function confirm_collection_type($type) { global $cbcollection; if (empty($type)) { $type = 'photos'; } if ($type != $cbcollection->types) { if (VERSION < '3.0') { // Get Deprecated Types; $dep_types = $cbcollection->deprecated_types; $message = 'Collections feature now only support photos'; if (array_key_exists($type, $dep_types)) { $message .= '. ' . $cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type] . ' support has been dropped since 2.6'; $dep_type = $cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type] . ' '; } if (userid() && has_access('admin_access', true)) { $message .= '. Please upgrade your Clipbucket to <a href="" target="_blank">latest version</a>'; } else { $message .= '. Please contact Site Administrator about this.'; } e(lang($message)); cb_show_page(); } return $cbcollection->types; } return $cbcollection->types; }
public function editAction($id = null, $advanced = null) { if ($advanced == 'advanced' && has_access('Orange::Advanced Settings')) { $this->page->data('advanced', true); } $this->page->js('/themes/orange/assets/js/settings.min.js'); parent::editAction($id); }
function admin_protect() { global $user_data; if (has_access($user_data['user_id'], 1) === false) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } }
function admin_page() { global $user_data; if (has_access($user_data['user_id'], USER_TYPE_ADMIN) === false) { echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=index.php">'; exit; } }
function adminormoderate_protect() { global $user_data; if (has_access($user_data['user_id'], 2) === true || has_access($user_data['user_id'], 1) === true) { } else { header('Location: /'); exit; } }
public function edit_savePostAction() { has_access('templates::edit'); $id = $this->input->post('id'); $content = $this->input->post('content'); $name = $this->input->post('name'); $is_file = $this->input->post('is_file'); $this->c_templates_model->save($id, $content, $name, $is_file); $this->output->json('err', false); }
public function editAction($id = null, $advanced = null) { if ($advanced == 'advanced' && has_access('Orange::Advanced Menubar')) { $this->page->data('advanced', true); } $this->page->data('return_to', $this->input->server('HTTP_REFERER')); $record = $this->o_menubar_model->get($id); $catalog = $this->o_menubar_model->catalog(); $title = 'Edit “' . $record->text . '”'; if (!empty($catalog[$record->parent_id]->text)) { $title .= ' Menu Under “' . $catalog[$record->parent_id]->text . '”'; } $data = ['controller_title' => $title, 'record' => $record, 'controller_action' => 'edit']; $this->page->data($data)->build($this->controller_path . '/form'); }
/** * update video broadcast option * * @param INT videoid * @param STRING broadcast * * @return BOOLEAN */ function update_broadcast($vid, $brd) { if (!is_valid_broadcast($brd)) { e(lang('Invalid broadcast option')); } else { if ($this->is_video_owner($vid, userid()) || has_access('admin_access', TRUE)) { db_update(tbl('video'), array('broadcast' => mysql_clean($brd)), " videoid='{$vid}' "); } else { e(lang('You cannot update this video'), true); } } }
Assign('layout_dir', LAYOUT); if (USE_PHOTO_TAGGING == true) { $Cbucket->addJS('jquery_plugs/jquery.cbtagger.js', 'view_item'); } $Cbucket->addJS('jquery_plugs/jquery.Jcrop.js', 'edit_account'); $Cbucket->addJS('amplify/amplify.core.min.js'); $Cbucket->addJS('amplify/amplify.request.min.js'); $Cbucket->addJS('amplify/'); $Cbucket->addJS('amplify_requests.js'); //Assigning JS Files Assign('jsArray', $Cbucket->JSArray); //Assigning Module Files Assign('module_list', $Cbucket->moduleList); //Checking Website is closed or not if (config('closed') && THIS_PAGE != 'ajax' && !$in_bg_cron && THIS_PAGE != 'cb_install') { if (!has_access("admin_access", TRUE)) { e($row['closed_msg'], "w"); template("global_header.html"); template("message.html"); exit; } else { e(lang("ATTENTION: THIS WEBSITE IS IN OFFLINE MODE"), "w"); } } //Configuring Uploader uploaderDetails(); register_filter('photo_action_links', 'cbphoto_pm_action_link_filter'); attach_photo_pm_handlers(); if (!IN_MODULE) { isSectionEnabled(PARENT_PAGE, true); }
} subtitle(sprintf(lang('user_s_channel'), $udetails['username'])); //Setting profilte item $profileItem = $userquery->getProfileItem($udetails['userid'], true); assign('profile_item', $profileItem); } else { if ($_GET['seo_diret'] != 'yes') { e(lang("usr_exist_err")); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); if (file_exists(LAYOUT . "/404.html")) { template_files('404.html'); } else { $data = "404_error"; if (has_access('admin_access')) { e(sprintf(lang("err_warning"), "404", ""), "w"); } e(lang($data)); } display_it(); exit; } } add_js(array('jquery_plugs/compressed/jquery.jCarousel.js' => 'view_channel')); if ($Cbucket->show_page) { template_files('view_channel.html'); display_it(); } else { $Cbucket->show_page = true; if ($udetails) {
/** * Function used to set template (Frontend) */ function set_the_template() { global $cbtpl, $myquery; $template = $this->template; $can_change = can_change_template(); if (isset($_SESSION['the_template']) && $cbtpl->is_template($_SESSION['the_template'])) { $template = $_SESSION['the_template']; } if ($_GET['template'] and $can_change) { if (is_dir(STYLES_DIR . '/' . $_GET['template']) && $_GET['template']) { $template = $_GET['template']; } } if (isset($_GET['set_the_template']) && $cbtpl->is_template($_GET['set_the_template']) and $can_change) { $template = $_SESSION['the_template'] = $_GET['set_the_template']; } if (!is_dir(STYLES_DIR . '/' . $template) || !$template || is_template_hidden($template)) { $template = 'cbv3'; } if (!is_dir(STYLES_DIR . '/' . $template) || !$template) { $template = $cbtpl->get_any_template(); } if (!is_dir(STYLES_DIR . '/' . $template) || !$template) { exit("Unable to find any template, please goto <a href=''><strong>ClipBucket Support!</strong></a>"); } if ($_GET['set_template'] and has_access('admin_access')) { $myquery->set_template($template); } $this->template_details = $cbtpl->get_template_details($template); //CHecking if there is any php file, include it like a BOSS! //if($this->template_details['php_file']) // include($this->template_details['php_file']); $this->template = $template; return $this->template; }
<?php theme::header_start('Banners', 'mange banners.'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); if (has_access('templates::add')) { theme::header_button('new'); } theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['Title', 'Starts After', 'End After', 'Points To', 'Weight' => 'text-center', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $key => $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->title); theme::table_row(); theme::date($record->start_on); theme::table_row(); theme::date($record->end_on); theme::table_row(); theme::e($record->url); theme::table_row('text-center'); theme::e($record->weight); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); if ($record->is_editable) { theme::table_action('edit', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id); } if ($record->is_deletable) { o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); } theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();
/** * Function used to get playlists */ function get_playlists($params = array()) { global $cb_columns, $db; $fields = array('playlists' => $cb_columns->object('playlists')->get_columns()); $order = $params['order']; $limit = $params['limit']; $main_query = $query = "SELECT " . table_fields($fields) . " FROM " . table('playlists'); $condition = "playlists.playlist_type = 'v'"; if (!has_access('admin_access')) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= "playlists.privacy = 'public'"; } else { if ($params['privacy']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= " playlists.privacy = '" . mysql_clean($params['privacy']) . "' "; } } if ($params['category']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= " playlists.category = '" . $params['category'] . "' "; } if ($params['include']) { $ids = is_array($params['include']) ? $params['include'] : explode(',', $params['include']); if (is_array($ids) and !empty($ids)) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $ids = implode(",", array_map('trim', $ids)); $condition .= " playlists.playlist_id IN ({$ids}) "; } } if ($params['exclude']) { $ids = is_array($params['exclude']) ? $params['exclude'] : explode(',', $params['exclude']); if (is_array($ids) and !empty($ids)) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $ids = implode(",", array_map('trim', $ids)); $condition .= " playlists.playlist_id NOT IN ({$ids}) "; } } if ($params['date_span']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $column = $params['date_span_column'] ? trim($params['date_span_column']) : 'playlists.date_added'; $condition .= cbsearch::date_margin($column, $params['date_span']); } if ($params['last_update']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= cbsearch::date_margin('playlists.last_update', $params['last_update']); } if ($params['user']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= " playlists.userid = '" . $params['user'] . "' "; } if ($params['has_items']) { $condition .= $condition ? " AND " : ""; $condition .= " playlists.total_items > '0' "; } if ($params['count_only']) { $result = $db->count(cb_sql_table('playlists'), 'playlist_id'); return $result; } if ($condition) { $query .= " WHERE " . $condition; } $order = " ORDER BY " . ($order ? trim($order) : "playlists.date_added DESC"); $limit = $limit ? " LIMIT {$limit} " : ""; $query .= $order . $limit; $query_id = cb_query_id($query); $action_array = array('query_id' => $query_id); $data = cb_do_action('select_playlists', array_merge($action_array, $params)); if ($data) { return $data; } $results = select($query); if (!empty($results)) { cb_do_action('return_playlists', array('query_id' => $query_id, 'results' => $results)); return $results; } return false; }
/** * Function used to create collection preview */ function update_collection($array = NULL) { global $db; if ($array == NULL) { $array = $_POST; } if (is_array($_FILES)) { $array = array_merge($array, $_FILES); } $this->validate_form_fields($array); $cid = $array['collection_id']; if (!error()) { $reqFields = $this->load_required_fields($array); $otherFields = $this->load_other_fields($array); $collection_fields = array_merge($reqFields, $otherFields); if ($this->custom_collection_fields > 0) { $collection_fields = array_merge($collection_fields, $this->custom_collection_fields); } foreach ($collection_fields as $field) { $name = formObj::rmBrackets($field['name']); $val = $array[$name]; if ($field['use_func_val']) { $val = $field['validate_function']($val); } if (!empty($field['db_field'])) { $query_field[] = $field['db_field']; } if (is_array($val)) { $new_val = ''; foreach ($val as $v) { $new_val .= "#" . $v . "# "; } $val = $new_val; } if (!$field['clean_func'] || !function_exists($field['clean_func']) && !is_array($field['clean_func'])) { $val = $val; } else { $val = apply_func($field['clean_func'], sql_free('|no_mc|' . $val)); } if (!empty($field['db_field'])) { $query_val[] = $val; } } if (has_access('admin_access', TRUE)) { if (!empty($array['total_comments'])) { $total_comments = $array['total_comments']; if (!is_numeric($total_comments) || $total_comments < 0) { $total_comments = 0; } $query_field[] = "total_comments"; $query_val[] = $total_comments; } if (!empty($array['total_objects'])) { $tobj = $array['total_objects']; if (!is_numeric($tobj) || $tobj < 0) { $tobj = 0; } $query_field[] = "total_objects"; $query_val[] = $tobj; } } } if (!error()) { if (!userid()) { e(lang("you_not_logged_in")); } elseif (!$this->collection_exists($cid)) { e(lang("collect_not_exist")); } elseif (!$this->is_collection_owner($cid, userid()) && !has_access('admin_access', TRUE)) { e(lang("cant_edit_collection")); } else { $db->update(tbl($this->section_tbl), $query_field, $query_val, " collection_id = {$cid}"); e(lang("collection_updated"), "m"); if (!empty($array['collection_thumb']['tmp_name'])) { $this->upload_thumb($cid, $array['collection_thumb']); } } } }
<?php theme::header_start($controller_titles, 'manage random bits of text.'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); if (has_access('Snippets::Add Snippets')) { theme::header_button('new'); } theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['Name', 'Value', 'Note', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->name); theme::table_row(); theme::shorten($record->value); theme::table_row(); theme::shorten($record->note); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); if ($record->is_editable && has_access('Snippets::Edit Snippets')) { theme::table_action('edit', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id); } if ($record->is_deletable && has_access('Snippets::Delete Snippets')) { o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); } theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();
/** * Function confirms that user can change template or not * * @author Fawaz Tahir <*****@*****.**> * @return boolean */ function can_change_template() { $is_allowed = ALLOW_STYLE_SELECT; $can_change = true; if (!$is_allowed) { if (has_access('admin_access')) { $can_change = true; } else { $can_change = false; } } $hidden = get_hidden_templates(); if ($hidden) { $the_template = mysql_clean($_GET['set_the_template']); if (in_array($the_template, $hidden)) { if (has_access('admin_access')) { $can_change = true; } else { $can_change = false; } } else { $can_change = true; } } return $can_change; }
/** * Remove photo tag * @global OBJECT $db * @global OBJECT $userquery * @param INT $tag * @return boolean */ function remove_photo_tag($tag_id) { global $db, $userquery; $uid = $userquery->userid; if (empty($uid)) { e(lang('login_to_remove_tag')); return false; } if (!is_array($tag_id)) { $tag = $this->get_tag_with_id($tag_id); } else { $tag = $tag_id; } /* if tag is empty return */ if (empty($tag)) { e(lang('tag_not_exist')); return false; } /* if user is not photo owner or tagger or tagged or does not have admin access */ if ($uid != $tag['photo_owner_userid'] && $uid != $tag['ptag_by_userid'] && $uid != $tag['ptag_userid'] && !has_access('admin_access', true)) { e(lang('cant_remove_tag_1')); return false; } /* if tagged is user, make sure tag hash matches */ if ($tag['ptag_isuser'] == true) { if ($uid != $tag['ptag_userid'] && !has_access('admin_access', true)) { e(lang('cant_remove_tag_2')); return false; } } /* Deletion Good TO GO */ $db->delete(tbl('photo_tags'), array('ptag_id'), array($tag['ptag_id'])); /* Decrease photo tag count */ $db->update(tbl('photos'), array('ptags_count'), array('|f|ptags_count-1'), " photo_id = '" . $tag['photo_id'] . "' "); return true; }
/** * Function used to get groups * @parma ARRAY * group_id => {id of group} INT * user => {all groups of the user INT * category => {all groups in specified category INT,INT,INT * featured => {get featured groups only} yes,no * limit => {number of results including offset} * order => {soring by} * date_margin => {date span} */ function get_groups($params = NULL, $force_admin = FALSE) { global $db; $limit = $params['limit']; $order = $params['order']; $cond = ""; if (!has_access('admin_access', TRUE) && !$force_admin) { $cond .= " " . tbl("") . "='yes' "; } else { if ($params['active']) { $cond .= " " . tbl("") . "='" . $params['active'] . "'"; } } //Setting Category Condition if (!is_array($params['category'])) { $is_all = strtolower($params['category']); } if ($params['category'] && $is_all != 'all') { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " ("; if (!is_array($params['category'])) { $cats = explode(',', $params['category']); } else { $cats = $params['category']; } $count = 0; foreach ($cats as $cat_params) { $count++; if ($count > 1) { $cond .= " OR "; } $cond .= " " . tbl("groups.category") . " LIKE '%#{$cat_params}#%' "; } $cond .= ")"; } //date span if ($params['date_span']) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " " . cbsearch::date_margin("date_added", $params['date_span']); } //uid if ($params['user']) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " " . tbl("groups.userid") . "='" . $params['user'] . "'"; } $tag_n_title = ''; //Tags if ($params['tags']) { //checking for commas ;) $tags = explode(",", $params['tags']); if (count($tags) > 0) { if ($tag_n_title != '') { $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; } $total = count($tags); $loop = 1; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_n_title .= " " . tbl("groups.group_tags") . " LIKE '%" . $tag . "%'"; if ($loop < $total) { $tag_n_title .= " OR "; } $loop++; } } else { if ($tag_n_title != '') { $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; } $tag_n_title .= " " . tbl("groups.group_tags") . " LIKE '%" . $params['tags'] . "%'"; } } //TITLE if ($params['title']) { if ($tag_n_title != '') { $tag_n_title .= ' OR '; } $tag_n_title .= " " . tbl("groups.group_name") . " LIKE '%" . $params['title'] . "%'"; } if ($tag_n_title) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " ({$tag_n_title}) "; } //FEATURED if ($params['featured']) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " " . tbl("groups.featured") . " = '" . $params['featured'] . "' "; } //GROUP ID if ($params['group_id']) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " group_id = '" . $params['group_id'] . "' "; } //Exclude Vids if ($params['exclude']) { if ($cond != '') { $cond .= ' AND '; } $cond .= " " . tbl("groups.group_id") . " <> '" . $params['exclude'] . "' "; } if (!$params['count_only']) { if (!empty($cond)) { $cond .= " AND "; } $result = $db->select(tbl($this->gp_tbl . ",users"), '' . tbl($this->gp_tbl) . '.*, ' . tbl("users") . '.username, ' . tbl("users") . '.userid', $cond . " " . tbl("groups.userid") . " = " . tbl("users.userid") . " ", $limit, $order); } // echo $db->db_query; if ($params['count_only']) { return $result = $db->count(tbl($this->gp_tbl), '*', $cond); } if ($params['assign']) { assign($params['assign'], $result); } else { return $result; } }
if (eregi("\\/\\.\\.", $file) || $file == ".." || eregi("\\.\\.\\/", $file)) { $file = ""; } } $breadcrumbs[] = "<a href=\"../projects/listprojects.php?{$sid}\">" . $strings["projects"] . "</a>"; $breadcrumbs[] = "<a href=\"../projects/viewproject.php?{$sid}&id={$id}\">" . $projectDetail->pro_name[0] . "</a>"; $breadcrumbs[] = $strings["repository"]; require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/header.php"; //---- content ----- $block1 = new block(); $block1->headingForm($strings["browse_cvs"] . " : " . $projectDetail->pro_name[0]); $block1->openContent(); $block1->contentTitle("Files"); echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\"> </td><td>"; if ($cvs_protected) { $cvs_access = has_access($_SESSION['loginSession'], $id); } else { $cvs_access = true; } if ($cvs_access) { echo "<!-- Start browsecvs -->"; require_once "theme.php"; // echo $theme->header(); $rgb_top = $theme->bgcolor3; $rgb_sub = $theme->bgcolor2; $rgb_off = $theme->bgcolor1; $dirs = listdirs($path, array(".", "..", "CVSROOT", "Attic")); $files = listfiles($path); sort($dirs); sort($files); echo $theme->opentable();
theme::header_start('Menubar', 'manage menubars using the list view.'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); theme::header_button('Back', $controller_path, 'reply'); theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['Text', 'URL', 'Access', 'Parent', 'Active' => 'text-center', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); o::e($record->text); theme::table_row(); o::e($record->url); theme::table_row(); o::smart_model('o_access', $record->access_id, 'key'); theme::table_row(); o::smart_model('o_menubar', $record->parent_id, 'text'); theme::table_row('text-center larger'); theme::enum_icon($record->active); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); if ($record->is_editable) { theme::table_action('edit', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id); } if (has_access('orange::advanced menubar')) { theme::table_action('pencil-square', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id . '/advanced'); } if ($record->is_deletable) { o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); } theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();
<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="insertunorderedlist" title="" data-original-title="Bullet list"><i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="insertorderedlist" title="" data-original-title="Number list"><i class="fa fa-list-ol"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="outdent" title="" data-original-title="Reduce indent"><i class="fa fa-outdent"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="indent" title="" data-original-title="Indent"><i class="fa fa-indent"></i></a> </div> <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="justifyleft" title="" data-original-title="Align Left"><i class="fa fa-align-left"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="justifycenter" title="" data-original-title="Center"><i class="fa fa-align-center"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="justifyright" title="" data-original-title="Align Right"><i class="fa fa-align-right"></i></a> </div> <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> <a class="btn btn-default btn-sm" title="" id="pictureBtn" data-original-title="Insert picture"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></a> <input type="file" data-role="magic-overlay" data-target="#pictureBtn" data-edit="insertImage" style="opacity: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 36px; height: 30px;"> </div> <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="removeFormat" title="" data-original-title="Remove Style"><i class="fa fa-eraser"></i></a> <a class="btn btn-default" data-edit="insertHorizontalRule" title="" data-original-title="Horizontal Rule">―</a> <?php if (has_access('Edit Bio Source')) { ?> <a class="btn js-wysiwyg-source btn-default" title="" data-original-title="Source"><i class="fa fa-file-code-o"></i></a> <?php } ?> </div>
/** * Function used to delete playlist */ function delete_playlist($id) { global $db; $playlist = $this->get_playlist($id); if (!$playlist) { e(lang("playlist_not_exist")); } elseif ($playlist['userid'] != userid() && !has_access('admin_access', TRUE)) { e(lang("you_dont_hv_permission_del_playlist")); } else { $db->delete(tbl($this->playlist_tbl), array("playlist_id"), array($id)); $db->delete(tbl($this->playlist_items_tbl), array("playlist_id"), array($id)); e(lang("playlist_delete_msg"), "m"); } }
* @License : Attribution Assurance License -- * @URI : */ #Including Maing file and checking user level require '../includes/admin_config.php'; $userquery->admin_login_check(); $pages->page_redir(); /* Assigning page and subpage */ if (!defined('MAIN_PAGE')) { define('MAIN_PAGE', 'Users'); } if (!defined('SUB_PAGE')) { define('SUB_PAGE', 'User Levels'); } $userquery->login_check('admin_access'); if (!has_access('allow_manage_user_level') && $userquery->udetails['level'] != 1) { $Cbucket->show_page = false; e("You are not allowed to manage user levels"); } $mode = $_GET['mode']; $lid = mysql_clean($_GET['lid']); $action = mysql_clean($_GET['action']); //Deleteing Level if ($action == 'delete') { $userquery->delete_user_level($lid); } switch ($mode) { case 'view': default: Assign('view', 'view'); break;
/** * Can Delete Comment... * * As the name suggests, it is used to check weather logged in user has * rights to delete the comment or not. * * @param $comment * @Author Arslan Hassan * @return BOOLEAN * @link */ function can_delete_comment($comment, $userid = false) { if (!$userid) { $userid = userid(); } if (has_access('admin_del_access') or $comment['userid'] == $userid or $comment['type_owner_id'] == $userid) { return true; } return false; }
theme::table_start(['Name', 'Value', 'Managed' => 'text-center', 'Actions' => 'text-center']); /* show them in the order they where entered */ uasort($tab_records, function ($a, $b) { return $a->id > $b->id ? 1 : -1; }); foreach ($tab_records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); echo !$record->enabled ? '<i class="text-muted">' : ''; o::e($record->name); echo !$record->enabled ? '</i>' : ''; theme::table_row(); echo theme::format_value($record->value, 128); theme::table_row('larger text-center'); echo theme::enum_icon((int) $record->managed); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); if ($record->is_editable) { theme::table_action('edit', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id); } if (has_access('orange::advanced settings')) { theme::table_action('pencil-square', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id . '/advanced'); } if ($record->is_deletable) { o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); } theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::table_tab_pane_end(); } theme::table_tabs_end(); theme::return_to_top();
<span class="date">' . date("m-d-Y", strtotime($n['pubDate'])) . '</span></div> <span class="clearfix"></span>'; echo '<div>'; echo $n['description']; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } else { echo '<div align="center"><em><strong>Unable to fetch news</strong></em></div>'; } break; case "delete_feed": $uid = mysql_clean($_POST['uid']); $file = mysql_clean($_POST['file']) . '.feed'; if ($uid && $file) { if ($uid == userid() || has_access("admin_access", true)) { $cbfeeds->deleteFeed($uid, $file); $array['msg'] = lang("feed_has_been_deleted"); } else { $array['err'] = lang("you_cant_del_this_feed"); } } echo json_encode($array); break; case "send_photo_pm": $array = $_POST; $array['is_pm'] = true; $array['from'] = userid(); $cbpm->send_pm($array); if (error()) { $errors = error_list();
| Copyright (c) 2007-2010 All rights reserved. | @ Author : ArslanHassan | @ Software : ClipBucket , © ************************************************************* */ define("THIS_PAGE", 'edit_group'); define("PARENT_PAGE", 'groups'); require 'includes/'; $userquery->logincheck(); $udetails = $userquery->get_user_details(userid()); assign('user', $udetails); assign('p', $userquery->get_user_profile($udetails['userid'])); $gid = mysql_clean($_GET['group_id']); //get group details $gdetails = $cbgroup->get_group_details($gid); $gArray = array('group' => $gdetails, 'groupid' => $gid, 'uid' => userid(), 'user' => $userquery->udetails, 'checkowner' => 'yes'); if (!$cbgroup->is_admin($gArray) && !has_access('admin_access', true)) { e(lang("you_cant_edit_group")); $Cbucket->show_page = false; } else { //Updating Video Details if (isset($_POST['update_group'])) { $_POST['group_id'] = $gid; $cbgroup->update_group(); $gdetails = $cbgroup->get_group_details($gid); } assign('group', $gdetails); } subtitle(lang("grp_edit_grp_title")); template_files('edit_group.html'); display_it();
<?php theme::header_start('Log Files', 'File based log files in "..' . str_replace(ROOTPATH, '', setting('config.log_path') . '".')); Plugin_search_sort::field(); if (has_access('log_file_viewer::delete logs')) { theme::header_button('Delete All', ['href' => $controller_path . '/delete', 'icon' => 'trash']); } theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['Filename', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->name); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); theme::table_action('eye', $controller_path . '/details/' . $record->id); theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();
* (at your option) any later version. * Fusion News is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Fusion News. If not, see <>. */ include './common.php'; $id = !isset($VARS['id']) ? '' : $VARS['id']; $sid = isset($_COOKIE['fus_sid']) ? $_COOKIE['fus_sid'] : ''; $uid = isset($_COOKIE['fus_uid']) ? $_COOKIE['fus_uid'] : ''; $userdata = array(); $userdata = login_session_update($uid, $sid); if (!has_access(NEWS_REPORTER)) { echo $ind148; exit; } if (!$uploads_active) { echo $upld1; exit; } if (strtolower(@ini_get('file_uploads')) == 'off' || @ini_get('file_uploads') == 0 || @ini_get('file_uploads') == '') { echo <<<html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> \t<title>{$upld3}</title>
<?php theme::header_start('Manage ' . $controller_titles, 'Manage all ' . $controller_titles . '.'); Plugin_search_sort::field(); if (has_access('cropper::add cropper')) { theme::header_button('new'); } theme::header_end(); theme::table_start(['name', 'width', 'height', 'Actions' => 'text-center'], [], $records); foreach ($records as $record) { theme::table_start_tr(); theme::e($record->name); theme::table_row(); theme::e($record->width * $record->exportzoom); theme::table_row(); theme::e($record->height * $record->exportzoom); theme::table_row('actions text-center'); theme::table_action('crop', $this->controller_path . '/crop/' . $record->id); if (has_access('cropper::add cropper')) { theme::table_action('edit', $this->controller_path . '/edit/' . $record->id); } if (has_access('cropper::delete cropper')) { o_dialog::confirm_a_delete($this->controller_path . '/delete/' . $record->id); } theme::table_end_tr(); } theme::table_end(); theme::return_to_top();