Esempio n. 1
    print render($page['content']);
			<span class="option-separator"><span class="option-text"><?php 
    print t('Or');
		    <div class="span3 pl20">
			<div class="fb-block">
			<p class="fb-desc"><?php 
    print t('Not a mermix User? Connect using your facebook account');
    print fboauth_action_display('connect');
} else {
    print render($page['content']);
Esempio n. 2
 * Override some FBOAuth functions here:
function clash_zen_fboauth_user_form_connect($variables)
    $uid = $variables['uid'];
    $fbid = $variables['fbid'];
    $link = fboauth_action_link_properties('deauth');
    if ($fbid) {
        $output = t('<span class="fb-info-text">Your account is connected with Facebook.' . l(t('(You can disconnect it here)'), $link['href'], array('query' => $link['query'], 'attributes' => array('class' => array('facebook-action-deauth')))) . '</div>');
    } else {
        $output = fboauth_action_display('connect');
    return $output;

 *  Theme wrapper html for relationship list
<ul class="user-relationship-locator-list">
if ($matches = user_relationship_locator_matches($user->uid)) {
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        print theme('user_relationship_locator_default_block_item', array('requester' => $requester, 'requestee' => $match, 'relationship' => $relationship));
//See if we have the Facebook data source module enabled and show a button if data isn't available.
if (module_exists('user_relationship_locator_facebook')) {
    if (user_relationship_locator_facebook_result_cache() == FALSE) {
        print fboauth_action_display('user_relationship_locator_users');