/** Author: ABU TAHER, Logic-coder IT * send_email_to_interest_confirmed * Param $email_data, $interest_confirmed_details * return Success/Failure Message */ function send_email_to_interest_confirmed($email_data, $interest_confirmed_details, $deal_selection) { global $wpdb, $current_user; $bestbuy_bestsell_interest_list_object = new Bestbuybestsell_Interest(); $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $dear_text = ""; $interest_start_date = ""; $interest_end_date = ""; $group_price_list_text = ""; $same_price_to_all = 0; $add_date = date("Y-m-d"); $payment_email_sent = 0; $payment_confirmation_link_expire = ""; $payment_confirmation_link_expire_text = ""; $group_price_list_matched = ""; $update_interest_data = ""; $update_format_array = ""; $update_case_data['no_of_sells'] = 0; $update_case_data['qty'] = 0; $update_case_data['unit_price'] = 0; $update_case_data['total_price'] = 0; $update_case_data['shipping_price'] = 0; $update_case_data['net_price'] = 0; //$time_now = if ($email_data['payment_within']) { $time_now = date("Y-m-d H:i"); $payment_within = $email_data['payment_within'] / 24; $payment_confirmation_link_expire = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($time_now . ' + ' . $payment_within . 'days')); $expire_date_time_separation = explode(" ", $payment_confirmation_link_expire); $expire_date = explode("-", $expire_date_time_separation[0]); $expire_time = explode(":", $expire_date_time_separation[1]); $payment_confirmation_link_expire_text = mktime($expire_time[0], $expire_time[1], 0, $expire_date[1], $expire_date[2], $expire_date[0]); } if ($interest_confirmed_details) { $count_interest_confirmed = $bestbuy_bestsell_interest_list_object->count_interest_confirmed($interest_confirmed_details[0]['product_id'], $interest_confirmed_details[0]['group_id']); //echo $count_interest_confirmed[0]->total_qty; exit; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $product_meta_values = get_post_meta($interest_confirmed_details[0]['product_id'], '', ''); $minimum_target_sells = $product_meta_values['minimum_target_sells'][0]; $minimum_target_sells = 50; if ($count_interest_confirmed[0]['total_qty'] < $minimum_target_sells) { $group_price_list_matched = $bestbuy_bestsell_interest_list_object->get_minimum_price_list($interest_confirmed_details[0]['group_id']); } else { $group_price_list_matched = $bestbuy_bestsell_interest_list_object->get_group_price_list_matched($interest_confirmed_details[0]['group_id'], $count_interest_confirmed[0]['total_qty']); } //print_r( $group_price_list_matched ); exit; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($group_price_list_matched) { foreach ($group_price_list_matched as $group_price_data) { $update_case_data['no_of_sells'] = $group_price_data["no_of_sells"]; $update_case_data['unit_price'] = $group_price_data["bestbuy_bestsell_price"]; $update_case_data['shipping_price'] = $group_price_data["shipping_price"]; $group_price_list_text .= '<tr> <td><span>' . $group_price_data["no_of_sells"] . '</span></td> <td><span>' . $group_price_data["bestbuy_bestsell_price"] . ' ' . get_currency() . '</span></td> <td><span>' . $group_price_data["shipping_price"] . ' ' . get_currency() . '</span></td> </tr>' . "\n\n"; } } foreach ($interest_confirmed_details as $individual_data) { /******************************************/ $user_info = get_userdata($individual_data['user_id']); $user_meta_info = get_user_meta($individual_data['user_id'], '', ''); //return (print_r( $user_meta_info )); exit; if ($user_meta_info['first_name'][0]) { $dear_text = $user_meta_info['first_name'][0]; } else { $dear_text = $user_info->display_name; } if ($individual_data['interest_start_date']) { $interest_start_date = date("Y-m-d", $individual_data['interest_start_date']); $interest_end_date = date("Y-m-d", $individual_data['interest_end_date']); } else { $interest_start_date = __("As soon as price is reasonable", TEXTDOMAIN); } /////////////////////// Start: Email Template /////////////////////// $subject = "Bestbuybestsell: " . $email_data["email_subject"] . " CaseNo(" . $interest_confirmed_details[0]['group_id'] . "_" . $individual_data['product_interest_id'] . ")\n\n"; ob_start(); include "email_header.php"; ?> <p><?php _e("Dear Customer", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <?php echo $dear_text; ?> </p> <p><?php echo $email_data["email_message_to_interest_grp"]; ?> </p> <?php //echo $deal_selection; exit; if ($deal_selection === 'want_to_deal') { if ($individual_data['same_price_to_all'] || !intval($individual_data['interest_unit_price'])) { //$same_price_to_all = 1; ?> <p><?php _e("A Price List is following for your interest", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> :</p> <table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='2' bgcolor=#ffffff width='100%' style='margin:0 auto'> <tr style='font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: 333333; line-height: 140%;'> <td><span style='font-weight:bold;'><?php _e("No Of Sells", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></td> <td><span style='font-weight:bold;'><?php _e("Unit Price", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></td> <td><span style='font-weight:bold;'><?php _e("Shipping Price", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></td> </tr> <?php echo $group_price_list_text; ?> </table> <?php } else { $update_case_data['no_of_sells'] = 0; $update_case_data['unit_price'] = $individual_data['interest_unit_price']; $update_case_data['shipping_price'] = $individual_data["interest_shipping_price"]; ?> <p><?php _e("The Unit Price For Your Interest Is", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> :<?php echo get_currency() . " : " . $individual_data['interest_unit_price']; ?> </p> <p><?php _e("Shipping Cost", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> :<?php echo get_currency() . " : " . $individual_data['interest_shipping_price']; ?> </p> <?php } } ?> <p><?php _e("Your Interest Details", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> :</p> <p><b><?php _e("Product Name", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : </b> <a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?> /index.php/my-interest-list/?action=edit&product_interest_id=<?php echo $individual_data['product_interest_id']; ?> &product_name=<?php echo $individual_data['post_name']; ?> " ><?php echo $individual_data['product_name']; ?> </a></p> <p><b><?php _e("Qty", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : </b><?php echo $individual_data['interest_qty']; ?> </p> <p><b><?php _e("Interest Start Date", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : </b><?php echo $interest_start_date; ?> </p> <p><b><?php _e("Interest End Date", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : </b><?php echo $interest_end_date; ?> </p> <?php if ($deal_selection == "want_to_deal") { if ($email_data['payment_within']) { ?> <p><?php _e("You Have", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> <?php echo $email_data['payment_within']; ?> <?php _e("Hours For Payment to confirm that you are still want to purchase this product for the above Details", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><?php _e("For Payment Please click on This Link", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : <a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?> /index.php/my-interest-summary/?product_interest_id=<?php echo $individual_data['product_interest_id']; ?> " ><?php _e("Yes", TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </a> </p> <?php } include "email_footer.php"; $message = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $email_to = $user_info->user_email; $update_format_array = array('%s', "%s", "%s"); //if( mail( $email_to , $subject,"",$header) ) { if (wp_mail($email_to, $subject, $message)) { //$case_data['product_interest_id'] = $individual_data->product_interest_id; $update_case_data['qty'] = $individual_data['interest_qty']; $update_case_data['total_price'] = calculate_total_price($update_case_data['qty'], $update_case_data['unit_price']); $update_case_data['net_price'] = calculate_net_price($update_case_data['total_price'], $update_case_data['shipping_price']); $update_case_data['payment_subject'] = $subject; $update_case_data['payment_message'] = $message; $update_case_data['payment_within'] = $email_data['payment_within']; $where = array("product_interest_id" => $individual_data['product_interest_id']); $where_format = array(); //print_r( $update_case_data ); exit; $wpdb->update("{$wpdb->prefix}interest_group_case", $update_case_data, $where, $update_format_array = null, $where_format = null); if (!$email_sent) { $update_group_data = array("payment_email_sent" => 1); $where = array("group_id" => $interest_confirmed_details[0]['group_id']); $update_format_array = array('%d'); $where_format = array(); $wpdb->update("{$wpdb->prefix}interest_group", $update_group_data, $where, $update_format_array = null, $where_format = null); $email_sent = 1; } if ($deal_selection == "want_to_deal") { $update_interest_data = array("interest_campaign_closed" => 0, "payment_confirmation_link_expire" => $payment_confirmation_link_expire_text); $update_format_array = array('%d', '%s'); } elseif ($deal_selection == "deal_closed_successfully") { $update_interest_data = array("interest_campaign_closed" => 1); $update_format_array = array('%d'); } elseif ($deal_selection == "dealings_fail") { $update_interest_data = array("interest_confirmed" => 0, "interest_campaign_closed" => 2, "interest_confirmation_link_expire" => 0); $update_format_array = array('%d', '%d', '%s'); } $where = array("product_interest_id" => $individual_data['product_interest_id']); $where_format = array(); $wpdb->update("{$wpdb->prefix}product_interest", $update_interest_data, $where, $update_format_array = null, $where_format = null); } /******************************************/ } } if ($email_sent) { return True; } }
?> /> <form action="cart.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $cart_item[0]; ?> " /> <br><input name="remove" type="submit" value="Remove" class="login-button" style="width: 20%"/><hr style="margin-top: 0.5em"> </form> <br/> <?php } ?> <?php $total = calculate_total_price($cart_id); // total price if ($total > 0) { echo "<p id=\"login-p\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">Total: \$" . $total . "</p>"; ?> <br> <input form="update" type="submit" name="update" value="Update Shopping Cart" class="login-button"/> <form action="cart.php" method="POST"> <br><input type="submit" name="checkout" value="Checkout" class="login-button"><br> </form> <form action="cart.php" method="POST"> <br><input type="submit" name="clear" value="Clear Shopping Cart" class="login-button"/> </form> <?php } else { echo "<p id=\"cart-h1\">Shopping Cart is Empty</p>";
$addonKey = $addon; $addonValue = 'selected'; } else { // A valid selection! $addonValue = $addonValues[$addon]; if (in_array($addonValue, $optionsDb->{$addonKey}->choices) == FALSE) { die('Invalid Addon choice, ' . $addon . 'cannot be $value for ' . $product_id . ' product'); } } array_push($addonSelections, array($addon, $addonValue, $addonTitle)); } else { die('Invalid addon ' . $addon . ' is not valid for ' . $product_id . ' product'); } } } // Validate Options and Addons which don't affect the price // All options must be valid for this product foreach ($options as $option => $value) { // Is this product allowed to have this option? if (in_array($option, array_keys(get_object_vars($productDb->options)))) { // Is the value of this option a legal value? $optionKey = $productDb->options->{$option}->options; if (in_array($value, $optionsDb->{$optionKey}->choices) == FALSE) { die("{$option} cannot be set to {$value} for the {$product_id} product"); } } else { die("{$option} option isn't valid for the {$product_id} product"); } } $total_price = calculate_total_price($product_id, $productDb, $optionsDb, $addonsSelected, $feederSize); $stripe_description = $productDb->name . ' ' . $productDb->subtitle . ' total: $' . $total_price;