Esempio n. 1
  * Executes the available schedules if they are to be executed.
  * This method can only be run once - even if one execution takes more
  * than planned. This is ensured by a locking mechanism.
 public function run()
     if (!Config::get()->CRONJOBS_ENABLE) {
     $escalation_time = Config::get()->CRONJOBS_ESCALATION;
     // Check whether a previous cronjob worker is still running.
     if ($this->lock->isLocked($data)) {
         // Running but not yet escalated -> let it run
         if ($data['timestamp'] + $escalation_time > time()) {
         // Load locked schedule
         $schedule = CronjobSchedule::find($data['schedule_id']);
         // If we discovered a deadlock release it
         if ($schedule) {
             // Deactivate schedule
             // Adjust log
             $log = CronjobLog::find($data['log_id']);
             $log->duration = time() - $data['timestamp'];
             $log->exception = new Exception('Cronjob has escalated');
             // Inform roots about the escalated cronjob
             $subject = sprintf('[Cronjobs] %s: %s', _('Eskalierte Ausführung'), $schedule->title);
             $message = sprintf(_('Der Cronjob "%s" wurde deaktiviert, da ' . 'seine Ausführungsdauer die maximale ' . 'Ausführungszeit von %u Sekunden ' . 'überschritten hat.') . "\n", $schedule->title, $escalation_time);
             $this->sendMailToRoots($subject, $message);
         // Release lock
     // Find all schedules that are due to execute and which task is active
     $temp = CronjobSchedule::findBySQL('active = 1 AND next_execution <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ' . 'ORDER BY priority DESC, next_execution ASC');
     #        $temp = SimpleORMapCollection::createFromArray($temp);
     $schedules = array_filter($temp, function ($schedule) {
         return $schedule->task->active;
     if (count($schedules) === 0) {
     foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
         $log = new CronjobLog();
         $log->schedule_id = $schedule->schedule_id;
         $log->scheduled = $schedule->next_execution;
         $log->executed = time();
         $log->exception = null;
         $log->duration = -1;
         // Activate the file lock and store the current timestamp,
         // schedule id and according log id in it
         $this->lock->lock(array('schedule_id' => $schedule->schedule_id, 'log_id' => $log->log_id));
         // Start capturing output and measuring duration
         $start_time = microtime(true);
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $log->exception = $e;
             // Deactivate schedule
             // Send mail to root accounts
             $subject = sprintf('[Cronjobs] %s: %s', _('Fehlerhafte Ausführung'), $schedule->title);
             $message = sprintf(_('Der Cronjob "%s" wurde deaktiviert, da bei der Ausführung ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.'), $schedule->title) . "\n";
             $message .= "\n";
             $message .= display_exception($e) . "\n";
             $message .= _('Für weiterführende Informationen klicken Sie bitten den folgenden Link:') . "\n";
             $message .= $GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP'] . URLHelper::getURL('dispatch.php/admin/cronjobs/logs/schedule/' . $schedule->schedule_id);
             $this->sendMailToRoots($subject, $message);
         // Actually capture output and duration
         $end_time = microtime(true);
         $output = ob_get_clean();
         // Complete log
         $log->output = $output;
         $log->duration = $end_time - $start_time;
     // Release lock
Esempio n. 2
function display_phpc()
    global $phpc_messages, $phpc_redirect, $phpc_script, $phpc_prefix, $phpc_title, $phpcdb, $phpc_cal, $phpc_home_url;
    $navbar = false;
    try {
        $calendars = $phpcdb->get_calendars();
        $list = array();
        if (isset($phpc_cal)) {
            $phpc_title = $phpc_cal->get_title();
            $title_link = tag('a', attrs("href='{$phpc_home_url}?phpcid={$phpc_cal->get_cid()}'", 'class="phpc-dropdown-list-title"'), $phpc_title);
        } else {
            $phpc_title = __("(No calendars)");
            $title_link = $phpc_title;
        foreach ($calendars as $calendar) {
            $list["{$phpc_home_url}?phpcid={$calendar->get_cid()}"] = $calendar->get_title();
        if (sizeof($calendars) > 1) {
            $title_tag = create_dropdown_list($title_link, $list);
        } else {
            $title_tag = $title_link;
        $content = do_action();
        if (sizeof($phpc_messages) > 0) {
            $messages = tag('div');
            foreach ($phpc_messages as $message) {
            // If we're redirecting, the messages might not get
            //   seen, so don't clear them
            if (empty($phpc_redirect)) {
                $_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}messages"] = NULL;
        } else {
            $messages = '';
        return tag('div', attrs('class="php-calendar ui-widget"'), userMenu(), tag('br', attrs('style="clear:both;"')), tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-title ui-widget-header"'), $title_tag), navbar(), $messages, $content, footer());
    } catch (PermissionException $e) {
        $msg = __('You do not have permission to do that: ') . $e->getMessage();
        if (is_user()) {
            return error_message_redirect($msg, $phpc_script);
        } else {
            return error_message_redirect($msg, "{$phpc_script}?action=login");
    } catch (InvalidInputException $e) {
        return error_message_redirect($e->getMessage(), $e->target);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return display_exception($e, $navbar);
Esempio n. 3
    $phpc_fa_path = "//{$fa_version}";
if (!isset($phpc_jq_file)) {
    $phpc_jq_file = "//{$jquery_version}/jquery{$phpc_min}.js";
 * Do not modify anything under this point
define('IN_PHPC', true);
require_once "{$phpc_includes_path}/calendar.php";
try {
    require_once "{$phpc_includes_path}/setup.php";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
    echo display_exception($e)->toString();
if ($vars["content"] == "json") {
    header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    echo do_action();
} else {
    header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    // This sets global variables that determine the title in the header
    $content = display_phpc();
    $embed_script = '';
    if ($vars["content"] == "embed") {
        $underscore_version = "1.5.2";
        $embed_script = array(tag("script", attrs('src="//' . "{$underscore_version}/underscore-min.js\""), ''), tag('script', attrs('src="static/embed.js"'), ''));
    $html = tag('html', attrs("lang=\"{$phpc_lang}\""), tag('head', tag('title', $phpc_title), tag('link', attrs('rel="icon"', "href=\"{$phpc_url_path}/static/office-calendar.png\"")), tag('meta', attrs('http-equiv="Content-Type"', 'content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"')), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', "href=\"{$phpc_static_path}/phpc.css\"")), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', "href=\"{$phpc_jqui_path}/themes/{$phpc_theme}/jquery-ui{$phpc_min}.css\"")), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', "href=\"{$phpc_static_path}/jquery-ui-timepicker.css\"")), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', "href=\"{$phpc_fa_path}/css/font-awesome{$phpc_min}.css\"")), tag("script", attrs("src=\"{$phpc_jq_file}\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"{$phpc_jqui_path}/jquery-ui{$phpc_min}.js\""), ''), tag('script', attrs("src=\"{$phpc_static_path}/phpc.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"{$phpc_static_path}/jquery.ui.timepicker.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"{$phpc_static_path}/farbtastic.min.js\""), ''), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', "href=\"{$phpc_static_path}/farbtastic.css\""))), tag('body', $embed_script, $content));
Esempio n. 4
echo number_format($log->duration, 6, ',', '.');
echo _('Sekunden');
    <? endif; ?>

<? if (!empty($log->output)): ?>
echo _('Ausgabe');
echo htmlReady($log->output);
<? endif; ?>

<? if ($log->exception !== null): ?>
echo _('Fehler');
echo display_exception($log->exception, true);
<? endif; ?>
Esempio n. 5
 * Displays the provided exception in a more readable fashion.
 * @param Exception $exception The exception to be displayed
 * @param bool $as_html Indicates whether the exception shall be displayed as
 *                      plain text or html (optional, defaults to plain text)
 * @param bool $deep    Indicates whether any previous exception should be
 *                      included in the output (optional, defaults to false)
 * @return String The exception display either as plain text or html
function display_exception(Exception $exception, $as_html = false, $deep = false)
    $result = '';
    $result .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", _('Typ'), get_class($exception));
    $result .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", _('Nachricht'), $exception->getMessage());
    $result .= sprintf("%s: %d\n", _('Code'), $exception->getCode());
    $trace = sprintf("  #\$ %s(%u)\n", $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine()) . '  ' . str_replace("\n", "\n  ", $exception->getTraceAsString());
    $trace = str_replace($GLOBALS['STUDIP_BASE_PATH'] . '/', '', $trace);
    $result .= sprintf("%s:\n%s\n", _('Stack trace'), $trace);
    if ($deep && $exception->getPrevious()) {
        $result .= "\n";
        $result .= _('Vorherige Exception:') . "\n";
        $result .= display_exception($exception->getPrevious(), false, $deep);
    return $as_html ? nl2br(htmlReady($result)) : $result;
Esempio n. 6

$current_page = _('Fehler');
$title = _('Fehler! Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.');
$details = array(htmlReady($exception->getMessage()));
if (Studip\ENV == 'development') {
    $title = "Houston, we've got a problem.";
    $details = array(display_exception($exception, true, true));
echo MessageBox::exception($title, $details);
echo _('Zurück zur');
 <a href="<?php 
echo URLHelper::getLink('index.php');
echo _('Startseite');