} $Client_BTC = userbalance($CURR_Selling_Username, $BTC); $Client_BTCRYX = userbalance($CURR_Selling_Username, $BTCRYX); if ($PST_Order_Amount <= $CURR_Selling_Amount) { $Trade_Message = 'Could, Trade matching not done.'; } else { $Trade_Message = 'Trade matching not done.'; } } else { $Trade_Message = 'Trade matching not done.'; } } else { if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO sell_orderbook (id, date, ip, username, action, want, initial_amount, amount, rate, processed, trade_id, trade_with) VALUES ('','{$date}','{$ip}','{$user_session}','sell','{$BTC}','{$PST_Order_Amount}','{$PST_Order_Amount}','{$PST_Order_Rate}','1','" . $my_coins->getTradeId() . "','{$BTCRYX}')")) { $Trade_Message = "System error."; } else { $result = minusfunds($user_session, $BTCRYX, $PST_Order_Amount); if ($result == "success") { $Trade_Message = "Sell order has been made, but is waiting a Buyer."; //header("Location: home.php"); } else { $Trade_Message = "System error."; } } } } else { $Trade_Message = "That amount is to low? Try more coins or a higher rate."; } } else { $Trade_Message = 'Orders that total under 0.00001 are not allowed!'; } } else {
} $iid = $my_coins->getSelectInstanceId(); $cid = $my_coins->getCoinsSelectInstanceId() + 1; if ($withdraw_withdraw == "withdraw") { if ($withdraw_address) { if ($withdraw_amount) { $withdraw_amount = satoshitize($withdraw_amount); if ($withdraw_amount <= $Bitcrystald_Balance[$iid]) { $fee = $my_coins->coins[$my_coins->coins_names[$cid]]["fee"]; $FEEBEE = $my_coins->coins[$my_coins->coins_names[$cid]]["FEEBEE"]; $set_withdraw_amount = $withdraw_amount - $fee; // minus the fee $true_withdraw_amount = satoshitize($set_withdraw_amount); $Bitcrystald_Withdraw_From = $Bitcrystald[$iid]["daemon"]->sendtoaddress($withdraw_address, (double) $true_withdraw_amount); if ($Bitcrystald_Withdraw_From) { $result = minusfunds($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$cid], $withdraw_amount); $result = plusfunds($FEEBEE, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$cid], $fee); // add fee to feebee account $Bitcrystald_Balance = userbalance($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$cid]); $withdraw_message = '<a href="#' . $Bitcrystald_Withdraw_From . '" target="_blank" style="color: #0B2161;">Withdraw was sent!<br>' . $Bitcrystald_Withdraw_From . '</a>'; if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO transactions (id,date,username,action,coin,address,txid,amount,trade_id) VALUES ('','{$date}','{$user_session}','withdraw','" . $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$cid] . "','{$withdraw_address}','{$Bitcrystald_Withdraw_From}','{$withdraw_amount}','" . $my_coins->getTradeId() . "')")) { $eereturn_error = "System error."; } else { $eereturn_error = "Logged in."; } } } else { $withdraw_message = 'You do not have enough ' . $my_coins->coins_names[$cid] . 's!'; } } else { $withdraw_message = 'No amount to withdraw was entered!';
$rate = $Row['rate']; if ($username != $buyer) { $id = false; break; } } if (!$id) { $Trade_Message = 'Could, Trade matching not done. 5'; $trade_error = true; } if (!$trade_error) { $coin_balance = $Coin_B_Balance; $totalamount = $amount * $rate; $totalamount = satoshitrim(satoshitize($totalamount)); if ($coin_balance >= $amount) { $result1 = minusfunds($user_session, $BTCRYX, $amount); $result2 = plusfunds($username, $BTCRYX, $amount); if ($result1 == "success" && $result2 == "success") { $result = plusfunds($user_session, $BTC, $totalamount); if ($result == "success") { $handler = $buyer; $Query = "INSERT INTO ordersfilled (date, ip, username, trader, oid, action, want, amount, rate, total, processed, trade_id, trade_with) VALUES ('{$date}', '{$ip}', '{$handler}', '{$trader}', '{$trade_id}', '{$my_action_2}', '{$BTC}', '{$amount}', '{$rate}', '{$totalamount}', '{$processed}', '" . $my_coins->getTradeId() . "', '{$BTCRYX}');"; //echo $Query."<br/>"; if (!mysql_query($Query)) { $Trade_Message = 'Could, Trade matching not done. 6'; $trade_error = true; } $Trade_Message = "Trade is complete!"; } else { $Trade_Message = 'Could, Trade matching not done. 7'; $trade_error = true;
if (!$iid) { $my_coins->setSelectInstanceId($my_coins->getInstanceId()); } else { if ($iid != $my_coins->getSelectInstanceId()) { header("Location: home.php"); } } $iid = $my_coins->getSelectInstanceId(); $cid = $my_coins->getCoinsSelectInstanceId(); if ($savemoney == "savemoney") { $id = 1 + $cid; $wallet_id = "zellesExchange(" . $user_session . ")"; $FEEBEE = $my_coins->coins[$my_coins->coins_names[$id]]["FEEBEE"]; $wallet_id_feebee = "zellesExchange(" . $FEEBEE . ")"; $my_balance = userbalance($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$id]); $result = minusfunds($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$id], $my_balance); $my_balance_n = $my_coins->set_coins_balance($my_coins->coins_names[$id], $wallet_id, $wallet_id_feebee, $my_balance); $result = plusfunds($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$id], $my_balance_n); // add fee to feebee account $Bitcrystald_Balance[$iid] = userbalance($user_session, $my_coins->coins_names_prefix[$id]); $savemoney_message = 'success'; } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $script_title; ?> </title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="image/favicon.ico"> <?php
header("Location: index.php"); } $withdraw_withdraw = security($_POST['action']); $withdraw_amount = security($_POST['amount']); $withdraw_address = security($_POST['address']); if ($withdraw_withdraw == "withdraw") { if ($withdraw_address) { if ($withdraw_amount) { $withdraw_amount = satoshitize($withdraw_amount); if ($withdraw_amount <= $Chncoind_Balance) { $set_withdraw_amount = $withdraw_amount - 0.01; // minus the fee $true_withdraw_amount = satoshitize($set_withdraw_amount); $Chncoind_Withdraw_From = $Chncoind->sendtoaddress($withdraw_address, (double) $true_withdraw_amount); if ($Chncoind_Withdraw_From) { $result = minusfunds($user_session, "LTC", $withdraw_amount); $result = plusfunds($FEEBEE, "LTC", "0.01"); // add fee to feebee account $Chncoind_Balance = userbalance($user_session, "LTC"); $withdraw_message = '<a href="#' . $Chncoind_Withdraw_From . '" target="_blank" style="color: #0B2161;">Withdraw was sent!<br>' . $Chncoind_Withdraw_From . '</a>'; if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO transactions (id,date,username,action,coin,address,txid,amount) VALUES ('','{$date}','{$user_session}','withdraw','LTC','{$withdraw_address}','{$Chncoind_Withdraw_From}','{$withdraw_amount}')")) { $eereturn_error = "System error."; } else { $eereturn_error = "Logged in."; } } } else { $withdraw_message = 'You do not have enough Litecoins!'; } } else { $withdraw_message = 'No amount to withdraw was entered!';