function create_range_search_result() { connect_mysql(); $sql = "SELECT `id`, `prange` FROM `q5_products_range`"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" . $rs['id'] . "'>" . ucwords($rs['prange']) . "</option>"; } }
function query_write_mysql($sql, $mysqli) { global $host_info; if ($mysqli->query($sql)) { return true; } /* We assign last errno to variable as somehow it is being cleared after first call */ $errno = $mysqli->errno; printf("ERRROR: %s [%d] %s on line %d\n", $host_info, $errno, $mysqli->error, __LINE__); if (is_connect_error($errno)) { $mysqli = connect_mysql(true, $mysqli); return query_write_mysql($sql, $mysqli); } else { return false; } }
function connect_mysql() { $mysql_host = HOST_PRIMARY; $connected = true; if (is_file('/tmp/PRIMARY_HAS_FAILED')) { $mysql_host = HOST_STANDBY; } $mysqli = false; $mysqli = mysqli_init(); $mysqli->real_connect($mysql_host, "msandbox", "msandbox", "test"); /* */ $mysqli->query('/*ms=master*/SELECT 1'); if (!$mysqli->thread_id) { $connected = false; } $retries = 1; while (!$connected and $retries <= 10) { printf("Connection to host '{$mysql_host}' failed: [%d] %s, " . "retrying ({$retries} of 10) in 3 seconds\n", $mysqli->connect_errno, $mysqli->error); sleep(3); $mysqli = false; $mysqli = mysqli_init(); $mysqli->real_connect($mysql_host, "msandbox", "msandbox", "test"); $mysqli->query('/*ms=master*/SELECT 1'); if (!$mysqli->thread_id) { $connected = false; } else { $connected = true; break; } $retries++; } if (!$connected and $retries >= 10 and $mysql_host == HOST_PRIMARY) { printf("The primary host '{$mysql_host}' has failed after 30 seconds, " . "failing over to standby!\n"); touch('/tmp/PRIMARY_HAS_FAILED'); return connect_mysql(); } if ($connected) { return $mysqli; } /* if we get at this point, neither the primary nor secondary has failed */ die("Could not get MySQL connection!"); }
%sThe script ran in %0.3f seconds. SHC Manager MESSAGE; $body = sprintf($message, $err, (isset($report) and $report != '') ? sprintf(<<<REPORT Additionally, the following report was made prior to exiting: %s REPORT , $report) : '', microtime(true) - $time); echo "<pre>{$body}</pre>"; mail($admin_address, "Error running check_posters.php", $body, "From:{$admin_address}\r\n"); exit(1); } $mysqli = connect_mysql(); if (!$mysqli) { report_error("Could not connect to database."); } $mysqli->query("USE {$mysql_dbname};"); $query = "SELECT id, thread_url FROM days WHERE\n thread_url IS NOT NULL"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query); if (!$stmt) { report_error(sprintf("Could not prepare day selection statement (error %d)", $mysqli->errno)); } $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($id, $url); $urls = array(); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $urls[$id] = $url; }
<?php require_once 'lib/settings.php'; require_once 'lib/db.php'; require_once 'lib/users.php'; require_once 'lib/session.php'; require_once 'lib/login.php'; require_once 'lib/voc.php'; if (!connect_mysql()) { exit; } $time = isset($_GET['t']) ? intVal($_GET['t']) : 0; if (isset($_GET['d']) && isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['y'])) { $d = intVal($_GET['d']); $m = intVal($_GET['m']); $y = intVal($_GET['y']); if ($d < 1) { $d = 1; } if ($m < 1) { $m = 1; } if ($y < 0) { $y = 0; } if ($d > 31) { $d = 31; } if ($m > 12) { $m = 12; }
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8', $link_id); } function close_mysql() { global $link_id; mysql_close($link_id); } function loadsqlkey($array_s, $array_v) { $str_key = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_s); $i++) { $str_key .= "&" . $array_s[$i] . "=" . urlencode($array_v[$i]); } return $str_key; } connect_mysql(); if (!$link_id) { die("The Server is now very busy! Please try again later!"); } mysql_select_db($config["db_server"]['db']); mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8', $link_id); function EncodeHTMLTag($str) { return str_replace("&", "&", htmlspecialchars(trim($str), ENT_QUOTES)); //return str_replace(",", ",", $newcode); } function DecodeHTMLTag($str) { return str_replace("&", "&", $str); } if (!function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) {
<?php /****** * MySQL connection library ******/ require_once 'config.php'; function connect_mysql() { $database = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die; mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $database); return $database; } if (!$database) { $database = connect_mysql(); }
function delete_list($form_list_id) { $dbc = connect_mysql(); $q = 'delete from list where list_id=?'; $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q); mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $list_id); $list_id = $form_list_id; mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); mysqli_close($dbc); }
$new_password="******"; $json_message=changepassword($new_password); $message=json_decode($json_message); echo $message->changepassword;*/ //echo $json_message; /*$message['login']='******'; $json_message=json_encode($message,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); echo $json_message; var_dump($json_message); $a=json_decode($json_message); echo $a->login; $arr = array ('a'=>urlencode('芒果小站')); echo urldecode(json_encode($arr));*/ $dbc = connect_mysql(); //$name="孙岩"; $name = null; $password = "******"; //$q="select * from usermessage where (name=$name or name is null)and(password=$password or $password is null)"; $q = "select * from usermessage where 1=1 and (name='{$name}'or name is null)and(password='******' or password is null)"; //$q="select * from usermessage where name is null"; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); if ($r) { echo "success"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { echo $row["name"]; echo $row['password']; } } else { echo "fail";