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<p><img src='img/bitcoin_logo.png' alt='' /> <h1>Bitcoin Escrow Payment</h1> <br/> <b>PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR WALLET **CASE**SENSITIVE**</b>. If you do not, we are not responsible for the inability you will have to access your funds."; <br/><br/> <p>You are buying <b><?php echo $quantity; ?> x <?php safe_echo($item); ?> @ <?php echo $price; ?> BTC</b> from <b><?php safe_echo($seller); ?> </b></p> <p>Please transfer <i>exactly</i> <b><?php echo bitsci::btc_num_format($_SESSION['total_price']); ?> BTC</b> to the following address:</p> <h3> <b><?php echo '<a href="bitcoin:' . $pubAdd . '?amount=' . $_SESSION['total_price'] . '" title="Click this address to launch your Bitcoin client" target="_blank">' . safe_str($pubAdd) . '</a>'; ?> </b> </h3> <div id="qrcode"></div>
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