function hookpress_update_hook($hook_id, $hook) { $webhooks = hookpress_get_hooks(); $webhooks[$hook_id] = $hook; hookpress_save_hooks($webhooks); return $hook_id; }
function hookpress_ajax_delete_hook() { $nonce = $_POST['_nonce']; $webhooks = hookpress_get_hooks(); if (!isset($_POST['id'])) { die("ERROR: no id given"); } $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $nonce_compare = 'delete-webhook-' . $id; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $nonce_compare)) { die("ERROR: invalid nonce"); } if (!$webhooks[$id]) { die("ERROR: no webhook found for that id"); } hookpress_delete_hook($id); echo "ok"; exit; }
function hookpress_generic_action($id, $args) { global $hookpress_version, $wpdb, $hookpress_actions, $hookpress_filters, $wp_version; $webhooks = hookpress_get_hooks(); $desc = $webhooks[$id]; do_action('hookpress_hook_fired', $desc); $obj = array(); // generate the expected argument names if (isset($desc['type']) && $desc['type'] == 'filter') { $arg_names = $hookpress_filters[$desc['hook']]; } else { $arg_names = $hookpress_actions[$desc['hook']]; } foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { $newobj = array(); switch ($arg_names[$i]) { case 'POST': case 'ATTACHMENT': $newobj = get_post($arg, ARRAY_A); if ($arg_names[$i] == 'POST') { $newobj["post_url"] = get_permalink($newobj["ID"]); } if (wp_is_post_revision($arg)) { $parent = get_post(wp_is_post_revision($arg)); foreach ($parent as $key => $val) { $newobj["parent_{$key}"] = $val; } $newobj["parent_post_url"] = get_permalink($newobj["parent_ID"]); } break; case 'COMMENT': $arg = (int) $arg; $newobj = (array) get_comment($arg); break; case 'CATEGORY': $newobj = $wpdb->get_row("select * from {$wpdb->categories} where cat_ID = {$arg}", ARRAY_A); break; case 'USER': $newobj = $wpdb->get_row("select * from {$wpdb->users} where ID = {$arg}", ARRAY_A); break; case 'LINK': $newobj = $wpdb->get_row("select * from {$wpdb->links} where link_id = {$arg}", ARRAY_A); break; case 'TAG_OBJ': $newobj = (array) $arg; break; case 'USER_OBJ': $newobj = (array) $arg; case 'OLD_USER_OBJ': $newobj = array_map(create_function('$x', 'return "old_$x";'), (array) $arg); default: $newobj[$arg_names[$i]] = $arg; } $obj = array_merge($obj, $newobj); } // take only the fields we care about $obj_to_post = array_intersect_key($obj, array_flip($desc['fields'])); $obj_to_post['hook'] = $desc['hook']; $user_agent = "HookPress/{$hookpress_version} (compatible; WordPress {$wp_version}; +"; $request = apply_filters('hookpress_request', array('user-agent' => $user_agent, 'body' => $obj_to_post, 'referer' => get_bloginfo('url'))); return wp_remote_post($desc['url'], $request); }