<?php $strTableName = "dbo.Anomalies"; $_SESSION["OwnerID"] = $_SESSION["_" . $strTableName . "_OwnerID"]; $strOriginalTableName = "dbo.Anomalies"; $gstrOrderBy = ""; if (strlen($gstrOrderBy) && strtolower(substr($gstrOrderBy, 0, 8)) != "order by") { $gstrOrderBy = "order by " . $gstrOrderBy; } $g_orderindexes = array(); $gsqlHead = "SELECT ID, [Module ID], [Anomaly Description], [Anomaly Type], [Date Time], [Action Taken]"; $gsqlFrom = "FROM dbo.Anomalies"; $gsqlWhereExpr = ""; $gsqlTail = ""; include_once getabspath("include/Anomalies_settings.php"); // alias for 'SQLQuery' object $gQuery =& $queryData_Anomalies; $eventObj =& $tableEvents["dbo.Anomalies"]; $reportCaseSensitiveGroupFields = false; $gstrSQL = gSQLWhere("");
// order by $strOrderBy = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_order"]; if (!$strOrderBy) { $strOrderBy = $gstrOrderBy; } $strSQL .= " " . trim($strOrderBy); $strSQLbak = $strSQL; if ($eventObj->exists("BeforeQueryExport")) { $eventObj->BeforeQueryExport($strSQL, $strWhereClause, $strOrderBy); } // Rebuild SQL if needed if ($strSQL != $strSQLbak) { // changed $strSQL - old style $numrows = GetRowCount($strSQL); } else { $strSQL = gSQLWhere($strWhereClause, $strHavingClause); $strSQL .= " " . trim($strOrderBy); $rowcount = false; if ($eventObj->exists("ListGetRowCount")) { $masterKeysReq = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pageObject->detailKeysByM); $i++) { $masterKeysReq[] = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_masterkey" . ($i + 1)]; } $rowcount = $eventObj->ListGetRowCount($pageObject->searchClauseObj, $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_mastertable"], $masterKeysReq, $selected_recs); } if ($rowcount !== false) { $numrows = $rowcount; } else { $numrows = gSQLRowCount($strWhereClause, $strHavingClause); } }
$message = $_SESSION["message_edit"]; unset($_SESSION["message_edit"]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // read current values from the database ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $query = $queryData_Customers->Copy(); $strWhereClause = KeyWhere($keys); $strSQL = gSQLWhere($strWhereClause); $strSQLbak = $strSQL; // Before Query event if ($eventObj->exists("BeforeQueryEdit")) { $eventObj->BeforeQueryEdit($strSQL, $strWhereClause); } if ($strSQLbak == $strSQL) { $strSQL = gSQLWhere($strWhereClause); } LogInfo($strSQL); $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn); $data = db_fetch_array($rs); if (!$data) { if ($inlineedit == EDIT_SIMPLE) { header("Location: Customers_list.php?a=return"); exit; } else { $data = array(); } } $readonlyfields = array(); if ($readevalues) { $data["Name"] = $evalues["Name"];
if ($HaveData) { $returnJSON['noKeys'] = false; } else { $returnJSON['noKeys'] = true; } $respJSON['keys'] = $keys; $respJSON['rawVals'] = $showRawValues; $respJSON['detKeys'] = $showDetailKeys; $respJSON['userMess'] = $usermessage; } $respJSON['mKeys'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dpParams['ids']); $i++) { $data = 0; if (count($keys)) { $where = KeyWhere($keys); $strSQL = gSQLWhere($where); LogInfo($strSQL); $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn); $data = db_fetch_array($rs); } if (!$data) { $data = $avalues; } $mKeyId = 1; foreach ($mKeys[$dpParams['strTableNames'][$i]] as $mk) { if ($data[$mk]) { $respJSON['mKeys'][$dpParams['strTableNames'][$i]]['masterkey' . $mKeyId++] = $data[$mk]; } else { $respJSON['mKeys'][$dpParams['strTableNames'][$i]]['masterkey' . $mKeyId++] = ''; } }
function DeleteUploadedFiles($where, $table = "") { global $conn, $gstrSQL; $sql = gSQLWhere($where); $rs = db_query($sql, $conn); if (!($data = db_fetch_array($rs))) { return; } foreach ($data as $field => $value) { if (strlen($value) && GetEditFormat($field) == EDIT_FORMAT_FILE) { $isAbs = GetFieldData($table, $field, "Absolute", false); $filename = GetUploadFolder($field) . $value; if (!$isAbs) { $filename = getabspath($filename); } runner_delete_file($filename); if (GetCreateThumbnail($field)) { $filename = GetUploadFolder($field) . GetThumbnailPrefix($field) . $value; if (!$isAbs) { $filename = getabspath($filename); } runner_delete_file($filename); } } } }
$returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: You have not permission for read this text'); echo my_json_encode($returnJSON); return; } if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) { // Do not select any fields except current (full text) field. // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off. // Just don't do anything in that case. $gQuery->RemoveAllFieldsExcept(GetFieldIndex($field)); } $keysArr = GetTableData($strTableName, '.Keys', array()); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) { $keys[$k] = postvalue("key" . ($ind + 1)); } $where = KeyWhere($keys); $secOpt = GetTableData($strTableName, '.nSecOptions', array()); if ($secOpt == ADVSECURITY_VIEW_OWN) { $where = whereAdd($where, SecuritySQL("Search")); } $sql = gSQLWhere($where); $rs = db_query($sql, $conn); if (!$rs || !($data = db_fetch_array($rs))) { $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: Wrong SQL query'); echo my_json_encode($returnJSON); return; } $value = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($data[$field])); $returnJSON = array("success" => true, "textCont" => $value); echo my_json_encode($returnJSON); return;
function Chart(&$ch_array, $param) { global $field_labels; if ($this->webchart) { $this->chrt_array = Convert_Old_Chart($ch_array); } else { $this->chrt_array = $ch_array; } $this->numRecordsToShow = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['maxbarscroll']; if ($this->numRecordsToShow < 1) { $this->numRecordsToShow = 1; } $this->table_type = $this->chrt_array["table_type"]; if (!$this->table_type) { $this->table_type = "project"; } $this->webchart = $param["webchart"]; $this->cname = $param["cname"]; $this->sessionPrefix = $this->chrt_array['tables'][0]; $this->gstrOrderBy = $param["gstrOrderBy"]; $TableName = GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['tables'][0]); $this->header = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['head']; $this->footer = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['foot']; $this->y_axis_label = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['y_axis_label']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1; $i++) { if (isset($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['currencyFormat'])) { $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['currencyFormat']; } else { if ($this->chrt_array['appearance']['scur'] == "false") { $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = ""; } else { $this->arrFormatCurrency[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['scur']; } } if (isset($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['decimalFormat'])) { $this->arrFormatDecimal[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['decimalFormat']; } else { $this->arrFormatDecimal[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['dec']; } $this->arrFormatCustomer[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['customFormat']; $this->arrFormatCustomerStr[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['customFormatStr']; if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "ohlc" || $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "candlestick") { $this->arrOHLC_open[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcOpen']; $this->arrOHLC_high[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcHigh']; $this->arrOHLC_low[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcLow']; $this->arrOHLC_close[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcClose']; $this->arrOHLC_color[] = "#" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcColor']; if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "candlestick") { $this->arrOHLC_candle[] = "#" . $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['ohlcCandleColor']; } } elseif ($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name'] != "") { $this->arrDataSeries[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['agr_func'] ? $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label'] : $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name']; if (isset($this->chrt_array['appearance']['scolor' . ($i + 1) . '1'])) { $this->arrDataColor[] = $this->chrt_array['appearance']['scolor' . ($i + 1) . '1']; } else { $this->arrDataColor[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['series_color']; } if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "bubble") { $this->arrDataSize[] = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['size']; } if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] == "gauge") { for ($k = 0; is_array($this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"]) && $k < count($this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"]); $k++) { $beginColor = (double) @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeBeginColor"]; $endColor = (double) @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeEndColor"]; $gColor = "#" . @$this->chrt_array["parameters"][$i]["gaugeColorZone"][$k]["gaugeColor"]; $this->arrGaugeColor[count($this->arrDataSeries) - 1][] = array($beginColor, $endColor, $gColor); } } } if ($this->table_type == "project" && !$this->webchart) { $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode(GetFieldLabel(GoodFieldName($TableName), GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name']))); } else { if (!$this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label'])) { $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['name']); } else { $this->arrDataLabels[] = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][$i]['label']); } } } if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "gauge") { $this->strLabel = $this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->chrt_array['fields']); $j++) { if ($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name'] == $this->chrt_array['fields'][$j]['name']) { if ($this->table_type == "project") { $this->label2 = $this->chart_xmlencode(GetFieldLabel($TableName, GoodFieldName($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name']))); } else { $this->label2 = $this->chart_xmlencode($this->chrt_array['parameters'][count($this->chrt_array['parameters']) - 1]['name']); } } } } if ($this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "ohlc" && $this->chrt_array["chart_type"]["type"] != "candlestick") { foreach ($this->arrDataColor as $ind => $val) { if ($ind == 0) { $this->arrAxesColor = "#000000"; } else { $this->arrAxesColor = "#" . $this->arrDataColor[$ind]; } } } else { foreach ($this->arrOHLC_color as $ind => $val) { if ($ind == 0) { $this->arrAxesColor = "#000000"; } else { $this->arrAxesColor = "#" . $this->arrOHLC_color[$ind]; } } } // prepare search params global $gsqlFrom, $gsqlWhereExpr; $gQuery = GetTableData($this->sessionPrefix, ".sqlquery", null); $strWhereClause = ""; $searchHavingClause = ""; // search where for basic charts if (!$this->webchart) { global $strTableName; if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . '_advsearch'])) { $searchClauseObj = unserialize($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . '_advsearch']); $strWhereClause = $searchClauseObj->getWhere(GetListOfFieldsByExprType(false)); $searchHavingClause = $searchClauseObj->getWhere(GetListOfFieldsByExprType(true)); } } else { if ($this->table_type != "project") { $strTableName = "webchart" . $this->cname; } else { $strTableName = $TableName; } $strWhereClause = CalcSearchParam($this->table_type != "project"); } if ($strWhereClause) { $this->chrt_array['where'] .= $this->chrt_array['where'] ? " AND (" . $strWhereClause . ")" : " WHERE (" . $strWhereClause . ")"; } if ($this->table_type == "project") { if (SecuritySQL("Search")) { $strWhereClause = whereAdd($strWhereClause, SecuritySQL("Search")); } $this->strSQL = gSQLWhere($strWhereClause, $searchHavingClause); $strOrderBy = $this->gstrOrderBy; $this->strSQL .= " " . $strOrderBy; $strSQLbak = $this->strSQL; if (tableEventExists("BeforeQueryChart", $strTableName)) { $tstrSQL = $this->strSQL; $eventObj = getEventObject($strTableName); $eventObj->BeforeQueryChart($tstrSQL, $strWhereClause, $strOrderBy); $this->strSQL = $tstrSQL; } if ($strSQLbak == $this->strSQL) { $this->strSQL = gSQLWhere($strWhereClause, $searchHavingClause); $this->strSQL .= " " . $strOrderBy; } } if ($this->cname && $this->table_type == "db") { $this->strSQL = $this->chrt_array['sql'] . $this->chrt_array['where'] . $this->chrt_array['group_by'] . $this->chrt_array['order_by']; } elseif ($this->cname && $this->table_type == "custom") { if (!IsStoredProcedure($this->chrt_array['sql'])) { $sql_query = $this->chrt_array['sql']; if (GetDatabaseType() == 2) { $pos = strrpos(strtoupper($sql_query), "ORDER BY"); if ($pos) { $sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, $pos); } } if (GetDatabaseType() != 1) { //Oracle $this->strSQL = "select * from (" . $sql_query . ") as custom_query" . $this->chrt_array['where']; } else { $this->strSQL = "select * from (" . $sql_query . ")" . $this->chrt_array['where']; } } else { $this->strSQL = $this->chrt_array['sql']; } } if (tableEventExists("UpdateChartSettings", $strTableName)) { $eventObj = getEventObject($strTableName); $eventObj->UpdateChartSettings($this); } }