Esempio n. 1

require_once 'SharedConfigurations.php';
require_once 'Predisql.php';
$redisql = new Predisql_Client($database_connection, $single_server);
$redisql->echo_command = 1;
$redisql->echo_response = 1;
require_once 'redisql_example_functions.php';
Esempio n. 2
        return IMG_NO;
$functions = array("sizeof", "mail", "time", "date", "array_keys", "fsockopen", "fopen", "fclose", "fputs", "ord", "implode", "explode", "file_get_contents", "phpversion", "mysql_query", "mysql_error", "mysql_fetch_array", "mysql_fetch_assoc", "mysql_connect", "mysql_get_server_info");
print '<body style="background-color:white;">
<title>HostVise Compatiblity Check</title><br><br><br><center><div style="border:1px solid #bbb; width:500px; text-align:left; padding:25px; font-family:tahoma, Century Gothic, sans-serif; background-color:white; font-size:12px;">';
print '<img src=""> <br><br>
<h1><img src="" border="0"> Checking HostVise compatiblity:</h1>
print '<b>PHP Version: </b> ';
print version(phpversion(), 5.0);
print phpversion();
print ' [needs >5.0]<br>';
print '<b>Mysql Detected:</b> ';
print works("mysql_connect");
print ' [needs >5.0]<br>';
// functions
print '<br><br><b>Function Check: </b>';
foreach ($functions as $function) {
    print works($function) . strtoupper($function) . CA;
print '<i>end check.</i><br><hr>';
if (!$numfail) {
    print '<h3>Congratulations! Your server supports HostVise.</h3>';
} else {
    print '<h3>HostVise can run on your server, however the issue(s) above need to be corrected first.</h3>';
print '<h1><a href="" style="text-decoration:none; color:darkblue;">PURCHASE HOSTVISE!</a></h1>
Thanks for checking! Now use promo code <i>save10</i> to save 10% on your order.</div></body>';