function Order_clean() { $this->CheckAdminPrivs('rechargeorder','ajax'); $ckey = 'business.recharge.order.clean.lock'; fcache($ckey, dfTimer('com.recharge.order.clean')) && exit('no'); $cleans = logic('recharge')->Clean(); fcache($ckey, 'DNA.'.md5(time())); $rel = $cleans > 0 ? '(系统已经自动清理掉 '.$cleans.' 个过期的充值流水号)' : 'no'; exit($rel); }
private function __GetMsgFlags($flag, $msg, $data) { $fid = 'notify.msg.'.$flag; $flags = fcache($fid, dfTimer('')); if ($flags) { return $flags; } preg_match_all('/{([a-z0-9\._]+)}/i', $msg, $matchs); $flags = array(); foreach ($matchs[1] as $key) { $flags[] = $key; } fcache($fid, $flags); return $flags; }
private function ProCountSync() { $lastUpdate = fcache($this->cacheKEY, dfTimer('com.catalog.procount.sync')); if (!$lastUpdate) { $topClasses = $this->GetList(); foreach ($topClasses as $i => $topClass) { $subClasses = $this->GetList($topClass['id']); if (!$subClasses) continue; foreach ($subClasses as $ii => $subClass) { $r = dbc(DBCMax)->select('product')->in('COUNT(1) AS procount')->where('category='.$subClass['id'])->limit(1)->done(); dbc(DBCMax)->update('catalog')->data('procount='.$r['procount'])->where('id='.$subClass['id'])->done(); $r = dbc(DBCMax)->select('product')->in('COUNT(1) AS oslcount')->where('category='.$subClass['id'].' AND (status='.PRO_STA_Normal.' OR status='.PRO_STA_Success.')')->limit(1)->done(); dbc(DBCMax)->update('catalog')->data('oslcount='.$r['oslcount'])->where('id='.$subClass['id'])->done(); } } fcache($this->cacheKEY, time()); } }
function ETS_iCheck($flag = false) { $ckey = 'notify.event.tags.lang.upcheck'; if ($flag) { fcache($ckey, $flag); return $flag; } $etsCheck = true; if (fcache($ckey, dfTimer('com.notify.etl.upcheck'))) { $etsCheck = false; } return $etsCheck; }
private function __field_clear() { $isCheck = rand(1, 13); if ($isCheck != 13) return; $ckey = ''; $lastClear = fcache($ckey, dfTimer('com.meta.expired.clean')); if ($lastClear) return; dbc(DBCMax)->delete('metas')->where('life != 0 AND uptime+life < '.time())->done(); fcache($ckey, 'UPS:'.time()); }
public function Clear_manual() { $this->CheckAdminPrivs('zlog','ajax'); $type = get('type'); exit((string)zlog()->Clear($type, dfTimer('system.zlog.clear.manual') * 7 )); }
private function __clear() { $flagKey = 'push.logic.clear.flag'; $timeInv = dfTimer('com.push.queue.clean'); $flag = fcache($flagKey, $timeInv); if (!$flag) { $timeBefore = time() - $timeInv; dbc()->SetTable(table('push_queue')); dbc()->Delete('', 'rund="true" AND `update`<'.$timeBefore); fcache($flagKey, 'mark'); } }
function lrcmd_nt() { $lv = get('lv'); $ckey = 'home.console.lrcmd.nt'; $last = fcache($ckey, dfTimer('system.lrcmd.check')); $last && exit($last); $response = request('lrcmd', array('lv'=>$lv), $error); $error && exit('false'); $nt = $response['transfer'] ? $response['recommend'] : 'false'; exit(fcache($ckey, $nt)); }