$whiteLists = (include __DIR__ . '/whiteList.php'); $whiteLists = $request->getMethod() == 'GET' ? $whiteLists['get'] : $whiteLists['post']; $inWhiteList = 0; foreach ($whiteLists as $whiteList) { $path = $request->getPathInfo(); if (preg_match($whiteList, $request->getPathInfo())) { $inWhiteList = 1; break; } } $token = $request->headers->get('Auth-Token', ''); if (!$inWhiteList && empty($token)) { throw createNotFoundException("AuthToken is not exist."); } $userService = ServiceKernel::instance()->createService('User.UserService'); $token = $userService->getToken('mobile_login', $token); if (!$inWhiteList && empty($token['userId'])) { throw createAccessDeniedException("AuthToken is invalid."); } $user = $userService->getUser($token['userId']); // $user = $userService->getUser(1); if (!$inWhiteList && empty($user)) { throw createNotFoundException("Auth user is not found."); } setCurrentUser($user); }); $app->error(function (\Exception $e, $code) { return array('code' => $code, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); }); include __DIR__ . '/config/routing.php'; $app->run();
echo "nok"; //Login failed, so check remote site. $rpc = new RPC; $Frontend = new FrontEnd; $loginOK = $rpc->CheckLogin($login,$Frontend->encryptPassword($password)); if($loginOK) { //Oops we must be out of date, update the users table! $rpc->GetUsers(); $loginOK = checkLogin($login,$password); startSession($loginOK->id,$loginOK->username); //header( 'Location: intranet.php' ) ; } else { echo "nok"; }**/ } if ($displayError) { global $master; $master->AddWarning("Incorrect username or password."); } } } //Logout if (isset($_GET["user-session-logout"])) { $lanid = getCurrentLID(); session_unset(); setCurrentLID($lanid); setCurrentUser(0); }
<?php include_once 'core.php'; include 'skins/' . Config::$theme . '/setup.php'; include_once 'integration/integration.php'; //Pull through user ID $frontend = new FrontEnd(); setCurrentUser($frontend->getUserId()); startSession(getCurrentUID(), $frontend->getName(getCurrentUID())); //Check user is in db and run checks. $frontend->pullUserInfo(getCurrentUID()); $frontend->checkGroups(getCurrentUID(), getCurrentLID()); $frontend->disconnect(); $page = new Lan_pages(); $page->name = GETSafe('page'); $page->find(); if ($page->fetch()) { $file = 'modules/' . $page->module . '/' . $page->file . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include $file; $master->RenderPage($page->module . '.' . $page->file . '.htm'); } else { $master->AddError("The file for this page does not exist!"); } } else { $master->AddError("Unknown page!"); } if ($master->HasFatalError()) { $master->RenderPage('error.htm'); } $master->RenderSite('master.integration.htm');
function startSession($id, $username) { setCurrentUser($id); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; // Store User IP $user = new Lan_users(); if (0 != $user->get($id)) { $user->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $_SESSION['steamprofile'] = $user->steamprofile; $_SESSION['profilepic'] = $user->smallavatar; $user->update(); } SetupGroups(); }