Esempio n. 1
 public function user($mno)
     $dates = $this->date_difference();
     $this->mem_acc = select('fs_member_accounts', 5, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->mem_pinfo = select('fs_members', 32, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->followme = select('friends', 4, array('mno2', $mno));
     $this->Ifollow = select('friends', 4, array('mno1', $mno));
     $this->tplook = select('postedlooks', 7, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->oarating = select('postedlooks', 7, array('mno', $mno));
     $date_attr = get_date_attr();
     $cyr_mnth = "{$date_attr['yr']}-{$date_attr['mnth']}";
     // $month = substr($dates['today'],6,1);
     // $month = substr($dates['today'],6,1);
     // $setdate = get_rated_look($mno,$date_attr['mnth'],$date_attr['yr']);
     // echo "<br> rated looks <br>";
     // echo "today = $dates[today]<br>";
     // echo "today is $dates[today]  <br>";
     //  echo "set date $setdate today $dates[today] ";
     //  if ($setdate > $dates[today]) {
     //  	echo "set date is greater today ";
     //  }else{
     //  	echo "set date is lessthan today";
     //  }
     // print_r($setdate);
     // echo "<br> not rated looks <br>";
     // $look_not_rated=get_not_rated_look($_SESSION['mno']);
     // print_r($look_not_rated);
     $this->mem_info = array('mano' => $this->mem_acc[0][0], 'mno' => $this->mem_acc[0][1], 'email' => $this->mem_acc[0][2], 'username' => $this->mem_acc[0][3], 'pass' => $this->mem_acc[0][4], 'firstname' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][3], 'middlename' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][2], 'lastname' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][1], 'gender' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][4], 'website' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][5], 'bdate' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][6], 'occupation' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][7], 'preffered_style' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][8], 'country' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][9], 'state_' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][10], 'city' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][11], 'zip' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][12], 'blogdom' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][13], 'about' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][14], 'ispicset' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][15], 'fbid' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][16], 'tplook' => $this->cout_array($this->tplook), 'tfollowers' => $this->cout_array($this->followme), 'tfollowed' => $this->cout_array($this->Ifollow), 'tlogin' => 'unavailable', 'oarating' => $this->coarates($this->oarating), 'tcomments' => 'unavailable', 'tlike' => 'unavailable', 'tlove' => '1', 'tdrip' => '1', 'tlookviewed' => 'unavailable', 'tcomments' => 'unavailable', 'oarating_week' => 'unavailable', 'oarating_month' => 'unavailable', 'oalratng_all_times' => 'unavailable', 'rated_look_cmonth' => get_rated_look($mno, $date_attr['mnth'], $date_attr['yr']), 'not_rated_look_cmonth' => get_not_rated_look($mno, $date_attr['mnth'], $date_attr['yr']), 'have_rated_look' => get_rated_look($mno), 'all_look_cmonth' => all_look_upl_current_month(date($cyr_mnth)), 'top_rated_look_cmonth' => top_rated_look($cyr_mnth), 'newest_look' => newest_look($cyr_mnth), 'oldest_look' => oldest_look($cyr_mnth), 'datemember' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][31]);
     return $this->mem_info;
Esempio n. 2
 public function user($mno)
     $dates = $this->date_difference();
     $this->mem_acc = select('fs_member_accounts', 5, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->mem_pinfo = select('fs_members', 32, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->followme = select('friends', 4, array('mno2', $mno));
     $this->Ifollow = select('friends', 4, array('mno1', $mno));
     $this->tplook = select('postedlooks', 7, array('mno', $mno));
     $this->oarating = select('postedlooks', 7, array('mno', $mno));
     $date_attr = get_date_attr();
     $cyr_mnth = "{$date_attr['yr']}-{$date_attr['mnth']}";
     if ($this->mem_pinfo[0][4] == 'male') {
         $sub_gen = 'he';
     if ($this->mem_pinfo[0][4] == 'female') {
         $sub_gen = 'she';
     } else {
         $sub_gen = 'confused';
     $this->mem_info = array('mano' => $this->mem_acc[0][0], 'mno' => $this->mem_acc[0][1], 'email' => $this->mem_acc[0][2], 'username' => $this->mem_acc[0][3], 'pass' => $this->mem_acc[0][4], 'firstname' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][3], 'middlename' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][2], 'lastname' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][1], 'gender' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][4], 'sub_gen' => $sub_gen, 'website' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][5], 'bdate' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][6], 'occupation' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][7], 'preffered_style' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][8], 'country' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][9], 'state_' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][10], 'city' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][11], 'zip' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][12], 'blogdom' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][13], 'about' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][14], 'ispicset' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][15], 'fbid' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][16], 'tplook' => $this->cout_array($this->tplook), 'tfollowers' => $this->cout_array($this->followme), 'tfollowed' => $this->cout_array($this->Ifollow), 'tlogin' => 'unavailable', 'oarating' => $this->coarates($this->oarating), 'tcomments' => 'unavailable', 'tlike' => 'unavailable', 'tlove' => '1', 'tdrip' => '1', 'tlookviewed' => 'unavailable', 'tcomments' => 'unavailable', 'oarating_week' => 'unavailable', 'oarating_month' => 'unavailable', 'oalratng_all_times' => 'unavailable', 'rated_look_cmonth' => get_rated_look($mno, $date_attr['mnth'], $date_attr['yr']), 'not_rated_look_cmonth' => get_not_rated_look($mno, $date_attr['mnth'], $date_attr['yr']), 'have_rated_look' => get_rated_look($mno), 'all_look_cmonth' => all_look_upl_current_month(date($cyr_mnth)), 'top_rated_look_cmonth' => top_rated_look($cyr_mnth), 'newest_look' => newest_look($cyr_mnth), 'oldest_look' => oldest_look($cyr_mnth), 'datemember' => $this->mem_pinfo[0][31]);
     return $this->mem_info;
Esempio n. 3
function get_not_rated_look($mno, $date = null, $year = null)
    if (empty($date) and empty($year)) {
        #get all look
        $rated_look = get_rated_look($mno);
        $all_looks = select('postedlooks', 7);
    } else {
        if (!empty($date) and !empty($year)) {
            #get look uploaded in current month
            $rated_look = get_rated_look($mno, $date, $year);
            $days = set_month_days($date);
            $fday_month = "{$year}-{$date}-{$days['day_start']}";
            $all_looks = select1_wop('
				postedlooks', 7, array('date_', $fday_month), '>');
        } else {
            if (strlen($date) == 10) {
                #get look by date
                $rated_look = get_rated_look($mno, $date);
                $all_looks = select1_wop('
				postedlooks', 7, array('date_', $date), '>');
            } else {
                #invalid input
    if (!empty($all_looks)) {
        $all_lookcm = convert_1d($all_looks, 0);
        // $all_lookcm=get_look_in_cm($all_lookcm);
        $look_not_ratedcm = romove1dTF($rated_look, $all_lookcm);
        return $look_not_ratedcm;
    } else {
        return 0;