Esempio n. 1
 public static function uploadpic($file, $smallkey, $bigkey, $size, $const = array())
     $fd = Fun::uploadfile_post($file, $const);
     if ($fd["ec"] > 0) {
         $smallpic = "data/files/" . Fun::getuploadfilename(pathinfo($fd['fn'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION), 'small');
         resizeimg($fd["fn"], $smallpic, $size, $size);
         Sqle::updateVal("users", array($smallkey => $smallpic, $bigkey => $fd["fn"]), array("id" => User::loginId()));
     return $fd["ec"];
Esempio n. 2

 * resize an image using GD library
$ids = array("50m_lauf_02", "weitsprung_01", "staffellauf_02", "staffellauf_03", "weitsprung_01", "weitwurf_01");
$path = "../img/impressions/";
foreach ($ids as $id) {
    resizeimg(400, 600, $path, $id);
function resizeimg($height, $width, $path, $id)
    $loc = $path . $id . ".jpg";
    // Content type
    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
    // Load
    $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($loc);
    list($oldwidth, $oldheight) = getimagesize($loc);
    $scaleH = $height / $oldheight;
    $scaleW = $width / $oldwidth;
    if ($scaleH > $scaleW) {
        $scale = $scaleH;
    } else {
        $scale = $scaleW;
    $height = $height * $scale;
    $width = $width * $scale;
    $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    // Resize
    imagecopyresized($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $oldwidth, $oldheight);
Esempio n. 3
File: app.php Progetto: ky0016/power
    return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    // if(array_key_exists("PATH_INFO", $_SERVER)) {
    // 	return substr($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 1);
    // } else
    // 	return "";
$_GET[""] = "mohit";
$_POST[""] = "mohit";
$_SESSION[""] = "mohit";
$_FILES[""] = "mohit";
$addinfo = array("ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$pydata = array("get" => $_GET, "post" => $_POST, "session" => $_SESSION, "url" => curpathinfo(), "file" => $_FILES, "addinfo" => $addinfo);
$cmd = "cd " . $root . ";" . "python " . $pyfile . " \"" . replall(tojson($pydata), array('\\' => '\\\\', "\t" => "\\t", "\n" => "\\n", '"' => "\\\"")) . "\" 2>&1";
//echo $cmd."<br>";
$pyoutp = shell_exec($cmd);
$pyoutp1 = json_decode($pyoutp, true);
if ($pyoutp1 == null) {
    echo str_replace("\n", "<br>", $pyoutp);
} else {
    $_SESSION = $pyoutp1["_SESSION"];
    if ($pyoutp1["_header"] != "") {
    } else {
        echo $pyoutp1["printout"];
    foreach ($pyoutp1["toresize"] as $name => $valp) {
        resizeimg($name, $valp[0], $valp[1], $valp[2]);
    //	print_r( $pyoutp1["toresize"] );
Esempio n. 4
         ${$def_ava} = 1;
     } else {
         // Když není defaultní tak ho odstraníme
         unlink("avatar/" . $result4['avatar']);
     // Jinak, jestli byl zadán nový obrázek
 } else {
     // Použijeme naši funkci upload_file() a uložíme nový avatar do proměnné $avatar
     $avatar = upload_file();
     // Pokud je i po použití funkce proměnná $avatar prázdná, tak do ní uložíme defaultní hodnotu
     // Toto se může stát na lokálním serveru, třeba u mě se neukládájí soubory na localhost
     if ($avatar == '') {
         $avatar = 'no_avatar.jpg';
     } else {
         // Uděláme z původního obrázku, obrázek o velikosti 90x90
         $mini_av = resizeimg("avatar/{$avatar}", "avatar/mini-{$avatar}", 90, 90);
         // Odstraníme hned původní obrázek
         unlink("avatar/" . $avatar);
         $avatar = 'mini-' . $avatar;
     /*** Odstraníme starý obrázek	***/
     // Vybereme stávající obrázek uživatele
     $query5 = mysqli_query($dataconection, "SELECT `avatar` FROM `users` WHERE `login`='" . $login . "'");
     $result5 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query5);
     // Pokud je obrázek defaultní tak ho nechceme odstranít, protože je jeden pro všechny
     if ($result5['avatar'] == $def_ava) {
         $def_ava = 1;
     } else {
         // Když není defaultní tak ho odstraníme
         unlink("avatar/" . $result5['avatar']);
Esempio n. 5
 function add_photo($photoname, $tag_select, $tag, $descr, $scope, $scope_orgnl, $group_box, $file, &$id_album, $alb_sel, $new_alb, $ignore, $cmt_rgt)
     $error = '';
     $user = $_SESSION['id_user'];
     if (empty($scope)) {
         $error .= 'Область видимости не задана<br>';
     $im_type = substr($file['type'], -(strlen($file['type']) - strpos($file['type'], "/") - 1));
     if (!$file['tmp_name']) {
         $error .= 'Фото не выбрано<br>';
     } elseif (substr($file['type'], 0, strpos($file['type'], "/")) != 'image') {
         $error .= "Файл не является изображением<br>";
     } elseif (substr($file['type'], 0, strpos($file['type'], "/")) == 'image') {
         if (!($im_type == 'jpeg' or $im_type == 'pjpeg' or $im_type == 'gif' or $im_type == 'png' or $im_type == 'x-png')) {
             $error .= "Загрузка изображения данного типа не поддерживается<br>";
     if (!$id_album) {
         if ($alb_sel == 0 and empty($new_alb)) {
             $error .= "Альбом не выбран<br>";
         } elseif (!empty($new_alb) and $error == "") {
             $albscope[0] = 'all';
             $this->add_album($new_alb, $albscope, '', $id_album);
         } elseif ($alb_sel != 0) {
             $id_album = $alb_sel;
     if ($error == "") {
         if (empty($photoname)) {
             $photoname = substr($file['name'], 0, strrpos($file['name'], "."));
         if ($im_type == 'jpeg' or $im_type == 'pjpeg') {
             $exif = exif_read_data($file['tmp_name'], 0, true);
             $ort = $exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
         if ($exif['IFD0']['DateTime'] != null) {
             $datetime = explode(" ", $exif['IFD0']['DateTime']);
             $date1 = explode(":", $datetime[0]);
             $time2 = explode(":", $datetime[1]);
             $date_ins = "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($time2[0], $time2[1], $time2[2], $date1[1], $date1[2], $date1[0])) . "'";
         } else {
             $date_ins = "NULL";
         //$ort = $exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
         //$t = date("YmdHis",$exif['IFDO']['DateTime']);
         $ext = strrchr($file['name'], ".");
         $root_name = $user . date("YmdHis", time());
         $size_photo = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']);
         if (!file_exists("../files/" . $_SESSION['id_user'])) {
             mkdir("../files/" . $_SESSION['id_user']);
         if (!file_exists("../files/" . $_SESSION['id_user'] . "/" . $id_album)) {
             mkdir("../files/" . $_SESSION['id_user'] . "/" . $id_album);
         $path = "../files/" . $_SESSION['id_user'] . "/" . $id_album . "/";
         $photo = $path . $root_name . $ext;
         $degrees = 0;
         if (!$ignore) {
             switch ($ort) {
                 case 8:
                     $degrees = 90;
                 case 6:
                     $degrees = -90;
                 case 3:
                     $degrees = 180;
         switch ($ort) {
         case 8 : $degrees = 270; break;
         case 6 : $degrees = 90; break;
         case 3 : $degrees = 180; break;
         if ($size_photo[1] <= 100 and $size_photo[0] <= 100) {
             if (copy($file['tmp_name'], $photo)) {
                 $values = "'" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "'";
             //chmod($photo, 0644);
         } elseif ($size_photo[1] <= 152 and $size_photo[0] <= 152) {
             $sml_photo = $path . "sml" . $root_name . $ext;
             resizeimg2($file['tmp_name'], $sml_photo, 100, 100, $degrees);
             //chmod($photo, 0644);
             //chmod($sml_photo, 0644);
             $values = "'sml" . $root_name . "{$ext}', '" . $root_name . "{$ext}', '" . $root_name . "{$ext}', '" . $root_name . $ext . "'";
             copy($file['tmp_name'], $photo);
         } elseif ($size_photo[0] <= 622) {
             $mdm_photo = $path . "mdm" . $root_name . $ext;
             $sml_photo = $path . "sml" . $root_name . $ext;
             if ($size_photo[1] < $size_photo[0]) {
                 resizeimg($file['tmp_name'], $mdm_photo, 175, 152, $degrees);
             } else {
                 resizeimg($file['tmp_name'], $mdm_photo, 153, 175, $degrees);
             resizeimg2($file['tmp_name'], $sml_photo, 100, 100, $degrees);
             $values = "'sml" . $root_name . $ext . "', 'mdm" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "'";
             copy($file['tmp_name'], $photo);
         } else {
             $maxi_photo = $path . "maxi" . $root_name . $ext;
             $mdm_photo = $path . "mdm" . $root_name . $ext;
             $sml_photo = $path . "sml" . $root_name . $ext;
             resizeimg2($file['tmp_name'], $sml_photo, 100, 100, $degrees);
             if ($size_photo[1] < $size_photo[0]) {
                 resizeimg($file['tmp_name'], $mdm_photo, 175, 152, $degrees);
             } else {
                 resizeimg($file['tmp_name'], $mdm_photo, 153, 175, $degrees);
             // variable should be at least $size_photo[1]
             resizeimg($file['tmp_name'], $maxi_photo, 618, 618, $degrees);
             copy($file['tmp_name'], $photo);
             $values = "'sml" . $root_name . $ext . "', 'mdm" . $root_name . $ext . "', 'maxi" . $root_name . $ext . "', '" . $root_name . $ext . "'";
         if( !empty($month) and !empty($month) and !empty($month) ) {
         settype($month, 'integer');
         settype($day, 'integer');
         settype($year, 'integer');
         $date_ins = "'".date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year))."'";
         } else {
         $date_ins = "NULL";
         //$time_ins = "'$time'";
         $field = $value = "";
         if (isset($cmt_rgt)) {
             $field = ", `cmt_rgt`";
             $value = ", '{$cmt_rgt}'";
         $this->q("INSERT INTO `photo` (`small`, `medium`, `maxi`, `original`, `pubdate`, `id_user`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   `id_album`, `shootdate`, `descr`, `scope`, `scope_orgnl`, `name`, `ip`" . $field . ") \n\t\t\t\t\t  VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $values . ", NOW(), " . $_SESSION['id_user'] . ", " . $id_album . ", " . $date_ins . ", '" . addslashes(strip_tags($descr)) . "', '" . $scope[0] . "', '" . $scope_orgnl . "', '" . addslashes(strip_tags($photoname)) . "', INET_ATON('" . get_ip() . "')" . $value . ") ");
         $id_photo = mysql_insert_id();
         // group manipulation
         $group_values = '';
         if (isset($group_box)) {
             $group_values = "({$id_photo}, " . array_shift($group_box) . ")";
             foreach ($group_box as $id_group) {
                 $group_values .= ", ({$id_photo}, {$id_group})";
             $this->q("INSERT INTO `group_photo`(`id_photo`, `id_group`) VALUES " . $group_values);
         // tag manipulation
         if (!empty($tag)) {
             $tag_array = explode(", ", $tag);
             foreach ($tag_array as $tag_value) {
                 $res = $this->q("SELECT `id_tag` FROM `tag` WHERE `name` LIKE '" . addslashes($tag_value) . "'");
                 $tagexist = mysql_num_rows($res);
                 if ($tagexist) {
                     //$this->q("UPDATE `tag` SET `name`='$tag_value', `rate`=NOW() WHERE `name` LIKE '$tag_value'");
                     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
                     $id_tag = $row['id_tag'];
                 } else {
                     $this->q("INSERT INTO `tag`(`name`, `id_user`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  VALUES('" . trim(addslashes(strip_tags($tag_value))) . "', {$user})");
                     $id_tag = mysql_insert_id();
                 $this->q("INSERT INTO `tag_photo`(`id_tag`, `id_photo`, `rate`) VALUES({$id_tag}, {$id_photo}, NOW())");
         $res = $this->q("SELECT `small` FROM `photo` WHERE `id_album`=" . $id_album);
         $alb = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->q("SELECT `image` FROM `album` WHERE `id_album`=" . $id_album));
         if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1 and $alb['image'] == 'emptyalbum.gif') {
             $img = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
             $this->q("UPDATE `album` SET `image`='" . $img['small'] . "' WHERE `id_album`=" . $id_album);
         return 1;
     } else {
         return $error;
Esempio n. 6
    // Обработчик HTML-формы
      $error = $form->check();
      if (empty($error)) {
          if ($firm->fields['showhide']->value) {
            $showhide = 'show';
            $showhide = 'hide';
        $var = $form->fields['urlpict']->get_filename();
        if ($var) {
          $picture = date('y_m_d_h_i_').$var;
          $picture_small ='S_'.$picture;

          $picture= "";
          $picture_small = "";
           $query = "INSERT INTO $_tbl_picture VALUES (NULL,'{$form->fields['name']->value}','{$form->fields['editor1']->value}','$picture','$picture_small',NOW(),'$showhide','{$form->fields['razdel']->value}')";
          $q = mysql_query($query);
          if (!$q) {
document.location.href = 'index.php';