function groupAddFlags($id, $flags) { $group = groupGetById($id); if (is_array($group)) { $flags1 = $group["flags"]; $flags1 = stringAddTokens($flags1, $flags); global $database_cfg; databaseQuery("update " . $database_cfg["prefix"] . "groups set (flags='" . $flags1 . "'", "Can not add group flags"); } else { return "Group with given id doesn't exists"; } }
function postCreate($topic_id, $author_id, $message, $flags = array()) { global $database_cfg; $errors = array(); if (!userExistsById($author_id)) { $errors[] = "User marked as author (" . $author_id . ") not found"; } if (!topicExistsById($topic_id)) { $errors[] = "Topic marked as parent not found"; } if (postExists($topic_id, $message)) { $errors[] = "This post already exists in this topic"; } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $errors; } $flags_str = ""; if (is_array($flags)) { $flags_str = stringAddTokens($flags_str, $flags); } databaseQuery("insert into " . $database_cfg["prefix"] . "posts (topic_id, author_id, message, flags, created) values ('" . intval($topic_id) . "', '" . intval($author_id) . "', '" . stringEncode($message) . "', '" . $flags_str . "', '" . stringEncode(date("H:i, d.m.Y")) . "')"); databaseQuery("update " . $database_cfg["prefix"] . "topics set edited='" . stringEncode(date("H:i, d.m.Y")) . "' where id='" . intval($topic_id) . "'", "Can't update topic"); }
function topicAddModerators($topic_id, $users) { global $database_cfg; $topic_moders = topicGetModeratorsString($topic_id); $topic_moders = stringAddTokens($topic_moders, $users); databaseQuery("update " . $database_cfg["prefix"] . "topics set moderators='" . $topic_moders . "' where id='" . intval($topic_id) . "'", "Can't set topic moderators"); }
function userAddGroups($user_id, $groups) { global $database_cfg; $user = userGetById($user_id); if (is_array($groups)) { $user["groups"] = stringAddTokens($user["groups"], $groups); } else { $user["groups"] = stringAddToken($user["groups"], $groups); } databaseQuery("update " . $database_cfg["prefix"] . "users set groups='" . $user["groups"] . "' where id='" . intval($user_id) . "'"); //, "Unable to add user to a group"); }