Esempio n. 1
    // we explode string by character '1'
    $exploded = explode('1', $binary);
    // binary gap must be surrounded by ones at both ends,
    // so there shouldn't be zeroes after last character '1' occurrence, and before first character '1' occurrence
    unset($exploded[count($exploded) - 1]);
    // we are searching for longest zeroes pattern
    foreach ($exploded as $zeroes) {
        $length = strlen($zeroes);
        if ($length > $binaryGap) {
            $binaryGap = $length;
$N = 1041;
echo solution1($N);
function solution1($N)
    $binarygap = 0;
    $binary = decbin($N);
    $exploded = explode('1', $binary);
    return $exploded;
function solution1($N)
    $binarygap = 0;
    $binary = decbin($N);
    $explode = explode("1", $binary);
    unset($explode[count($explode) - 1]);
    foreach ($explode as $key => $value) {
Esempio n. 2
    // shifted array
    $shifted = array();
    // number of elements
    $N = count($A);
    // if $K is bigger than $N, on $N-th shift we would be on starting position,
    // so it makes sense only to do smaller number of shifts than $N size
    $shiftedPositions = $K % $N;
    // initially first element position is 0, but at the end it will be K
    for ($i = 0; $i < $N; $i++) {
        $position = $i + $shiftedPositions;
        if ($position > $N - 1) {
            $position = $position - $N;
        $shifted[$position] = $A[$i];
    return $shifted;
$A = [10, 2, 5, 1, 8, 20, 21];
$K = 3;
echo solution1($A, $K);
function solution1($A, $K)
    $count = count($A);
    $newk = $K % $count;
    $right = array_slice($A, 0, $count - $newk);
    $left = array_slice($A, $count - $newk, $newk);
    $new = array_merge($left, $right);