function cleanREQUEST($post_return) { foreach ($post_return as $key => $value) { #!!!!!! der key muss auch geprüft werden if (is_array($post_return[$key])) { $post_return[$key] = cleanREQUEST($post_return[$key]); } else { // Nullbytes abfangen! if (strpos("tmp" . $value, "") > 0 or strpos("tmp" . $key, "") > 0) { die; } # ein paar unötige sachen drumherum weg machen $key = trim($key, ".. "); # x20 = space # bei texten brauchen wir die bracks $value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "-tmpbr_", $value); $value = trim($value, ".."); # x20 = space $value = str_replace("-tmpbr_", "\n", $value); # auf manchen Systemen mus ein stripslashes() gemacht werden if (strpos("tmp" . $value, '\\') > 0 and addslashes(stripslashes($value)) == $value) { $value = stripslashes($value); } # auf manchen Systemen mus ein stripslashes() gemacht werden if (strpos("tmp" . $key, '\\') > 0 and addslashes(stripslashes($key)) == $key) { $key = stripslashes($key); } if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) { $value = @mb_convert_encoding($value, CHARSET, @mb_detect_encoding($value, "UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15", true)); } $post_return[$key] = $value; } } return $post_return; }
$test_dir = array(BASE_DIR_ADMIN . LANGUAGE_DIR_NAME => LANGUAGE_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR_ADMIN . CONF_DIR_NAME => CONF_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME => CONF_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME => CONTENT_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME => LAYOUT_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR_CMS . LANGUAGE_DIR_NAME => LANGUAGE_DIR_NAME, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME => GALLERIES_DIR_NAME); foreach ($test_dir as $dir => $name) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { die("Fatal Error Directory doesn't exist: " . $name); } } if (is_file(BASE_DIR_CMS . "DefaultFunc.php")) { require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "DefaultFunc.php"; } else { die("Fatal Error File doesn't exist: " . "DefaultFunc.php"); } $_GET = cleanREQUEST($_GET); $_REQUEST = cleanREQUEST($_REQUEST); $_POST = cleanREQUEST($_POST); if (isset($_FILE)) { $_FILE = cleanREQUEST($_FILE); } $message = NULL; #define("ICON_SIZE","24x24"); # 16x16 22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 #define("ADMIN_ICONS", URL_BASE.ADMIN_DIR_NAME."/gfx/icons/".ICON_SIZE."/"); #define("ADMIN_ICONS_TABS",URL_BASE.ADMIN_DIR_NAME."/gfx/icons/22x22/"); define("ICON_URL", URL_BASE . ADMIN_DIR_NAME . '/gfx/'); define("ICON_URL_SLICE", URL_BASE . ADMIN_DIR_NAME . '/gfx/clear.gif'); require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "default_conf.php"; require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Properties.php"; require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "SpecialChars.php"; $specialchars = new SpecialChars(); $ADMIN_CONF = new Properties(BASE_DIR_ADMIN . CONF_DIR_NAME . "/basic.conf.php"); $CMS_CONF = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . "/main.conf.php"); #$LANGUAGE = new Properties(BASE_DIR_ADMIN."sprachen/language_".$ADMIN_CONF->get("language").".txt"); require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Language.php";
// UTF-8 erzwingen - experimentell! @ini_set("default_charset", CHARSET); $start_time = get_executTime(false); if (!is_file(BASE_DIR . CMS_DIR_NAME . "/conf/main.conf.php") and is_file(BASE_DIR . "install.php")) { $install = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . URL_BASE . "install.php"; header("Location: http://{$install}"); exit; } if (is_file(BASE_DIR_CMS . "DefaultFunc.php")) { require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "DefaultFunc.php"; } else { die("Fatal Error " . BASE_DIR_CMS . "DefaultFunc.php Datei existiert nicht"); } $_GET = cleanREQUEST($_GET); $_REQUEST = cleanREQUEST($_REQUEST); $_POST = cleanREQUEST($_POST); #------------------------------ # manche Provider sind auf iso eingestelt header('content-type: text/html; charset=' . CHARSET . ''); require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "SpecialChars.php"; require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Properties.php"; $specialchars = new SpecialChars(); $CMS_CONF = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . "/main.conf.php"); $GALLERY_CONF = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . "/gallery.conf.php"); $USER_SYNTAX = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . "/syntax.conf.php"); #define("URL_BASE",substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"index.php"))); require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . 'idna_convert.class.php'; $Punycode = new idna_convert(); require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Language.php"; $language = new Language(); setTimeLocale($language);