Esempio n. 1
// Get the beginning and end of our relevant date rate.
$beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime - ($date_range - 1) * 3600 * 24;
$end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
$start_date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
$end_date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
// Perform a query to get info about all of our builds that fall within this
// time range.
$builds_query = "SELECT,\n   b.builderrors AS build_errors,\n   b.buildwarnings AS build_warnings,\n   b.testfailed AS failing_tests,\n   b.configureerrors AS configure_errors,\n   b.configurewarnings AS configure_warnings, b.starttime,\n   cs.loctested AS loctested, cs.locuntested AS locuntested,\n   b2g.groupid AS groupid\n   FROM build AS b\n   LEFT JOIN build2group AS b2g ON (\n   LEFT JOIN coveragesummary AS cs ON (\n   WHERE b.projectid = '{$projectid}'\n   AND b.starttime BETWEEN '{$start_date}' AND '{$end_date}'\n   AND b.parentid IN (-1, 0)";
$builds_array = pdo_query($builds_query);
while ($build_row = pdo_fetch_array($builds_array)) {
    // get what day this build is for.
    $day = get_day_index($build_row["starttime"]);
    $static_name = get_static_group_name($build_row["groupid"]);
    // Special handling for static builds, as we don't need to record as
    // much data about them.
    if ($static_name) {
        foreach ($static_measurements as $measurement) {
            if (!array_key_exists($measurement, $overview_data[$day][$static_name])) {
                $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] = intval($build_row["build_{$measurement}"]);
            } else {
                $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] += $build_row["build_{$measurement}"];
            // Don't let our measurements be thrown off by CDash's tendency
            // to store -1s in the database.
            $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] = max(0, $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement]);
Esempio n. 2
// Perform a query to get info about all of our builds that fall within this
// time range.
$builds_query = "SELECT, b.type,,\n    b.builderrors AS build_errors,\n    b.buildwarnings AS build_warnings,\n    b.testfailed AS failing_tests,\n    b.configureerrors AS configure_errors,\n    b.configurewarnings AS configure_warnings, b.starttime,\n    cs.loctested AS loctested, cs.locuntested AS locuntested,\n    das.checker AS checker, das.numdefects AS numdefects,\n    b2g.groupid AS groupid\n    FROM build AS b\n    LEFT JOIN build2group AS b2g ON (\n    LEFT JOIN coveragesummary AS cs ON (\n    LEFT JOIN dynamicanalysissummary AS das ON (\n    WHERE b.projectid = '{$projectid}'\n    AND b.starttime BETWEEN '{$start_date}' AND '{$end_date}'\n    AND b.parentid IN (-1, 0)";
$builds_array = pdo_query($builds_query);
// If we have multiple coverage builds in a single day we will also
// show the aggregate.
$aggregate_tracker = array();
$show_aggregate = false;
// Keep track of the different types of dynamic analysis that are being
// performed on our build groups of interest.
$dynamic_analysis_types = array();
while ($build_row = pdo_fetch_array($builds_array)) {
    // get what day this build is for.
    $day = get_day_index($build_row['starttime']);
    $static_name = get_static_group_name($build_row['groupid']);
    // Special handling for static builds, as we don't need to record as
    // much data about them.
    if ($static_name) {
        foreach ($static_measurements as $measurement) {
            if (!array_key_exists($measurement, $overview_data[$day][$static_name])) {
                $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] = intval($build_row["build_{$measurement}"]);
            } else {
                $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] += $build_row["build_{$measurement}"];
            // Don't let our measurements be thrown off by CDash's tendency
            // to store -1s in the database.
            $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement] = max(0, $overview_data[$day][$static_name][$measurement]);