Esempio n. 1
                $log->lwrite("Switch update necessary");
                $msg = "!R" . $dev_config[$i]['room'] . "D" . $d . "F" . $v;
                $log->lwrite("Message to send: " . $msg);
        } else {
            $d = substr($id, 1);
            $ret = zway_dim_stat($ch, $d);
            // Get the Zwave value and normalize to LamPI values 1-32
            $v = ceil(zway_dim_get($ch, $d) / 99 * 32);
            if ($v != $val) {
                $log->lwrite("zway_dim_get:: returned: " . $v, 2);
                $log->lwrite("Dimmer update necessary with value: " . $v);
                $msg = "!R" . $dev_config[$i]['room'] . "D" . $d . "FdP" . $v;
                $log->lwrite("Message to send: " . $msg);
            //echo "Appmsg: ".$appmsg."\n";
            //echo "Apperr: ".$apperr."\n\n";
        $log->lwrite("Done zwave device name: " . $name . ", id: " . $id . ", gaddr: " . $gaddr . ", LamPI val: " . $val . ", zway val: " . $v);
    } else {
        if ($debug >= 2) {
            echo "Not Found zwave device id: " . $id . "\n";
//$v = zway_dim_get ($ch,3);
//$log->lwrite("Start looking for and update function, zway_dim_get : ".$v);
//$v = ceil($zparse["devices."."3".".instances.0.commandClasses"]["38"]["data"]["level"]["value"]);
//$v = ceil($zparse["devices"]["3"]["instances"]["0"]["commandClasses"]["38"]["data"]["level"]["value"]);
Esempio n. 2
 //else $log->lwrite("\tSwitch ".$unit.":: Value ".$zway_val." read",0);
 $log->lwrite("\tSwitch " . $unit . ":: Raw: " . $zway_val . " Value <" . $zway_val . ">", 0);
 // As soon as gui-val and zway-val are equal, no work to be done
 if ($gui_val == $zway_val) {
     // The values are valid, make value 0 to mark we're set
     $zway_dev[$i]['gui_inValid'] = 3;
 } else {
     if ($zway_dev[$i]['gui_inValid'] <= 0) {
         // A Change made with the device switch
         $log->lwrite("\tSwitch update with value: " . $zway_val, 0);
         $msg = "!R" . $dev_config[$i]['room'] . "D" . $unit . "F" . $zway_val;
         $log->lwrite("\tMessage to send: " . $msg, 2);
         send_2_daemon($msg, $daemonIP);
         // XXX Does it update lastval as well?
     } else {
         if ($gui_val != $zway_dev[$i]['gui_old']) {
             $log->lwrite("Switch val inValid:: " . $zway_dev[$i]['name'] . ": gui_old: " . $zway_dev[$i]['gui_old'] . ", gui_val: " . $gui_val . ", zway_val: " . $zway_val, 0);
         } else {
             // Unknown State, decrease counter. When this happens we wait another cycle
             $log->lwrite("Switch state change:: " . $zway_dev[$i]['name'] . " gui_old: " . $zway_dev[$i]['gui_old'] . ", gui_val: " . $gui_val . ", zway_val: " . $zway_val, 0);
             $log->lwrite("\tupdateTime:: " . @date('[d/M/y, H:i:s]', $updateTime) . ", " . $updateInterval . " seconds ago", 1);
             $log->lwrite("\tinvalidateTime is " . (time() - $updateTime) . " seconds ago", 2);
             // If the interval is unrealistic, the reported zway value might be in error (internal zway error)
             // In this case we should not decrease the value but set back the zway value to
             // the correct value in the LamPI system
Esempio n. 3
    case "action":
        $appmsg .= "\naction: " . $action . ", dmon_msg: " . $dmon_msg;
        $ret = send_2_daemon($dmon_msg);
        // Scenes will be forwarded to the daemon
    // Scenes will be forwarded to the daemon
    case "scene":
        $appmsg .= "scene:: send_2_daemon: " . $dmon_msg . "\n";
        $ret = send_2_daemon($dmon_msg);
        // See above
        // Generic command to the daemon ... if necessary use json to format the command nicely
    // Generic command to the daemon ... if necessary use json to format the command nicely
    case "send_2_daemon":
        $appmsg .= "send_2_daemon:: send_2_daemon: " . $dmon_msg . "\n";
        $ret = send_2_daemon($dmon_msg);
        $appmsg .= "action: " . $action;
        $apperr .= ", Rasp:" . $action . ", command not recognized\n";
        $ret = -1;
if ($ret >= 0) {
    $send = array('tcnt' => $ret, 'status' => 'OK', 'appmsg' => $appmsg, 'apperr' => $apperr);
    $output = json_encode($send);
} else {
    //$apperr .= $appmsg;
    $apperr .= "\nrasp returns error \n" . $ret;
    $send = array('tcnt' => $ret, 'status' => 'ERR', 'appmsg' => $appmsg, 'apperr' => $apperr);
    $output = json_encode($send);