/** * 信息审核页面 */ public function index() { $searchName = I('search'); if ($searchName !== "") { //按nickname查询 $where['check_state'] = 0; $where['pro_name'] = array('like', '%' . $searchName . '%'); $count = M('product_list')->where($where)->count(); $Page = new \Think\Page($count, 10); // 实例化分页类 $show = $Page->show(); // 分页显示输出 $list = M('product_list')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->where($where)->select(); } else { $count = M('product_list')->where('check_state = 0')->count(); $Page = new \Think\Page($count, 10); // 实例化分页类 $show = $Page->show(); // 分页显示输出 $list = D('product_list')->where('check_state = 0')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select(); } $this->assign('list', getList($list)); // 赋值数据集 $this->assign('show', $show); // 赋值分页输出 $this->display(); }
/** */ public function categorySubList() { $id = $this->input->post('id', TRUE); $selected = $this->input->post('selected', TRUE); if (isset($id) || $id != '') { //delete the requested user $chck = $this->categoryModel->getSubCategoriesListByParentId($id); if (empty($chck)) { $getByid = $this->categoryModel->getCategoryListById($id); if (!empty($getByid)) { foreach ($getByid as $cat) { $checked = backChecked($cat->id, $selected); echo '<ul id="checkList_' . $cat->id . '" class="chk-list-wrap light clear_fix">'; // echo '<li><strong class="title">' . $cat->category_name . '</strong><div class="checkbox chk-all"> // <label><input type="checkbox"><span>' . $cat->category_name . '</span></label> // </div>'; echo '<li><strong class="title">' . $cat->category_name . '</strong><div class="checkbox chk-all"> <label><input class="' . $cat->category_name . '" name="isCheckedAll" id="' . $cat->id . '" class="' . $cat->category_name . '" type="checkbox" id="' . $cat->id . '" value="' . $cat->id . '"' . $checked . '><span>All From ' . $cat->category_name . '</span></label> </div>'; echo '</ul>'; } } } else { $html = getList($id, $selected); echo $html; } } }
function getPaymentsAdminContent() { global $site; global $sActionText; global $action, $itemviewid; $content .= getList(); return $content; }
function display($cid) { $res = getList($cid); foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $str .= "<a href='#'>{$value['cname']}</a>>"; } return $str; }
function getArticlesAdminContent() { global $site; global $sActionText; global $action, $itemviewid; $ret = getList(); return $ret; }
/** * 分页获取信息 */ public function nextPage() { //获取要去的的分页信息 $from = I('from'); $num = I('num'); $LorF = I('LorF'); $result = M('product_list')->field('pro_name, pro_description, create_time, pro_kind_id, pro_user_id')->where(array('lost_or_found' => $LorF, 'status' => 0))->order('pro_id desc')->limit($from, $num)->select(); $this->ajaxReturn(array('nextPage' => getList($result))); }
/** * 搜索需求 */ public function search() { $key = get_query('key'); if (empty($key)) { this . getList(); } $list = $this->pM->search($key, LIST_PPN, get_query('p', 1)); json_success(array('isEnd' => empty($list), 'list' => $list)); }
function print_summary() { global $path_to_root; $imc = $_POST['PARAM_0']; $comments = $_POST['PARAM_1']; $orientation = $_POST['PARAM_2']; $destination = $_POST['PARAM_3']; if ($destination) { include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/excel_report.inc"; } else { include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc"; } $orientation = $orientation ? 'L' : 'P'; $dec = user_price_dec(); $cols = array(0, 10, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 520); //$headers = array(_('IMC')); $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left'); //$params = array( 0 => $comments, 1 => array( 'text' => _('Period'), 'from' => $from)); $aligns2 = $aligns; $summary = 1; $rep = new FrontReport(_('Client List'), "ClientList", user_pagesize(), 9, $orientation); if ($orientation == 'L') { recalculate_cols($cols); } $cols2 = $cols; $rep->Font(); $rep->Info(null, $cols, null, $aligns); $rep->NewPage(); $salesman = 0; $result = getList($imc); while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $previous == ''; $salesman = get_salesman_name($myrow['salesman']); $current = $salesman; if ($salesman != "") { if ($previous == $current) { $salesman = ''; $rep->TextCol(1, 10, $myrow['br_name']); $rep->NewLine(); } else { $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->NewLine(2); $rep->Line($rep->row + 10); $rep->TextCol(0, 2, $salesman); $rep->Line($rep->row - 4); $rep->NewLine(2); $rep->Font(); $rep->TextCol(1, 10, $myrow['br_name']); $rep->NewLine(); } $previous = $current; } } $rep->NewLine(); $rep->End(); }
function display() { $res = getList(); $str = '<select>'; foreach ($res as $k => $v) { $str .= "<option>{$v['cname']}</option>"; } $str .= '</select>'; return $str; }
function said($nameTry, $fileName) { $names = getList($fileName); $ret = false; foreach ($names as $name) { if ($nameTry === trim($name)) { $ret = true; } } return $ret; }
public function index() { $types = M("type"); $data = $types->order("sort ASC")->select(); $arr = getList($data, ' '); //获取无限分类排序列表结果集 $typeList = getLayer($data); $this->assign("typeList", $typeList); $this->assign("types", $arr); $this->display(); }
/** * 详情信息页 */ public function index() { $proId = I('id'); $share = $this->shareApi(); $find = M('product_list')->where(array('pro_id' => $proId))->select(); $list = getList($find); //dd($list['0']); $this->assign('detail', $list['0']); $this->assign('share', $share); // dd(getList($find)); $this->display(); }
function getList($pid = 0, &$result = array(), $spac = 0) { $spac = $spac + 2; $sql = "select *from {$table}where pid={$pid}"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $row['catename'] = str_repeat(" ", $spac) . '|--' . $row['catename']; $result[] = $row; getList($row['id'], $result, $spac); } return $result; }
/** * [getList 递归生成无限级分类] * @param integer $pid [description] * @param array &$result [description] * @param integer $spac [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function getList($pid = 0, &$result = array(0 => array('id' => '0', 'title' => '|--顶级菜单')), $spac = 0) { $spac += 4; $system = M('System'); $info = $system->field('id,pid,title')->where(array('pid' => $pid))->select(); foreach ($info as $key => $val) { $val['title'] = str_repeat(' ', $spac) . '|--' . $val['title']; $result[] = $val; getList($val['id'], $result, $spac); } return $result; }
function getMenus(&$DB, $menus) { $html = " <div class='block_addNew'>\n <input type='hidden' name='lastID' value='113' />\n <input type='button' name='addNew' value='add' onclick='addNewITEM()' />\n <input type='text' name='itemName'value='' placeholder='item name'>\n <span class='types'>\n <select name='type'>\n <option class='none'> none</option>\n <option class='contact'> contact</option>\n <option class='page'> page</option>\n <option class='single'> single</option>\n <option class='about'> about</option>\n <option class='portof'> portof</option>\n <option class='portof_ch'> portof_ch</option>\n <option class='news'> news</option>\n <option class='expertise'> expertise</option>\n </select>\n </span>\n </div>"; $html .= "\n <ol class='sortable'>\n <li id='list_MenuFREE' style='display: none;'>\n <div>New Item</div>\n <ol id='children_new'></ol>\n </li>\n"; foreach ($menus as $menuKey => $menuType) { $html .= "<li id='list_Menu{$menuKey}'>\n <div>Meniu_{$menuKey} {$menuType}</div>"; $html .= getList($DB, $menuKey); $html .= "</li>"; } $html .= "</ol>"; return $html; }
function dlink() { $rs = getList(11); krsort($rs); foreach ($rs as $k => $v) { $str .= "<a href='#'>{$v['cname']}</a>>"; /*echo '<a href="#">'; echo $v['cname']; echo '</a>>';*/ } return $str; }
/** * 无限分类列表 *@param $types array 分类结果集 *@param $html string 子级分类填充字符串 *@param $pid int 父类id *@param $num int 填充字符串个数 *@return array 返回排序后结果集 */ function getList($types, $html = '----', $pid = 0, $num = 0) { $arr = array(); foreach ($types as $v) { if ($v['pid'] == $pid) { //$v['num'] = $num + 1;//可做自定义级别使用 $v['html'] = str_repeat($html, $num); //填充字符串个数 $arr[] = $v; $arr = array_merge($arr, getList($types, $html, $v['id'], $num + 1)); //递归把子类压入父类数组后 } } return $arr; }
function gotCate($pid = '0', $res = array(), $level = 0) { $res1 = getList('category', 0, 100, '*', 'pid=' . $pid); if (!empty($res1)) { foreach ($res1 as $k => $v) { $str = '<font color="red" >'; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $str .= '|-'; } $str .= '</font>'; $v['str_name'] = $str . '<font color="green" >' . $v['name'] . '</font>'; $res[] = $v; $res = gotCate($v['id'], $res, $level + 1); } } return $res; }
function outputDefaultFilterData() { $android_list = getList("", "android_version"); $android_list = outputList($android_list); $brand_list = getList("", "phone_brand"); $brand_list = outputList($brand_list); $model_list = getList("", "phone_model"); $model_list = outputList($model_list); $android = getFilterValue("android"); $brand = getFilterValue("brand"); $model = getFilterValue("model"); $android_data = array('id' => "android", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($android, $android_list), 'list' => $android_list); $brand_data = array('id' => "brand", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($brand, $brand_list), 'list' => $brand_list); $model_data = array('id' => "model", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($model, $model_list), 'list' => $model_list); $out = array($android_data, $brand_data, $model_data); echo json_encode($out); }
function getLanguagesAdminContent() { global $action; $content = ''; switch ($action) { case 'edit': $ID = (int) $_REQUEST['ID']; $content .= getEdit($ID); break; case 'add': $content .= getAdd(); break; default: $content .= getList(); break; } return $content; }
function getArticlesAdminContent() { global $site; global $sActionText; global $action, $itemviewid; $ret = ''; switch ($action) { case 'edit': $ret .= getEdit(); break; case 'add': $ret .= getAdd(); break; default: $ret .= getList(); break; } return $ret; }
function getArticlesAdminContent() { global $site; global $sActionText; global $action, $itemviewid; $content = ''; switch ($action) { case 'edit': $ID = (int) $_REQUEST['ID']; $content .= getEdit($ID); break; case 'add': $content .= getAdd(); break; default: $content .= getList(); break; } return $content; }
function parseMail($body, $db, $mail) { $parsed = array(); $parsed['body'] = $body; findProp('priority', $parsed); findProp('tags', $parsed); findProp('duedate', $parsed); findProp('list', $parsed); if ($parsed['list']) { $parsed['list'] = getList($parsed['list'], $db, $mail); } else { $parsed['list'] = getList("MailImport", $db, $mail); } if ($parsed['duedate']) { $parsed['duedate'] = pasreDate($parsed['duedate']); } if (!$parsed['list']) { err("no list defined (neither in mail nor in config)", $mail); } return $parsed; }
public function index() { $types = M('type'); $data = $types->field('id,name,pid')->select(); //查询类别信息 $typeList = getList($data); $typeId = array(); //自定义数组,下标为类别ID 值为类别名称 foreach ($data as $v) { $typeId[$v['id']] = $v['name']; } $brands = M("brands"); //获取搜索条件 if ($_GET['type_id']) { $map['type_id'] = $_GET['type_id']; //组装搜索条件 } $total = $brands->where($map)->count(); //查询数据总条数 $Page = new \Think\Page($total, 10, $map); //实例化分页类 $data = $brands->where($map)->order('sort ASC')->page($_GET['p'], 10)->select(); $show = $Page->show(); //分页显示输出 $type_id = $brands->field('id,type_id')->select(); foreach ($type_id as $v) { $types = explode(',', $v['type_id']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($types); $i++) { $typename[$v['id']][] = $types[$i]; } } $this->assign('typename', $typename); $this->assign("type", $typeId); $this->assign("typeList", $typeList); $this->assign("brands", $data); $this->assign("page", $show); $this->display(); }
<?php include_once 'data/products.php'; $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : 16; $list = getList($limit); header('Content-Type: application/json'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); echo json_encode($list);
/** * 获取blog列表(加入标签查询) * * @param array $tags 标签 * @param array|string $where 查询条件 * @param array $option 操作选项 * @param string $fields 查询字段 * @return array */ function getListByTags($tags = null, $where = null, $option = array(), $fields = "*") { if ($where && $tags && !empty($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $where .= " AND tags LIKE '%,{$tag},%'"; } } return getList($where, $option, $fields); }
$model_list = getList($sql, "phone_model"); $model_list = outputList($model_list); } else { $android_list = getList("", "android_version"); $android_list = outputList($android_list); $brand_list = getList("", "phone_brand"); $brand_list = outputList($brand_list); $model_list = getList("", "phone_model"); $model_list = outputList($model_list); } } } break; default: $android_list = getList("", "android_version"); $android_list = outputList($android_list); $brand_list = getList("", "phone_brand"); $brand_list = outputList($brand_list); $model_list = getList("", "phone_model"); $model_list = outputList($model_list); $android = ""; $brand = ""; $model = ""; break; } $android_data = array('id' => "android", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($android, $android_list), 'list' => $android_list); $brand_data = array('id' => "brand", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($brand, $brand_list), 'list' => $brand_list); $model_data = array('id' => "model", 'selected' => getSelectedIndex($model, $model_list), 'list' => $model_list); $out = array($android_data, $brand_data, $model_data); echo json_encode($out); }
$response = array("success" => false, "data" => array("msg" => "Anything was wong in del case!")); } break; case "update": @($id = getRequest(PARAM_ID)); @($result = getRequest(PARAM_RESULT)); $color = updateItem($id, $result); if (is_numeric($color)) { $response = array("success" => true, "color" => $color); } else { $response = array("success" => false, "data" => array("msg" => "Anything was wong!")); } break; case "getList": @($category = getRequest(INPUT_CATEGORY)); list($arrList, $direction) = getList($category); if ($arrList) { // group items in differents array in groups of 5 or according // to their fails, shuffle elements after to provide a random order // 1. stores the position of the last items with the same // fails or group $failLastPosition = array(); $pos = 0; // the cursor of the array $cont = 0; // the cursor of groups of randomized words $fail = current($arrList); $fail = $fail[2][0]; while ($pos < sizeof($arrList) && $fail > 0) { $nextItem = next($arrList); if (($cont + 1) % 5 == 0 || $nextItem[2] != $fail) {
/** * 详情信息页面 */ public function detailInfo() { $proId = I('post.id'); //某一条消息的id $find = M('product_list')->where(array('pro_id' => $proId))->select(); $list = getList($find); if ($find) { $resault['status'] = 200; $resault['info'] = 'success'; } else { $resault['status'] = -400; $resault['info'] = 'error'; } $resault['data'] = $list['0']; $this->ajaxReturn($resault); }
<?php require_once "action/checkAamsLogin.php"; require_once "action/smarty_inc.php"; require_once "action/mysql.class.php"; $list = getList(" boya_config where comm_type in('SEO_Title','SEO_Keyword','SEO_Desc')", $db, 'id,comm_code,comm_flag'); $seolist = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) { if ($list[$i][comm_flag] == 'Title') { $seolist["title"] = $list[$i][comm_code]; } if ($list[$i][comm_flag] == 'Keyword') { $seolist["keyword"] = $list[$i][comm_code]; } if ($list[$i][comm_flag] == 'Desc') { $seolist["desc"] = $list[$i][comm_code]; } } //print_r($list); $smarty->assign("seolist", $seolist); $smarty->display("seo.html");