Esempio n. 1
  * @param mixed $handler_id The ID of the handler.
  * @param Array $args The argument list.
  * @param Array &$data The local request data.
  * @return boolean Indicating success.
 public function _handler_edit($handler_id, array $args, array &$data)
     $this->_component_name = $args[0];
     if (!midcom::get('componentloader')->is_installed($this->_component_name)) {
         throw new midcom_error_notfound("Component {$this->_component_name} is not installed.");
     $componentpath = midcom::get('componentloader')->path_to_snippetpath($this->_component_name);
     // Load and parse the global config
     $cfg = midcom_baseclasses_components_configuration::read_array_from_file("{$componentpath}/config/");
     if (!$cfg) {
         // hmmm... that should never happen
         $cfg = array();
     $this->_libconfig = new midcom_helper_configuration($cfg);
     // Go for the sitewide default
     $cfg = midcom_baseclasses_components_configuration::read_array_from_file("/etc/midgard/midcom/{$this->_component_name}}/");
     if ($cfg !== false) {
         $this->_libconfig->store($cfg, false);
     // Finally, check the sitegroup config
     $cfg = midcom_baseclasses_components_configuration::read_array_from_snippet("{$GLOBALS['midcom_config']['midcom_sgconfig_basedir']}/{$this->_component_name}/config");
     if ($cfg !== false) {
         $this->_libconfig->store($cfg, false);
     $this->_controller = $this->get_controller('nullstorage');
     switch ($this->_controller->process_form()) {
         case 'save':
             if ($this->_save_configuration()) {
                 midcom::get('uimessages')->add($this->_l10n->get('host configuration'), $this->_l10n->get('settings saved successfully') . $this->_codeinit->id, 'ok');
             } else {
                 midcom::get('uimessages')->add($this->_l10n->get('host configuration'), sprintf($this->_l10n->get('failed to save settings, reason %s')), 'error');
             // *** FALL-THROUGH ***
         // *** FALL-THROUGH ***
         case 'cancel':
             return new midcom_response_relocate('__mfa/asgard_midcom.admin.libconfig/edit/' . $this->_component_name);
     $data['controller'] =& $this->_controller;
Esempio n. 2
  * Helper method for undeleting objects
  * @param Array $guids
  * @param string $type
  * @return boolean Indicating success
  * @todo We should only undelete parameters & attachments deleted inside some small window of the main objects delete
 public static function undelete($guids, $type)
     $undeleted_size = 0;
     if (!is_array($guids)) {
         $guids = array($guids);
     $stats = array();
     foreach ($guids as $guid) {
         $object = midcom_helper_reflector::get_object($guid, $type);
         if (is_null($object)) {
             // Purged, skip
             debug_add("Object identified with GUID {$guid} is purged, cannot undelete", MIDCOM_LOG_INFO);
         $undeleted = false;
         if ($object->undelete($guid)) {
             $undeleted = true;
             // refresh
             $object = midcom::get('dbfactory')->get_object_by_guid($guid);
             $undeleted_size += $object->metadata->size;
         if (!$undeleted) {
             debug_add("Failed to undelete object with GUID {$guid} errstr: " . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         } else {
             $parent = $object->get_parent();
             if ($parent && $parent->guid) {
                 // Invalidate parent from cache so content caches have chance to react
             // Invalidate Midgard pagecache if we touched style/page element
             if (function_exists('mgd_cache_invalidate') && (is_a($object, 'midcom_db_element') || is_a($object, 'midcom_db_pageelement'))) {
         $stats[$guid] = $undeleted;
         // FIXME: We should only undelete parameters & attachments deleted inside some small window of the main objects delete
         $undeleted_size += self::undelete_parameters($guid);
         $undeleted_size += self::undelete_attachments($guid);
         //FIXME: are we sure we want to undelete all children here unconditionally, shouldn't it be left as UI decision ??
         // List all deleted children
         $children_types = midcom_helper_reflector_tree::get_child_objects($object, true);
         if (empty($children_types)) {
         foreach ($children_types as $type => $children) {
             $child_guids = array();
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 if ($child->metadata->deleted) {
                     $child_guids[] = $child->guid;
             $undeleted_size += self::undelete($child_guids, $type);
     return $undeleted_size;
Esempio n. 3
  * Invalidate all caches completely.
  * Use this, if you have, f.x. changes in the layout. The URL function
  * midcom-cache-invalidate will trigger this function.
 function invalidate_all()
     foreach ($this->_unload_queue as $name) {
         debug_add("Invalidating the cache module {$name} completely.");
     // Invalidate Midgard cache too
Esempio n. 4
  * Object display
  * @param mixed $handler_id The ID of the handler.
  * @param Array $args The argument list.
  * @param Array &$data The local request data.
  * @return boolean Indicating success.
 public function _handler_delete($handler_id, array $args, array &$data)
     midcom::get('auth')->require_user_do('midgard.admin.asgard:manage_objects', null, 'midgard_admin_asgard_plugin');
     $type = $this->_object->__mgdschema_class_name__;
     $relocate_url = $type;
     $cancel_url = "__mfa/asgard/object/{$this->_request_data['default_mode']}/{$this->_object->guid}/";
     $class_extends = $this->_config->get('class_extends');
     if (is_array($class_extends) && array_key_exists($type, $class_extends)) {
         $relocate_url = $class_extends[$type];
     // Redirect person deletion to user management
     if (is_a($this->_object, 'midcom_db_person')) {
         $relocate_url = "../asgard_midcom.admin.user/";
         $cancel_url = "__mfa/asgard_midcom.admin.user/edit/{$args[0]}/";
     $this->_datamanager = new midcom_helper_datamanager2_datamanager($this->_schemadb);
     if (!$this->_datamanager->set_storage($this->_object)) {
         throw new midcom_error("Failed to create a DM2 instance for object {$this->_object->guid}.");
     if (array_key_exists('midgard_admin_asgard_deleteok', $_REQUEST)) {
         // Deletion confirmed.
         $parent = $this->_object->get_parent();
         if (array_key_exists('midgard_admin_asgard_disablercs', $_REQUEST)) {
             $this->_object->_use_rcs = false;
         if (!$this->_object->delete_tree()) {
             throw new midcom_error("Failed to delete object {$args[0]}, last Midgard error was: " . midcom_connection::get_error_string());
         if (is_a($this->_object, 'midcom_db_style') || is_a($this->_object, 'midcom_db_element')) {
         // Update the index
         $indexer = midcom::get('indexer');
         if ($parent) {
             return new midcom_response_relocate(midcom_connection::get_url('self') . "__mfa/asgard/object/{$data['default_mode']}/{$parent->guid}/");
         return new midcom_response_relocate(midcom_connection::get_url('self') . "__mfa/asgard/" . $relocate_url);
     if (array_key_exists('midgard_admin_asgard_deletecancel', $_REQUEST)) {
         // Redirect to default object mode page.
         return new midcom_response_relocate($cancel_url);
     midgard_admin_asgard_plugin::bind_to_object($this->_object, $handler_id, $data);
     // Add Thickbox
     midcom::get('head')->add_jsfile(MIDCOM_STATIC_URL . '/midgard.admin.asgard/object_browser.js');
     midcom::get('head')->add_jsfile(MIDCOM_STATIC_URL . '/jQuery/thickbox/jquery-thickbox-3.1.pack.js');
     $this->add_stylesheet(MIDCOM_STATIC_URL . '/jQuery/thickbox/thickbox.css', 'screen');
     midcom::get('head')->add_jscript('var tb_pathToImage = "' . MIDCOM_STATIC_URL . '/jQuery/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif"');
     // Add jQuery file for the checkbox operations
     midcom::get('head')->add_jsfile(MIDCOM_STATIC_URL . '/midgard.admin.asgard/jquery-copytree.js');