function down_sql_action() { $file = $this->config[sy_weburl] . "/data/backup/{$_GET['name']}"; header('Content-type: application/sql'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $_GET[name] . '"'); readfile($file); }
public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->checkProject($request); $this->checkProfile($request, $this->ei_project); $this->checkAttachment($request); //throw new Exception($this->ei_subject_attachment->getPath()); $filePath = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/subjectAttachements/' . $this->ei_subject_attachment->getPath(); //$mimeType = mime_content_type($this->ei_subject_attachment->getPath()); /** @var $response sfWebResponse */ $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->clearHttpHeaders(); //$response->setContentType($mimeType); $response->setHttpHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $this->ei_subject_attachment->getFileName() . '"'); $response->setHttpHeader('Content-Description', 'File Transfer'); $response->setHttpHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary'); $response->setHttpHeader('Content-Length', filesize($filePath)); $response->setHttpHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, must-revalidate'); // if https then always give a Pragma header like this to overwrite the "pragma: no-cache" header which // will hint IE8 from caching the file during download and leads to a download error!!! $response->setHttpHeader('Pragma', 'public'); //$response->setContent(file_get_contents($filePath)); # will produce a memory limit exhausted error $response->sendHttpHeaders(); ob_end_flush(); return $this->renderText(readfile($filePath)); }
public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false) { JRequest::setVar('view', JRequest::getCmd('view', 'Orphans')); if (isset($_POST['_orphanaction']) && $_POST['_orphanaction'] == "zipIt") { $file = tempnam("tmp", "zip"); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); foreach ($_POST['tozip'] as $_file) { $zip->addFile(JPATH_ROOT . "/" . $_file, $_file); } $zip->close(); header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""'); readfile($file); unlink($file); die; } else { if (isset($_POST['_orphanaction']) && $_POST['_orphanaction'] == "delete" && isset($_POST['_confirmAction'])) { foreach ($_POST['tozip'] as $_file) { unlink(JPATH_ROOT . "/" . $_file); } } } // call parent behavior parent::display($cachable); }
function image() { ob_end_clean(); $hash = basename($_REQUEST["hash"]); if ($hash) { $filename = $this->cache_dir . "/" . $hash . '.png'; if (file_exists($filename)) { /* See if we can use X-Sendfile */ $xsendfile = false; if (function_exists('apache_get_modules') && array_search('mod_xsendfile', apache_get_modules())) { $xsendfile = true; } if ($xsendfile) { header("X-Sendfile: {$filename}"); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filename) . '"'); } else { header("Content-type: image/png"); $stamp = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($filename)) . " GMT"; header("Last-Modified: {$stamp}", true); readfile($filename); } } else { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 404 Not Found"); echo "File not found."; } } }
public function display() { //parse image uri $preset = $this->uri->segment(2); $fileId = $this->uri->segment(3); $file = new File($fileId); if (!$file->isFileOfUser($this->c_user->id)) { return false; } $imageFile = $file->image->get(); $updated = (string) $file->image->updated; $manipulator = $this->get('core.image.manipulator'); if ($this->input->post()) { $this->cropParamUpdate($file); echo 'images/' . $preset . '/' . $fileId . '/' . $imageFile->updated . '?prev=' . $updated; } else { $path = FCPATH . $file->path . '/' . $file->fullname; $output = $manipulator->getImagePreset($path, $preset, $imageFile, Arr::get($_GET, 'prev', null)); if ($output) { $info = getimagesize($output); header("Content-Disposition: filename={$output};"); header("Content-Type: {$info["mime"]}"); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); readfile($output); } } }
private function pageOpen() { ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Portfolio</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <?php /* <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"> */ ?> <style><?php readfile(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/html/style.css'); ?> </style> <script src=""></script> <script src="//"></script> <script src="/tablesort.min.js"></script> <script src="/tablesort.number.js"></script> <script src="/script.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php }
/** * Stream a file to the browser, adding all the headings and fun stuff. * Headers sent include: Content-type, Content-Length, Last-Modified, * and Content-Disposition. * * @param string $fname Full name and path of the file to stream * @param array $headers Any additional headers to send * @param bool $sendErrors Send error messages if errors occur (like 404) * @throws MWException * @return bool Success */ public static function stream($fname, $headers = array(), $sendErrors = true) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (FileBackend::isStoragePath($fname)) { // sanity wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new MWException(__FUNCTION__ . " given storage path '{$fname}'."); } wfSuppressWarnings(); $stat = stat($fname); wfRestoreWarnings(); $res = self::prepareForStream($fname, $stat, $headers, $sendErrors); if ($res == self::NOT_MODIFIED) { $ok = true; // use client cache } elseif ($res == self::READY_STREAM) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . '-send'); $ok = readfile($fname); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . '-send'); } else { $ok = false; // failed } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $ok; }
public static function GrabImage($url, $filename = "") { if ($url == "") { return false; } if ($filename == "") { $ext = strrchr($url, "."); if ($ext != ".gif" && $ext != ".jpg" && $ext != ".png") { return false; } $filename = date("YmdHis") . $ext; } else { $newPath = dirname($filename); DirectoryFile::dirCreate($newPath); } ob_start(); readfile($url); $img = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size = strlen($img); $fp2 = @fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($fp2, $img); fclose($fp2); return $filename; }
public function action_thumb() { if (!preg_match('/^image\\/.*$/i', $this->attachment['mime'])) { $ext = File::ext_by_mime($this->attachment['mime']); if (file_exists(DOCROOT . 'img/icons/' . $ext . '-icon-128x128.png')) { $this->redirect('/img/icons/' . $ext . '-icon-128x128.png'); } else { $this->redirect('' . $this->attachment['mime'] . '?size=96&default='); } } if (!file_exists(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb')) { if (!file_exists(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'])) { $this->redirect('' . $this->attachment['mime'] . '?size=96&default='); } $data = file_get_contents(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id']); $image = imagecreatefromstring($data); $x = imagesx($image); $y = imagesy($image); $size = max($x, $y); $x = round($x / $size * 96); $y = round($y / $size * 96); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y); imagealphablending($thumb, false); imagesavealpha($thumb, true); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x, $y, imagesx($image), imagesy($image)); imagepng($thumb, DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb', 9); } header('Content-type: image/png'); header('Content-disposition: filename="thumbnail.png"'); header('Content-length: ' . filesize(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb')); readfile(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $this->attachment['id'] . '.thumb'); die; }
function export($params = null) { $patients = $this->Patient->getPatients($params); unset($this->Patient); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $file = 'GaiaEHR-Patients-Export-' . time() . '.zip'; if ($zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { throw new Exception("cannot open <{$file}>"); } $zip->addFromString('cda2.xsl', file_get_contents(ROOT . '/lib/CCRCDA/schema/cda2.xsl')); foreach ($patients as $i => $patient) { $patient = (object) $patient; $this->CCDDocument->setPid($patient->pid); $this->CCDDocument->createCCD(); $this->CCDDocument->setTemplate('toc'); $this->CCDDocument->createCCD(); $ccd = $this->CCDDocument->get(); $zip->addFromString($patient->pid . '-Patient-CDA' . '.xml', $ccd); unset($patients[$i], $ccd); } $zip->close(); header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"'); readfile($file); }
function dumpSPOG() { header('Content-Type: application/sparql-results+xml'); if ($this->v('store_use_dump_dir', 0, $this->a)) { $path = $this->v('store_dump_dir', 'dumps', $this->a); /* default: monthly dumps */ $path_suffix = $this->v('store_dump_suffix', date('Y_m'), $this->a); $path .= '/dump_' . $path_suffix . '.spog'; if (!file_exists($path)) { $this->saveSPOG($path); } readfile($path); exit; } echo $this->getHeader(); $offset = 0; do { $proceed = 0; $rs = $this->getRecordset($offset); if (!$rs) { break; } while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs)) { echo $this->getEntry($row); $proceed = 1; } $offset += $this->limit; } while ($proceed); echo $this->getFooter(); }
/** * This function will feed the $say parameter to a speech * synthesizer and send the resulting audio file to the browser * * @param string $say */ function spamhurdles_spoken_captcha($say) { global $PHORUM; $conf = $PHORUM["mod_spamhurdles"]["captcha"]; if ($conf["spoken_captcha"] && file_exists($conf["flite_location"])) { // Generate the command for building the wav file. $tmpfile = tempnam($PHORUM["cache"], 'spokencaptcha_'); $cmd = escapeshellcmd($conf["flite_location"]); $cmd .= " -t " . escapeshellarg($say); $cmd .= " -o " . escapeshellarg($tmpfile); // Build the wav file. system($cmd); // Did we succeed in building the wav? Then stream it to the user. if (file_exists($tmpfile) and filesize($tmpfile) > 0) { header("Content-Type: audio/x-wav"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=captchacode.wav"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($tmpfile)); readfile($tmpfile); unlink($tmpfile); exit(0); // Something in the setup is apparently wrong here. } else { die("<h1>Internal Spam Hurdles module error</h1>" . "Failed to generate a wave file using flite.\n" . "Please contact the site maintainer to report this problem."); } } else { die("<h1>Internal Spam Hurdles module error</h1>" . "Spoken captcha requested, but no spoken text is available\n" . "or the speech system has not been enabled/configured. " . "Please contact the site maintainer to report this problem."); } }
/** * Save the image as the image type the original image was * * @param string $savePath - The path to store the new image * @param string $imageQuality - The qulaity level of image to create * * @param bool $download * * @return null Saves the image */ public function saveImage($savePath, $imageQuality = "100", $download = false) { if (!$this->newImage) { return; } switch ($this->ext) { case 'image/jpg': case 'image/jpeg': // Check PHP supports this file type if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { imagejpeg($this->newImage, $savePath, $imageQuality); } break; case 'image/gif': // Check PHP supports this file type if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { imagegif($this->newImage, $savePath); } break; case 'image/png': $invertScaleQuality = 9 - round($imageQuality / 100 * 9); // Check PHP supports this file type if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { imagepng($this->newImage, $savePath, $invertScaleQuality); } break; } if ($download) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename= " . $savePath . ""); readfile($savePath); } imagedestroy($this->newImage); }
/** * Display the application. */ public function render() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); if ($user->guest || !JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', 'com_cache')) { //TODO change this to the the proper access acl echo JText::_('Unauthorized'); exit; } $logfile = $this->input->getPath('logfile', null); if (is_null($logfile)) { echo JText::_('Log not found.'); exit; } $logfile_path = JPATH_ROOT . '/logs/' . $logfile; if (!is_file($logfile_path)) { echo JText::_('Log not found.'); exit; } JResponse::clearHeaders(); header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . pathinfo($logfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.log'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($logfile_path) . ';'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); readfile($logfile_path); exit; }
function redirect($filename) { Header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=" . $this->encoding . "; filename=" . basename($filename)); Header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" . basename($filename)); readfile($filename, "r"); die; }
/** * Try download file */ public function download() { if ($this->fileInfo instanceof \SplFileInfo) { if ($this->fileInfo->isFile()) { if (is_array($this->validatorExtension)) { if (!in_array($this->fileInfo->getExtension(), $this->validatorExtension)) { throw new \Exception("Extensão invalida!"); } } if (!$this->fileInfo->isReadable()) { throw new \Exception("O Arquivo não pode ser lido!"); } if (is_null($this->newName)) { $this->setNewName($this->fileInfo->getBasename()); } $finfo = new \finfo(); header("Content-Type: {$finfo->file($this->fileInfo->getRealPath(), FILEINFO_MIME)}"); header("Content-Length: {$this->fileInfo->getSize()}"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$this->newName}"); readfile($this->fileInfo->getRealPath()); } else { throw new \Exception("Por favor, adicione um arquivo valido!"); } } else { throw new \Exception("Por favor, adicione o arquivo primeiro!"); } }
function download($verze) { $verze_ = $GLOBALS['download_dir'] . $verze; header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($verze_)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($verze_)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($verze_); $relace = mysql_connect('localhost', 'host', 'h0st207p'); if (!$relace) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } if (!mysql_select_db('host', $relace)) { die('Could not select database'); } $sql = 'SELECT stazeno FROM sfepy_downloads WHERE verze="' . $verze . '"'; $data = mysql_query($sql, $relace); if (!$data) { die('DB Error, could not query the database: ' . mysql_error()); } list($stazeno) = mysql_fetch_row($data); $stazeno = $stazeno + 1; $sql = 'UPDATE sfepy_downloads SET stazeno="' . $stazeno . '" WHERE verze="' . $verze . '"'; mysql_query($sql, $relace); mysql_free_result($data); }
/** * Output file to the browser. * For performance reasons, we avoid SS_HTTPResponse and just output the contents instead. */ public function sendFile($file) { $path = $file->getFullPath(); if (SapphireTest::is_running_test()) { return file_get_contents($path); } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); // Quotes needed to retain spaces ( header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . basename($path) . '"'); header('Content-Length: ' . $file->getAbsoluteSize()); header('Content-Type: ' . HTTP::get_mime_type($file->getRelativePath())); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); // Fixes IE6,7,8 file downloads over HTTPS bug ( header('Pragma: '); if ($this->config()->min_download_bandwidth) { // Allow the download to last long enough to allow full download with min_download_bandwidth connection. increase_time_limit_to((int) (filesize($path) / ($this->config()->min_download_bandwidth * 1024))); } else { // Remove the timelimit. increase_time_limit_to(0); } // Clear PHP buffer, otherwise the script will try to allocate memory for entire file. while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_flush(); } // Prevent blocking of the session file by PHP. Without this the user can't visit another page of the same // website during download (see session_write_close(); readfile($path); die; }
function getguestcache() { global $fid, $tid, $timestamp, $db_guestdir, $db_guestindex, $db_guestthread, $db_guestread; $page = (int) $_GET['page']; switch (SCR) { case 'thread': empty($page) && ($page = 1); if (file_exists(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/T_{$fid}/{$fid}_{$page}.html") && $timestamp - pwFilemtime(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/T_{$fid}/{$fid}_{$page}.html") < $db_guestthread) { readfile(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/T_{$fid}/{$fid}_{$page}.html"); guestfooter(); } break; case 'index': $indexpath = getguestIndexpath(); if (file_exists($indexpath) && $timestamp - pwFilemtime($indexpath) < $db_guestindex) { readfile($indexpath); guestfooter(); } break; case 'read': $tmp = 'R_' . intval($tid / 500); !$page && ($page = 1); if (file_exists(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/{$tmp}/{$tid}_{$page}.html") && $timestamp - pwFilemtime(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/{$tmp}/{$tid}_{$page}.html") < $db_guestread) { readfile(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/{$tmp}/{$tid}_{$page}.html"); echo "<script src=\"hitcache.php?tid={$tid}\"></script>"; guestfooter(); } break; } }
function forceDownload($file) { //Check file exist or not if (file_exists($file)) { if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { // required for IE ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } // Get mine type of file. $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); // return mime type ala mimetype extension $mimeType = finfo_file($finfo, $file) . "\n"; finfo_close($finfo); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); header('Content-Type:' . $mimeType); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($file) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); header('Connection: close'); readfile($file); exit; } else { return "File does not exist"; } }
public function send_to_browser($destination_file_name, $redirect_to_referer = TRUE) { if (headers_sent()) { error_log("Headers already sent. Download of {$this->full_path} failed."); die('Headers already sent'); } // Required for some browsers if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } // File Exists? if (is_dir($this->full_path) || !file_exists($this->full_path)) { return FALSE; # To stop hitting the 'exit' command at the bottom of this function. } if (ob_get_contents()) { # Make sure no junk is included in the file ob_end_clean(); } header("Content-type: {$this->mime_type}"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $destination_file_name . '"'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache'); if (ob_get_contents()) { # Make __absolutely__ :) sure no junk is included in the file ob_end_flush(); flush(); } readfile($this->full_path); die; }
function get_image() { $mime = get_mimetype($this->path); viscacha_header('Content-Type: ' . $mime['mime']); readfile($this->path); exit; }
public function downloadAction() { $squadID = $this->params('id', 0); $squadRepo = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Frontend\\Squads\\Entity\\Squad'); /** @var Squad $squadEntity */ $squadEntity = $squadRepo->findOneBy(array('user' => $this->identity(), 'id' => $squadID)); if (!$squadEntity) { $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage('Squad not found'); return $this->redirect('frontend/user/squads'); } $fileName = 'squad_file_pack_armasquads_' . $squadID; $zipTmpPath = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), $fileName); $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $zip->open($zipTmpPath, \ZipArchive::CHECKCONS); if (!$zip) { $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage('Squad Package Download currently not possible'); return $this->redirect('frontend/user/squads'); } $zip->addFromString('squad.xml', file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $this->url()->fromRoute('frontend/user/squads/xml', array('id' => $squadEntity->getPrivateID())))); if ($squadEntity->getSquadLogoPaa()) { $zip->addFile(ROOT_PATH . $squadEntity->getSquadLogoPaa(), basename($squadEntity->getSquadLogoPaa())); } $zip->addFromString('squad.dtd', file_get_contents(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../view/squads/xml/') . '/squad.dtd')); //$zip->addFromString('squad.xsl',file_get_contents(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../view/squads/xml/').'/squad.xsl')); $zip->close(); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($fileName) . ".zip\""); readfile($zipTmpPath); sleep(1); @unlink($zipTmpPath); die; }
public function download() { $file = DIR_LOGS . $this->config->get('config_error_filename'); clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file)) { if (!headers_sent()) { if (filesize($file) > 0) { header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . str_replace(' ', '_', $this->config->get('config_name')) . '_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s', time()) . '_error.log'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); readfile($file, 'rb'); exit; } } else { exit('Error: Headers already sent out!'); } } else { $this->redirect($this->url->link('tool/error_log', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL')); } }
/** * send the content or the file to the browser. * @return boolean true it it's ok */ public function output() { if ($this->doDownload) { $this->mimeType = 'application/forcedownload'; if (!strlen($this->outputFileName)) { $f = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $this->fileName)); $this->outputFileName = $f[count($f) - 1]; } } if ($this->hasErrors()) { return false; } $this->addHttpHeader("Content-Type", $this->mimeType, $this->doDownload); if ($this->doDownload) { $this->_downloadHeader(); } if ($this->content === null) { if (is_readable($this->fileName) && is_file($this->fileName)) { $this->_httpHeaders['Content-Length'] = filesize($this->fileName); $this->sendHttpHeaders(); readfile($this->fileName); flush(); return true; } else { throw new jException('jelix~errors.repbin.unknow.file', $this->fileName); return false; } } else { $this->_httpHeaders['Content-Length'] = strlen($this->content); $this->sendHttpHeaders(); echo $this->content; flush(); return true; } }
function plugin_information($plugin_slug, $data) { $plugin_path = $data['path']; ?> <textarea readonly="readonly" rows="7" cols="65" wrap="off" style="width: 100%;"><?php //echo "Version History:\n\n"; readfile($plugin_path . '/history.txt'); ?> </textarea> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#pluginbuddy_<?php echo $plugin_slug; ?> _debugtoggle").click(function() { jQuery("#pluginbuddy_<?php echo $plugin_slug; ?> _debugtoggle_div").slideToggle(); }); }); </script> <?php if (pb_backupbuddy::_POST('reset_defaults') == $plugin_slug) { if (call_user_func('pb_' . $plugin_slug . '::reset_options', true) === true) { pb_backupbuddy::alert('Plugin settings have been reset to defaults for plugin `' . $data['name'] . '`.'); } else { pb_backupbuddy::alert('Unable to reset plugin settings. Verify you are running the latest version.'); } } ?> <?php }
public function viewAction() { // We view a file, so we should disable layout $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $key = $this->_getParam('key'); $size = $this->_getParam('size'); $inline = $this->_getParam('inline'); if (strpos($key, '.')) { $key = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, '.')); } $files = new Files(); if (!($file = $files->getFileFromKey($key))) { throw new Stuffpress_Exception("No such file for key {$key}"); } if ($size == 'thumbnail') { $folder = '/thumbnails/'; } else { if ($size == 'small') { $folder = '/small/'; } else { if ($size == 'medium') { $folder = '/medium/'; } else { if ($size == 'large') { $folder = '/large/'; } else { $folder = '/'; } } } } $root = Zend_Registry::get("root"); $config = Zend_Registry::get("configuration"); if (isset($config) && isset($config->path->upload)) { $upload = $config->path->upload; } else { $upload = $root . "/upload/"; } $path = $upload . "/{$folder}{$file->key}"; if ($folder != '/' && !file_exists($path)) { $path = $upload . "/{$file->key}"; } // Dump the file if (!$inline) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$file->name}\""); } header("Content-type: {$file->type}"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); /*$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Expires', '', true); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public', true); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3800'); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Pragma', '', true);*/ // We turn off output buffering to avoid memory issues // when dumping the file ob_end_flush(); readfile($path); // Die to make sure that we don't screw up the file die; }
function docs_for_version($base, $version) { echo "<br/><li>Version: {$version}<br/>"; foreach (glob("build-{$version}.txt") as $filename) { readfile($filename); } echo "<ul>"; foreach (glob("{$base}/*/Pacemaker/{$version}") as $item) { $lang = basename(dirname(dirname($item))); $books = array(); foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/pdf/*") as $filename) { $books[] = basename($filename); } foreach ($books as $b) { echo "<li>" . str_replace("_", " ", $b) . " ({$lang})"; foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/epub/{$b}/*.epub") as $filename) { echo " [<a href={$filename}>epub</a>]"; } foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/pdf/{$b}/*.pdf") as $filename) { echo " [<a href={$filename}>pdf</a>]"; } foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/html/{$b}/index.html") as $filename) { echo " [<a href={$filename}>html</a>]"; } foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/html-single/{$b}/index.html") as $filename) { echo " [<a href={$filename}>html-single</a>]"; } foreach (glob("{$base}/{$lang}/Pacemaker/{$version}/txt/{$b}/*.txt") as $filename) { echo " [<a href={$filename}>txt</a>]"; } } echo "</li><br/>"; } echo "</ul>"; }
public function dwld() { $this->min(); if (is_numeric($this->getParam("id"))) { $this->download->newDownload(); if ($this->download->getIsLocal()) { $url = OWEB_DIR_DATA . "/downloads/" . $this->download->getUrl(); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($url) . '";'); readfile($url); } else { $url = OWEB_DIR_DATA . "/downloads/" . $this->download->getUrl(); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($url)); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($url)); flush(); // this doesn't really matter. $fp = fopen($url, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 65536); flush(); // this is essential for large downloads } fclose($fp); } } else { throw new \Model\downloads\exception\DownloadCantBeFind("No Download ID given"); } }
/** * @param string $fileref */ public function download($fileref) { $extensionConfiguration = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['sharepoint_connector']); $extensionConfiguration = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::removeDotsFromTS($extensionConfiguration); $filePath = explode(';#', $fileref); $urlInfo = parse_url($extensionConfiguration['sharepointServer']['url']); $downloadLink = $urlInfo['scheme'] . '://' . $urlInfo['host'] . '/' . $filePath[1]; $destinationFile = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::tempnam('spdownload_'); $fp = fopen($destinationFile, 'w+'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $downloadLink); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_NTLM); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $extensionConfiguration['sharepointServer']['username'] . ':' . $extensionConfiguration['sharepointServer']['password']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); # increase timeout to download big file curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); if (file_exists($destinationFile)) { header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($downloadLink)); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($destinationFile)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($destinationFile); } \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::unlink_tempfile($destinationFile); }