if ($afname && is_uploaded_file($aftmp)) {
   // it's a file upload, so read it
   $fp = @fopen($aftmp, 'r');
   if ($fp === false) die ('Uploaded file could not be opened.');
   $add = fread($fp, filesize ($aftmp)); // just replace existing add value
 if ($add == '') $err = 'No addresses specified.';
 if (!$err) {
   $f = openfile($cfg['listfile']);				  // open list
   $existing = array();
   $succ = array();
   $fail = array(); $done = false; $i = 0;
   while ($item = readitem($f)) $existing[$item['addr']] = true; // read existing addresses
   if (!$parse) {
     // we're doing CSV-style parsing
     $adds = explode($sep, $add);	// split into addresses
     foreach ($adds as $email) {
       $email = fixemail($email);
       if ($email == '') continue;
       // check address is not already in list
       if (isset($existing[$email])) {
         $fail[$i]['addr'] = htmlspecialchars($email);
         $fail[$i]['reason'] = 'Already in list';
       // check each address is correct
       elseif (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)?[\w]+[^\".,?! ])$#i', $email)) {
         $fail[$i]['addr'] = htmlspecialchars($email);
         $fail[$i]['reason'] = 'Invalid';
 if (!isset($err)) {
   // create temp file for resume data
   if ($cfg['enableresume'] && $cfg['savemail']) {
     if ($_POST['resume']) {
       $fr = @fopen($cfg['savemailto'].'/tmp_'.substr($_POST['resume'],4), 'wb');
     else {
       $fr = @fopen($cfg['savemailto'].'/tmp_'.$mfile.'.txt', 'wb');
     if ($fr === false) $err = 'Could not create or open temp file. Check directory permissions.';
   if (!isset($err)) {
     // WE'RE READY TO SEND!!!
     $cnt = 0;
     while ($item = readitem($f)) {
       // pause if we're on a multiple of the pause interval
       if ($cfg['pauseinterval'] > 0 && $cnt%(int)$cfg['pauseinterval'] == 0 && $cnt != 0) {
       // fetch addresses and send
       if (@mail($item['addr'], $subj, $body, $headers)) $succ++;
       else $fail++;
       // update the temp file with resume info
       if ($cfg['enableresume'] && $cfg['savemail']) {
         fwrite($fr, $item['id']."\r\n");