function display_logbook($log) { global $game, $BUILDING_NAME; $game->out(' <br> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_outer"> <tr> <td> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width="450"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="450"> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td width="330" align="left"><b><u>' . $log['log_title'] . '</u></b></td> <td width="120" align="right"><b>' . date('d.m.y H:i:s', $log['log_date']) . '</b></td> </tr> </table> <br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT136")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data']['planet_id'])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data']['planet_name'] . '</a></b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT137")) . ' </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); }
$game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['start'])) . '"><b>' . $move['start_planet_name'] . '</b></a><br>'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . ' ' . (isset($move['owner_name']) ? '<a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $move['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $move['owner_name'] . '</b></a>' : '<b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT9")) . '</b>') . '<br>'); if (!empty($move['start'])) { if (empty($move['start_owner_id'])) { $start_owner_str = ' <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT10")) . '</i>'; } elseif ($move['start_owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id']) { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $move['start_owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $move['start_owner_name'] . '</b></a>'; } else { $start_owner_str = ''; } $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT12")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['start'])) . '"><b>' . $move['start_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . $start_owner_str . '<br>'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT12")) . ' <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT13")) . '</i><br>'); } $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT14")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['dest'])) . '"><b>' . $move['dest_planet_name'] . '</b></a><br>'); } $commands = array(11 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT15")), 12 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT16")), 13 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT16")), 14 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT17")), 21 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT15")), 22 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")), 23 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")), 24 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT20")), 25 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT20")), 26 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT36")), 31 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT17")), 32 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT21")), 33 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT22")), 34 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 35 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 36 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 37 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 38 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 39 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")), 40 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT24")), 41 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT24")), 42 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT24")), 43 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT25")), 44 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT26")), 45 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT20")), 46 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT35")), 51 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT24")), 53 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT25")), 54 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT26")), 55 => constant($game->sprache("TEXT20"))); if (in_array($move['action_code'], $visible_actions) || $travelled >= $visibility + (100 - $visibility) / 4) { $game->out('<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT27")) . ' <b>' . $sensor1['n_ships'] . '</b>'); } if (in_array($move['action_code'], $visible_actions) || $travelled >= $visibility + 2 * ((100 - $visibility) / 4)) { $game->out('<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT28")) . ' <b>' . $commands[$move['action_code']] . '</b>'); } if (in_array($move['action_code'], $visible_actions) || $travelled >= $visibility + 3 * ((100 - $visibility) / 4)) { $game->out('<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29"))); for ($t = 0; $t < 14; $t++) { if (isset($sensor1['torso'][$t]) && $sensor1['torso'][$t] > 0) { if (!isset($SHIP_TORSO[$game->player['user_race']][$t][0])) { if ($SHIP_TORSO[9][6][0]) { $game->out('<br><b>' . $sensor1['torso'][$t] . 'x</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")) . ' ' . 7 . ')');
function Trade_Ress() { global $game, $db, $ACTUAL_TICK; /* [22:07:05] <TotesTAP> [02:46] <rmA> 1 : 4 : 3 [22:07:05] <TotesTAP> [02:46] <rmA> Met : Min : Lat [22:07:08] <TotesTAP> [02:47] <rmA> bei 6h 50% steuern [22:07:08] <TotesTAP> [02:47] <rmA> bei 12h 35% steuern [22:07:08] <TotesTAP> [02:48] <rmA> bei 36h 15% steuern */ $game->out('<center><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT144")) . ' ' . HelpPopup('trade_ress') . ' :</span></center><br>'); if (isset($_POST['bezahlungsart'])) { $_POST['bezahlungsart'] = (int) $_POST['bezahlungsart']; } /* if(isset($_POST['plani_ziel'])) $_POST['plani_ziel']=(int)$_POST['plani_ziel']; if(isset($_POST['plani'])) $_POST['plani']=(int)$_POST['plani']; */ /* if(isset($_POST['Art'])) if($_POST['Art']!="Metall" && $_POST['Art']!="Latinum" && $_POST['Art']!="Mineral") { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT145"))); } */ /* $daten=$db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM FHB_Handels_Lager WHERE id=1'); // 27/02/08 - AC: Check DB query if($daten == null) { $daten['ress_1'] = 0; $daten['ress_2'] = 0; $daten['ress_3'] = 0; } */ /* 04/03/08 - AC: If step is not specified, it si frist step */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['step'])) { $_REQUEST['step'] = '1'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['handel']) && $_REQUEST['handel'] == 'trade_ress' && isset($_POST['plani']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == '2') { /* 01/03/08 - AC: Check this value */ if (!isset($_POST['plani_ziel'])) { $_POST['plani_ziel'] = 0; } $plani_id_a = $db->queryrow('SELECT planet_id,planet_name FROM `planets` WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . ' AND planet_owner=' . $game->player['user_id'] . ''); $plani_id_r = $db->queryrow('SELECT planet_id,planet_name FROM `planets` WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . ' AND planet_owner=' . $game->player['user_id'] . ''); if ($plani_id_a['planet_id'] != decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) || $plani_id_r['planet_id'] != decode_planet_id($_POST['plani'])) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT146"))); } else { $kosten['Metall'] = 0; $kosten['Mineral'] = 0; $kosten['Latinum'] = 0; if ($_POST['transport'] != 1 && $_POST['transport'] != 2 && $_POST['transport'] != 3) { $game->out('Cheat'); exit; } if ($_POST['transport'] == 1) { $transportsatz = 0.5; $tickzeit = 20 * 6; } if ($_POST['transport'] == 2) { $transportsatz = 0.35; $tickzeit = 20 * 12; } if ($_POST['transport'] == 3) { $transportsatz = 0.15; $tickzeit = 20 * 36; } $daten = $db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM FHB_Handels_Lager WHERE id=1'); /* 27/02/08 - AC: Check DB query */ if ($daten == null) { $daten['ress_1'] = 0; $daten['ress_2'] = 0; $daten['ress_3'] = 0; } // DC --- Vediamo di compattare un poco il codice $db->lock('FHB_Handels_Lager', 'scheduler_resourcetrade'); $plani_inhalt = $db->queryrow('SELECT resource_1,resource_2,resource_3 FROM `planets` WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . ' AND planet_owner=' . $game->player['user_id'] . ''); if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Metall" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Mineral") { $kosten['Mineral'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(10, 9)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_1']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Mineral'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_2'] >= $kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_1=resource_1-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_2=ress_2-' . $kosten['Mineral'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_1=ress_1+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",0,' . ($kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) . ',0,"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT150")) . ($kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT151")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } else { if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Metall" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Latinum") { $kosten['Latinum'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(11, 9)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_1']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Latinum'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_3'] >= $kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_1=resource_1-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_3=ress_3-' . $kosten['Latinum'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_1=ress_1+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",0,0,' . ($kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) . ',"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT156")) . ($kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT151")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } else { if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Mineral" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Metall") { $kosten['Metall'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(9, 10)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_2']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Metall'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_1'] >= $kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_2=resource_2-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_1=ress_1-' . $kosten['Metall'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_2=ress_2+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",' . ($kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) . ',0,0,"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT154")) . ($kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT155")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } else { if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Mineral" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Latinum") { $kosten['Latinum'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(11, 10)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_2']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Latinum'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_3'] >= $kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_2=resource_2-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_3=ress_3-' . $kosten['Latinum'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_2=ress_2+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",0,0,' . ($kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) . ',"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT156")) . ($kosten['Latinum'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT155")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } else { if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Latinum" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Metall") { $kosten['Metall'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(9, 11)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_3']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Metall'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_1'] >= $kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_3=resource_3-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_1=ress_1-' . $kosten['Metall'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_3=ress_3+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",' . ($kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) . ',0,0,"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT154")) . ($kosten['Metall'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT157")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } else { if ($_POST['risorsa_da'] == "Latinum" && $_POST['risorsa_a'] == "Mineral") { $kosten['Mineral'] = (int) ($_POST['Qty'] * Ress_price(10, 11)); if ($_POST['Qty'] <= $plani_inhalt['resource_3']) { $steuern = (int) ($kosten['Mineral'] * $transportsatz); if ($daten['ress_2'] >= $kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) { // dem user Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE planets SET resource_3=resource_3-' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE planet_id=' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani']) . '') == true) { // dem NPC Ressourcen abziehen: if ($db->query('UPDATE FHB_Handels_Lager SET ress_2=ress_2-' . $kosten['Mineral'] . '+' . $steuern . ',ress_3=ress_3+' . $_POST['Qty'] . ' WHERE id=1') == true) { // Buyers goods in the Trade Register Scheduler: if ($db->query('INSERT INTO scheduler_resourcetrade (planet,resource_1,resource_2,resource_3,arrival_time) VALUES ("' . decode_planet_id($_POST['plani_ziel']) . '",0,' . ($kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) . ',0,"' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + $tickzeit) . '")') == true) { $game->out('<table><tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . $plani_id_a['planet_name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")) . $steuern . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT150")) . ($kosten['Mineral'] - $steuern) . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT157")) . $_POST['Qty'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td><form name="ritorno" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress') . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT152")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize"></form></td></tr></table>'); } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Internal database error'); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); } } else { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT158"))); } } } } } } } $db->unlock('FHB_Handels_Lager', 'scheduler_resourcetrade'); } } else { $ressavail = $db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM FHB_Handels_Lager WHERE id=1'); if ($ressavail == null) { $ressavail['ress_1'] = 0; $ressavail['ress_2'] = 0; $ressavail['ress_3'] = 0; } $game->out(' <script type="text/javascript"> function check_exchange(){ if(document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_da.value == document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value) { alert("' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT278")) . '"); document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_da.value = "Metall"; document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value = "Mineral"; document.ScambioRisorse.Qty.value = 0; document.ScambioRisorse.Result.value = 0; } } function display_rateo() { var res_from, res_to,value_from, value_to, rateo; res_from = document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_da.value; res_to = document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value; if(res_from == "Metall") value_from = 4; if(res_from == "Mineral") value_from = 5; if(res_from == "Latinum") value_from = 2.8; if(res_to == "Metall") value_to = 4; if(res_to == "Mineral") value_to = 5; if(res_to == "Latinum") value_to = 2.8; rateo = Math.round((1 / value_from * value_to) * 100) / 100; document.ScambioRisorse.Rateo.value = rateo; } function display_avail() { if(document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value == "Metall") { document.ScambioRisorse.Avail.value = document.ScambioRisorse.Ress_Avail_1.value; } if(document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value == "Mineral") { document.ScambioRisorse.Avail.value = document.ScambioRisorse.Ress_Avail_2.value; } if(document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value == "Latinum") { document.ScambioRisorse.Avail.value = document.ScambioRisorse.Ress_Avail_3.value; } } function recompute(){ var res_from, res_to, quantity = 0, exchanged = 0, tax; var tax_rate = new Array(0, 0.50, 0.65, 0.85); // Exchange rates: Metall; Minerals; Latinum => 4 ; 5 ; 2.8 res_from = document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_da.value; res_to = document.ScambioRisorse.risorsa_a.value; quantity = document.ScambioRisorse.Qty.value; tax = document.ScambioRisorse.transport.value; if(res_from == "Metall") { if(res_to == "Mineral") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 4 * 5) * tax_rate[tax]); } if(res_to == "Latinum") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 4 * 2.8) * tax_rate[tax]); } } if(res_from == "Mineral") { if(res_to == "Metall") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 5 * 4) * tax_rate[tax]); } if(res_to == "Latinum") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 5 * 2.8) * tax_rate[tax]); } } if(res_from == "Latinum") { if(res_to == "Metall") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 2.8 * 4) * tax_rate[tax]); } if(res_to == "Mineral") { exchanged = Math.round((quantity / 2.8 * 5) * tax_rate[tax]); } } display_avail(); document.ScambioRisorse.Result.value = exchanged; if(exchanged > document.ScambioRisorse.Avail.value) document.ScambioRisorse.submit.disabled = true; else document.ScambioRisorse.submit.disabled = false; } </script> '); $game->out('<form name="ScambioRisorse" action="' . parse_link('a=trade&view=' . $_REQUEST['view'] . '&handel=trade_ress&step=2') . '" method="post">'); $game->out('<input type="hidden" name="Ress_Avail_1" value="' . $ressavail['ress_1'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="Ress_Avail_2" value="' . $ressavail['ress_2'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="Ress_Avail_3" value="' . $ressavail['ress_3'] . '"> '); $game->out('<table align=center> <tr> <td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT159")) . '</td> <td>: <select size="1" name="risorsa_da" onchange="display_rateo(); document.ScambioRisorse.Result.value = 0; document.ScambioRisorse.Qty.value = 0;"> <option value="Metall" selected>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT123")) . '</option> <option value="Mineral">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT165")) . '</option> <option value="Latinum">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT167")) . '</option> </select> ==> <input name="Rateo" type="number" value="1.25" size="3" class="Field_nosize" readonly> ==> <select size="1" name="risorsa_a" onchange="display_rateo(); document.ScambioRisorse.Result.value = 0; document.ScambioRisorse.Qty.value = 0; display_avail();"> <option value="Metall">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT123")) . '</option> <option value="Mineral" selected>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT165")) . '</option> <option value="Latinum">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT167")) . '</option> </select> </td> </tr> '); $game->out('<tr> <td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT276")) . '</td> <td>: <input name="Qty" type="number" value="0" class="Field_nosize" onchange="check_exchange(); recompute();"></td> </tr> '); $game->out('<tr> <td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT173")) . '</td> <td>: <select size="1" name="transport" onchange="recompute();"> <option value="1">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT174")) . '</option> <option value="2">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT175")) . '</option> <option value="3">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . '</option> </select> </td> </tr> '); $game->out('<tr> <td>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT277")) . '</td> <td>: <input name="Result" type="number" value="0" class="Field_nosize" disabled> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT245")) . ' <input name="Avail" type="number" value="' . $ressavail['ress_2'] . '" class="Field_nosize" disabled><td> </tr> '); $sql = 'SELECT planet_id,planet_name,building_11 FROM `planets` WHERE planet_owner=' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' ORDER BY planet_name ASC'; if (($planis = $db->query($sql)) == false) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT178"))); } else { $game->out('<tr><td width="150">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT179")) . '</td><td>: <select size="1" name="plani">'); while ($planeten = $db->fetchrow($planis)) { if ($planeten['building_11'] > 0) { if ($game->planet['planet_id'] == $planeten['planet_id']) { $game->out('<option value="' . encode_planet_id($planeten['planet_id']) . '" selected="selected">' . $planeten['planet_name'] . '</option>'); } else { $game->out('<option value="' . encode_planet_id($planeten['planet_id']) . '">' . $planeten['planet_name'] . '</option>'); } } } $game->out('</select></td></tr>'); } if (($planis = $db->query($sql)) == false) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT178"))); } else { $game->out('<tr><td width="150">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT180")) . '</td><td>: <select size="1" name="plani_ziel">'); while ($planeten = $db->fetchrow($planis)) { if ($planeten['building_11'] > 0) { if ($game->planet['planet_id'] == $planeten['planet_id']) { $game->out('<option value="' . encode_planet_id($planeten['planet_id']) . '" selected="selected">' . $planeten['planet_name'] . '</option>'); } else { $game->out('<option value="' . encode_planet_id($planeten['planet_id']) . '">' . $planeten['planet_name'] . '</option>'); } } } $game->out('</select></td></tr>'); } $game->out('<tr><td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT185")) . '" name="submit" class="Button_nosize" disabled></td></tr>'); $game->out('</table></form>'); } }
</script> <table class="style_outer" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="450"><tr><td> <table class="style_inner" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="450"> <form name="send_form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ship_send') . '"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="' . encode_planet_id($dest) . '"> '); $fleet_option_html = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_fleets; ++$i) { $fleet_option_html .= '<option>' . $fleets[$i]['fleet_name'] . ' (' . $fleets[$i]['n_ships'] . ')</option>'; $game->out('<input type="hidden" name="fleets[]" value="' . $fleets[$i]['fleet_id'] . '">'); } $game->out(' <tr> <td> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT28")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($start)) . '"><b>' . $start_planet['planet_name'] . '</b></a> (' . $game->get_sector_name($start_planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($start_planet['system_x'], $start_planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($start_planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . ')' . ($start_planet['user_id'] != $game->player['user_id'] ? ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT26")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $start_planet['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $start_planet['user_name'] . '</b></a>' : '') . '<br> '); if ($free_planet) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")) . ' <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . '</i> (' . $game->get_sector_name($dest_planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($dest_planet['system_x'], $dest_planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($dest_planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . ')<br><br>'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")) . $dest_str . '<br><br>'); } $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")) . ' <select style="width: 200px;">' . $fleet_option_html . '</select><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52")) . ' <b>' . $max_speed_str . '</b><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT53")) . ' ' . $min_stardate . '</b><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT31")) . ' <input class="field" style="width: 45px;" type="text" name="higher_arrival_stardate" value="' . $min_stardate_split[0] . '" maxlength="5" onBlur="return update_times();"> . <input class="field" style="width: 15px;" type="text" name="lower_arrival_stardate" value="' . $min_stardate_split[1] . '" maxlength="1" onBlur="return update_times();"> <input class="button" style="width: 20px;" type="button" value="+" onClick="return increment_arrival();""> <input class="button" style="width: 20px;" type="button" value="-" onClick="return decrement_arrival();"><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . ' <input class="field" style="width: 25px;" type="text" name="arrival_days" value="" disabled="disabled"> <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</i> <input class="field" style="width: 25px;" name="arrival_hours" value="" disabled="disabled"> <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT56")) . '</i> <input class="field" style="width: 25px;" name="arrival_minutes" value="" disabled="disabled"> <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT57")) . ' +</i> <i id="timer2" title="time1_' . $NEXT_TICK . '_type1_4"> </i><br><br> <table width="440" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="220"> ');
function display_logbook($log) { global $game, $BUILDING_NAME; $game->out(' <br> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_outer"> <tr> <td> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width="450"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="450"> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td width="330" align="left"><b><u>' . $log['log_title'] . '</u></b></td> <td width="120" align="right"><b>' . date('d.m.y H:i:s', $log['log_date']) . '</b></td> </tr> </table> <br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][4]) { case 0: $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT168")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a>!<br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT169")) . '<i><b><a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ship_details&id=' . $log['log_data'][2]) . '">' . $log['log_data'][3] . '</a></b></i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT170")) . ' '); break; case 1: $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr>'); $game->out('<td width="65" valign="top">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' </td> <td width="385"><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT158")) . ' ' . $log['log_data'][5]['user_mood']); $game->out('<br><br>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][5]['toptenlist'][0])) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT159")) . '<br><br>'); foreach ($log['log_data'][5]['toptenlist'] as $other_user) { $game->out('<b>' . $other_user['user_name'] . '</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT160")) . ' ' . $other_user['mood_value'] . '.<br>'); } } $game->out('<br><br>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['research_1'])) { $game->out('Modifica Ambientale <b>aggiornabile</b>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['time_1'])) { $game->out(', coda di lavoro disponibile tra: ' . $log['log_data'][6]['time_1']); } $game->out('<br>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['research_2'])) { $game->out('Ricerche Mediche <b>aggiornabili</b>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['time_2'])) { $game->out(', coda di lavoro disponibile tra: ' . $log['log_data'][6]['time_2']); } $game->out('<br>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['research_3'])) { $game->out('Strutture Difensive <b>aggiornabili</b>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['time_3'])) { $game->out(', coda di lavoro disponibile tra: ' . $log['log_data'][6]['time_3']); } $game->out('<br>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['research_4'])) { $game->out('Automazione <b>aggiornabile</b>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['time_4'])) { $game->out(', coda di lavoro disponibile tra: ' . $log['log_data'][6]['time_4']); } $game->out('<br>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['research_5'])) { $game->out('Estrazione Risorse <b>aggiornabile</b>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][6]['time_5'])) { $game->out(', coda di lavoro disponibile tra: ' . $log['log_data'][6]['time_5']); } $game->out('<br>'); } $game->out('</td></tr></table>'); break; case 2: // log_data[5] = return code // log_data[6] = mood modifier switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT166"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT157"))); break; case 0: $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT165")) . ' ' . $log['log_data'][6] . '. '); break; } break; case 3: // log_data[5] = return code // log_data[6] = mood modifier // log_data[7] = text, type of research undergoing // log_data[8] = text, research time to finish on planet $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -6: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT202"))); break; case -5: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT178"))); break; case -4: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . $log['log_data'][7] . '.<br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT172"))); break; case -3: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . $log['log_data'][7] . '.<br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT173"))); break; case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . $log['log_data'][7] . '.<br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT174"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . $log['log_data'][7] . '.<br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT175"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT176")) . $log['log_data'][7] . '.<br><br>'); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT171")) . $log['log_data'][6] . '.<br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT177")) . $log['log_data'][8] . '.'); break; } if (isset($log['log_data'][9][0])) { $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT201")) . '<br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'); foreach ($log['log_data'][9] as $text_string) { $game->out($text_string); } $game->out('</table>'); } break; case 4: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT178"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT180"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT179")) . $log['log_data'][6] . '.'); break; } if (isset($log['log_data'][7][0])) { $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT201")) . '<br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'); foreach ($log['log_data'][7] as $text_string) { $game->out($text_string); } $game->out('</table>'); } break; case 5: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -5: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT219"))); break; case -4: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT200"))); break; case -3: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT189"))); break; case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT190"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT191"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT192"))); break; } break; case 10: switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -7: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT178"))); break; case -6: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT210"))); break; case -5: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT175"))); break; case -4: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT193"))); break; case -3: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT194"))); break; case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT195"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT199"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT196"))); break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT196"))); break; } break; case 100: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT181"))); break; case 101: // Settlers sends Troops $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT168")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a>!<br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT182"))); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case 0: $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT211"))); break; case 1: $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT212")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][6])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][7] . '</b>.</a>'); break; } $game->out('<ul>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['ress_4']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['ress_4'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_worker_small.gif"> ' . $log['log_data'][8]['ress_4'] . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['unit_1']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['unit_1'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit1_small.gif"> ' . $log['log_data'][8]['unit_1'] . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['unit_2']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['unit_2'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit2_small.gif"> ' . $log['log_data'][8]['unit_2'] . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['unit_5']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['unit_5'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit5_small.gif"> ' . $log['log_data'][8]['unit_5'] . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['unit_6']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['unit_6'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit6_small.gif"> ' . $log['log_data'][8]['unit_6'] . '</li>'); } $game->out('</ul>'); break; case 102: // Settlers sends Resources $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT168")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a>!<br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT183"))); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case 0: $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT213")) . '<br><br>'); break; case 1: $game->out('<br><br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT214")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][6])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][7] . '</b>.</a><br><br>'); break; } $game->out('<ul>'); if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['ress_1']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['ress_1'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_metal_small.gif"> ' . number_format($log['log_data'][8]['ress_1'], 0, ',', '.') . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['ress_2']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['ress_2'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_mineral_small.gif"> ' . number_format($log['log_data'][8]['ress_2'], 0, ',', '.') . '</li>'); } if (isset($log['log_data'][8]['ress_3']) && !empty($log['log_data'][8]['ress_3'])) { $game->out('<li><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_latinum_small.gif"> ' . number_format($log['log_data'][8]['ress_3'], 0, ',', '.') . '</li>'); } $game->out('</ul>'); break; case 103: // Automatic distress call for Borg attack $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT184")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT185"))); break; case 104: // Distress call for Borg attack $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT186")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT187"))); break; case 105: // Player conquer Settlers colony $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT184")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT188")) . $log['log_data'][6] . '.'); break; case 106: // Player mission ambushed by Hirogen Hunters $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT209")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT208"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT207"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT197"))); break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT198"))); break; } break; case 107: // Hirogeni Hunters reporting in $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT209")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($log['log_data'][0])) . '"><b>' . $log['log_data'][1] . '</b></a><br><br>'); switch ($log['log_data'][5]) { case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT203"))); break; case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT204"))); break; case 0: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT205"))); break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT206"))); break; } break; } $game->out('</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); }
<td> <table class="style_inner" width="400" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2"> <form name="load_form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ship_fleets_loadingp&to=' . $fleet_id . ($return_to ? '&return_to=' . urlencode($return_to) : '')) . '" onSubmit="return document.load_form.submit_button.disabled = true;"> <input type="hidden" name="to_submit" value="1"> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="200" align="left"><b>' . $fleet['fleet_name'] . '</b></td> <td width="200" align="right">' . ($fleet['n_ships'] == 1 ? '<b>1</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) : '<b>' . $fleet['n_ships'] . '</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT9"))) . '</td> </tr> </table><br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="140">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . '</td> <td width="260"><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($fleet['planet_id'])) . '"><b>' . $fleet['planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . ($fleet['owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id'] ? ' von <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $fleet['owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $fleet['owner_name'] . '</b></a>' : '') . '</td> </tr> '); if ($own_planet) { $game->out(' <tr><td height="5"></td></tr> <tr> <td rowspan="5" width="140" valign="top">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . '</td> <td width="260"><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT16")) . '</i>: <b>' . ($fleet['max_presources'] - $fleet['presource_1']) . '</b></td> </tr> <tr><td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT17")) . '</i>: <b>' . ($fleet['max_presources'] - $fleet['presource_2']) . '</b></td></tr> <tr><td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</i>: <b>' . ($fleet['max_presources'] - $fleet['presource_3']) . '</b></td></tr> <tr><td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . '</i>: <b>' . ($fleet['max_pworker'] - $fleet['presource_4']) . '</b></td></tr> <tr><td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT35")) . '</i>: <b>' . ($fleet['max_punits'] - $fleet['punit_1'] * 2 - $fleet['punit_2'] * 3 - $fleet['punit_3'] * 4 - $fleet['punit_4'] * 4 - $fleet['unit_5'] * 4 - $fleet['unit_6'] * 4) . '</b></td></tr> '); }
function display_logbook($log) { global $game, $db, $SHIP_TORSO, $RACE_DATA; $ldata = array('action_code' => $log['log_data'][0], 'user_id' => $log['log_data'][1], 'start' => $log['log_data'][2], 'start_planet_name' => $log['log_data'][3], 'start_owner_id' => $log['log_data'][4], 'dest' => $log['log_data'][5], 'dest_planet_name' => $log['log_data'][6], 'dest_owner_id' => $log['log_data'][7]); $sql = 'SELECT p.sector_id, s.system_x, s.system_y, p.planet_distance_id FROM planets p INNER JOIN starsystems s ON p.system_id = s.system_id WHERE p.planet_id = ' . $ldata['start']; if (($s_coord = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystem data'); } $sql = 'SELECT p.sector_id, s.system_x, s.system_y, p.planet_distance_id FROM planets p INNER JOIN starsystems s ON p.system_id = s.system_id WHERE p.planet_id = ' . $ldata['dest']; if (($d_coord = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystem data'); } $des_owner = $ldata['dest_owner_id']; $game->out(' <br> <table width="450" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_outer"><tr><td> <table width="450" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" class="style_inner"> <tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="330"><b><u>' . $log['log_title'] . '</u></b></td> <td width="120"><b><b>' . date('d.m.y H:i:s', $log['log_date']) . '</b></td> </tr> </table> <br> '); $inter_planet = false; if ($ldata['dest'] == 0) { if (empty($ldata['start_owner_id'])) { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } elseif ($ldata['start_owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id']) { $start_owner = $game->uc_get($ldata['start_owner_id']); if (!$start_owner) { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } else { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['start_owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $start_owner . '</b></a>'; } } else { $start_owner_str = ''; } $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT31")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($ldata['start'])) . '"><b>' . $ldata['start_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . ' (' . $game->get_sector_name($s_coord['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($s_coord['system_x'], $s_coord['system_y']) . ':' . ($s_coord['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . ') ' . $start_owner_str . '<br><br>'); $inter_planet = true; } else { if (empty($ldata['start_owner_id'])) { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } elseif ($ldata['start_owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id']) { $start_owner = $game->uc_get($ldata['start_owner_id']); if (!$start_owner) { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } else { $start_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['start_owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $start_owner . '</b></a>'; } } else { $start_owner_str = ''; } if (empty($ldata['dest_owner_id'])) { $dest_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } elseif ($ldata['dest_owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id']) { $dest_owner = $game->uc_get($ldata['dest_owner_id']); if (!$dest_owner) { $dest_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")); } else { $dest_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['dest_owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $dest_owner . '</b></a>'; } } else { $dest_owner_str = ''; } $game->out(' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT32")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($ldata['start'])) . '"><b>' . $ldata['start_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . ' (' . $game->get_sector_name($s_coord['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($s_coord['system_x'], $s_coord['system_y']) . ':' . ($s_coord['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . ') ' . $start_owner_str . '<br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($ldata['dest'])) . '"><b>' . $ldata['dest_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . ' (' . $game->get_sector_name($d_coord['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($d_coord['system_x'], $d_coord['system_y']) . ':' . ($d_coord['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . ') ' . $dest_owner_str . '<br> <br> '); } $str = ''; switch ($ldata['action_code']) { case 11: // nothing to report break; case 12: $fleets =& $log['log_data'][8]; $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT35")) . '</td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT36")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fleets); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $fleets[$i][1] . '</td> <td>' . $fleets[$i][2] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); break; case 13: $fleets =& $log['log_data'][8]; $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT38")) . '</td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT36")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fleets); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $fleets[$i][1] . '</td> <td>' . $fleets[$i][2] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); break; case 21: // nothing to report break; case 22: if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $spy_report =& $log['log_data'][9]; $n_spyed = count($spy_report[1]) + count($spy_report[2]) + count($spy_report[3]) + count($spy_report[4]) + count($spy_report[5]); $dest_race = $log['log_data'][10]; } $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { if ($spy_report[0]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT39"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT40"))); } } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT41"))); } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</td> <td width="200">' . $log['log_data'][8] . '</td> </tr> </table> <br> '); if ($n_spyed == 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT43"))); break; } $wares_names = get_wares_by_id($dest_race); if (count($spy_report[1]) > 0) { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</b></td> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT45")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); foreach ($spy_report[1] as $resource_id => $resorce_amount) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $wares_names[$resource_id] . '</td> <td>' . $resorce_amount . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } if (count($spy_report[2]) > 0) { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . '</b></td> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT45")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); foreach ($spy_report[2] as $unit_id => $unit_amount) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $wares_names[$unit_id + 4] . '</td> <td>' . $unit_amount . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } if (count($spy_report[3]) > 0) { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT47")) . '</b></td> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); global $BUILDING_NAME; foreach ($spy_report[3] as $building_id => $building_level) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $BUILDING_NAME[$dest_race][$building_id] . '</td> <td>' . $building_level . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } if (count($spy_report[4]) > 0) { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT49")) . '</b></td> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); global $TECH_NAME; foreach ($spy_report[4] as $tech_id => $tech_level) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $TECH_NAME[$dest_race][$tech_id] . '</td> <td>' . $tech_level . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } if (count($spy_report[5]) > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT name FROM ship_ccategory WHERE race = ' . $dest_race . ' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10'; if (($ship_comps = $db->queryrowset($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query ship component category data'); } $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="250"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT50")) . '</b></td> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); foreach ($spy_report[5] as $scomp_id => $scomp_level) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $ship_comps[$scomp_id]['name'] . '</td> <td>' . $scomp_level . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } break; case 23: $ships =& $log['log_data'][8]; $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); if ($inter_planet) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52"))); } else { if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT53"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52"))); } } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ships); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $ships[$i][0] . ' (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$ships[$i][2]][$ships[$i][1]][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$ships[$i][2]][0] . '</i>)</td> <td>' . $ships[$i][3] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); break; case 24: case 25: $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); switch ($log['log_data'][8]) { case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT56"))); break; case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT57"))); break; case -3: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT152"))); break; case -4: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT153"))); break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT58"))); break; case 2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT154"))); break; default: $game->out('Illegal status code - report this as a bug'); break; } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> '); if ($log['log_data'][8] == 1) { $game->out(' <br> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . ':</b><br> ' . $log['log_data'][9] . '</a> (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$log['log_data'][10]][SHIP_TYPE_COLO][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$log['log_data'][10]][0] . '</i>) <br> '); } break; case 26: switch ($log['log_data'][11]) { case 0: $text_1 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")); $color1 = 'red'; break; case 1: $text_1 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT150")); $color1 = 'grey'; break; case 2: $text_1 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT151")); $color1 = 'green'; break; } switch ($log['log_data'][12]) { case 0: $text_2 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")); $color2 = 'red'; break; case 1: $text_2 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT150")); $color2 = 'grey'; break; case 2: $text_2 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT151")); $color2 = 'green'; break; } switch ($log['log_data'][13]) { case 0: $text_3 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT149")); $color3 = 'red'; break; case 1: $text_3 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT150")); $color3 = 'grey'; break; case 2: $text_3 = constant($game->sprache("TEXT151")); $color3 = 'green'; break; } $game->out($log['log_data'][8] . '<br><br>' . $log['log_data'][9] . '<br><br> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=left width=200>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT146")) . '</td> <td align=left><font color=' . $color1 . '>' . $text_1 . '</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=left width=200>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT147")) . '</td> <td align=left><font color=' . $color2 . '>' . $text_2 . '</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=left width=200>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT148")) . '</td> <td align=left><font color=' . $color3 . '>' . $text_3 . '</font></td> </tr> </table>'); break; case 27: $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); $t_a_data = $log['log_data'][8]; switch ($t_a_data['mission_type']) { case 0: switch ($t_a_data['mission_result']) { case -1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT155"))); break; case -2: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT157"))); break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT156"))); break; default: $game->out('Illegal status code - report this as a bug'); break; } break; case 1: $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT158")) . ' ' . $t_a_data['user_mood']['value']); if (isset($t_a_data['user_mood']['alliance']) || isset($t_a_data['user_mood']['race'])) { if (!empty($t_a_data['user_mood']['alliance'])) { $game->out('<br>.... ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT163")) . ' ' . $t_a_data['user_mood']['alliance'] . '.'); } if (!empty($t_a_data['user_mood']['race'])) { $game->out('<br>.... ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT164")) . ' ' . $t_a_data['user_mood']['race'] . '.'); } } $game->out('<br><br>'); if (isset($t_a_data['toptenlist'][0])) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT159")) . '<br><br>'); foreach ($t_a_data['toptenlist'] as $other_user) { $game->out('<b>' . $other_user['user_name'] . '</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT160")) . ' ' . $other_user['mood_value'] . '.<br>'); } } break; } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> '); break; case 31: $ships =& $log['log_data'][8]; $wares =& $log['log_data'][9]; $planet_overloaded = $log['log_data'][10]; $push = $log['log_data'][11]; $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); if (!$push) { if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT59")) . ($planet_overloaded ? ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT60")) : '')); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT61")) . ($planet_overloaded ? ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT62")) : '')); } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ships); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $ships[$i][0] . ' (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$ships[$i][2]][$ships[$i][1]][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$ships[$i][2]][0] . '</i>)</td> <td>' . $ships[$i][3] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out(' </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT63")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT64")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); $wares_names = get_wares_by_id(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wares_names); ++$i) { if ($wares[$i] > 0) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $wares_names[$i] . '</td> <td>' . $wares[$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } } $game->out('</table><br>'); } else { if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT65"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT66"))); } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); } break; case 32: message(GENERAL, 'Fake fleets should not report a log entry', 'Entered $action == 32 case'); break; case 33: $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT67")) . '</td> </tr> </table> <br> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . ':</b><br> <a href="' . parse_link('a=ship_fleets_ops&ship_details=' . $log['log_data'][8]) . '">' . $log['log_data'][9] . '</a> (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$log['log_data'][11]][$log['log_data'][10]][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$log['log_data'][11]][0] . '</i>) <br> '); break; case 34: $ships =& $log['log_data'][8]; $unloaded_wares =& $log['log_data'][9]; $loaded_wares =& $log['log_data'][10]; $planet_overloaded = $log['log_data'][11]; // Shows communication of the action $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); if ($ldata['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT59")) . ($planet_overloaded ? ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT60")) : '')); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT61")) . ($planet_overloaded ? ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT62")) : '')); } // Shows number and type of ships involved $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ships); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $ships[$i][0] . ' (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$ships[$i][2]][$ships[$i][1]][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$ships[$i][2]][0] . '</i>)</td> <td>' . $ships[$i][3] . '</td> </tr> '); } // Shows unloaded goods $game->out(' </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT63")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT64")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); $wares_names = get_wares_by_id(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wares_names); ++$i) { if ($unloaded_wares[$i] > 0) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $wares_names[$i] . '</td> <td>' . $unloaded_wares[$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } } // Shows loaded goods $game->out(' </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT63")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT64a")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); $wares_names = get_wares_by_id(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wares_names); ++$i) { if ($loaded_wares[$i] > 0) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $wares_names[$i] . '</td> <td>' . $loaded_wares[$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } } $game->out('</table><br>'); break; case 40: case 41: case 42: case 46: case 51: case 54: case 99: case 55: $text =& $log['log_data'][10]; $a_fleets =& $log['log_data'][12]; $d_fleets =& $log['log_data'][13]; $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); if ($ldata['action_code'] == 99) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT68")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $log['log_data'][4]) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($log['log_data'][4]) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT70"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT68")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $log['log_data'][4]) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($log['log_data'][4]) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT71"))); } } if (isset($log['log_data'][16]) && $ldata['action_code'] != 99) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT72")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT73"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT72")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT74"))); } } else { switch ($ldata['action_code']) { case 40: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT75")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT76"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT75")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT77"))); } } else { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT78")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $log['log_data'][15]) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($log['log_data'][15]) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT79"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT78")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $log['log_data'][15]) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($log['log_data'][15]) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT80"))); } } break; case 41: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT81"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT82"))); } } else { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a>, ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT83"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT84"))); } } break; case 42: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT85"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT82"))); } } else { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a>, ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT83"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT86"))); } } break; case 46: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER && !$log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out('lose all'); } elseif ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_DEFENDER && $log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT87"))); } switch ($log['log_data'][17]) { // Colony ship not found case -2: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out('win fight, no colo ship'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT88"))); } break; // Attacker has lost ground battle // Attacker has lost ground battle case -1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out('win fight, lose infantery'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT89"))); } break; // Colonization was successful // Colonization was successful case 1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out('win all'); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT90"))); } break; } break; case 51: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT91"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT92"))); } } else { if ($log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a>, ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT83"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT93"))); } } break; case 54: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER && !$log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT92"))); } elseif ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_DEFENDER && $log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a>, ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT83"))); } switch ($log['log_data'][17]) { // No planetary weapons were available case -3: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT94"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT93"))); } break; case -2: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT95"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT96"))); } break; case -1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT97"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT93"))); } break; case 1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT98"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT99"))); } break; case 2: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT100"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT101"))); } break; } break; case 55: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER && !$log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT92"))); } elseif ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_DEFENDER && $log['log_data'][9]) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a>, ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT83"))); } switch ($log['log_data'][17]) { // Colony ship not found case -2: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT102"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT93"))); } break; // Attacker has lost ground battle // Attacker has lost ground battle case -1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT103"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT104"))); } break; // Colonization was successful // Colonization was successful case 1: if ($log['log_data'][8] == CWIN_ATTACKER) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT105"))); } else { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $ldata['user_id']) . '"><b>' . $game->uc_get($ldata['user_id']) . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT106"))); } break; } break; } } $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br><br>'); if (count($a_fleets) <= 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT107"))); } else { $game->out(' <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT108")) . '</b><br> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT109")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT110")) . '</b></td> <td width="50"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_fleets); $i++) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $a_fleets[$i]['fleet_name'] . '</td> <td>' . $a_fleets[$i]['owner_name'] . '</td> <td>' . $a_fleets[$i]['n_ships'] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br><br>'); } if (count($d_fleets) <= 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT111"))); } else { $game->out(' <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT112")) . '</b><br> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT109")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT110")) . '</b></td> <td width="50"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); for ($i = 0; $i < count($d_fleets); ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $d_fleets[$i]['fleet_name'] . '</td> <td>' . $d_fleets[$i]['owner_name'] . '</td> <td>' . $d_fleets[$i]['n_ships'] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br><br>'); } $game->out(' <br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>' . $text . '</td></tr></table>'); switch ($ldata['action_code']) { case 44: case 54: global $BUILDING_NAME, $NUM_BUILDING; if (!isset($log['log_data'][18])) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT113"))); } elseif (array_sum($log['log_data'][18]) == 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT113"))); } else { //Beginning troops bombs $game->out('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr><td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . '</b></td> <td width="150"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT114")) . '</b></td></tr>'); global $UNIT_NAME; $game->out('<tr><td width="200">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT115")) . '</td><td width="150">' . $log['log_data'][18][0] . '</td></tr>'); $truppen_bomben = 0; for ($i = 13; $i < 19; ++$i) { if ($log['log_data'][18][$i] > 0) { $game->out('<tr><td width="200">' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$truppen_bomben] . '</td> <td width="150">' . $log['log_data'][18][$i] . '</td></tr>'); } $truppen_bomben++; } //End troops bombs $game->out(' <tr><td><br></td><td></td></tr> <tr> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT116")) . '</b></td> <td width="150"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); // $NUM_BUILDING = the largest index for ($i = 1; $i <= $NUM_BUILDING; ++$i) { if ($log['log_data'][18][$i] > 0) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $BUILDING_NAME[$log['log_data'][19]][$i - 1] . '</td> <td>-' . $log['log_data'][18][$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } } $game->out('</table><br>'); } if ($log['log_data'][20][0] > 0) { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT117")) . '</b></td> <td width="150"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); global $UNIT_NAME; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($log['log_data'][20][$i] > 0) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $UNIT_NAME[6][$i] . '</td> <td>-' . $log['log_data'][20][$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } } $game->out('</table><br>'); } break; case 45: case 46: case 55: if (isset($log['log_data'][18])) { if (array_sum($log['log_data'][18]) == 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT118"))); } else { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td width="215"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . '</b></td> <td width="150"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT119")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); global $UNIT_NAME; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][$i] . '</td> <td>' . $log['log_data'][18][$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } if (isset($log['log_data'][18][4])) { $game->out(' <tr> <td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT115")) . '</i></td> <td>' . $log['log_data'][18][4] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } } if (isset($log['log_data'][19])) { if (array_sum($log['log_data'][19]) == 0) { $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT118a"))); } else { $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td width="215"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . '</b></td> <td width="150"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT119")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); global $UNIT_NAME; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $UNIT_NAME[$log['log_data'][20]][$i] . '</td> <td>' . $log['log_data'][19][$i] . '</td> </tr> '); } if (isset($log['log_data'][19][4])) { $game->out(' <tr> <td><i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT115")) . '</i></td> <td>' . $log['log_data'][19][4] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); } } break; } break; case 100: // AY-Fleet Report $game->out(' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="65" valign="top"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . ' </b></td> <td width="385"> '); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT215")) . '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ship_fleets_display&pfleet_details=' . $log['log_data'][8]) . '"> <b>' . $log['log_data'][9] . '</b></a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT216")) . '<a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $log['log_data'][1]) . '"> <b>' . $log['log_data'][12] . '</b> </a> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT217")) . '<b>' . $log['log_data'][6] . '</b>. ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT218"))); $game->out(' </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="350"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT54")) . '</b></td> <td width="100"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</b></td> </tr> '); foreach ($log['log_data'][11] as $ship_report) { $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $ship_report['name'] . ' (<i>' . $SHIP_TORSO[$ship_report['race']][$ship_report['ship_torso']][29] . '</i>, <i>' . $RACE_DATA[$ship_report['race']][0] . '</i>)</td> <td>' . $ship_report['n_ships'] . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table><br>'); break; default: message(GENERAL, 'Unknown action code in logbook_tactical.php', '$ldata[\'action_data\'] = ' . $ldata['action_code']); break; } $game->out('</td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); }
<b>' . $RACE_DATA[$ship['race']][0] . '</b><br><br> <b>' . $ship['ship_name'] . '</b><br> <b>' . $ship['ship_ncc'] . '</b><br> <b>' . date('d/m/y H:i:s', $ship['construction_time']) . '</b><br><br> <b>' . (!empty($ship['last_refit_time']) ? date('d/m/y H:i:s', $ship['last_refit_time']) : constant($game->sprache("TEXT58"))) . '</b><br> <b>(' . $ship['hitpoints'] . '</b> / <b>' . $ship['value_5'] . ')</b> + <b><span style="color: yellow">' . $buff_value_5 . '</span></b><br> <b>' . $ship['value_4'] . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . $buff_value_4 . '</span></b><br><br> <b>' . (intval($ship['awayteam']) == 0 ? ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($ship['awayteamplanet_id'])) . '"><b>' . $ship['mission_planet_name'] . '</b></a> ' : intval($ship['awayteam'])) . '</b><br><br> <b><span style="color: yellow">' . $ship['experience'] . '</span></b> <img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'rank_' . $rank_nr . '.jpg" width="47" height="12"><br><br> <b>(' . ($ship['value_1'] + $buff_value_1) . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . round(($ship['value_1'] + $buff_value_1) * $ship_rank_bonus[$rank_nr - 1], 0) . '</span>)</b> x<b><span style="color: yellow">' . $rof . '</span></b><br> <b>(' . ($ship['value_2'] + $buff_value_2) . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . round(($ship['value_2'] + $buff_value_2) * $ship_rank_bonus[$rank_nr - 1], 0) . '</span>)</b> x<b><span style="color: yellow">' . $rof2 . '</span></b><br> <b>' . ($ship['value_3'] + $buff_value_3) . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . round(($ship['value_3'] + $buff_value_3) * $ship_rank_bonus[$rank_nr - 1], 0) . '</span></b><br> <b>' . $ship['torp'] . ' / ' . $ship['max_torp'] . '</b><br><br> <b>' . ($ship['value_6'] + $buff_value_6) . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . round(($ship['value_6'] + $buff_value_6) * $ship_rank_bonus[$rank_nr - 1], 0) . '</span></b><br> <b>' . $ship['value_7'] . ' + <span style="color: yellow">' . round($ship['value_7'] * $ship_rank_bonus[$rank_nr - 1], 0) . '</span></b><br>
VALUES (' . $game->player['user_id'] . ', 0, 0, ' . $planet_id . ', ' . $planet_id . ', 0, 0, 0, ' . $ACTUAL_TICK . ', ' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + 1) . ', ' . $n_ships . ', 24, "' . serialize(array($ship_id, $is_terraform, $is_settler)) . '")'; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not insert new movement data'); } $new_move_id = $db->insert_id(); if (empty($new_move_id)) { message(GENERAL, 'Could not obtain new move id', '$new_move_id = empty'); } $sql = 'UPDATE ship_fleets SET planet_id = 0, move_id = ' . $new_move_id . ' WHERE fleet_id IN (' . implode(',', $fleet_ids) . ')'; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update fleets location data'); } redirect('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet_id)); break; case 'colo_setup': if ($game->SITTING_MODE) { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT52"))); } if ($atkptc_present) { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT53"))); } if (!$free_planet) { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT54"))); } if (!$planetary_dest) { message(NOTICE, constant($game->sprache("TEXT55"))); } if (!$in_colo) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $game->out('<tr>'); // Name $game->out('<td width="20%"><a href="' . parse_link('a=settlers&detail=' . encode_planet_id($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_id'])) . '">' . $sett_diplo[$i]['planet_name'] . '</a></td>'); // Position $game->out('<td width="20%"><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_id'])) . '">' . $game->get_sector_name($sett_diplo[$i]['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($sett_diplo[$i]['system_x'], $sett_diplo[$i]['system_y']) . ':' . ($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</a></td>'); // Class $game->out('<td width="10%">' . strtoupper($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_type']) . '</td>'); // Mood $game->out('<td width="20%"><span style="color: ' . ($game->player['user_id'] == $sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood_user'] || $sett_diplo[$i]['mood'] > $sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood'] ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $sett_diplo[$i]['mood'] . '</span></td>'); // Linked planet if ($sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood_user'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $game->out('<td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tr>'); is_null($sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood_planet']) ? $_linked_planet = constant($game->sprache("TEXT15")) : ($_linked_planet = $sett_diplo[$i]['target_planet_name']); is_null($sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood_planet']) ? $txt_button = constant($game->sprache("TEXT16")) : ($txt_button = constant($game->sprache("TEXT17"))); $game->out('<td width="70%" align="left">' . $_linked_planet . '</td><td width="30%" align="right"><input class="Button_nosize" onclick="document.controller.data1.value=\'' . encode_planet_id($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_id']) . '\'; document.controller.data2.value=\'' . $txt_button . '\'" type="submit" name="switch_button" value="' . $txt_button . '"></td>'); $game->out('</tr></table>'); } else { $game->out('<td align="left">------------</td>'); } $game->out('</tr>'); } $game->out(' </table></td></tr></form></table> '); } elseif ($sub_action == constant($game->sprache("TEXT30"))) { // New Settlers Colony Detail panel $watch_on_planet = false; // Step 1: Loading planet $sql = 'SELECT planet_name FROM planets
$sql = 'SELECT timestamp FROM starsystems_details sd INNER JOIN planets p USING ( system_id ) WHERE p.planet_id = ' . $fleet['dest'] . ' AND sd.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if (($_temp = $db->queryrow($sql)) == true && !empty($_temp['timestamp'])) { $system_known = true; } } if ($system_known) { $dest_name = addslashes($fleet['dest_planet_name']); $dest_owner = !empty($fleet['dest_owner_id']) ? constant($game->sprache("TEXT72")) . ' <b>' . $fleet['dest_owner_name'] . '</b>' : constant($game->sprache("TEXT73")); $dest_class = strtoupper($fleet['dest_planet_type']); } else { $dest_name = '«' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT56")) . '»'; $dest_owner = constant($game->sprache("TEXT72")) . ' <b>«' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT56")) . '»</b>'; $dest_class = '«' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT77")) . '»'; } $dest_planet_str = overlib($game->get_sector_name($fleet['dest_sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($fleet['dest_system_x'], $fleet['dest_system_y']) . ':' . ($fleet['dest_distance_id'] + 1), '<b>' . $dest_name . '</b><br>' . $dest_owner . '<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT74")) . ' <b>' . $dest_class . '</b>', parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($fleet['dest']))); $ticks_left = $fleet['move_finish'] - $ACTUAL_TICK; if ($ticks_left < 0) { $ticks_left = 0; } $location_str = $start_planet_str . ' -> ' . $dest_planet_str . ' (' . ($i < 10 ? '<b id="timer' . $i . '" title="time1_' . ($ticks_left * TICK_DURATION * 60 + $NEXT_TICK) . '_type2_2"> </b>' : '<b>' . format_time($ticks_left * TICK_DURATION) . '</b>') . ')'; ++$i; } else { $sql = 'UPDATE ship_fleets SET planet_id = ' . $game->player['user_capital'] . ', move_id = 0 WHERE fleet_id = ' . $fleet['fleet_id']; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update fleets location data'); } $INVALID_FLEET_POSITION = true;
$attacked_user = array($move['dest_user_id'], $move['dest_user_name'], $move['dest_alliance_id'], $move['dest_alliance_tag']); // With 51 also a free fleet could be attacked if ($move['action_code'] == 51) { $action_data = (array) unserialize($move['action_data']); if (!empty($action_data[0])) { $user_id = (int) $action_data[0]; $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, a.alliance_id, a.alliance_tag FROM (user u) LEFT JOIN (alliance a) ON a.alliance_id = u.user_alliance WHERE u.user_id = ' . $user_id; if (($user = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query user/alliance data'); } if (!empty($user['user_id'])) { $attacked_user = array($user_id, $user['user_name'], $user['alliance_id'], $user['alliance_tag']); } } } $game->out(' <tr> <td><a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $move['start_user_id']) . '">' . $move['start_user_name'] . '</a></td> <td><a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $attacked_user[0]) . '">' . $attacked_user[1] . '</a>' . (!empty($attacked_user[2]) ? ' [<a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewalliance&id=' . $attacked_user[2]) . '">' . $attacked_user[3] . '</a>]' : '') . '</td> <td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['dest'])) . '">' . $move['dest_planet_name'] . '</a></td> <td>' . $move['n_ships'] . '</td> <td>' . $commands[$move['action_code']] . '</td> <td>' . format_time(($move['move_finish'] - $ACTUAL_TICK) * TICK_DURATION) . '</td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table></td></tr></table><br></td></tr></table>');
function Show_Settlers() { global $db; global $game; global $config; // Men BASIC Show_Main(); if (($user = $db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id="' . INDEPENDENT_USERID . '" LIMIT 1')) === false) { $game->out('<span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' (id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . '</span>'); } else { $game->out(' <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 wisth="450" class="style_outer" align="center"> <tr> <td> <center><span class="caption">' . $user['user_name'] . '</span></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=450 class ="style_inner"> <tr>'); //avatar: if (!empty($user['user_avatar'])) { $info = getimagesize_remote($user['user_avatar']); if ($info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0 && $info[0] <= 150 && $info[1] <= 250) { $game->out('<td width=' . $info[0] . '><img src="' . $user['user_avatar'] . '"></td><td width=25></td><td width=425-' . $info[0] . ' valign=top>'); } else { if ($info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0) { $width = 150; $height = 150; if ($info[0] > $info[1]) { $height = 150 * ($info[1] / $info[0]); } else { $width = 150 * ($info[0] / $info[1]); } $game->out('<td width=' . $width . '><img src="' . $user['user_avatar'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></td><td width=25></td><td width=425-' . $width . ' valign=top>'); } else { $game->out('<td width=200></td><td width=250 valign=top>'); } } } else { $game->out('<td width=200></td><td width=250 valign=top>'); } $rasse = $RACE_DATA[$user['user_race']][0]; $planets = $db->queryrow('SELECT count(planet_id) AS num FROM planets WHERE planet_owner="' . $user['user_id'] . '"'); $game->out(' <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width=70><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . '</b></span></td> <td width=150><span class="text_large">' . $planets['num'] . '</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); $_link_image = '<a href="usermap.php?user='******'user_name'] . '&size=6&map" target=_blank><img src="usermap.php?user='******'user_name'] . '&size=1" border=0></a>'; $game->out(' <br> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_outer"> <tr> <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52")) . '</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td align="center">' . $_link_image . '</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); $game->out(' <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_outer"> <tr> <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT53")) . '</span></td> </tr>'); $game->out(' <tr> <td align="center"> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT99")) . '</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width=80><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . '</td> <td width=200><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</td> <td width=60><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT102")) . '</td> <td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</td> </tr> '); $sql_pl = 'SELECT pl.planet_id, pl.planet_name, pl.best_mood, pl.best_mood_user, pl.sector_id, pl.planet_distance_id, pl.planet_type, sys.system_x, sys.system_y FROM (planets pl) INNER JOIN (starsystems sys) USING (system_id) INNER JOIN (starsystems_details sd) ON pl.system_id = sd.system_id AND sd.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' WHERE pl.planet_owner = "' . INDEPENDENT_USERID . '" AND pl.planet_type IN ("a","b","c","d","m","o","p") GROUP BY pl.planet_id ORDER BY pl.sector_id, pl.system_id, pl.planet_name'; $planetquery = $db->query($sql_pl); $numero_righe = $db->num_rows($planetquery); if ($numero_righe == 0) { $game->out('<tr><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td></tr>'); } else { $sett_diplo = $db->fetchrowset($planetquery); foreach ($sett_diplo as $planet) { $game->out('<tr><td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '">'); if ($planet['planet_name'] == "") { $planet['planet_name'] = "(<i>" . constant($game->sprache("TEXT40")) . "</i>)"; } $game->out($planet['planet_name'] . '</a></td>'); // Insane number of SELECT $sql = 'SELECT SUM(mood_modifier) as mood FROM settlers_relations WHERE planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; $u_m = $db->queryrow($sql); if (isset($u_m['mood']) && !empty($u_m['mood'])) { $user_mood = $u_m['mood']; $game->out('<td><span style="color: ' . ($game->player['user_id'] == $planet['best_mood_user'] || $user_mood > $planet['best_mood'] ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $user_mood . '</span></td>'); } else { $game->out('<td>---</td>'); } $game->out('<td>' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</td></tr>'); } } $game->out(' </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT100")) . '</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width=80><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . '</td> <td width=200><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</td> <td width=60><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT102")) . '</td> <td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</td> </tr>'); $sql_pl = 'SELECT pl.planet_id, pl.planet_name, pl.best_mood, pl.best_mood_user, pl.sector_id, pl.planet_distance_id, pl.planet_type, sys.system_x, sys.system_y FROM (planets pl) INNER JOIN (starsystems sys) USING (system_id) INNER JOIN (starsystems_details sd) ON pl.system_id = sd.system_id AND sd.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' WHERE pl.planet_owner = "' . INDEPENDENT_USERID . '" AND pl.planet_type IN ("h","n","k","l","e","f","g") GROUP BY pl.planet_id ORDER BY pl.sector_id, pl.system_id, pl.planet_name'; $planetquery = $db->query($sql_pl); $numero_righe = $db->num_rows($planetquery); if ($numero_righe == 0) { $game->out('<tr><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td></tr>'); } else { $sett_diplo = $db->fetchrowset($planetquery); foreach ($sett_diplo as $planet) { $game->out('<tr><td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '">'); if ($planet['planet_name'] == "") { $planet['planet_name'] = "(<i>" . constant($game->sprache("TEXT40")) . "</i>)"; } $game->out($planet['planet_name'] . '</a></td>'); // Insane number of SELECT $sql = 'SELECT SUM(mood_modifier) as mood FROM settlers_relations WHERE planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; $u_m = $db->queryrow($sql); if (isset($u_m['mood']) && !empty($u_m['mood'])) { $user_mood = $u_m['mood']; $game->out('<td><span style="color: ' . ($game->player['user_id'] == $planet['best_mood_user'] || $user_mood > $planet['best_mood'] ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $user_mood . '</span></td>'); } else { $game->out('<td>---</td>'); } $game->out('<td>' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</td></tr>'); } } $game->out(' </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT101")) . '</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="450" class="style_inner"> <tr> <td width=80><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . '</td> <td width=200><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</td> <td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT102")) . '</td> <td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '</td> </tr>'); $sql_pl = 'SELECT pl.planet_id, pl.planet_name, pl.best_mood, pl.best_mood_user, pl.sector_id, pl.planet_distance_id, pl.planet_type, sys.system_x, sys.system_y FROM (planets pl) INNER JOIN (starsystems sys) USING (system_id) INNER JOIN (starsystems_details sd) ON pl.system_id = sd.system_id AND sd.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' WHERE pl.planet_owner = "' . INDEPENDENT_USERID . '" AND pl.planet_type IN ("i","j","s","t","x","y") GROUP BY pl.planet_id ORDER BY pl.sector_id, pl.system_id, pl.planet_name'; $planetquery = $db->query($sql_pl); $numero_righe = $db->num_rows($planetquery); if ($numero_righe == 0) { $game->out('<tr><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td></tr>'); } else { $sett_diplo = $db->fetchrowset($planetquery); foreach ($sett_diplo as $planet) { $game->out('<tr><td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '">'); if ($planet['planet_name'] == "") { $planet['planet_name'] = "(<i>" . constant($game->sprache("TEXT40")) . "</i>)"; } $game->out($planet['planet_name'] . '</a></td>'); // Insane number of SELECT $sql = 'SELECT SUM(mood_modifier) as mood FROM settlers_relations WHERE planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; $u_m = $db->queryrow($sql); if (isset($u_m['mood']) && !empty($u_m['mood'])) { $user_mood = $u_m['mood']; $game->out('<td><span style="color: ' . ($game->player['user_id'] == $planet['best_mood_user'] || $user_mood > $planet['best_mood'] ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $user_mood . '</span></td>'); } else { $game->out('<td>---</td>'); } $game->out('<td>' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</td></tr>'); } } $game->out(' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'); } }
function display() { global $db, $NEXT_TICK, $BUILDING_NAME, $RACE_DATA, $UNIT_NAME, $TECH_NAME, $SHIP_NAME, $MAX_POINTS; /* 01/02/08 - AC: Initialize this ALSO if user is not STGC_DEVELOPER... */ $banner = ''; if ($this->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_DEVELOPER) { $banner = '<center><img border="0" src="' . FIXED_GFX_PATH . '../stgcbanner2.jpg" valign="top"></center>'; } echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>' . GetTabbyAction($_GET['a']) . ' - Star Trek: Frontline Combat 2</title> <meta name="Content-Language" content="' . $this->player['language'] . '"> <meta name="description" content="ST: Frontline Combat is a free browser based multiplayer game, take the role of different races and peoples of the universe and rewrite history."> <meta name="keywords" content="star trek, startrek, galaxy, conquest, universe, game, gratis, kostenlos, spiel, multiplayer, strategy, strategie, onlinegame, bbg, free, browser, based, galaxie, universum, klingon, klingonen, federation, föderation"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="author" content="Florian Brede & Philipp Schmidt"> <meta name="publisher" content="Florian Brede & Philipp Schmidt"> <meta name="copyright" content="Paramount Pic., Brede, Schmidt"> <meta name="page-topic" content="Star Trek Online Game"> <meta name="date" content="2008-11-27"> <meta name="page-type" content="game"> <meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow"> <meta name="revisit-after" content="10"> '; if ($this->auto_refresh > 0) { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $this->auto_refresh . '; URL=index.php?a=' . $this->current_module . '">'; } // Check presence of localized javascript if (file_exists('stgc2_' . $this->player['language'] . '.js')) { $stgcjs = 'stgc2_' . $this->player['language'] . '.js'; } else { $stgcjs = 'stgc2_ENG.js'; } echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="' . $this->player['user_jspath'] . $stgcjs . '"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="' . $this->player['user_jspath'] . 'overlib.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="' . $this->player['user_jspath'] . 'popup.js"></script> ' . NL . NL; if (!strpos($this->game_html, 'function mOver(')) { echo ' <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- function mOver(Item) {"#33355E";"hand";"pointer"; } function mOut(Item) {"#121536"; } //--> </script> '; } if ($this->player['user_hidenotepad'] == 0) { $notepad_html = ' <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] != 0 ? '' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] + 35) . 'px' : '335px') . '" class="border_grey"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] != 0 ? '' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] + 30) . 'px' : '330px') . '"> <tr> <td align="center" width="' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] != 0 ? '' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] + 30) . 'px' : '330px') . '"> <form method="post" action="submit_notepad.php" target="_blank"> <table width="' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] != 0 ? '' . $this->player['notepad_width'] . 'px' : '300px') . '" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left">' . constant($this->sprache("NOTEPAD")) . '</td> <td width="50%" align="right"><a href="index.php?hide_notepad=1"><b>' . constant($this->sprache("NOTEHIDE")) . '</b></a></td> </tr> <tr height="5"><td></td> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2"> <textarea name="user_notepad" class="textfield" style="width: ' . ($this->player['notepad_width'] != 0 ? '' . $this->player['notepad_width'] . 'px' : '300px') . ';" rows="' . ($this->player['notepad_cols'] != 0 ? '' . $this->player['notepad_cols'] . '' : '13') . '">' . $this->player['user_notepad'] . '</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr height="10"><td></td></tr> </table> <input type="submit" name="Update" class="button_nosize" width=45 value="' . constant($this->sprache("NOTESAVE")) . '"> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> '; } else { $notepad_html = ' <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="305" background="' . $this->GFX_PATH . 'template_bg3.jpg" class="border_grey"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="300"> <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="index.php?show_notepad=1"><b>' . constant($this->sprache("NOTESHOW")) . '</b></a> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> '; } $planets_option_html = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->player['planets']); ++$i) { $planets_option_html .= '<option value="' . $this->player['planets'][$i]['planet_id'] . '"' . ($this->player['planets'][$i]['planet_id'] == $this->planet['planet_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . ($this->player['planets'][$i]['planet_id'] == $this->planet['planet_id'] ? '->' : '') . ' ' . $this->player['planets'][$i]['planet_name'] . '</option>' . NL; } $anzahl_truppen = $db->queryrow('SELECT unit_1, unit_2, unit_3, unit_4, unit_5, unit_6 FROM `FHB_Handels_Lager` LIMIT 1'); // Retrieve alliance information only if an alliance exists if ($this->player['user_alliance'] != 0) { $alliance_hp = $db->queryrow('SELECT alliance_homepage AS hp FROM alliance WHERE alliance_id=' . $this->player['user_alliance']); // 21/02/08 - AC: Check if alliance homepage is empty if ($alliance_hp['hp'] == '') { $alliance_hp_var = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=alliance_board') . '">' . constant($this->sprache("ALLYFORUM")) . '</a><br>'; } else { if (stripos($alliance_hp['hp'], "http://") == false) { $alliance_hp['hp'] = 'http://' . $alliance_hp['hp']; } $alliance_hp_var = '<a href="' . $alliance_hp['hp'] . '" target="_blank">' . constant($this->sprache("ALLYFORUM")) . '</a><br>'; } } else { // 27/08/12 - AC: These variables must be initialized for some skins. $alliance_hp_var = ''; $alliance_hp['hp'] = ''; } // 01/02/08 - AC: Check if data is valid! if ($anzahl_truppen == null) { $anzahl_truppen['unit_1'] = '0'; $anzahl_truppen['unit_2'] = '0'; $anzahl_truppen['unit_3'] = '0'; $anzahl_truppen['unit_4'] = '0'; $anzahl_truppen['unit_5'] = '0'; $anzahl_truppen['unit_6'] = '0'; } $truppen_hz = 'Truppen zum Verkauf:<br> <li>Lv1: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_1'] . '</li><li>Lv2: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_2'] . '</li><li>Lv3: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_3'] . '</li><li>Lv4: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_4'] . '</li><li>Lv5: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_5'] . '</li><li>Lv6: ' . $anzahl_truppen['unit_6'] . '</li>'; if ($this->player['skin_farbe'] == null) { $this->player['skin_farbe'] = "#283359"; } /* 17/03/08 - AC: Add Trade Center link highlighting if auctions are presents */ global $ACTUAL_TICK; $highlight_trade = false; $num_auctions = $db->queryrow('SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM ship_trade WHERE scheduler_processed=0 AND start_time<=' . $ACTUAL_TICK . ' AND end_time>=' . $ACTUAL_TICK . ''); if ($num_auctions['anzahl'] > 0 && $this->player['user_points'] >= MIN_POINTS_AUCTIONS) { $highlight_trade = true; } $template_vars = array('GFX_PATH' => $this->GFX_PATH, 'Lv1_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_1'], 'Lv2_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_2'], 'Lv3_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_3'], 'Lv4_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_4'], 'Lv5_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_5'], 'Lv6_Handel' => $anzahl_truppen['unit_6'], 'U_LOGOUT' => parse_link('stgc_logout=1'), 'B_STATS' => constant($this->sprache("STATS")), 'B_FAQ' => constant($this->sprache("FAQ")), 'B_IMPRINT' => constant($this->sprache("IMPRINT")), 'B_DONATIONS' => constant($this->sprache("DONATIONS")), 'B_COMMAND' => constant($this->sprache("BCOMMAND")), 'T_COLONY' => constant($this->sprache("TCOLONY")), 'T_COMMAND' => constant($this->sprache("TCOMMAND")), 'T_DATABASE' => constant($this->sprache("TDATABASE")), 'T_GENERAL' => constant($this->sprache("TGENERAL")), 'T_NEXTTICK' => constant($this->sprache("TNEXTTICK")), 'T_SITTING' => constant($this->sprache("TSITTING")), 'B_OVERVIEW' => constant($this->sprache("BOVERVIEW")), 'T_HELLO' => constant($this->sprache("THELLO")), 'T_ALLIANCE' => constant($this->sprache("TALLIANCE")), 'T_POINTS' => constant($this->sprache("TPOINTS")), 'T_RANK' => constant($this->sprache("TRANK")), 'T_CLASS' => constant($this->sprache("TCLASS")), 'T_POSITION' => constant($this->sprache("TPOSITION")), 'T_PL_POINTS' => constant($this->sprache("TPL_POINTS")), 'T_TROOPSXSEC' => constant($this->sprache("TTROOPSXSEC")), 'T_AVOIDREBEL' => constant($this->sprache("TAVOIDREBEL")), 'T_TROOPS' => constant($this->sprache("TTROOPS")), 'T_FLEETS' => constant($this->sprache("TFLEETS")), 'STARDATE' => $this->config['stardate'], 'skin_farbe' => $this->player['skin_farbe'], 'U_HEADQUARTER' => parse_link('a=headquarter'), 'L_HEADQUARTER' => $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][0], 'U_BUILDINGS' => parse_link('a=building'), 'L_BUILDINGS' => constant($this->sprache("BUILDINGS")), 'U_RESEARCH' => parse_link('a=researchlabs'), 'L_RESEARCH' => $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][8], 'U_SPACEDOCK' => parse_link('a=spacedock'), 'L_SPACEDOCK' => $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][6], 'U_SHIPYARD' => parse_link('a=shipyard'), 'L_SHIPYARD' => $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][7], 'U_SHIPTEMPLATE' => parse_link('a=ship_template'), 'L_SHIPTEMPLATE' => constant($this->sprache("SHIPTEMPLATES")), 'U_ACADEMY' => parse_link('a=academy'), 'L_ACADEMY' => $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][5], 'U_MINES' => parse_link('a=mines'), 'L_MINES' => constant($this->sprache("MINES")), 'U_TRADE' => parse_link('a=trade'), 'L_TRADE' => $highlight_trade ? '<span style="color: #FFFF00; font-weight: bold;">' . $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][10] . '</span>' : '' . $BUILDING_NAME[$this->player['user_race']][10] . '', 'U_PLANETLIST' => parse_link('a=planetlist'), 'L_PLANETLIST' => constant($this->sprache("PLANETS")), 'U_FLEETS' => parse_link('a=ship_fleets_display'), 'L_FLEETS' => constant($this->sprache("FLEETS")), 'U_TACTICAL' => parse_link('a=tactical_cartography'), 'L_TACTICAL' => constant($this->sprache("TACTIC")), 'U_SENSORS' => parse_link('a=tactical_sensors'), 'L_SENSORS' => constant($this->sprache("SENSORS")), 'U_SHIPMOVES' => parse_link('a=tactical_moves'), 'L_SHIPMOVES' => constant($this->sprache("SHIPMOVES")), 'U_BUYTROOPS' => parse_link('a=trade&view=trade_buy_truppen'), 'L_BUYTROOPS' => constant($this->sprache("BUYTROOPS")), 'U_ALLYTACTIC' => parse_link('a=alliance_attack'), 'L_ALLYTACTIC' => constant($this->sprache("ALLYTACTIC")), 'U_ALLYTAXES' => parse_link('a=alliance_taxes'), 'L_ALLYTAXES' => constant($this->sprache("ALLYTAXES")), 'U_DIPLOMACY' => parse_link('a=user_diplomacy'), 'L_DIPLOMACY' => constant($this->sprache("DIPLOMACY")), 'U_ALLIANCE' => parse_link('a=alliance_main'), 'L_ALLIANCE' => constant($this->sprache("ALLIANCE")), 'HP_Alliance' => $alliance_hp['hp'], 'HP_Alliance_z' => $alliance_hp_var, 'U_DATABASE' => parse_link('a=database'), 'L_DATABASE' => constant($this->sprache("GENERAL")), 'U_LOGBOOK' => parse_link('a=logbook'), 'L_LOGBOOK' => $this->player['unread_log_entries'] > 0 ? '<span style="color: #FFFF00; font-weight: bold;">' . constant($this->sprache("LOGBOOK")) . '</span>' : '' . constant($this->sprache("LOGBOOK")) . '', 'U_MESSAGES' => parse_link('a=messages'), 'L_MESSAGES' => $this->player['unread_messages'] > 0 ? '<span style="color: #FFFF00; font-weight: bold;">' . constant($this->sprache("MESSAGES")) . '</span>' : '' . constant($this->sprache("MESSAGES")) . '', 'U_PORTAL' => parse_link('a=portal'), 'L_PORTAL' => constant($this->sprache("PORTAL")), 'U_STATS' => parse_link('a=stats'), 'L_STATS' => constant($this->sprache("RANKINGS")), 'U_SETTINGS' => parse_link('a=settings'), 'L_SETTINGS' => constant($this->sprache("SETTINGS")), 'U_HELP' => parse_link('a=help'), 'L_HELP' => constant($this->sprache("HELP")), 'HZ_Truppen' => $truppen_hz, 'U_SUPPORT' => '', 'L_SUPPORT' => '', 'U_SUPPORTCENTER' => '', 'L_SUPPORTCENTER' => '', 'U_ADMINPANEL' => $this->player['user_auth_level'] == STGC_SUPPORTER ? parse_link('a=modcenter') : parse_link('a=tools/index'), 'L_ADMINPANEL' => $this->player['user_auth_level'] == STGC_SUPPORTER ? 'Modcenter' : 'Admin Panel', 'U_PLANETSWITCH' => parse_link('a=' . $this->current_module), 'PLANET_SWITCH_HTML' => $planets_option_html, 'NEXT_TICK_HTML' => '<b id="timer1" title="time1_' . $NEXT_TICK . '_type1_4"> </b>', 'USER_NAME' => $this->player['user_name'], 'USER_RACE' => $this->player['user_race'], 'USER_POINTS' => $this->player['user_points'], 'USER_RANKPOS' => $this->player['user_rank_points'], 'USER_RANK' => 0, 'USER_PLANETS' => $this->player['user_planets'], 'USER_HONOR' => $this->player['user_honor'], 'USER_RANKPOS_PLANETS' => $this->player['user_rank_planets'], 'USER_RANKPOS_HONOR' => $this->player['user_rank_honor'], 'ALLIANCE_NAME' => $this->player['alliance_name'], 'ALLIANCE_TAG' => $this->player['alliance_tag'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_NAME' => $this->planet['planet_name'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_ALTNAME' => $this->planet['planet_altname'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_TYPE' => strtoupper($this->planet['planet_type']), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_POINTS' => $this->planet['planet_points'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_POSITION' => '', 'ACTIVE_PLANET_ID' => encode_planet_id($this->planet['planet_id']), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MAXRES' => $this->planet['max_resources'] >= 100000 ? round($this->planet['max_resources'] / 1000) . 'k' : round($this->planet['max_resources'], 0), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MAXWORKER' => $this->planet['max_worker'] >= 100000 ? round($this->planet['max_worker'] / 1000) . 'k' : round($this->planet['max_worker'], 0), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_METAL' => $this->planet['resource_1'] >= 100000 ? round($this->planet['resource_1'] / 1000) . 'k' : round($this->planet['resource_1'], 0), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MINERALS' => $this->planet['resource_2'] >= 100000 ? round($this->planet['resource_2'] / 1000) . 'k' : round($this->planet['resource_2'], 0), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_LATINUM' => $this->planet['resource_3'] >= 100000 ? round($this->planet['resource_3'] / 1000) . 'k' : round($this->planet['resource_3'], 0), 'ACTIVE_PLANET_WORKER' => round($this->planet['resource_4'], 0) . ' (+' . round($this->planet['add_4'], 1) . ')', 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MAXTROOPS' => $this->planet['max_units'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MAXUNITS' => $this->planet['max_units'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT1' => $this->planet['unit_1'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT2' => $this->planet['unit_2'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT3' => $this->planet['unit_3'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT4' => $this->planet['unit_4'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT5' => $this->planet['unit_5'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNIT6' => $this->planet['unit_6'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_UNITS' => $this->planet['unit_1'] * 2 + $this->planet['unit_2'] * 3 + $this->planet['unit_3'] * 4 + $this->planet['unit_4'] * 4 + $this->planet['unit_5'] * 4 + $this->planet['unit_6'] * 4, 'ACTIVE_PLANET_STRENGTH' => $this->planet['unit_1'] * 2 + $this->planet['unit_2'] * 3 + $this->planet['unit_3'] * 4 + $this->planet['unit_4'] * 4, 'ACTIVE_PLANET_TROOPS' => $this->planet['unit_1'] * 2 + $this->planet['unit_2'] * 3 + $this->planet['unit_3'] * 4 + $this->planet['unit_4'] * 4, 'ACTIVE_PLANET_STRENGTH_REQUIRED' => $this->planet['min_troops_required'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_TROOPS_REQUIRED' => $this->planet['min_troops_required'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_ORBITALDEFENSE' => $this->planet['building_10'], 'ACTIVE_PLANET_ATTACKED' => $this->planet['planet_next_attack'] > 0 ? '<a href="index.php?a=tactical_sensors"><img src="' . $this->GFX_PATH . 'menu_attack_small.gif" border=0></a>' : '', 'ACTIVE_PLANET_GFX' => FIXED_GFX_PATH . 'planet_type_' . $this->planet['planet_type'] . '.png', 'ACTIVE_PLANET_MAXPOINTS' => $this->player['user_capital'] == $this->planet['planet_id'] ? $MAX_POINTS[1] : $MAX_POINTS[0], 'GAME_HTML' => &$this->game_html, 'NOTEPAD_HTML' => &$notepad_html, 'B_REGISTRATION' => constant($this->sprache("BREGISTRATION")), 'T_WELCOME' => constant($this->sprache("TWELCOME")), 'T_STARDATE' => constant($this->sprache("TSTARDATE")), 'T_RESOURCES' => constant($this->sprache("TRESOURCES")), 'T_TACTIC' => constant($this->sprache("TACTIC")), 'T_SECURITY' => constant($this->sprache("TSECURITY")), 'T_REQUIRED' => constant($this->sprache("TREQUIRED")), 'T_DEFENSE' => constant($this->sprache("TDEFENSE")), 'T_LEVEL1' => constant($this->sprache("TLEVEL1")), 'T_LEVEL2' => constant($this->sprache("TLEVEL2")), 'T_LEVEL3' => constant($this->sprache("TLEVEL3")), 'T_COMMANDERS' => constant($this->sprache("TCOMMANDERS")), 'T_TECHNICIANS' => constant($this->sprache("TTECHNICIANS")), 'T_PHYSICIANS' => constant($this->sprache("TPHYSICIANS")), 'T_WORKERS' => constant($this->sprache("TWORKERS")), 'T_CAP_ADMIRAL' => constant($this->sprache("TCAP_ADMIRAL")), 'T_CAP_ALLIANCE' => constant($this->sprache("TCAP_ALLIANCE")), 'T_CAP_RANK' => constant($this->sprache("TCAP_RANK")), 'L_SHIPS' => constant($this->sprache("SHIPS")), 'U_SHIPS' => parse_link('a=ships'), 'L_SETTLERS' => constant($this->sprache("INDEPENDENT_COLONIES")), 'U_SETTLERS' => parse_link('a=settlers'), 'GAME_URL' => JSCRIPT_PATH); $template_vars['ACTIVE_PLANET_FLEETS'] = '<form action="' . parse_link('a=ship_fleets_display') . '" name="fleetselect" type="GET"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="ship_fleets_display"> <select name="pfleet_details" size="4" style="width: 100px;" onChange="document.fleetselect.submit()">'; $fleetquery = $db->query('SELECT fleet_id, fleet_name, n_ships FROM ship_fleets WHERE planet_id = ' . $this->planet['planet_id'] . ' AND user_id=' . $this->player['user_id']); $select_size = $db->num_rows($fleetquery) + 1; if ($select_size == 1) { $template_vars['ACTIVE_PLANET_FLEETS'] .= '<option></option>'; } while (($fleet = $db->fetchrow($fleetquery)) == true) { $template_vars['ACTIVE_PLANET_FLEETS'] .= '<option value="' . $fleet['fleet_id'] . '">' . $fleet['fleet_name'] . ' (' . $fleet['n_ships'] . ')</option>'; } $template_vars['ACTIVE_PLANET_FLEETS'] .= '</select></form>'; if (!$this->SITTING_MODE) { $sql = 'SELECT tick_id FROM config'; $tickqry = $db->query($sql); $sql = 'SELECT user_id,user_name FROM user WHERE user_active=1 AND user_auth_level<>' . STGC_BOT . ' AND (user_sitting_id1=' . $this->player['user_id'] . ' OR user_sitting_id2=' . $this->player['user_id'] . ' OR user_sitting_id3=' . $this->player['user_id'] . ' OR user_sitting_id4=' . $this->player['user_id'] . ' OR user_sitting_id5=' . $this->player['user_id'] . ')AND num_sitting>=0 AND (user_vacation_start <= ' . $this->config['tick_id'] . ' OR user_vacation_end >= ' . $this->config['tick_id'] . ') ORDER by user_name ASC'; $susr = $db->query($sql); $template_vars['USER_SITTING'] = '<form action="' . parse_link('a=settings') . '" name="sittingselect" type="GET"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="settings"> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="sitting"> <select name="login_sitting" size="4" style="width: 100px;" onChange="document.sittingselect.submit()">'; $select_size = $db->num_rows($susr) + 1; if ($select_size == 1) { $template_vars['USER_SITTING'] .= '<option></option>'; } while ($sittinguser = $db->fetchrow($susr)) { $template_vars['USER_SITTING'] .= '<option value="' . $sittinguser['user_id'] . '">' . $sittinguser['user_name'] . '</option>'; } $template_vars['USER_SITTING'] .= '</select></form>'; //$template_vars['USER_SITTING']='<i>Wegen Lags deaktiviert</i><br>Bitte unter Einstellungen zugreifen.'; } else { $template_vars['USER_SITTING'] = '<a href=' . parse_link('a=settings&view=sitting&login_sitting=-1') . '><i>' . constant($this->sprache("LOGOUT")) . '</i></a>'; } $system = $db->queryrow('SELECT system_x, system_y FROM starsystems WHERE system_id = ' . $this->planet['system_id']); $template_vars['ACTIVE_PLANET_POSITION'] = $this->get_sector_name($this->planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $this->get_system_cname($system['system_x'], $system['system_y']) . ':' . ($this->planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1); $rank_honor = array(0, 200, 500, 1000, 1750, 2500, 3500, 5000, 7000, 10000); $rank_nr = 1; if ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[9]) { $rank_nr = 10; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[8]) { $rank_nr = 9; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[7]) { $rank_nr = 8; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[6]) { $rank_nr = 7; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[5]) { $rank_nr = 6; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[4]) { $rank_nr = 5; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[3]) { $rank_nr = 4; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[2]) { $rank_nr = 3; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[1]) { $rank_nr = 2; } elseif ($this->player['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[0]) { $rank_nr = 1; } $template_vars['USER_RANK'] = '<img src="' . $this->GFX_PATH . 'rank_' . $rank_nr . '.jpg" border=0>'; if ($this->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_DEVELOPER && $this->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_SUPPORTER) { $template_vars['U_SUPPORTCENTER'] = $template_vars['L_SUPPORTCENTER'] = ''; } if ($this->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_DEVELOPER && $this->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_SUPPORTER) { $template_vars['U_ADMINPANEL'] = $template_vars['L_ADMINPANEL'] = ''; } foreach ($template_vars as $name => $content) { $this->template_html = str_replace('{' . $name . '}', $content, $this->template_html); } echo $this->template_html; global $start_time; $total_time = time() + microtime() - $start_time; echo '<center>'; echo '<div style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;">' . round($total_time, 4) . ' secs - ' . $db->i_query . ' queries<br></div>'; // The following line is a copyright mark and must not be altered, removed or hidden in any way: echo '<div style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;">based on</div>'; echo ' <!-- PHP Exec Time: ' . ($total_time - $db->t_query) . ' secs --> <!-- MySQL Query Time: ' . $db->t_query . ' secs --> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> </body> </html> '; //stgc_log('performance', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'|'.($total_time - $db->t_query).'|'.$db->t_query); }
function create_system_map($system_id = 0) { global $db, $game, $ACTUAL_TICK, $PLANETS_DATA; $sql = 'SELECT system_id, system_starcolor_red, system_starcolor_green, system_starcolor_blue, system_starsize FROM starsystems WHERE system_id = "' . $system_id . '"'; if (($system = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystem data'); } if (empty($system['system_id'])) { message(GENERAL, 'Could not find system ' . $system_id); } // DC ---- Fog of war is coming!!! $sql = 'SELECT p.planet_id, p.planet_name, p.planet_type, p.planet_distance_px, p.planet_covered_distance, p.planet_current_x, p.planet_current_y, p.planet_points, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_attack_protection, u.user_points, a.alliance_id, a.alliance_tag, a.alliance_name FROM (planets p) LEFT JOIN (user u) ON u.user_id = p.planet_owner LEFT JOIN (alliance a) ON a.alliance_id = u.user_alliance WHERE p.system_id = ' . $system_id . ' ORDER BY p.planet_id'; if (!($q_planets = $db->query($sql))) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query planets data'); } // DC ---- $system_is_known = false; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS system_is_known FROM starsystems_details WHERE system_id = ' . $system_id . ' AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if (!($q_details = $db->queryrow($sql))) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query planet details data'); } if (isset($q_details['system_is_known']) && $q_details['system_is_known'] > 0 || $game->player['user_auth_level'] == STGC_DEVELOPER) { $system_is_known = true; } // ---- $n_planets = $db->num_rows($q_planets); $im = imagecreate($this->system_map_size, $this->system_map_size); imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $this->draw_stars($im, $this->system_map_size, 800); $center_coord = $this->system_map_size / 2; $star_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $system['system_starcolor_red'], $system['system_starcolor_green'], $system['system_starcolor_blue']); $star_size = $system['system_starsize']; imagefilledellipse($im, $center_coord, $center_coord, $star_size, $star_size, $star_color); $orbit_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 50, 50, 50); $cl_own_planet = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 255, 0); // green $cl_active_planet = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 0); // yellow $cl_alliance_planet = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); // blue $cl_settlers_planet = imagecolorallocate($im, 204, 102, 0); // orange $cl_attack_protection = imagecolorallocate($im, 180, 180, 180); // gray $cl_alliance_war = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0); // red $cl_alliance_bnd_pbnd = imagecolorallocate($im, 137, 202, 239); // lightblue $map_html = '<map name="system_map">' . NL; $used_distances = array(); $planet_images = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $star_size + 10; ++$i) { $used_distances[$i] = true; } $rect_coords = array(array(3, 5, 1, 3), array(7, 5, 5, 3), array(3, 1, 1, -1), array(7, 1, 5, -1)); $rows_planets = $db->fetchrowset($q_planets); foreach ($rows_planets as $planet) { $radius = $planet['planet_distance_px']; imageellipse($im, $center_coord, $center_coord, $radius * 2, $radius * 2, $orbit_color); if ($planet['planet_current_x'] == 0) { $coords = $this->calculate_planet_position($radius, $planet['planet_covered_distance']); $planet_x = $coords[0]; $planet_y = $coords[1]; $sql = 'UPDATE planets SET planet_current_x = ' . $planet_x . ', planet_current_y = ' . $planet_y . ' WHERE planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id']; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update planet position data'); } } else { $planet_x = $planet['planet_current_x']; $planet_y = $planet['planet_current_y']; } $current_type = $planet['planet_type']; $planet_width = $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][8]; if (empty($planet_colors[$current_type])) { $planet_colors[$current_type] = imagecolorallocate($im, $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][9][0], $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][9][1], $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][9][2]); } if ($planet['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id'] || $planet['alliance_id'] == $game->player['user_alliance'] || $system_is_known) { imagefilledellipse($im, $planet_x, $planet_y, $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][8], $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][8], $planet_colors[$current_type]); } else { $fake_colors = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledellipse($im, $planet_x, $planet_y, 5, 5, $fake_colors); } // DC ---- Fog of War: here we go! if ($planet['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id'] || $planet['alliance_id'] == $game->player['user_alliance'] || $system_is_known) { $map_html .= '<area href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '" shape="circle" coords="' . (int) $planet_x . ', ' . (int) $planet_y . ', ' . $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][8] . '"'; $map_html .= ' onmouseover="return overlib(\'<font color=gray><b>' . $this->str_name . '</b> ' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $planet['planet_name']) . '</font><br><font color=gray><b>' . $this->str_class . '</b> ' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</font>'; if (empty($planet['user_id'])) { $map_html .= '<br><i>' . $this->str_uninhabited . '</i>'; } else { $map_html .= '<br><b>' . $this->str_owner . '</b> ' . $planet['user_name']; $map_html .= (!empty($planet['alliance_name']) ? '<br><font color=gray><b>' . $this->str_alliance . '</b> ' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $planet['alliance_name']) . ' [' . $planet['alliance_tag'] . ']</font>' : '') . '<br><b>' . $this->str_points . '</b> ' . $planet['planet_points'] . ' (' . $planet['user_points'] . ' ges.)'; } // DC Try to give more information, just for fun $sql = 'SELECT sf.fleet_name, sf.n_ships, sf.fleet_id FROM ship_fleets sf INNER JOIN planets pl ON pl.planet_id = sf.planet_id WHERE pl.planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id'] . ' AND sf.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if ($fleet_details = $db->queryrowset($sql)) { foreach ($fleet_details as $f_i) { $map_html .= '<br>' . $this->str_fleet_player . ' <b>' . htmlentities($f_i['fleet_name']) . '</b>, ' . $f_i['n_ships'] . ' ' . $this->str_ships; } } // DC More info! Let's push mysql $sql = 'SELECT survey_1, survey_2, survey_3 FROM planet_details WHERE log_code = 100 AND planet_id = ' . $planet['planet_id'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if ($survey_details = $db->queryrow($sql)) { $map_html .= '<br>' . $this->str_res; switch ($survey_details['survey_1']) { case 0: $map_html .= '<font color=red>' . $this->str_met . '</font> '; break; case 1: $map_html .= '<font color=gray>' . $this->str_met . '</font> '; break; case 2: $map_html .= '<font color=green>' . $this->str_met . '</font> '; break; } switch ($survey_details['survey_2']) { case 0: $map_html .= '<font color=red>' . $this->str_mins . '</font> '; break; case 1: $map_html .= '<font color=gray>' . $this->str_mins . '</font> '; break; case 2: $map_html .= '<font color=green>' . $this->str_mins . '</font> '; break; } switch ($survey_details['survey_3']) { case 0: $map_html .= '<font color=red>' . $this->str_dilh . '</font>'; break; case 1: $map_html .= '<font color=gray>' . $this->str_dilh . '</font>'; break; case 2: $map_html .= '<font color=green>' . $this->str_dilh . '</font>'; break; } } // ---- $map_html .= '\', CAPTION, \'' . $this->str_details . '\', WIDTH, 300, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">'; } else { $map_html .= '<area href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '" shape="circle" coords="' . (int) $planet_x . ', ' . (int) $planet_y . ', ' . $PLANETS_DATA[$current_type][8] . '"'; $map_html .= ' onmouseover="return overlib(\'<b><i>«Nessuna Informazione»</i></b>\', CAPTION, \'' . $this->str_details . '\', WIDTH, 300, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">'; } $rect_colors = array(); if ($planet['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id'] || $planet['alliance_id'] == $game->player['user_alliance'] || $system_is_known) { if ($planet['planet_id'] == $game->planet['planet_id']) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_active_planet; } if ($planet['user_attack_protection'] > $ACTUAL_TICK) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_attack_protection; } $rotz = 0; $rotz = $planet['alliance_id']; if (empty($rotz)) { $rotz = 0; } $sql = 'SELECT ad_id, alliance1_id, alliance2_id, type, status FROM alliance_diplomacy WHERE (alliance1_id = ' . $rotz . ' OR alliance2_id = ' . $rotz . ') AND (alliance1_id = ' . $game->player['user_alliance'] . ' OR alliance2_id = ' . $game->player['user_alliance'] . ') AND ((status = 0) OR (type=1 AND status=2))'; if (($alliance_1 = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query alliance data'); } if (!empty($alliance_1['ad_id'])) { $sql = 'SELECT alliance_id FROM alliance WHERE alliance_id != ' . $game->player['user_alliance'] . ' AND (alliance_id = ' . $alliance_1['alliance1_id'] . ' OR alliance_id = ' . $alliance_1['alliance2_id'] . ')'; if (($alliance_2 = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query alliance data'); } } if ($planet['user_id'] == $game->player['user_id']) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_own_planet; } elseif ($planet['user_id'] == INDEPENDENT_USERID) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_settlers_planet; } elseif ($planet['alliance_id'] == $game->player['user_alliance']) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_alliance_planet; } elseif ($planet['alliance_id'] == $alliance_2['alliance_id'] && $alliance_1['type'] == 1) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_alliance_war; } elseif ($planet['alliance_id'] == $alliance_2['alliance_id'] && $alliance_1['type'] == 3) { $rect_colors[] = $cl_alliance_bnd_pbnd; } } if (!empty($rect_colors)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rect_colors); ++$i) { imagefilledrectangle($im, $planet_x - $planet_width - $rect_coords[$i][0], $planet_y - $rect_coords[$i][1], $planet_x - $planet_width - $rect_coords[$i][2], $planet_y - $rect_coords[$i][3], $rect_colors[$i]); } } } imagepng($im, 'maps/images/cache/' . md5($game->player['user_id']) . '.png'); imagedestroy($im); $map_html .= '</map>'; return $map_html; }
$start_owner_str = ''; } if (empty($move['dest_owner_id'])) { $dest_owner_str = ' <i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT9")) . '</i>'; } elseif ($move['dest_owner_id'] != $game->player['user_id']) { $dest_owner_str = ' ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT10")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $move['dest_owner_id']) . '"><b>' . $move['dest_owner_name'] . '</b></a>'; } else { $dest_owner_str = ''; } $system_is_known = false; if (isset($move['timestamp']) && !empty($move['timestamp'])) { $system_is_known = true; } $know_dest_str = ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['dest'])) . '"><b>' . $move['dest_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . $dest_owner_str; $unknow_dest_str = ' <b><i>«' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT28")) . '»</i></b>'; $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT12")) . ' <a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($move['start'])) . '"><b>' . $move['start_planet_name'] . '</b></a>' . $start_owner_str . '<br> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT13")) . ($system_is_known ? $know_dest_str : $unknow_dest_str) . '<br> '); } $game->out(' <br> <select name="fleets[]" style="width: 200px;"> '); for ($j = 0; $j < $n_fleets; ++$j) { $game->out('<option value="' . $fleets_by_move[$move_id][$j][0] . '">' . $fleets_by_move[$move_id][$j][1] . ' (' . $fleets_by_move[$move_id][$j][2] . ')</option>'); } $ticks_left = $move['move_finish'] - $ACTUAL_TICK; if ($ticks_left < 0) { $ticks_left = 0; } $game->out('
function Ships_List($focus = 0, $search_name = "") { global $db, $game, $UNIT_NAME, $NEXT_TICK, $ACTUAL_TICK; /* AC: Get search name */ $search_name = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['search']); /* AC: Check query focus */ if (isset($_REQUEST['start'])) { $focus = $_REQUEST['start']; } /* AC: Check chosen ordering method */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['order']) || empty($_REQUEST['order'])) { $_REQUEST['order'] = 1; } /* Filter ship's type */ if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 1) { $game->option_store('stype_0', (int) (1 - $game->option_retr('stype_0', 1))); } if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 2) { $game->option_store('stype_1', (int) (1 - $game->option_retr('stype_1', 1))); } if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 3) { $game->option_store('stype_2', (int) (1 - $game->option_retr('stype_2', 1))); } if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 4) { $game->option_store('stype_3', (int) (1 - $game->option_retr('stype_3', 1))); } $_POST['stype_0'] = $game->option_retr('stype_0', 1); $_POST['stype_1'] = $game->option_retr('stype_1', 1); $_POST['stype_2'] = $game->option_retr('stype_2', 1); $_POST['stype_3'] = $game->option_retr('stype_3', 1); if ($_POST['stype_0']) { $sels[] = 0; } if ($_POST['stype_1']) { $sels[] = 1; } if ($_POST['stype_2']) { $sels[] = 2; } if ($_POST['stype_3']) { $sels[] = 3; } if (empty($sels)) { $sels[] = 4; } /* */ $queryfocus = $focus; /* AC: Query user ships ordered by shiptorso */ $ordermethod = 'st.ship_torso DESC,s.ship_name, fl.fleet_name, pl.planet_name, s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; /* AC: Query user ships ordered by name */ if ($_REQUEST['order'] == 2) { $ordermethod = 's.ship_name ASC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == 3) { $ordermethod = 'pl.planet_name, fl.fleet_name ASC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == 4) { $ordermethod = 's.hitpoints DESC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == 5) { $ordermethod = 's.awayteam ASC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == -1) { $ordermethod = 'st.ship_torso ASC,s.ship_name, fl.fleet_name, pl.planet_name, s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == -2) { $ordermethod = 's.ship_name DESC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == -3) { $ordermethod = 'pl.planet_name, fl.fleet_name DESC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == -4) { $ordermethod = 's.hitpoints ASC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == -5) { $ordermethod = 's.awayteam DESC,s.ship_scrap,s.ship_repair, ASC'; } } } } } } } } } $shipsxpage = 20; /* Vary number of displayable ships per page according max number of ships owned */ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ship_id) AS n_ships FROM (ships s) INNER JOIN (ship_templates st) ON = s.template_id WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' AND st.ship_class IN (' . implode(',', $sels) . ')'; $n_ships = $db->queryrow($sql); if ($n_ships['n_ships'] > 500) { $shipsxpage = 100; } $sql = 'SELECT s.ship_id, s.hitpoints, s.ship_repair, s.ship_scrap, s.ship_untouchable, s.awayteam, s.awayteamplanet_id, s.unit_1,s.unit_2,s.unit_3,s.unit_4, s.ship_name, s.ship_ncc, s.fleet_id, s.construction_time, st.max_unit_1,st.max_unit_2,st.max_unit_3,st.max_unit_4, AS template_name, st.value_5 AS max_hitpoints, fl.fleet_name, fl.planet_id AS fleet_target, pl.planet_name, pl2.planet_name AS mission_planet FROM (ships s) INNER JOIN (ship_templates st) ON = s.template_id LEFT JOIN (ship_fleets fl) ON fl.fleet_id = s.fleet_id LEFT JOIN (planets pl) ON pl.planet_id = ABS(s.fleet_id) LEFT JOIN (planets pl2) ON pl2.planet_id = s.awayteamplanet_id WHERE s.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' AND st.ship_class IN (' . implode(',', $sels) . ') ORDER BY ' . $ordermethod . ' LIMIT ' . $queryfocus . ',' . $shipsxpage; $shipquery = $db->query($sql); $game->out(constant($game->sprache("TEXT1")) . '<br><br>'); /* AC: Searching ship */ $game->out('<br><table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_outer" width=300><tr><td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner" width=300> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <form method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order']) . '"> <input type="text" name="search" size="16" class="field" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['search']) . '"> </td> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <input type="submit" name="exec_search" class="button" width=100 value="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT2")) . '"> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> </table>'); /* AC: If we have to search ships */ if ($search_name != "" && $focus == 0) { $game->out('<br><table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_outer" width=300><tr><td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner" width=300> <tr> <td width=150> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT3")) . '</b> </td> <td> <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</b> </td> </tr>'); $search_ships = $db->query('SELECT ship_name, ship_id, AS template_name FROM (ships s) INNER JOIN (ship_templates st) ON = s.template_id WHERE ship_name LIKE "%' . $_REQUEST['search'] . '%" AND user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' ORDER by ship_name ASC'); while (($ship = $db->fetchrow($search_ships)) != false) { $game->out(' <tr> <td width=150> <a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ship_details&id=' . $ship['ship_id']) . '">' . $ship['ship_name'] . '</a> </td> <td> ' . $ship['template_name'] . ' </td> </tr> '); } $game->out('</table></td></tr></table>'); } $game->out('<br><br><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT4")) . ' ' . HelpPopup('ships') . ' :</span><br>'); /** * AC: Create main table */ switch ($_REQUEST['order']) { case 1: case -1: $header1 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] * -1 . '&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</u></b></a>'; $header2 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=2&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT6")) . '</b></a>'; $header3 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=3&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . '</b></a>'; $header4 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=4&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</b></a>'; $header5 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=5&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></a>'; break; case 2: case -2: $header1 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=1&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</b></a>'; $header2 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] * -1 . '&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT6")) . '</u></b></a>'; $header3 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=3&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . '</b></a>'; $header4 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=4&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</b></a>'; $header5 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=5&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></a>'; break; case 3: case -3: $header1 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=1&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</b></a>'; $header2 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=2&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT6")) . '</b></a>'; $header3 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] * -1 . '&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . '</u></b></a>'; $header4 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=4&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</b></a>'; $header5 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=5&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></a>'; break; case 4: case -4: $header1 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=1&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</b></a>'; $header2 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=2&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT6")) . '</b></a>'; $header3 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=3&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . '</b></a>'; $header4 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] * -1 . '&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</u></b></a>'; $header5 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=5&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></a>'; break; case 5: case -5: $header1 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=1&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</b></a>'; $header2 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=2&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT6")) . '</b></a>'; $header3 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=3&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT7")) . '</b></a>'; $header4 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=4&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</b></a>'; $header5 = '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ships_list&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] * -1 . '&search=' . $search_name) . '"><b><u>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</u></b></a>'; break; } $game->out('<br><table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_outer"><tr><td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner"> <tr> <td><b>#</b></td> <td width=160>' . $header1 . '</td> <td width=200>' . $header2 . '</td> <td width=100>' . $header3 . '</td> <td width=100 align="center">' . $header4 . '</td> <td width=75 align="center"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT9")) . '</b></td> <td width=75 align="center"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT10")) . '</b></td> <td width=150 align="center">' . $header5 . '</td></tr>'); $name_title = constant($game->sprache("TEXT13")); $position_title = constant($game->sprache("TEXT14")); $condition_title = constant($game->sprache("TEXT15")); $status_title = constant($game->sprache("TEXT16")); $crew_title = constant($game->sprache("TEXT17")); $n = $queryfocus + 1; while (($ship = $db->fetchrow($shipquery)) != false) { /* Check ship Naval Construction Code */ $name_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . ' ' . ($ship['ship_ncc'] != '' ? $ship['ship_ncc'] : '<i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT20")) . '</i>'); /* Check ship current position */ $position = ''; $position_desc = ''; if ($ship['fleet_id'] > 0) { $position = $ship['fleet_name']; /* Check il fleet is moving */ if ($ship['fleet_target'] != 0) { $planet = $db->queryrow('SELECT planet_name FROM planets WHERE planet_id = ' . $ship['fleet_target']); $position_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT21")) . ' ' . $planet['planet_name']; $pos_link = parse_link('a=ship_fleets_display&pfleet_details=' . $ship['fleet_id']); } else { $position_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT22")); $pos_link = parse_link('a=ship_fleets_display&mfleet_details=' . $ship['fleet_id']); } /* Check ship current status */ $status = '<font color=#80ff80>O</font>'; $status_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT23")); } else { $position = $ship['planet_name']; $position_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT24")); /* Check ship current status */ $status = '<font color=#ffff80>S</font>'; $status_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT25")); $pos_link = 'javascript:void(0);'; } /* Check ship conditions */ $per_damage = round($ship['hitpoints'] / $ship['max_hitpoints'] * 100, 0); if ($per_damage > 75) { $condition = $ship['hitpoints'] . ' / ' . $ship['max_hitpoints']; } else { if ($per_damage > 50) { $condition = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT26")) . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $condition_title . '\', WIDTH, 250, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><font color=#ffff80>' . $ship['hitpoints'] . '</font></a> / ' . $ship['max_hitpoints']; } else { $condition = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT27")) . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $condition_title . '\', WIDTH, 250, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();"><font color=#ff8080>' . $ship['hitpoints'] . '</font></a> / ' . $ship['max_hitpoints']; } } /* Check ship status */ if ($ship['ship_repair'] > 0) { $status = '<font color=#ff8080>R</font>'; $status_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT28")) . '<br>' . TimeDetailShort($NEXT_TICK + 3 * 60 * ($ship['ship_repair'] - $ACTUAL_TICK)) . '.'; } if ($ship['ship_scrap'] > 0) { $status = '<font color=#ff8080>D</font>'; $status_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT29")) . '<br>' . TimeDetailShort($NEXT_TICK + 3 * 60 * ($ship['ship_scrap'] - $ACTUAL_TICK)) . '.'; } if ($ship['ship_untouchable'] > 0 && $ship['ship_repair'] <= 0 && $ship['ship_scrap'] <= 0) { $status = 'U'; $status_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT30")); } /* Check ship crew aboard */ $crew = ''; $crew_desc = constant($game->sprache("TEXT31")); if ($ship['unit_1'] + $ship['unit_2'] + $ship['unit_3'] + $ship['unit_4'] > 0) { $ncrew = 100 / ($ship['max_unit_1'] + $ship['max_unit_2'] + $ship['max_unit_3'] + $ship['max_unit_4']) * ($ship['unit_1'] + $ship['unit_2'] + $ship['unit_3'] + $ship['unit_4']); $ncrew = round($ncrew, 0); // Critical condition if ($ncrew > 0 && $ncrew <= 25) { $crew = '<font color=#ff8080>' . $ncrew . '%'; } else { if ($ncrew > 25 && $ncrew <= 50) { $crew = '<font color=#ffff80>' . $ncrew . '%'; } else { if ($ncrew > 50 && $ncrew <= 75) { $crew = '<font color=#80ff80>' . $ncrew . '%'; } else { if ($ncrew >= 75) { $crew = $ncrew . '%'; } } } } $crew_desc = '<img src=' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit1_small.gif> ' . $ship['unit_1'] . ' ' . addslashes($UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][0]) . '<br>'; $crew_desc .= '<img src=' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit2_small.gif> ' . $ship['unit_2'] . ' ' . addslashes($UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][1]) . '<br>'; $crew_desc .= '<img src=' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit3_small.gif> ' . $ship['unit_3'] . ' ' . addslashes($UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][2]) . '<br>'; $crew_desc .= '<img src=' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'menu_unit4_small.gif> ' . $ship['unit_4'] . ' ' . addslashes($UNIT_NAME[$game->player['user_race']][3]); } $game->out(' <tr> <td>' . $n . '</td> <td>' . $ship['template_name'] . '</td> <td> <a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&view=ship_details&id=' . $ship['ship_id'] . '') . '" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $name_desc . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $name_title . '\', WIDTH, 300, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . ($ship['ship_name'] != '' ? $ship['ship_name'] : '<i>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT67")) . '</i>') . '</a> </td> <td> <a href="' . $pos_link . '" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $position_desc . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $position_title . '\', WIDTH, 300, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $position . '</a> </td> <td align="center">' . $condition . '</td> <td align="center"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $status_desc . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $status_title . '\', WIDTH, 200, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $status . '</a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $crew_desc . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $crew_title . '\', WIDTH, 200, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $crew . '</a> </td> <td align="center">' . ($ship['awayteam'] == 0 ? constant($game->sprache("TEXT76")) . '<a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($ship['awayteamplanet_id'])) . '">' . $ship['mission_planet'] . '</a>' : intval($ship['awayteam'])) . '</td> </tr>'); $n++; } $game->out('</table></td></tr></table>'); /* AC: Pages browsing */ $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ship_id) AS n_ships FROM (ships s) INNER JOIN (ship_templates st) ON = s.template_id WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' AND st.ship_class IN (' . implode(',', $sels) . ')'; $n_ships = $db->queryrow($sql); $max_pages = ceil($n_ships['n_ships'] / $shipsxpage); $game->out('<br><table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_outer" width=400><tr><td> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner" width=400><tr> <td width=50 align=middle> ' . ($queryfocus > 0 ? '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=0') . '"><span class="text_large">[1]</a>' : '[1]') . ' </td> <td width=150 align=middle> ' . ($queryfocus > 0 ? '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . ($queryfocus - $shipsxpage)) . '"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT32")) . '</a>' : '') . ' </td> <td width=150 align=middle> ' . ($queryfocus < $n_ships['n_ships'] - $shipsxpage ? '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . ($queryfocus + $shipsxpage)) . '"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . '</a>' : '') . ' </td> <td width=50 align=middle> ' . ($queryfocus < $n_ships['n_ships'] - $shipsxpage ? '<a href="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . ($n_ships['n_ships'] - $shipsxpage)) . '"><span class="text_large">[' . $max_pages . ']</a>' : '[' . $max_pages . ']') . ' </td> </tr></table></td></tr></table>'); /* Show up ship's filter */ $game->out('<br> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_outer" width=300><tr><td> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 class="style_inner" width=300> <tr> <td> <fieldset><legend>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT68")) . '</legend> <table><tr> <td> <form name="stype0form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . $queryfocus . '&filter=1') . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="stype_0" value="1"' . ($_POST['stype_0'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onChange="document.stype0form.submit()">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . ' </form> </td> <td> <form name="stype1form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . $queryfocus . '&filter=2') . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="stype_1" value="1"' . ($_POST['stype_1'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onChange="document.stype1form.submit()">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT70")) . ' </form> </td> <td> <form name="stype2form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . $queryfocus . '&filter=3') . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="stype_2" value="1"' . ($_POST['stype_2'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onChange="document.stype2form.submit()">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT71")) . ' </form> </td> <td> <form name="stype3form" method="post" action="' . parse_link('a=ships&order=' . $_REQUEST['order'] . '&start=' . $queryfocus . '&filter=4') . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="stype_3" value="1"' . ($_POST['stype_3'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onChange="document.stype3form.submit()">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT72")) . ' </form> </td></tr></table> </fieldset> </td> </tr></table></td></tr></table>'); }
<td width="20"> </td> <td width="360">' . $legend_html . $map_html . constant($game->sprache("TEXT91")) . '</font></td> <td width="20"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> '); display_cartography_jump(); } else { if (empty($tc_views_map[$game->player['last_tcartography_view']])) { $sql = 'UPDATE user SET last_tcartography_view = 0, last_tcartography_id = 0 WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id']; if (!$db->query($sql)) { message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update user last tcartography data'); } redirect('a=tactical_cartography&galaxy'); } // workaround if ($game->player['last_tcartography_view'] == 3) { $game->player['last_tcartography_id'] = encode_system_id((int) $game->player['last_tcartography_id']); } if ($game->player['last_tcartography_view'] == 4) { $game->player['last_tcartography_id'] = encode_planet_id((int) $game->player['last_tcartography_id']); } redirect('a=tactical_cartography&' . sprintf($tc_views_map[$game->player['last_tcartography_view']], $game->player['last_tcartography_id'])); }
$unita1 = $unita1 + round($planet['unit_1'], 0); $unita2 = $unita2 + round($planet['unit_2'], 0); $unita3 = $unita3 + round($planet['unit_3'], 0); $unita4 = $unita4 + round($planet['unit_4'], 0); $unita5 = $unita5 + round($planet['unit_5'], 0); $unita6 = $unita6 + round($planet['unit_6'], 0); // Show the coordinates and the exchange symbol: if ($game->planet['planet_id'] == $planet['planet_id']) { $game->out(' <tr><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '"><span class="highlight">' . $planet['planet_name'] . '</span></a></td><td></td> <td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td> <td></td> <td>' . $stat_out . ' '); } else { $game->out(' <tr height=20><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '">' . $planet['planet_name'] . '</a></td><td>[<a href="' . parse_link('a=headquarter&switch_active_planet=' . $planet['planet_id']) . '" title="' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT38")) . '</a>]</td> <td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td> <td><a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $distance_str . '\', CAPTION, \'@ Warp 6.0\', WIDTH, 250, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $distance . '</a></td> <td>' . $stat_out . ' '); } // Output status of construction from above, etc. as well as the display of impending attack (it's set in the scheduler): $attack = $planet['planet_next_attack']; if ($game->option_retr('redalert_options') == 2) { $attack = 0; } if ($game->option_retr('redalert_options') == 1 && $attack - date() > 3600 * 24 * 7) { $attack = 0; } $game->out('</td><td>' . ($attack > 0 ? '<font color=red><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT39")) . ' </b>' . date('d.m.y H:i', $attack) . '</font></b><br>' : '') . $status . '</td><td>' . $planet['planet_points'] . '</td><td>' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</td></tr>'); } // End of the planets table
<td width="90"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td> </tr>'); $sql = 'SELECT sr.planet_id, p.planet_name, p.best_mood, p.best_mood_user, p.sector_id, ss.system_x, ss.system_y, p.planet_distance_id, p.planet_type, MAX(timestamp) AS last_time, SUM(mood_modifier) AS mood FROM settlers_relations sr INNER JOIN planets p on sr.planet_id = p.planet_id INNER JOIN starsystems ss on p.system_id = ss.system_id WHERE sr.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ' GROUP BY planet_id'; $q_p_setdiplo = $db->query($sql); $rows = $db->num_rows($q_p_setdiplo); $sett_diplo = $db->fetchrowset($q_p_setdiplo); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $game->out('<tr>'); // Name $game->out('<td width="140"><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_id'])) . '">' . $sett_diplo[$i]['planet_name'] . '</a></td>'); // Position $game->out('<td width="80">' . $game->get_sector_name($sett_diplo[$i]['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($sett_diplo[$i]['system_x'], $sett_diplo[$i]['system_y']) . ':' . ($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td>'); // Class $game->out('<td width="40">' . strtoupper($sett_diplo[$i]['planet_type']) . '</td>'); // Mood $game->out('<td width="60"><span style="color: ' . ($game->player['user_id'] == $sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood_user'] || $sett_diplo[$i]['mood'] > $sett_diplo[$i]['best_mood'] ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $sett_diplo[$i]['mood'] . '</span></td>'); // Last Mission Time $game->out('<td width="100">' . date("d.m.y H:i", $sett_diplo[$i]['last_time']) . '</td>'); $game->out('</tr>'); } $game->out(' </table></td></tr></table> '); }