// Load jquery UI to highlight cell on change domain type //require_js( '#jqueryUI#' ); // Used for edit form $tab_from = 'antispam'; $blog = 0; // Don't restrict domains by blog ID on this controller // Set an url for manual page: $AdminUI->set_page_manual_link('referring-domains-tab'); break; } if (!empty($tab3)) { $AdminUI->append_path_level($tab3); } if (in_array($action, array('iprange_new', 'iprange_edit'))) { // Initialize date picker for cronjob.form.php init_datepicker_js(); } // Display <html><head>...</head> section! (Note: should be done early if actions do not redirect) $AdminUI->disp_html_head(); // Display title, menu, messages, etc. (Note: messages MUST be displayed AFTER the actions) $AdminUI->disp_body_top(); // Begin payload block: $AdminUI->disp_payload_begin(); } switch ($tab3) { case 'settings': $AdminUI->disp_view('antispam/views/_antispam_settings.form.php'); break; case 'tools': // Check permission: $current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', true);
header_redirect($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 302); } if (empty($comment_ID)) { // Can't edit a not exisiting comment $Messages->add('Invalid comment edit URL!'); header_redirect($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 302); } $CommentCache =& get_CommentCache(); $edited_Comment =& $CommentCache->get_by_ID($comment_ID); $comment_Item =& $edited_Comment->get_Item(); if (!$current_User->check_perm('comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $edited_Comment)) { // If User has no permission to edit comments with this comment status: $Messages->add('You are not allowed to edit the previously selected comment!'); header_redirect($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 302); } $comment_title = ''; $comment_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($edited_Comment->content); // Format content for editing, if we were not already in editing... $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin(); $comment_Item->load_Blog(); $params = array('object_type' => 'Comment', 'object_Blog' => &$comment_Item->Blog); $Plugins_admin->unfilter_contents($comment_title, $comment_content, $comment_Item->get_renderers_validated(), $params); // Require datapicker.css require_css('ui.datepicker.css'); // Require results.css to display attachments as a result table require_css('results.css'); $Item =& $comment_Item; init_ratings_js('blog'); init_datepicker_js('blog'); $display_params = array(); require $ads_current_skin_path . 'index.main.php';
/** * Template tag. Initializes internal states for the most common skin displays. * * For more specific skins, this function should not be called and * equivalent code should be customized within the skin. * * @param string What are we going to display. Most of the time the global $disp should be passed. */ function skin_init($disp) { /** * @var Blog */ global $Blog; /** * @var Item */ global $Item; /** * @var Skin */ global $Skin; global $robots_index; global $seo_page_type; global $redir, $ReqURL, $ReqURI, $m, $w, $preview; global $Chapter; global $Debuglog; /** * @var ItemList2 */ global $MainList; /** * This will give more detail when $disp == 'posts'; otherwise it will have the same content as $disp * @var string */ global $disp_detail, $Settings; global $Timer; global $Messages, $PageCache; $Timer->resume('skin_init'); if (empty($disp_detail)) { $disp_detail = $disp; } $Debuglog->add('skin_init: ' . $disp, 'skins'); // This is the main template; it may be used to display very different things. // Do inits depending on current $disp: switch ($disp) { case 'posts': case 'single': case 'page': case 'feedback-popup': case 'search': // We need to load posts for this display: // Note: even if we request the same post as $Item above, the following will do more restrictions (dates, etc.) // Init the MainList object: init_MainList($Blog->get_setting('posts_per_page')); // Init post navigation $post_navigation = $Skin->get_post_navigation(); if (empty($post_navigation)) { $post_navigation = $Blog->get_setting('post_navigation'); } break; } // SEO stuff & redirects if necessary: $seo_page_type = NULL; switch ($disp) { // CONTENT PAGES: case 'single': case 'page': init_ajax_forms(); // auto requires jQuery init_ratings_js(); init_voting_comment_js(); init_scrollwide_js(); // Add jQuery Wide Scroll plugin if ($disp == 'single') { $seo_page_type = 'Single post page'; } else { $seo_page_type = '"Page" page'; } // Check if the post has 'redirected' status: if (!$preview && $Item->status == 'redirected' && $redir == 'yes') { // $redir=no here allows to force a 'single post' URL for commenting // Redirect to the URL specified in the post: $Debuglog->add('Redirecting to post URL [' . $Item->url . '].'); header_redirect($Item->url, true); } // Check if we want to redirect to a canonical URL for the post // Please document encountered problems. if (!$preview && ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_item_urls') && $redir == 'yes' || $Blog->get_setting('relcanonical_item_urls'))) { // We want to redirect to the Item's canonical URL: $canonical_url = $Item->get_permanent_url('', '', '&'); if (preg_match('|[&?](page=\\d+)|', $ReqURI, $page_param)) { // A certain post page has been requested, keep only this param and discard all others: $canonical_url = url_add_param($canonical_url, $page_param[1], '&'); } if (preg_match('|[&?](mode=quote&[qcp]+=\\d+)|', $ReqURI, $page_param)) { // A quote of comment/post, keep only these params and discard all others: $canonical_url = url_add_param($canonical_url, $page_param[1], '&'); } if (!is_same_url($ReqURL, $canonical_url)) { // The requested URL does not look like the canonical URL for this post... // url difference was resolved $url_resolved = false; // Check if the difference is because of an allowed post navigation param if (preg_match('|[&?]cat=(\\d+)|', $ReqURI, $cat_param)) { // A category post navigation param is set $extended_url = ''; if ($post_navigation == 'same_category' && isset($cat_param[1])) { // navigatie through posts from the same category $category_ids = postcats_get_byID($Item->ID); if (in_array($cat_param[1], $category_ids)) { // cat param is one of this Item categories $extended_url = $Item->add_navigation_param($canonical_url, $post_navigation, $cat_param[1], '&'); // Set MainList navigation target to the requested category $MainList->nav_target = $cat_param[1]; } } $url_resolved = is_same_url($ReqURL, $extended_url); } if (!$url_resolved && $Blog->get_setting('canonical_item_urls') && $redir == 'yes' && !$Item->check_cross_post_nav('auto', $Blog->ID)) { // REDIRECT TO THE CANONICAL URL: $Debuglog->add('Redirecting to canonical URL [' . $canonical_url . '].'); header_redirect($canonical_url, true); } else { // Use rel="canoncial": add_headline('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical_url . '" />'); } // EXITED. } } if (!$MainList->result_num_rows) { // There is nothing to display for this page, don't index it! $robots_index = false; } break; case 'posts': init_ajax_forms('blog'); // auto requires jQuery init_scrollwide_js('blog'); // Add jQuery Wide Scroll plugin // fp> if we add this here, we have to exetnd the inner if() // init_ratings_js( 'blog' ); // Get list of active filters: $active_filters = $MainList->get_active_filters(); if (!empty($active_filters)) { // The current page is being filtered... if (array_diff($active_filters, array('page')) == array()) { // This is just a follow "paged" page $disp_detail = 'posts-next'; $seo_page_type = 'Next page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('paged_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index category pages: $robots_index = false; } } elseif (array_diff($active_filters, array('cat_array', 'cat_modifier', 'cat_focus', 'posts', 'page')) == array()) { // This is a category page $disp_detail = 'posts-cat'; $seo_page_type = 'Category page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('chapter_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index category pages: $robots_index = false; } global $cat, $catsel; if (empty($catsel) && preg_match('~[0-9]+~', $cat)) { // We are on a single cat page: // NOTE: we must have selected EXACTLY ONE CATEGORY through the cat parameter // BUT: - this can resolve to including children // - selecting exactly one cat through catsel[] is NOT OK since not equivalent (will exclude children) // echo 'SINGLE CAT PAGE'; if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_cat_urls') && $redir == 'yes' || $Blog->get_setting('relcanonical_cat_urls')) { // Check if the URL was canonical: if (!isset($Chapter)) { $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache(); /** * @var Chapter */ $Chapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($MainList->filters['cat_array'][0], false); } if ($Chapter) { if ($Chapter->parent_ID) { // This is a sub-category page (i-e: not a level 1 category) $disp_detail = 'posts-subcat'; } $canonical_url = $Chapter->get_permanent_url(NULL, NULL, $MainList->get_active_filter('page'), NULL, '&'); if (!is_same_url($ReqURL, $canonical_url)) { // fp> TODO: we're going to lose the additional params, it would be better to keep them... // fp> what additional params actually? if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_cat_urls') && $redir == 'yes') { // REDIRECT TO THE CANONICAL URL: header_redirect($canonical_url, true); } else { // Use rel="canonical": add_headline('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical_url . '" />'); } } } } if ($post_navigation == 'same_category') { // Category is set and post navigation should go through the same category, set navigation target param $MainList->nav_target = $cat; } } } elseif (array_diff($active_filters, array('tags', 'posts', 'page')) == array()) { // This is a tag page $disp_detail = 'posts-tag'; $seo_page_type = 'Tag page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('tag_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index tag pages: $robots_index = false; } if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_tag_urls') && $redir == 'yes' || $Blog->get_setting('relcanonical_tag_urls')) { // Check if the URL was canonical: $canonical_url = $Blog->gen_tag_url($MainList->get_active_filter('tags'), $MainList->get_active_filter('page'), '&'); if (!is_same_url($ReqURL, $canonical_url)) { if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_tag_urls') && $redir == 'yes') { // REDIRECT TO THE CANONICAL URL: header_redirect($canonical_url, true); } else { // Use rel="canoncial": add_headline('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical_url . '" />'); } } } } elseif (array_diff($active_filters, array('ymdhms', 'week', 'posts', 'page')) == array()) { // This is an archive page // echo 'archive page'; $disp_detail = 'posts-date'; $seo_page_type = 'Date archive page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_archive_urls') && $redir == 'yes' || $Blog->get_setting('relcanonical_archive_urls')) { // Check if the URL was canonical: $canonical_url = $Blog->gen_archive_url(substr($m, 0, 4), substr($m, 4, 2), substr($m, 6, 2), $w, '&', $MainList->get_active_filter('page')); if (!is_same_url($ReqURL, $canonical_url)) { if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_archive_urls') && $redir == 'yes') { // REDIRECT TO THE CANONICAL URL: header_redirect($canonical_url, true); } else { // Use rel="canoncial": add_headline('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical_url . '" />'); } } } if ($Blog->get_setting('archive_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index archive pages: $robots_index = false; } } else { // Other filtered pages: // pre_dump( $active_filters ); $disp_detail = 'posts-filtered'; $seo_page_type = 'Other filtered page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('filtered_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index other filtered pages: $robots_index = false; } } } else { // This is the default blog page $disp_detail = 'posts-default'; $seo_page_type = 'Default page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_homepage') && $redir == 'yes' || $Blog->get_setting('relcanonical_homepage')) { // Check if the URL was canonical: $canonical_url = $Blog->gen_blogurl(); if (!is_same_url($ReqURL, $canonical_url)) { if ($Blog->get_setting('canonical_homepage') && $redir == 'yes') { // REDIRECT TO THE CANONICAL URL: header_redirect($canonical_url, true); } else { // Use rel="canoncial": add_headline('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical_url . '" />'); } } } if ($Blog->get_setting('default_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index archive pages: $robots_index = false; } } break; case 'search': $seo_page_type = 'Search page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('filtered_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; // SPECIAL FEATURE PAGES: // SPECIAL FEATURE PAGES: case 'feedback-popup': $seo_page_type = 'Comment popup'; if ($Blog->get_setting($disp . '_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; case 'arcdir': $seo_page_type = 'Date archive directory'; if ($Blog->get_setting($disp . '_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; case 'catdir': $seo_page_type = 'Category directory'; if ($Blog->get_setting($disp . '_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; case 'msgform': init_ajax_forms('blog'); // auto requires jQuery $seo_page_type = 'Contact form'; if ($Blog->get_setting($disp . '_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; case 'messages': case 'contacts': case 'threads': init_results_js('blog'); // Add functions to work with Results tables // just in case some robot would be logged in: $seo_page_type = 'Messaging module'; $robots_index = false; break; case 'login': global $Plugins, $transmit_hashed_password; $seo_page_type = 'Login form'; $robots_index = false; require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); $transmit_hashed_password = (bool) $Settings->get('js_passwd_hashing') && !(bool) $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword'); if ($transmit_hashed_password) { // Include JS for client-side password hashing: require_js('sha1_md5.js', 'blog'); } break; case 'register': if (is_logged_in()) { // If user is logged in the register form should not be displayed. In this case redirect to the blog home page. $Messages->add(T_('You are already logged in.'), 'note'); header_redirect($Blog->gen_blogurl(), false); } $seo_page_type = 'Register form'; $robots_index = false; break; case 'lostpassword': if (is_logged_in()) { // If user is logged in the lost password form should not be displayed. In this case redirect to the blog home page. $Messages->add(T_('You are already logged in.'), 'note'); header_redirect($Blog->gen_blogurl(), false); } $seo_page_type = 'Lost password form'; $robots_index = false; break; case 'profile': global $rsc_url; require_css($rsc_url . 'css/jquery/smoothness/jquery-ui.css'); init_userfields_js('blog'); case 'avatar': case 'pwdchange': case 'userprefs': case 'subs': $seo_page_type = 'Special feature page'; if ($Blog->get_setting('special_noindex')) { // We prefer robots not to index these pages: $robots_index = false; } break; case 'users': $seo_page_type = 'Users list'; $robots_index = false; global $rsc_url; require_css($rsc_url . 'css/jquery/smoothness/jquery-ui.css'); init_results_js('blog'); // Add functions to work with Results tables break; case 'user': $seo_page_type = 'User display'; if (is_logged_in()) { // Used for combo_box contacts groups require_js('form_extensions.js', 'blog'); } break; case 'edit': init_datepicker_js('blog'); require_js('admin.js', 'blog'); init_inskin_editing('blog'); init_plugins_js('blog'); break; case 'edit_comment': init_plugins_js('blog'); break; case 'useritems': case 'usercomments': global $inc_path, $display_params, $viewed_User; // get user_ID because we want it in redirect_to in case we need to ask for login. $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', true, true); if (empty($user_ID)) { bad_request_die(sprintf(T_('Parameter «%s» is required!'), 'user_ID')); } // set where to redirect in case of error $error_redirect_to = empty($Blog) ? $baseurl : $Blog->gen_blogurl(); if (!is_logged_in()) { // Redirect to the login page if not logged in and allow anonymous user setting is OFF $Messages->add(T_('You must log in to view this user profile.')); header_redirect(get_login_url('cannot see user'), 302); // will have exited } if (is_logged_in() && !check_user_status('can_view_user', $user_ID)) { // user is logged in, but his/her status doesn't permit to view user profile if (check_user_status('can_be_validated')) { // user is logged in but his/her account is not active yet // Redirect to the account activation page $Messages->add(T_('You must activate your account before you can view this user profile. <b>See below:</b>')); header_redirect(get_activate_info_url(), 302); // will have exited } $Messages->add(T_('Your account status currently does not permit to view this user profile.')); header_redirect($error_redirect_to, 302); // will have exited } if (!empty($user_ID)) { $UserCache =& get_UserCache(); $viewed_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false); if (empty($viewed_User)) { $Messages->add(T_('The requested user does not exist!')); header_redirect($error_redirect_to); // will have exited } if ($viewed_User->check_status('is_closed')) { $Messages->add(T_('The requested user account is closed!')); header_redirect($error_redirect_to); // will have exited } } // Require results.css to display thread query results in a table require_css('results.css'); // Results/tables styles // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; $display_params = !empty($Skin) ? $Skin->get_template('Results') : NULL; if ($disp == 'useritems') { // Init items list global $user_ItemList; $param_prefix = 'useritems_'; $page = param($param_prefix . 'paged', 'integer', 1); $orderby = param($param_prefix . 'orderby', 'string', $Blog->get_setting('orderby')); $order = param($param_prefix . 'order', 'string', $Blog->get_setting('orderdir')); $useritems_Blog = NULL; $user_ItemList = new ItemList2($useritems_Blog, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ItemCache', $param_prefix); $user_ItemList->load_from_Request(); $user_ItemList->set_filters(array('page' => $page, 'authors' => $user_ID, 'orderby' => str_replace($param_prefix, '', $orderby), 'order' => str_replace($param_prefix, '', $order))); $user_ItemList->query(); } else { // Init comments list global $user_CommentList; $param_prefix = 'usercmts_'; $page = param($param_prefix . 'paged', 'integer', 1); $orderby = param($param_prefix . 'orderby', 'string', 'date'); $order = param($param_prefix . 'order', 'string', $Blog->get_setting('orderdir')); $user_CommentList = new CommentList2(NULL, NULL, 'CommentCache', $param_prefix); $user_CommentList->load_from_Request(); $user_CommentList->set_filters(array('page' => $page, 'author_IDs' => $user_ID, 'orderby' => str_replace($param_prefix, '', $orderby), 'order' => str_replace($param_prefix, '', $order))); $user_CommentList->query(); } break; case 'comments': if (!$Blog->get_setting('comments_latest')) { // If latest comments page is disabled - Display 404 page with error message $Messages->add(T_('This feature is disabled.'), 'error'); global $disp; $disp = '404'; } else { break; } case '404': // We have a 404 unresolved content error // How do we want do deal with it? skin_404_header(); // This MAY or MAY not have exited -- will exit on 30x redirect, otherwise will return here. // Just in case some dumb robot needs extra directives on this: $robots_index = false; break; } if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // Detect IE browser version preg_match('/msie (\\d+)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $browser_ie); if (count($browser_ie) == 2 && $browser_ie[1] < 7) { // IE < 7 require_css('ie6.css', 'relative'); $Messages->add(T_('Your web browser is too old. For this site to work correctly, we recommend you use a more recent browser.'), 'note'); } } // dummy var for backward compatibility with versions < 2.4.1 -- prevents "Undefined variable" global $global_Cache, $credit_links; $credit_links = $global_Cache->get('creds'); $Timer->pause('skin_init'); // Check if user is logged in with a not active account, and display an error message if required check_allow_disp($disp); // initialize Blog enabled widgets, before displaying anything init_blog_widgets($Blog->ID); // Initialize displaying.... $Timer->start('Skin:display_init'); $Skin->display_init(); $Timer->pause('Skin:display_init'); // Send default headers: // See comments inside of this function: headers_content_mightcache('text/html'); // In most situations, you do NOT want to cache dynamic content! // Never allow Messages to be cached! if ($Messages->count() && !empty($PageCache)) { // Abort PageCache collect $PageCache->abort_collect(); } }
/** * Get ready for displaying the skin. * * This method may register some CSS or JS. * The default implementation can register a few common things that you may request in the $features param. * This is where you'd specify you want to use BOOTSTRAP, etc. * * If this doesn't do what you need you may add functions like the following to your skin's display_init(): * require_js() , require_css() , add_js_headline() * * @param array of possible features you want to include. If empty, will default to {'b2evo_base', 'style', 'colorbox'} for backwards compatibility. */ function display_init($features = array()) { global $debug, $Messages, $disp; if (empty($features)) { // Fall back to v5 default set of features: $features = array('b2evo_base_css', 'style_css', 'colorbox', 'disp_auto'); } // "Temporary" patch to at least have disp_auto unless another disp_xxx was specified. Use 'disp_off' to NOT include anuthing. if (!preg_grep('/disp_.*/', $features)) { $features[] = 'disp_auto'; } // We're NOT using foreach so that the array can continue to grow during parsing: (see 'disp_auto') for ($i = 0; isset($features[$i]); $i++) { // Get next feature to include: $feature = $features[$i]; switch ($feature) { case 'jquery': // Include jQuery: require_js('#jquery#', 'blog'); break; case 'font_awesome': // Initialize font-awesome icons and use them as a priority over the glyphicons, @see get_icon() init_fontawesome_icons('fontawesome-glyphicons'); break; case 'bootstrap': // Include Bootstrap: require_js('#bootstrap#', 'blog'); require_css('#bootstrap_css#', 'blog'); break; case 'bootstrap_theme_css': // Include the Bootstrap Theme CSS: require_css('#bootstrap_theme_css#', 'blog'); break; case 'bootstrap_evo_css': // Include the bootstrap-b2evo_base CSS (NEW / v6 style) - Use this when you use Bootstrap: if ($debug) { // Use readable CSS: // rsc/less/bootstrap-basic_styles.less // rsc/less/bootstrap-basic.less // rsc/less/bootstrap-blog_base.less // rsc/less/bootstrap-item_base.less // rsc/less/bootstrap-evoskins.less require_css('bootstrap-b2evo_base.bundle.css', 'blog'); // CSS concatenation of the above } else { // Use minified CSS: require_css('bootstrap-b2evo_base.bmin.css', 'blog'); // Concatenation + Minifaction of the above } break; case 'bootstrap_init_tooltips': // JS to init Bootstrap tooltips (E.g. on comment form for allowed file extensions): add_js_headline('jQuery( function () { jQuery( \'[data-toggle="tooltip"]\' ).tooltip() } )'); break; case 'bootstrap_messages': // Initialize $Messages Class to use Bootstrap styles: $Messages->set_params(array('class_success' => 'alert alert-dismissible alert-success fade in', 'class_warning' => 'alert alert-dismissible alert-warning fade in', 'class_error' => 'alert alert-dismissible alert-danger fade in', 'class_note' => 'alert alert-dismissible alert-info fade in', 'before_message' => '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>')); break; case 'b2evo_base_css': // Include the b2evo_base CSS (OLD / v5 style) - Use this when you DON'T use Bootstrap: if ($debug) { // Use readable CSS: // require_css( 'basic_styles.css', 'blog' ); // the REAL basic styles // require_css( 'basic.css', 'blog' ); // Basic styles // require_css( 'blog_base.css', 'blog' ); // Default styles for the blog navigation // require_css( 'item_base.css', 'blog' ); // Default styles for the post CONTENT // require_css( 'b2evo_base.bundle.css', 'blog' ); // Concatenation of the above require_css('b2evo_base.bundle.css', 'blog'); // Concatenation + Minifaction of the above } else { // Use minified CSS: require_css('b2evo_base.bmin.css', 'blog'); // Concatenation + Minifaction of the above } break; case 'style_css': // Include the default skin style.css: // You should make sure this is called ahead of any custom generated CSS. if ($this->use_min_css == false || $debug || $this->use_min_css == 'check' && !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/style.min.css')) { // Use readable CSS: require_css('style.css', 'relative'); // Relative to <base> tag (current skin folder) } else { // Use minified CSS: require_css('style.min.css', 'relative'); // Relative to <base> tag (current skin folder) } break; case 'colorbox': // Colorbox (a lightweight Lightbox alternative) allows to zoom on images and do slideshows with groups of images: if ($this->get_setting('colorbox')) { // This can be enabled by a setting in skins where it may be relevant require_js_helper('colorbox', 'blog'); } break; case 'disp_auto': // Automatically add a disp_xxx for current $disp: $features[] = 'disp_' . $disp; break; case 'disp_single': // Specific features for disp=single: // Specific features for disp=single: case 'disp_page': // Specific features for disp=page: global $Blog; // Used to init functions for AJAX forms to add a comment: init_ajax_forms('blog'); // Used to set rating for a new comment: init_ratings_js('blog'); // Used to vote on the comments: init_voting_comment_js('blog'); // Used to display a tooltip to the right of plugin help icon: init_plugins_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Used to autocomplete usernames in textarea: init_autocomplete_usernames_js('blog'); if ($Blog->get_setting('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness')) { // Load jquery UI to animate background color on change comment status or on vote: require_js('#jqueryUI#', 'blog'); } break; case 'disp_users': // Specific features for disp=users: // Used to add new search field "Specific criteria": require_js('#jqueryUI#', 'blog'); require_css('#jqueryUI_css#', 'blog'); // Require results.css to display thread query results in a table: if (!in_array('bootstrap', $features)) { // Only for NON-bootstrap skins require_css('results.css', 'blog'); // Results/tables styles } // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters: require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled global $inc_path; require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; break; case 'disp_messages': // Specific features for disp=messages: // Used to display a tooltip to the right of plugin help icon: init_plugins_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Require results.css to display message query results in a table if (!in_array('bootstrap', $features)) { // Only for NON-bootstrap skins require_css('results.css', 'blog'); // Results/tables styles } // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters: require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled global $inc_path; require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; break; case 'disp_contacts': // Specific features for disp=contacts: // Used for combo box "Add all selected contacts to this group": require_js('form_extensions.js', 'blog'); // Require results.css to display contact query results in a table if (!in_array('bootstrap', $features)) { // Only for NON-bootstrap skins require_css('results.css', 'blog'); // Results/tables styles } // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters: require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled global $inc_path; require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; break; case 'disp_threads': // Specific features for disp=threads: if (in_array(get_param('action'), array('new', 'create', 'preview'))) { // Used to suggest usernames for the field "Recipients": init_tokeninput_js('blog'); } // Used to display a tooltip to the right of plugin help icon: init_plugins_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Require results.css to display thread query results in a table: if (!in_array('bootstrap', $features)) { // Only for NON-bootstrap skins require_css('results.css', 'blog'); // Results/tables styles } // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters: require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled global $inc_path; require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; break; case 'disp_login': // Specific features for disp=threads: global $Settings, $Plugins; $transmit_hashed_password = (bool) $Settings->get('js_passwd_hashing') && !(bool) $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword'); if ($transmit_hashed_password) { // Include JS for client-side password hashing: require_js('build/sha1_md5.bmin.js', 'blog'); } break; case 'disp_profile': // Specific features for disp=profile: // Used to add new user fields: init_userfields_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Used to crop profile pictures: require_js('#jquery#', 'blog'); require_js('#jcrop#', 'blog'); require_css('#jcrop_css#', 'blog'); break; case 'disp_avatar': // Specific features for disp=avatar: // Used to crop profile pictures: require_js('#jquery#', 'blog'); require_js('#jcrop#', 'blog'); require_css('#jcrop_css#', 'blog'); break; case 'disp_edit': // Specific features for disp=edit: // Require results.css to display attachments as a result table: require_css('results.css'); init_tokeninput_js('blog'); // Used to display a date picker for date form fields: init_datepicker_js('blog'); // Used to display a tooltip to the right of plugin help icon: init_plugins_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Used to switch to advanced editing: require_js('backoffice.js', 'blog'); // Used to automatically checks the matching extracat when we select a new main cat: require_js('extracats.js', 'blog'); // Used to autocomplete usernames in textarea: init_autocomplete_usernames_js('blog'); break; case 'disp_edit_comment': // Specific features for disp=edit_comment: // Require results.css to display attachments as a result table: require_css('results.css'); // Used to set rating for a new comment: init_ratings_js('blog'); // Used to display a date picker for date form fields: init_datepicker_js('blog'); // Used to display a tooltip to the right of plugin help icon: init_plugins_js('blog', $this->get_template('tooltip_plugin')); // Used to autocomplete usernames in textarea: init_autocomplete_usernames_js('blog'); break; case 'disp_useritems': // Specific features for disp=useritems: // Specific features for disp=useritems: case 'disp_usercomments': // Specific features for disp=usercomments: // Require results.css to display item/comment query results in a table require_css('results.css'); // Results/tables styles // Require functions.js to show/hide a panel with filters require_js('functions.js', 'blog'); // Include this file to expand/collapse the filters panel when JavaScript is disabled global $inc_path; require_once $inc_path . '_filters.inc.php'; break; default: // We no longer want to do this because of 'disp_auto': // debug_die( 'This skin has requested an unknown feature: \''.$feature.'\'. Maybe this skin requires a more recent version of b2evolution.' ); } } }