/** * Check correction of input data * @param EasySCP_TemplateEngine $tpl */ function check_data_iscorrect($tpl) { global $hp_name, $hp_php, $hp_phpe, $hp_cgi, $hp_ssl; global $hp_sub, $hp_als, $hp_mail; global $hp_ftp, $hp_sql_db, $hp_sql_user; global $hp_traff, $hp_disk, $hp_countbackup; global $hpid; global $price, $setup_fee; global $hp_backup, $hp_dns; $ahp_error = array(); $hp_name = clean_input($_POST['hp_name']); $hp_sub = clean_input($_POST['hp_sub']); $hp_als = clean_input($_POST['hp_als']); $hp_mail = clean_input($_POST['hp_mail']); $hp_ftp = clean_input($_POST['hp_ftp']); $hp_sql_db = clean_input($_POST['hp_sql_db']); $hp_sql_user = clean_input($_POST['hp_sql_user']); $hp_traff = clean_input($_POST['hp_traff']); $hp_disk = clean_input($_POST['hp_disk']); $price = clean_input($_POST['hp_price']); $setup_fee = clean_input($_POST['hp_setupfee']); if (isset($_SESSION['hpid'])) { $hpid = $_SESSION['hpid']; } else { $ahp_error[] = tr('Undefined reference to data!'); } // put hosting plan id into session value $_SESSION['hpid'] = $hpid; // Get values from previous page and check him correction if (isset($_POST['php'])) { $hp_php = $_POST['php']; } if (isset($_POST['php_edit'])) { $hp_phpe = $_POST['php_edit']; } if (isset($_POST['cgi'])) { $hp_cgi = $_POST['cgi']; } if (isset($_POST['ssl'])) { $hp_ssl = $_POST['ssl']; } if (isset($_POST['dns'])) { $hp_dns = $_POST['dns']; } if (isset($_POST['backup'])) { $hp_backup = $_POST['backup']; } if (isset($_POST['countbackup'])) { $hp_countbackup = $_POST['countbackup']; } list($rsub_max, $rals_max, $rmail_max, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_max) = check_reseller_permissions($_SESSION['user_id'], 'all_permissions'); if ($rsub_max == "-1") { $hp_sub = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sub, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect subdomains limit!'); } if ($rals_max == "-1") { $hp_als = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_als, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect aliases limit!'); } if ($rmail_max == "-1") { $hp_mail = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_mail, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect mail accounts limit!'); } if ($rftp_max == "-1") { $hp_ftp = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_ftp, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect FTP accounts limit!'); } if ($rsql_db_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_db = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_db, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL users limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_db == -1 && $hp_sql_user != -1) { $ahp_error[] = tr('SQL databases limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if ($rsql_user_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_user = "******"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_user, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL databases limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_user == -1 && $hp_sql_db != -1) { $ahp_error[] = tr('SQL users limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_traff, null)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect traffic limit!'); } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_disk, null)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect disk quota limit!'); } if (!is_numeric($price)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Price must be a number!'); } if (!is_numeric($setup_fee)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Setup fee must be a number!'); } if (empty($ahp_error)) { return true; } else { set_page_message(format_message($ahp_error), 'error'); return false; } }
/** * Check input data * @param int $reseller_id * @param int $user_id */ function check_user_data($reseller_id, $user_id) { $sql = EasySCP_Registry::get('Db'); global $sub, $als, $mail, $ftp, $sql_db, $sql_user, $traff, $disk, $domain_php, $domain_php_edit, $domain_cgi, $domain_ssl, $allowbackup, $domain_dns, $domain_expires, $countbackup; $domain_expires_date = isset($_POST['dmn_expire_date']) ? clean_input($_POST['dmn_expire_date']) : 0; $domain_expires_never = isset($_POST['dmn_expire_never']) ? $_POST['dmn_expire_never'] : "off"; $sub = clean_input($_POST['dom_sub']); $als = clean_input($_POST['dom_alias']); $mail = clean_input($_POST['dom_mail_acCount']); $ftp = clean_input($_POST['dom_ftp_acCounts']); $sql_db = clean_input($_POST['dom_sqldb']); $sql_user = clean_input($_POST['dom_sql_users']); $traff = clean_input($_POST['dom_traffic']); $disk = clean_input($_POST['dom_disk']); // $domain_ip = $_POST['domain_ip']; $domain_php = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['domain_php']); $domain_php_edit = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['domain_php_edit']); $domain_cgi = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['domain_cgi']); $domain_ssl = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['domain_ssl']); $domain_dns = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['domain_dns']); $allowbackup = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['backup']); $countbackup = preg_replace("/\\_/", "", $_POST['countbackup']); $ed_error = ''; list($rsub_max, $rals_max, $rmail_max, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_max) = check_reseller_permissions($_SESSION['user_id'], 'all_permissions'); if ($rsub_max == "-1") { $sub = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($sub, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect subdomains limit!'); } if ($rals_max == "-1") { $als = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($als, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect aliases limit!'); } if ($rmail_max == "-1") { $mail = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($mail, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect mail accounts limit!'); } if ($rftp_max == "-1") { $ftp = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($ftp, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect FTP accounts limit!'); } if ($rsql_db_max == "-1") { $sql_db = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($sql_db, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect SQL users limit!'); } else { if ($sql_db == -1 && $sql_user != -1) { $ed_error .= tr('SQL databases limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if ($rsql_user_max == "-1") { $sql_user = "******"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($sql_user, -1)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect SQL databases limit!'); } else { if ($sql_user == -1 && $sql_db != -1) { $ed_error .= tr('SQL users limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if (!easyscp_limit_check($traff, null)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect traffic limit!'); } if (!easyscp_limit_check($disk, null)) { $ed_error .= tr('Incorrect disk quota limit!'); } list($usub_current, $usub_max, $uals_current, $uals_max, $umail_current, $umail_max, $uftp_current, $uftp_max, $usql_db_current, $usql_db_max, $usql_user_current, $usql_user_max, $utraff_max, $udisk_max) = generate_user_props($user_id); $previous_utraff_max = $utraff_max; list($rdmn_current, $rdmn_max, $rsub_current, $rsub_max, $rals_current, $rals_max, $rmail_current, $rmail_max, $rftp_current, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_current, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_current, $rsql_user_max, $rtraff_current, $rtraff_max, $rdisk_current, $rdisk_max) = get_reseller_default_props($sql, $reseller_id); list(, , , , , , $utraff_current, $udisk_current) = generate_user_traffic($user_id); if (empty($ed_error)) { calculate_user_dvals($sub, $usub_current, $usub_max, $rsub_current, $rsub_max, $ed_error, tr('Subdomain')); calculate_user_dvals($als, $uals_current, $uals_max, $rals_current, $rals_max, $ed_error, tr('Alias')); calculate_user_dvals($mail, $umail_current, $umail_max, $rmail_current, $rmail_max, $ed_error, tr('Mail')); calculate_user_dvals($ftp, $uftp_current, $uftp_max, $rftp_current, $rftp_max, $ed_error, tr('FTP')); calculate_user_dvals($sql_db, $usql_db_current, $usql_db_max, $rsql_db_current, $rsql_db_max, $ed_error, tr('SQL Database')); } if (empty($ed_error)) { $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tCOUNT(distinct su.sqlu_name) AS cnt\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t`sql_user` AS su,\n\t\t\t\t`sql_database` AS sd\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tsu.`sqld_id` = sd.`sqld_id`\n\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\tsd.`domain_id` = ?\n\t\t;"; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, $_SESSION['edit_id']); calculate_user_dvals($sql_user, $rs->fields['cnt'], $usql_user_max, $rsql_user_current, $rsql_user_max, $ed_error, tr('SQL User')); } if (empty($ed_error)) { calculate_user_dvals($traff, $utraff_current / 1024 / 1024, $utraff_max, $rtraff_current, $rtraff_max, $ed_error, tr('Traffic')); calculate_user_dvals($disk, $udisk_current / 1024 / 1024, $udisk_max, $rdisk_current, $rdisk_max, $ed_error, tr('Disk')); } if (empty($ed_error)) { // Set domains status to 'change' to update mod_cband's limit if ($previous_utraff_max != $utraff_max) { $query = "UPDATE `domain` SET `status` = 'change' WHERE `domain_id` = ?"; exec_query($sql, $query, $user_id); $query = "UPDATE `subdomain` SET `status` = 'change' WHERE `domain_id` = ?"; exec_query($sql, $query, $user_id); send_request('110 DOMAIN domain ' . $user_id); } $user_props = "{$usub_current};{$usub_max};"; $user_props .= "{$uals_current};{$uals_max};"; $user_props .= "{$umail_current};{$umail_max};"; $user_props .= "{$uftp_current};{$uftp_max};"; $user_props .= "{$usql_db_current};{$usql_db_max};"; $user_props .= "{$usql_user_current};{$usql_user_max};"; $user_props .= "{$utraff_max};"; $user_props .= "{$udisk_max};"; // $user_props .= "$domain_ip;"; $user_props .= "{$domain_php};"; $user_props .= "{$domain_php_edit};"; $user_props .= "{$domain_cgi};"; $user_props .= "{$domain_ssl};"; $user_props .= "{$allowbackup};"; $user_props .= "{$domain_dns};"; $user_props .= "{$countbackup}"; update_user_props($user_id, $user_props); $domain_expires = $_SESSION['domain_expires']; // Set domain expire date if ($domain_expires_never != "on") { $domain_expires = strtotime($domain_expires_date); } else { $domain_expires = "0"; } update_expire_date($user_id, $domain_expires); $reseller_props = "{$rdmn_current};{$rdmn_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rsub_current};{$rsub_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rals_current};{$rals_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rmail_current};{$rmail_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rftp_current};{$rftp_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rsql_db_current};{$rsql_db_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rsql_user_current};{$rsql_user_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rtraff_current};{$rtraff_max};"; $reseller_props .= "{$rdisk_current};{$rdisk_max}"; if (!update_reseller_props($reseller_id, $reseller_props)) { set_page_message(tr('Domain properties could not be updated!'), 'error'); return false; } // Backup Settings $query = "UPDATE `domain` SET `allowbackup` = ? WHERE `domain_id` = ?"; exec_query($sql, $query, array($allowbackup, $user_id)); // update the sql quotas, too $query = "SELECT `domain_name` FROM `domain` WHERE `domain_id` = ?"; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, array($user_id)); $temp_dmn_name = $rs->fields['domain_name']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(`name`) AS cnt FROM `quotalimits` WHERE `name` = ?"; $rs = exec_query($sql, $query, $temp_dmn_name); if ($rs->fields['cnt'] > 0) { // we need to update it if ($disk == 0) { $dlim = 0; } else { $dlim = $disk * 1024 * 1024; } $query = "UPDATE `quotalimits` SET `bytes_in_avail` = ? WHERE `name` = ?"; exec_query($sql, $query, array($dlim, $temp_dmn_name)); } set_page_message(tr('Domain properties updated successfully!'), 'success'); return true; } else { set_page_message($ed_error, 'error'); return false; } }
/** * Check validity of input data */ function check_user_data() { global $hp_name, $hp_php, $hp_phpe, $hp_cgi, $hp_ssl; global $hp_sub, $hp_als, $hp_mail; global $hp_ftp, $hp_sql_db, $hp_sql_user; global $hp_traff, $hp_disk, $hp_countbackup, $hp_dmn, $hp_backup, $hp_dns; //$sql = EasySCP_Registry::get('Db'); $ehp_error = array(); // Get data for fields from previous page if (isset($_POST['template'])) { $hp_name = $_POST['template']; } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_domain_cnt'])) { $hp_dmn = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_domain_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_subdomain_cnt'])) { $hp_sub = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_subdomain_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_alias_cnt'])) { $hp_als = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_alias_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_mail_cnt'])) { $hp_mail = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_mail_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_ftp_cnt']) || $hp_ftp == -1) { $hp_ftp = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_ftp_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_sql_db_cnt'])) { $hp_sql_db = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_sql_db_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_sql_user_cnt'])) { $hp_sql_user = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_sql_user_cnt']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_traffic'])) { $hp_traff = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_traffic']); } if (isset($_POST['nreseller_max_disk'])) { $hp_disk = clean_input($_POST['nreseller_max_disk']); } if (isset($_POST['php'])) { $hp_php = $_POST['php']; } if (isset($_POST['php_edit'])) { $hp_phpe = $_POST['php_edit']; } if (isset($_POST['cgi'])) { $hp_cgi = $_POST['cgi']; } if (isset($_POST['ssl'])) { $hp_ssl = $_POST['ssl']; } if (isset($_POST['backup'])) { $hp_backup = $_POST['backup']; } if (isset($_POST['countbackup'])) { $hp_countbackup = $_POST['countbackup']; } if (isset($_POST['dns'])) { $hp_dns = $_POST['dns']; } // Begin checking... list($rsub_max, $rals_max, $rmail_max, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_max) = check_reseller_permissions($_SESSION['user_id'], 'all_permissions'); if ($rsub_max == "-1") { $hp_sub = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sub, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect subdomains limit!'); } if ($rals_max == "-1") { $hp_als = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_als, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect aliases limit!'); } if ($rmail_max == "-1") { $hp_mail = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_mail, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect mail accounts limit!'); } if ($rftp_max == "-1") { $hp_ftp = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_ftp, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect FTP accounts limit!'); } if ($rsql_db_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_db = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_db, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL databases limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_user != -1 && $hp_sql_db == -1) { $ehp_error[] = tr('SQL users limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if ($rsql_user_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_user = "******"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_user, -1)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL users limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_user == -1 && $hp_sql_db != -1) { $ehp_error[] = tr('SQL databases limit is not <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_traff, null)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect traffic limit!'); } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_disk, null)) { $ehp_error[] = tr('Incorrect disk quota limit!'); } if (empty($ehp_error) && empty($_SESSION['user_page_message'])) { // send data through session return true; } else { set_page_message(format_message($ehp_error), 'error'); return false; } }
user_goto('user_add1.php'); } // Process the action ... if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && "user_add3_nxt" === $_POST['uaction'] && !isset($_SESSION['step_two_data'])) { if (check_ruser_data($tpl, '_no_')) { add_user_data($_SESSION['user_id']); } set_page_message($_SESSION['Message']); unset($_SESSION['Message']); } else { unset($_SESSION['step_two_data']); gen_empty_data(); } gen_user_add3_page($tpl); gen_page_message($tpl); if (!check_reseller_permissions($_SESSION['user_id'], 'alias')) { $tpl->assign('ALIAS_ADD', ''); } if ($cfg->DUMP_GUI_DEBUG) { dump_gui_debug($tpl); } $tpl->display($template); // FUNCTION declaration /** * Get data from previous page */ function init_in_values() { global $dmn_name, $dmn_expire, $dmn_user_name, $hpid; if (isset($_SESSION['dmn_expire'])) { $dmn_expire = strtotime($_SESSION['dmn_expire']);
/** * Check correction of input data * @param EasySCP_TemplateEngine $tpl */ function check_data_correction($tpl) { global $hp_name, $description, $hp_php, $hp_phpe, $hp_cgi, $hp_ssl; global $hp_sub, $hp_als, $hp_mail; global $hp_ftp, $hp_sql_db, $hp_sql_user; global $hp_traff, $hp_disk, $hp_countbackup; global $price, $setup_fee, $value, $payment, $status; global $hp_backup, $hp_dns; global $tos; $ahp_error = array(); $hp_name = clean_input($_POST['hp_name']); $hp_sub = clean_input($_POST['hp_sub']); $hp_als = clean_input($_POST['hp_als']); $hp_mail = clean_input($_POST['hp_mail']); $hp_ftp = clean_input($_POST['hp_ftp']); $hp_sql_db = clean_input($_POST['hp_sql_db']); $hp_sql_user = clean_input($_POST['hp_sql_user']); $hp_traff = clean_input($_POST['hp_traff']); $hp_disk = clean_input($_POST['hp_disk']); $value = clean_input($_POST['hp_value']); $payment = clean_input($_POST['hp_payment']); $status = $_POST['status']; $description = clean_input($_POST['hp_description']); $tos = clean_input($_POST['hp_tos']); if (empty($_POST['hp_price'])) { $price = 0; } else { $price = clean_input($_POST['hp_price']); } if (empty($_POST['hp_setupfee'])) { $setup_fee = 0; } else { $setup_fee = clean_input($_POST['hp_setupfee']); } if (isset($_POST['php'])) { $hp_php = $_POST['php']; } if (isset($_POST['php_edit'])) { $hp_phpe = $_POST['php_edit']; } if (isset($_POST['cgi'])) { $hp_cgi = $_POST['cgi']; } if (isset($_POST['ssl'])) { $hp_ssl = $_POST['ssl']; } if (isset($_POST['dns'])) { $hp_dns = $_POST['dns']; } if (isset($_POST['backup'])) { $hp_backup = $_POST['backup']; } if (isset($_POST['countbackup'])) { $hp_countbackup = $_POST['countbackup']; } if ($hp_name == '') { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect template name length!'); } if ($description == '') { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect template description length!'); } if (!is_numeric($price)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Price must be a number!'); } if (!is_numeric($setup_fee)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Setup fee must be a number!'); } list($rsub_max, $rals_max, $rmail_max, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_max) = check_reseller_permissions($_SESSION['user_id'], 'all_permissions'); if ($rsub_max == "-1") { $hp_sub = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sub, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect subdomains limit!'); } if ($rals_max == "-1") { $hp_als = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_als, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect aliases limit!'); } if ($rmail_max == "-1") { $hp_mail = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_mail, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect mail accounts limit!'); } if ($rftp_max == "-1") { $hp_ftp = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_ftp, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect FTP accounts limit!'); } if ($rsql_db_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_db = "-1"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_db, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL users limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_user != -1 && $hp_sql_db == -1) { $ahp_error[] = tr('SQL users limit is <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if ($rsql_user_max == "-1") { $hp_sql_user = "******"; } elseif (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_sql_user, -1)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect SQL databases limit!'); } else { if ($hp_sql_user == -1 && $hp_sql_db != -1) { $ahp_error[] = tr('SQL databases limit is not <em>disabled</em>!'); } } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_traff, null)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect traffic limit!'); } if (!easyscp_limit_check($hp_disk, null)) { $ahp_error[] = tr('Incorrect disk quota limit!'); } if (empty($ahp_error)) { return true; } else { set_page_message(format_message($ahp_error), 'error'); return false; } }
$cfg = EasySCP_Registry::get('Config'); // Avoid unneeded generation during Ajax request if (!is_xhr()) { $tpl = EasySCP_TemplateEngine::getInstance(); $template = 'reseller/alias_add.tpl'; $reseller_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; // static page messages gen_logged_from($tpl); $tpl->assign(array('TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('EasySCP Reseller: Add Alias'), 'TR_MANAGE_DOMAIN_ALIAS' => tr('Manage domain alias'), 'TR_ADD_ALIAS' => tr('Add domain alias'), 'TR_DOMAIN_NAME' => tr('Domain name'), 'TR_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT' => tr('User account'), 'TR_MOUNT_POINT' => tr('Directory mount point'), 'TR_DOMAIN_IP' => tr('Domain IP'), 'TR_FORWARD' => tr('Forward to URL'), 'TR_ADD' => tr('Add alias'), 'TR_DMN_HELP' => tr("You do not need 'www.' EasySCP will add it on its own."), 'TR_JS_EMPTYDATA' => tr("Empty data or wrong field!"), 'TR_JS_WDNAME' => tr("Wrong domain name!"), 'TR_JS_MPOINTERROR' => tr("Please write mount point!"), 'TR_ENABLE_FWD' => tr("Enable Forward"), 'TR_ENABLE' => tr("Enable"), 'TR_DISABLE' => tr("Disable"), 'TR_PREFIX_HTTP' => 'http://', 'TR_PREFIX_HTTPS' => 'https://', 'TR_PREFIX_FTP' => 'ftp://')); gen_reseller_mainmenu($tpl, 'reseller/main_menu_users_manage.tpl'); gen_reseller_menu($tpl, 'reseller/menu_users_manage.tpl'); list($rdmn_current, $rdmn_max, $rsub_current, $rsub_max, $rals_current, $rals_max, $rmail_current, $rmail_max, $rftp_current, $rftp_max, $rsql_db_current, $rsql_db_max, $rsql_user_current, $rsql_user_max, $rtraff_current, $rtraff_max, $rdisk_current, $rdisk_max) = get_reseller_default_props($sql, $_SESSION['user_id']); if ($rals_max != 0 && $rals_current >= $rals_max) { $_SESSION['almax'] = '_yes_'; } if (!check_reseller_permissions($reseller_id, 'alias') || isset($_SESSION['almax'])) { user_goto('alias.php'); } } $err_txt = '_off_'; // Dispatch request if (isset($_POST['uaction'])) { if ($_POST['uaction'] == 'toASCII') { // Ajax request header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, private'); // backward compatibility for HTTP/1.0 header('Pragma: no-cache'); header("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok"); // Todo check return value here before echo... echo "/" . encode_idna(strtolower($_POST['domain']));