath); die($filepath); } else { die('0'); } } else { die('0'); } }